this is the thief curse, 3 spam. No matter the build or weapon set you always end up spamming 3 as your main source of dps, that's how the class was designed not sure if intended and with the exception being d/p. Also Daredevil makes it even more spammy with more dodges.Pistol whip will probably receive a damage nerf then it will be split into 2 skills like they did with LS. But imo I think the real problem is Escapist's Fortitude, for some reason anet thought merging the condi cleanse x dodge trait with heal x dodge would make a fair trade for daredevil but obviously it is not, this also was an issue with staff staff thief as well. I'd like to split the trait again but tbh I think it just needs a cd increase, between 3-5 seconds would be fine, I think with that and a damage nerf to pw would be enough. I personally don't really mind thieves running this and I can agree that the build is not exactly hard to play but if I have to choose between this and condi thief I would pick up this any day.