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Fabio lool.3510

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  1. First , i wanna wish good luck working on this,Im just one solo (pug) "team palyer" that at some point abuse enemies, and the rally sytem too in wvw, in fact i don´t se the game mode as none competitive, but the players of (not that they are bad, or undedicad, its just one diferente game mode not based on stats, drops, kills or whatever they compete on other games).Most come from games where "stats" give them one advantage and in gw2 doesn't, i had pleasure to meet some old teammates many times do to the server tranfers; i have donne it, yes in fact i had pay whit my Money to get out of Underworld when tournaments starts o.O… and for example i have seen comanders not "hardcore" that give like 4-0 in open field againts "hardcore ones (oldTeammates)" whitout talk or do anything that we can call Comand, Just having one tag up, in fact most of the fight he just avoid die, but the players just dont give up, and the enemy die because of the big ego, it's a game… it should happen no need to cry we are humans, so can always do better :) The real thing, on my way two see the world here is?What Anet pretend to do about diferent Time zones? Any alliance whit 500 players will for sure had +300 - 400 of them prime dedicated, so will the game die out of that? i remeber play until morning (when my work allow 3-4 year ago) i remeber had huge fights at 2 or 3 am i remeber one that last hours in eb green keep, everyone scrimming whit finger pains, we really get to a break point i never had seen something so massive in any game, that is the real diference on "team work" all togheter until break the fingers :)i really mad because of you never made more tournments…. im sure that the lasts had some inssue but i don't have seen nothing of none competitive on?? why you say it?? because some players had play for 24h on start and just GG Moral die ? some of runing around alone caping camps solo, Scouting so weel that always can get in time to defend? , and always spwaming map chat making possible to cap camp for tick and always trying to no matter how many times fail…? or because we break so hard our enemies that they cry all the week instead of play? i really think the tournamets results is not a game insue but Ego players one, but yes the Time zone make it unballanced at a specific time of day. Hope that you can fix the players mind, and remeber competition is not have Legendarys or Ascended armor, or just be smart… need more to make difference, need to work hard and in this game its always possible, we had prove it many and many times.And players start to see it, after tournaments before it its impossible, all that happens need to, for we grow( in this game mode knowledge)… but Anet not realize that not sure why??, its about learn what is possible make in team whit what you devolp, and when you donne it, you should reallise that, no? we just turn it Real, no need to panic about, but you should realise that before for players do it too, because, a allways ad seen players trying hard, many had give so mutch time of the life to this especific game mode…Just hope Anet don't rage quit on mode, and not be shy top talk about her problems, we had made many of the them and we do it unconsciously, but we always talk to solve things, not matter if need to redefine worlds, or players per server, players ill cry about if yes… but its for the better, and you now that the players that more create problems whit changes is the ones that maybe left you firts… at least is what i think, Humans and is convenience, Its for better for future, for make the Real Challenge….? are u afraid?Just one more thing? When Anet get Tournaments back, If; Can you add some big challenges Rec (lool), that can show how it was, since the non competitive doesn't reflect what we work for? no for me... but for you that say that was none competitive see what we strive to overcome our enemies, and for our enemies not rage quit the game whitout understand how is it possible.hope meet you in openfield soon, whitout ac's, and ballista on mesorry my english (its from translator off course)Whit Love <3
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