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Posts posted by Ochosan.4071

  1. 4 minutes ago, Loki.4871 said:

    I might be talking rubbish here, but my testing suggests that you can pop it and keep doing *stuff*. I've used it, then greatsword 3 and as I've smacked someone, I'm quite sure the spear slammed into them shortly after

    You're certainly correct. I just don't like it because it's an elite skill that is "press and forget, hope enemy doesn't dodge or block 3 seconds later".

    1 minute ago, Kidel.2057 said:

    He probably knows that and was referring to the fact that the attack is delayed for some reason (like for giving the opponent time to evade it, despite not being good damage)

    Correct! It's telegraphed, press and forget, slow, and not much payoff. Could be much better.

    • Like 2
  2. I love that so many people are chiming in with their feedback; this spec needs WORK but it's a good idea.

    Traits are too single-minded on the dodge mechanic and leaves the spec feeling damage and/or boon starved in a way. 6/9 traits deal with the concept of endurance/vigor/dodge changing. This is certainly an area to review and improve IMO.

    Only grandmaster trait that feels right is the 3rd - Saint's Shield/Saint of zu Heltzer. It doesn't ruin the flow of battle (too much) in comparison to the other two.  Death Drop is horrendous with it's delay and is almost like adding a Game Disconnect as a feature for the 3 seconds you're in the air. Goes without saying only being able to use this awkward damaging dodge (without boons) only once every 20 seconds feels very un-fun.

    Alliance traits should reset on Legend swapping or something. Also Alliance abilities should have a drastically reduced cooldown as Energy is already a barrier to spamming abilities. Waiting 5-10 seconds is way overkill and slows down the gameplay.

    Battle Dance feels wonky in it's current iteration. It needs to be instant. Why does a tumble back roll take 1/2 seconds to initiate? It just feels bad and should be instant.

    GS3 looks and feels like it should have a short 0.5sec stealth or evade attached to it. But maybe that's just me.

    GS4.1  Imperial Guard -> GS4.2 True Strike is very easy to interrupt due to the awkward baseball-swing-windup True Strike currently has. I hope something can be done about this as it also feels awful to use and is easy to interrupt.

    GS5 feels insanely clunky with it's windup animation. 1.25 second cast for an RNG explosion skill? Surely this can be reduced as this also feels super weird to weave into any fight. Perhaps 0.5 seconds would feel much cleaner.

    Spear Elite is awkward and non-interactive. Click once and wait 3 seconds for a spirit to windup an ok damaging spear. I wish this ability was just replaced overall.

    Urn goes without saying how silly it is. Needs to be able to be double-tapped like Facets and not get interrupted mid-cast.  Odd and un-fun beta implementation, but good idea and can be good IMO.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  3. On 9/10/2021 at 12:44 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

    There is so much that this expansion could bring to help this game push from 10-12 at its current population into the Top 5.....


    -WvW expansion

    -No downed state in PvP to help the Esport Scene revive

    -Permanent 2v2 and 3v3 Arena brackets for the same as above.

    -A new class

    I'd honestly love the above additions, however, ANet hardly balances the classes we DO have. Yet you want them to add another class? That would just add on to the balancing nightmare we already have. If they can dedicate a team to at least even monthly balance changes, perhaps then we could move on to wanting a new class.

    • Like 3
  4. I spent the last few days playing as Thief/Guardian/Rev in SPvP and holy kitten what a difference. It feels like playing complete classes with ability to carry the game.


    I went back to playing some Warrior and it's night and day, in the worst of ways. I win a duel and I feel like I just sweated my kitten off to get outplays. This class is so kitten, it's hard to believe Anet left Spb in this state.

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Broxxgar.6801 said:


    Don't know @Ochosan.4071 why you tried me to call me from another company name. Normally when we grow up we have other way to contribute to comunities and to our society. What I said is what I just saw from the company  ArenaNet Devs response. If it was offense to you or to others what I said, just keep up buddy, your time to grow up will come. 

    I just contributed to this forum section many times with build, guides and other things I won't say anything to you.

    But is so good when we see people playing with other build like  I saw today on my pvp experiences. 'Dual Sword', 'Warhorn Berserk' and many others, that is seeing people take action on be capable of build hiw own skill on a PvP environment, not just copying the build from MetaBattles.

    Not trying to insult you, just saying the mentality of "Perhaps the players are just playing the game wrong" is not a healthy or good mentality to take, and is akin to Blizzard's own faulty way of thinking.


    And yes I agree the game is better when people are able to effectively play their own builds well, unfortunately Warrior only has a few options that works well enough for players to excel with in competitive settings. I come from mostly a pvp perspective btw.

  6. On 8/29/2021 at 5:21 PM, Broxxgar.6801 said:

    Probably because people maybe playing the profession wrongly. That is just what seem to be to me, but can be what you guys are saying.

    Ah yes the Blizzard WoW Dev approach. That doesn't help anyone. I think it's pretty clear Warrior is not in a good place and much of the weapon gameplay design feels dated even from a 2012 standpoint. Not to mention Spellbreaker abilities are literally not even used in pve or pvp due to being gutted.

    • Like 2
  7. Hey all,


    My first 80 was my warrior back in 2014 or so. Haven't really played him until now as I just recently got back into the game and having a blast. I've been playing around with a few builds but I'm really iffy on Spellbreaker builds. I really like the kit, theme, and fantasy of the spec so I'd like to play it over Berserker in most content but I'm having trouble finding builds that work for me.


    I'm used to playing Cele Weaver or Cele Renegade with good sustain and damage, but I keep finding that I'm pretty squishy as a Warrior or that my sustain with even sustain traits just isn't that good.


    I've been running mostly Strength/Discipline or Tactics/Spellbreaker with GS / Dagger + Axe. It's fun but also pretty glassy if I don't have Full counter up. Also feels like it doesn't sustain too well...


    What builds have you all been running in Open World/Fractals/WvW to do good damage or team support while also staying fun?



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