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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. As necro I would say, nerf it to two targets, plus additional two if you are standing near some enemies.
  2. All before HoT, while the necro was ok to play, and so much new was there to explore.HoT had terrible maps, and I try to avoid every visit there (especially that tangled map. Never again).PoF was quite ok then after HoT, but I am only there for the dailys.
  3. Or dragon banner as F6 skill for scourges, as they can't do anything more since the last patch :p
  4. My main is and was ever a necro. But I cannot give my vote to it these days.
  5. I bet you needed 32.0001 seconds and it is just rounded on the UI. But the gold chest should be rewarded, yes.
  6. Oh, and catas/trebs are creating (technically) AOEs too, for one single burst tho, but they are doing damage on some area instead of on a single point. Thus without AOEs on walls you cannot use them :p
  7. Hey, I have another one. Arrows shoot further than bullets. Even if you don't have bow strings :p =)
  8. More and more I see this trait change as something completely different: ANet thinks the necro is too powerful and they want to nerf it again and again. So this time they looked at builds and saw something useful and replaced it with something (almost) useless.I haven't wondered if blood bank would be only available to scourges.
  9. This changes with sand servant was too much... 2 ... at least we can still roam ... oh wait.
  10. A big evidence that rangers has to be nerfed!!
  11. That will never happen, because in the gem store there is this thing with learning a third profession. And all owners of that would scream then and ask for refunds.
  12. Yes, this meteor shower from eles and the ranger arrow field is bad...
  13. Nope, Necro isn't ANsts favorite class. We got nerfs in EVERY recent balance patch, and all are screaming here as we got finally a little change revert. Our AOEs are nerfed and necros can't spam that amount of conditions as long time before. You complain about groups of 20 necros, but have you met a group of 20 thiefs, rangers, mesmer, revs? Imagine that and think about that.
  14. I support the wish. To make all happy we could introduce a "paper box" to trap mounts, usable like siege blockers or supp traps.
  15. I'd be lucky to hide that 'X' there, and also to prevent my mini map from changing its size. It happens so often that when I want to pan the visible part of the minimap that I resize it instead. But I guess that won't appear on the todo lists for ANet after prioritizing the issues.
  16. I think there's some other problem here, I was in this arena today, and we finished all the bosses. After the Eye champ I sorted my inventory, unpacked some chests, and suddenly the next mobs appeared while other players started fighting them. That means, if you really go afk after the last boss, this afk'ing could be accidently.
  17. As I did this achievement already I can confirm that sometimes those rifts won't work properly. But there's a workaround for this problem:As you start the rift journey, there is a counter in your buff bar that should count the reached orbs. If it doesn't count, return to the start position and wait for the rift orb to respawn (about 30 secs). Then start again and the counter should do with the whole rift journey working.
  18. It's not fake, if you repeat it often enough (as we can see in some country currently).
  19. +1 Noticed this in WvW. Was standing in front of a guard (npc), not focused yet, and was willing to attack him. Pressed my buttons 1 to 5 (necro keyboard roll :) ), got some cooldowns active, but no damage to him. After focussing it worked then. My staff aoes deselected sometimes this target (changed to a friendly player). Please look into this!
  20. This mount is nerfed enough, it yet now feels like an slow old kitten after some accidents with 1 leg left thanks to you. No thanks, no more nerfs.
  21. Once I made it up to the chest, without searching for the tokens, and literally nothing in this world will make me do this sh... again for the tokens. No, I love jumping puzzles, but I expect to see the path where to jump and not have to use a video guide to see where I have to glide or jump. So a clear minus 5 stars for this.
  22. What if the real bug is, that this nodes are drawn beside their real position? This would/could explain this strange position in the asura home instance and sometimes the strange positions, unabke to gather. But of course a dev has to look at this and they should know.
  23. Same here. 4x 5000 of this charr thingies (you can buy them for much gold from the NPC over some time, sure), plus 50x the strike mission. And TWO complete weapon sets. Are you kidding us? And this bonus mission achievements, just for glory and no AP? Pffft.
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