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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. Dragonstand is quite bad and long, but this is ONE meta event, where you can do many things at the same time (the three lanes). That feels ok there (even I won't go there anymore). But this drizzle-map... when I have my achievements I won't go there anymore.
  2. I hope they don't look exactly on the clock with that. I spoke on wednesday first with him, hope to speak tomorrow to him...
  3. What do you want at Rhendak? His (daily) chest is bugged and won't appear in most cases. I have a char placed there and do Rhendak on a daily base. No chest the last 10 days or longer. Fix that first!
  4. A question to this: does the first "Tastes like peppermint" achievement counts towards the meta achievement?
  5. None so far. Have to confess that. Perhaps the next one.
  6. So, looking ahead summer nights and days... what we already have is a meta achievement that will take the whole summer, because you have to do this loooooooooooong meta event so often that you will hate this map after your achievementsthe necro was that nerfed that it is almost dead, not fun and unplayable in contest modes (like WvW)there will be a new mount ability (beside the new one we just got!??)People who don't like charr as playable race see too much charr right now (I know, some kind of furr discrimination)
  7. When my meta achievement is done and I have the otter, I will definetely not visit this map again, there are better places to make gold.
  8. I just entered the instance and chose always answer #1, was enough for all three beach parts. That unskippable talking before was quite bad then, but nevermind.
  9. What is love? [cowerAndRun] :p
  10. For WvW I just doomed my beloved scourge to reaper again. It's really no fun to play a scourge in WvW these days.
  11. New new scrolls drop?? Killed so many bastards there, but not a single scroll so far. Perhaps they should do something with the drop rate.
  12. Hi, do I see that right, to unlock the new special missions I have to exchange 20 old special mission scrolla to 1 (one) new special mission scroll, with now about 30s per old scroll on the TP? Or do the new scrolls drop somewhere but I just missed that spot?
  13. There are rumors that you can speak to him once a week, don't know
  14. Hard to see if you have the winter presence shoulders and already snow flakes around you. At least this time this new emote is NOT the reward for the new meta achievement. Whoohoo.
  15. Hey, I miss a new home instance node for that new shards of Jormags blood. Will it come oder not?
  16. Did all the rifts, and snipers weren't a real problem to me. I dodged some of the shots, some hit me, but never dismount me.
  17. +1 Just separate the map in two independent parts with two independent metas. 2 hours or more is way too much...
  18. It seems, splitting just add the commendations to the old four legions, but not to the new two!
  19. Think they are listening to warrior ord guardian players that are killed once in WvW by a necro (while afk) and now complain "ooh, my auto blocks didn't prevent me from being killed by this ... uh... necro-thingie. I'll sue you, ANet, if you don't do something against this.". Don't know.This can't be explained to normal humans.
  20. You mean the whole specialization? But yes, indeed. At least in PvE we are strong ... oh, wait. :/
  21. But ... have you ever tried to use your moa skills? You don't need to run like a chicken, you surely can attack a little bit
  22. Uhm, I really don't feel hyped. I completely dislike this current Icebrood Saga. And this sentence, you have to do the old metato start the new meta... Well, uhm,..
  23. The balancing is bad enough at current state. More customizations will lead to more bad balancing.
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