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Everything posted by Beshbaliq.3724

  1. I really do not understand the positive feedback on the planned changes to mantras, especially for mesmers. Yes, it brings back some flavour to otherwise rather bland skills, but in all honesty? I'd rather have bland skills that can actually be used in gameplay if the other option is full of flavour and has me doing nothing for over two seconds (assuming they just revert to old cast-times). Sure, we can always just sit on the last page and wait for the other one to recharge, but honestly? That's just bad design. The precast was never a good mechanic. Sure, it was full of flavour and class identity, but there are other ways to get those besides making skills annoying and clunky to use. The state of mantras right now may be a bland one, but they are usable. Reintroducing precast is, in my oppinion, just lowering the QoL for no real reason at all.
  2. Can we get the Shimmering Aurora Cape and Glider Combo back, please? Those would look so good with the legendary amulet effect from Living World Achievements
  3. I think the really big Problem with the Archemorus-Elite, at least for me, is that it doesn't feel like I'm using the Elite-Skill of my current Legend. More like an additional, fifth skill. I think it would feel a lot better if the damage was to be increased substantially and add some sort of AoE to it. Maybe add a secondary Dmg-Part and short AoE-Knockdown (1 to 1.5 seconds?) on impact. Now, to compensate for all of that, increase cooldown but increase projectile-speed.. That way it would kind of feel like Zeus, throwing his Lightning Bolt... or something along those lines, I guess
  4. I'd love Portal Tomes to the major Cities of Core Tyria. Thinking of Divinity's Reach, The Black Citadel, The Grove, Hoelbraek, rata Sum and Lion's Arch. 300 Gems a Tome and a Bundle with all of em for 1.2k gems. Also, please add some sort of Item like the Living World Portal Tome, just for all Portal Tomes/VIP-Portals, such as the Royal Terrace Pass, Invitation to "Lily of the Elon" and so on. Would save some inventory space
  5. First and foremost: I agree. It's not a bad deal. From my point of view, each of these skins had to be worked on. Some longer than others, that's for sure. Seeing all the effects (visual and sound effects, mind you) they added to some of them just reinforces this. Now I know lots of people tend to forget this, but the people who recolored the "simple" skins had to do that, too. Even if the easy ones took only 10 mins each, the special ones like Lightning/Ice/Fire/Stars will have taken a lot longer than that. And these people sure as hell didn't do it for fun, kicks or free. They want to get paid for it. That's a fact. So if I can get 30 Skins total or 5 for each mount for 120 bucks, I'm in. We've had lottery in Form of the BLC-Skins/Drops since this game launched and this "Gamble" here has way better odds of me getting what I want. 1/30 is pretty nice, especially if you consider that the odds only improve, since you can't get duplicates. You will get the skin you want at some point, even if you buy em one by one by exchanging gold to gems. That couldn't be said for BLC-Skins. If you had really bad luck you could have opened hundreds of those and not get that Glider/Backpack-Combo or that Sword you so desperately wanted, without your chances of getting it improving with each chest you opened. So while this may be a gamble, it's a pretty harmless one compared to what we have since launch. Let's be honest, the only thing that freaks people out is the huge pricetag if you just buy the whole collection.
  6. Regarding Wintersday Mount Skins, I would be really happy if you gave them some kind of aura (similar to what we have now) but in a way that fits in with the Wintersday/Ice-Aura Items (Winter's Presence, Winter's Heart Infusion, Glacial Gauntlets. Looking at the Mini Ice Raptor Hatchling here...) already in game, so one can create a proper Frost King/Queen, complete with mount and everything
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