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Everything posted by lightstalker.1498

  1. They can open the game modes, but the ranked seasons need to still be confined to short 2 week every other intervals.
  2. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Masters_of_the_Arena pErMaNeNt!!! lmao
  3. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/NA-July-Monthly-Tournament-Investigation
  4. What can they do? What do you suggest?
  5. This logic applies to mesmer also. Another degenerate mechanics overload class. Personally I am grateful virtuoso didn't take off. Now, once willbender, harbinger, and vindicator as chiseled down, the focus can be back on spectre, and finally thief will be with mes in the dumpster where they belong.
  6. They just started hearng complaints about willbender. Maybe next small patch will nip them. Need to be vocal about the harbinger if it is a problem, as of right now don't see any chatter.
  7. They are making great changes, this is a good sign.
  8. This is exactly correct. Resistance focal point is the condition type, not the "effects". The condition type is the determining criteria. The effects are what the condition does, not the condition in itself. That is why resistance doesn't work on it, and logically that is a sound decision. Also, the negated healing is technically net damage. While it is not delivered in damage packets, it is subtracted from health packets. A net loss, and by some, including myself, is still considered a source of damage. This is why the sigil of doom is so popular as a pick, regardless of build type. Now, they could re-categorize the poison as a non-damaging condition that reduces healing by 33% and also causes damage if not under the effects of resistance. Effectively working the same, but appeasing the opponents of its current form. Could be a difficult change though, surely there are more prevalent issues to focus on as a dying community.
  9. Maybe on your list, but removing the rune has been near the top of many other players lists for a long time. It gives way too much utility, and now the necessity arguments don't hold water.
  10. So, now what is the excuse for trapper rune? (it can run valk now)
  11. Guardians and necros meta in death match format and maps? Say it ain't so.
  12. Looks like that video about gold farm and muling in pvp was NOT unnoticed.
  13. At least there wasn't but maybe 1 daredevil in the tournaments. So, if specter can be nerfed out, then we will really and finally be rid of them. I saw that Bluri was on Specter and not the dp, so maybe it can be done.
  14. Odd how the actual top players are only discussing Harbinger, Vindicator, Mechanist, and Bladesworn as over performing. While the rest are virtually unmentioned other that to discuss quality of life improvements. Thief is rarely present in games, but feel free to formulate a thesis and point out where they are over performing specifically, and since I am a low rank nobody, please link your current rank with required current games to prove you are making valid points, as a high rated player. Thank you. I have seen a few in this thread saying "specter is the most strong", "everyone is playing specter", "the carry class", but have yet to show streamer evidence, build evidence, person video evidence. Even in the Teapot link, most are mediocre in performance, but undoubtedly could have done better on other classes. Specter is not as mobile as daredevil, but a daredevil is weak as kitten, so no one is playing it. Thief is only in high tier games? The other 90% isn't experiencing them and that is indicating by the silence in forums, reddit, and the game.
  15. I rarely see them anymore. Specter is probably even more rare to see. Thank you anet for finally removing this abysmal class from the mode. The occasional one here and there is manageable. COunt me as one of the grateful that you have finally removed them from the game mode. Please do not buff anything about them. This trash class needs to stay out of the game mode. Next, consider removing stealth and deleting mesmer and thief from the game completely.
  16. Good, nothing better than finishing off a dying thief. Let's all hope it's a feature.
  17. If you play pve and pvp, then buying the expansion makes sense. If you pre-order it and you wanted a change to pvp...you are a fool. They are done with pvp.
  18. Why do the same players that hate thief and stealth also defend DH having stealth via trapper runes?
  19. Thief has a different design and role in conquest. They are fast, and they hit hard asf. Staying power is not an argument. It's actually a bad thing, and just gives excuse for other class to have bad things. Thief's role lies in the ability to move from point to point quickly, and ganking down the low HP or primary target, and then LEAVING to the next point. You don't need shadow arts to accomplish this. Sindrener was even talking recently about how thief could just roll with deadly arts and still be valuable. You +1 and roam faster than anyone on the map.
  20. I know thief very well, I don't need to ask anyone how to beat them. I guess asking the other 8 professions what they think of this skill and traitline might be the thing to do, but a quick search has shown me that they are actually problematic. I can't see that you have offered anything that would enlighten me. Beating thieves is not the goal, but suggesting a balance that will keep them in line for their role in conquest. The community decided 10 years ago also, that the mobility of thief means they should not have side node presence. Every single build that was capable of long term sustain on the sides was gutted, rightfully so.
  21. Defend the skill, don't attack me or my ability to play the game? You are making many assumptions, and I don't see how I will be convinced of your point of view if it is only attacks on me personally. I would rather discuss balance like I am doing with saerni.2584, not defend if I am good at the game or if I think this will help me win. Tell me your point of view for the traitline and skill and why it IS balanced. I've got a few....thousand games on thief, so I might have an opinion.
  22. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meld_with_Shadows This is added on top, so it's 1.5s, right? I suggested things such as dark aura in some of thes traits, applying stealth to you or allies gives dark aura. Maybe actually make one of them give 5% healing power based on 1 thing, and 5% based on another stat, or a flat rate and increased healing after gaining stealth or being revealed. (Other ally). The more popular builds? I assume you mean the one build or two on meta or another site. It actually suggest this skill as an alt slot, but many thieves are running the blind, bound, and bleed stealth spamming pistol daredevil as it is quite popular, but I'm not referring to that. Many DP thieves are running smokescreen today, I'm going to guess either they are running maru/scholar with the top middle daredevil trait for stagfs to make up some power, and getting leanse from escapist 1st middle trait. I don't see so many signets of agility on the thieves running smokescreen. It's not some rarely taken skill. A shorter duration and increased blind interval might make it more manageable, but for things like even claiming a buff can be hard to stop a thief from doing so, as hitting them is difficult if all your attacks don't multi hit.
  23. "Remove the blind on stealth, free stealth on heal and steal, and don't let it extend stealth." This is only beneficial to the thief, they can change them to "other ally" support or make it inclusive, but at this point, it's really just of benefit to the thief. None of these traits really affect allies other then the time you "could" stealth them for, but that's neglible as the other allies don't gain the other benefits of heal regen and ect from gaining stealth you apply. It's not about thief, and also, making these particular traits apply things like (dark aura) for example when you apply stealth might be beneficial. The mix of self-support (sustain) and damage boost, or heal denial is over the top. Withdraw into stealth is going to potentially be able to evade, remove movement hindrance and torment, an additional condi, and blind your foe and give you the potential to poison them. This may not be the traits chosen, but you could choose them. Withdraw: Cooldown 25s (untraited) Remove Cripple, Chill, Immobile, Torment +1 Condition, Evade 3/4 s, Gain Stealth 1.5s, Blind Nearby Enemies, Gain Poison Application (1 Stack), Steal Health from Nearby Enemies How does this benefit ANYONE other than the thief? The duration of smokescreen, the area, the pulse, the effects, and the CD are out of alignment on what people can handle with the changes to the game. Seems like an oversight.
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