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ST Babaganosh.3745

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Everything posted by ST Babaganosh.3745

  1. Wow allot of anger directed towards those who create expanding on their views and perspectives of the real world. Welcome to the world of art, tv, music, oh and now videos games. You don't like it move on. Do I think everything that is released is golden? No remember "Inside out the video game" episode where you supposedly were so distraught over your choices that your had crippling anxiety? That said i did not take to the forms to complain, the creators are not here to attack you or anyone else. Art reflects life, the world is changing and as younger artist move in to fill the rolls and be the creators the world of Tyria is going to change with them as they are going to build what they see is better. No need to get angry either you enjoy the game or you don't. I have been playing since beta weekends consistently and do I notice a change in things yes there has been a increase in "WOKE" but truly they have unique opportunity to utilize the views of the different races to help everyone who plays navigate the social mine field of the digital age. I could turn this into a crazy long speech on how we are loosing basic communication skills IRL and that bleeds over into posts like this one but I won't I will simply say, Maybe take some time to breath and figure out what it exactly you want out of your games and maybe this RPG is not it and if it is learn how to be reasonable and open to the ideas and views of others. You never know what you might learn about yourself.
  2. I can't say why yet but I can say you are not alone. I am leaning towards a windows update. My system started doing this for me with other games as well. It might be a service delaying start up? In my case I often start up and then jump into gw or whatever I am going to play this happens I go back in and that is the end of it.
  3. indeed it is called Light Adaptation, found under the graphic options. I turn it off when playing late at night. It doesn't get rid of it completely but it stops the reflections from the textures around you. :)
  4. Thanks! well I guess I get to do some crafting to upgrade those lucent motes :(
  5. I have been using the silver fed salvagematic for a long time best quality of life item yet. The Runecrafters was on sale in the gem store so I converted some gold and bought one thinking hey 100% i could make some funds back selling runes and sigils again like in the olds days. From the Wiki page https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Runecrafter%27s_Salvage-o-Matic under NOTES100% chance to salvage runes and sigils slotted in equipment. I have yet to get a sigil from anything over 250 items. I opened the bags, I used the bulk salvage on some I did it one at a time for others I moved the salvage kit out of the shared inventory slot and yes they had runes in them and all I got were lucent motes. Did I miss something about this salvage kit is it working the way it is suppose to?Anyone know if this is a bug?Is 100% chance of salvage similar to 100% magic find where its 100% to get the basic stuff?
  6. maybe your C drive is getting close to full and you might have been relaying heavily on Page files ? It shouldn't with 16 GB of RAM but again seen the OS do some strange things. If so just turn of the page file press windows key plus run enter sysdm.cpl >advanced tab> performance settings>advanced> change.To test this open up GW2 and then check the task manager and see how much memory is being paged on the memory tab. Ideally if you would want 0 and let the RAM do its job. But this all depends on what else is running in the background. Right now my desktop has 16GB and is still paging 1 GB One more thing Does your MOBO also have a onboard graphics card? if so you might be seeing the issue where based on power settings it is using that GPU and now actually the good one. That can be fixed by >> setting the classic app rule and locking gw2.exe to the external GPU if you cant see how to do it let me know and I will post instructions. One more thing ! Power settings as odd as it sounds make sure your power settings are set to high performance and double check that the CPU is not limited to X% under advanced settings One more thing! Check your disk performance while using gw2 and not something could be reading/writing taking away from your performanceOne more thing! Set your AV windows defender or other not to scan the GW2 install folder. One more thing! You could also try process lasso found here https://bitsum.com/ it will give you good insight into what is using your CPU if it is not GW and it will also allow to set the priority of GW so get more performance out it> i used it on my old systems to give them that little extra push usually 10-15 FPS extraOne more thing! I hope one of these gets you back to where you were :)
  7. One more thing I came across that may or may not affect this was the windows defender sample submission, it is possible that your system is sending the GW2 application files to the cloud for "AV scanning" basically it copies the files to Microsoft servers before opening them, this can really slow down any applications and if for whatever reason it is sending those files maybe that is why you are seeing such a drop in performance
  8. You could try adjusting security settings to allow for older applications code practices. Open security and updates >app and Browser control>exploit protection settings>program settings >+ add a program(gw2) and turn everything off. GW2 was made before windows 10 was released so it just seems to run better. You can also disable focus assist it has had issues for GW2 in the past as well.
  9. Bad stick of RAM? Maybe GW2 is pushing your system into a bad sector that other programs don't get to as they require less memory resources.
  10. Based on what you described. A couple things come to mind, Weak PSU, Bad RAM, or overheating maybe even a bad motherboard/cpu I suspect PSU not only because of your error message about the short but because there is always a spike in the processor usage just as you enter a map and if it is pulling a "boost" the PSU might have a bad rail and can't accommodate the extra pull even as small as it is. You could go to advanced power settings and place your performance to high and CPU to 100%. This will stop any spikes and draws on that rail.Here is how to do that : https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/use-maximum-cpu-power-windows-10Best test however would be to test your PSU with a PSU tester.It could also be a weak rail on the Graphics cards shorting things out as well. As mentioned above it could also be a bad stick of ram. GW is a pig when it comes to RAM so when running other applications you may never reach that bad sector but GW2 does. To test this you can use a tool like this https://www.memtest86.com/ again get it replaced if it detects bad ram. Again mentioned above overheating could be an issue, open up your bios right after the crash and check your temperature and see if any auto shut down options are set. If the safety threshold is set too low that could be why it shuts down. Finally it could also be a bad motherboard or CPU chances are it would be the MOBO you can test using this http://www.sisoftware.eu/download-lite/ just watch where you click as they started freemium model but it is free without signing up for anything for the "Lite" version once installed run a burn in test and make sure you select save the log file so if it crashed while you are sleeping you can go back and see what caused the problem. This will actually test your temperature and RAM as well. I would start with PSU based on your error message, if it is as new as it sounds like the shop should replace it. Now all that said.... It could something as silly as a loose power connection inside the case. (You used your bike to bring it home all that shaking might have bumped something loose) I take it all back check the connections first :)
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