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Everything posted by Alythara.7209

  1. I am interested in joining your guild if you are still recruiting. I think I joined a few years ago, but then took a break from the game not long after. I would like to try again, if possible.
  2. Sounds like a great guild. I am interested in joining if you are still recruiting.
  3. Hello, your guild sounds awesome and I am interested in joining.
  4. Please don't touch the unbroken Candy Corn Gobbler! Be careful what you ask for. The moment they "fix" it, they will also reduce or completely remove its usefulness.
  5. Thank you to everyone who has responded. However I am still searching for the right fit.
  6. Sounds like a nice guild, however I forgot to mention that I strongly dislike voice chat. I don't mind getting on to listen as needed for group stuff, but if that is the primary means of communication/activity, then I don't think it is the right fit for me. Thank you for the response, though!
  7. I primarily play PVE, though I would like to dabble in WVW at some point - currently I am on Sea of Sorrows, but may be willing to transfer if I find the right guild. I've played off and on over the past 8 years, but have not done much in the way of group content, as I have mostly played solo or with just my husband, outside of open world metas/farming. I am looking for a casual guild, where doing my own thing is cool, but where I might also make some friends that I have the option to play with. I am a bit shy/quiet, though that gets better as I get more comfortable. As I said, there is a lot of content I have not done, so I think I would prefer a group that is patient and newbie friendly, as I would have a lot to learn. Also, I am in Central time.
  8. Hello, I am interested in joining if you are still recruiting. I've recently returned to the game after a bit of a break and I am looking for a good guild and yours sounds like a good fit (and I love the name/tag!). I primarily play PVE, and even though my account is 8+ years old, I'm very much still a newbie in a lot of ways. ;)
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