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Everything posted by Chay.7852

  1. i would love to have the egg backpack we had in Tarir remember? :)
  2. lol i have never taken it that way... but yeah... from this perspective you are right
  3. Charr are very well done imo - a beast race which also looks beasty... Usually beast races in other games are humans with [insert-beast] heads. i somehow can't take those really serious.
  4. "horribly unappealing" - now really... you only like humans and thats fine, play only humas then... I for example think humas are a bit boring... My main is sylvari but i do have all races, at least 2 of each. The races in GW2 are so unique, love them all for what they are: Humans. .. well... humans Asura - cute (or scary - depends on how you "design" them) scientists and nerds Norn - tough giants from the north Charr - fierce beasty warriors (no, they are no cats...!!! they are much more than that ) and last but not least ... Sylvari - curious and interesting plant beeings.
  5. thats true - haven't thought about it. You can simply not spend the MP. ThoughI think you get enough along the way just for playing certain parts of the story, doing achievement and collections necessary to unlock the skyscale collection. Edit:// this would be something maybe a content creator could do a series about - The shortest way to the skyscale. (maybe there even is such a video - im not really up-to-date, sry )
  6. lol yeah.. you probably dont even need a character, you can only imagine having a character flying on skyscale... that would be what lvl -1? I mean.. when i see a character with mastery level 73 it seems a bit low to have a skyscale. I mean.. you must level a char to 80 (insta boost however...) then get the first mount - probably raptor, then lets say you go directly to LS4 (but not sure if it works... or if you have to finish PoF as well) and play there everything necessary for the skyscale - i think you would get more xp then just mastery lvl 73. Thats why i asked my question. and i know its OT
  7. I got the skyskale when it was introduced, few years ago as it took a bit longer to get it than it does today. Still... I loved the story behind it and loved those activities - playing with the hatchling, feeding it and so on... While i use it quite often, i must say after this time - its an alround mount, but one that its not needed. I agree with Mik above... you do it because you want. The other mounts - the original ones - are just too good and cover everything. Everything else its just nice to have. And now sorry for getting off topic - what would be the lowest level one can have to get the skyskale....? I am asking this, because i have seen a char in seitung few days ago - mastery level 73 with skyskale. And it seemed a bit low to me.
  8. Im quite sure they are suppose to look fake. Just like Mini Festive Lord Faren - a very funny mini imo. When you look closely at his ears its pretty clear that he wears a costume, a christmas elf one to be precise. The wiki pic is not close enough to see this small detail but ingame it is visible very clearly. I think its the same story ...
  9. I did understand exactly what you meant - probably every GW1 player out there do. For someone who didn't play GW1 it may sound strange. I too loved polymock and would love to see it here as well. I was for sure the best minigame i've seen in the GW universe so far.
  10. Okay, sorry, my bad ... Guess then its just let's wait and see... Hopefully it gets achievable somehow - be it ingame or gemshop.
  11. Maybe it will come soon in the Gemshop - i'm almost sure it's gonna be gemshop, its rarity is masterwork/green and it's account bound. Thats exactly how gemshop minis come. Minis that drop rarely ingame are not account bound and their rarity is exotic.
  12. Mini Kirin is a mini i'd like to have since i have started playing EoD - for similar, GW1 related reasons as Danikat. I have checked all heart vendors - haven't seen him. Since wiki says "Binding: Account Bound" - and its a green Mini, i suppose its a gemshop mini. Because Minis that come as inGame drops usually aren't account bound afaik.
  13. You do realize that your inspect function would work everywhere not only in instanced content, don't you? That means more toxicity in OW than we have now. I've seen a thief beeing harassed for having a signet in his build during the pre event of the chamber meta in Sandwept Islands. How would this look like in a (GW)-World with "inspect"...? Imagine the map chat after a failed meta, imagine the lfg for some special metas like Dragons End or even Dragon Stand- kick from squad for having wrong runes/sigils/not beeing 100% Snow Crows conform I mean... it's open world, comeon... And at the end of the day... its just a game, instanced content or not.
  14. Have had a similar experience. One of my two thieves - human, grew up among nobles - only wears realistic, plain skins. He never had something else and never will. His title is Dark Traveler and thats what he is - my non-shiny character, mostly using black, grey, dark brown etc. I was very surprised like 2 weeks ago or so as i got a message in Arborstone about his gear, how nice he looks. I thanked the stranger and told him/her that this character never got any compliments, cause usually noone notice him. P.S. @ Danikat. very nice signature btw.
  15. In almost 10 years of playing gw2 i have only met one person who didn't answer my question about what sword he/she was using, probably due to the fact of beeing afk. Sometimes the answer comes a bit later, after ppl return. Usually people answer and are even glad someone noticed their good taste. I had many nice chats with nice ppl about looks... Style Wars is serous buisness 😉 And if someone just doesn't answer for what-ever reason, i would make a screenshot and start researching a bit - its not rocket science to find out what skins someone is using. I remember once, after a looong break in Diablo 3, a game which i only used to play sometimes, i was logging in and my friends knew before i was in game - my game was still loading - what equipment my char was using. I was like "okaaay...if you say so..." I didn't like the feeling tbh. So no, sorry, don't like the ideea of inspecting anyone just like i wouldn't want anyone to inspect me/my characters.
  16. Thanks a lot to both of you. Reading that weathered book again helped. Thank you ☺️
  17. I have unlocked said collection but can't really start it. Wiki says: "A Guardian Once More is an achievement you can start by interacting with a Weathered Book on the second floor of Arborstone in the library, near Researcher Hui. To start this achievement you need to have the Entertaining Amenities mastery." - check and check - have all masteries maxed. For the first step, the inGame Hint says: "Find the author of "The Disappearance of Zunraa" at a shrine near the location written within." From Wiki: "Talk to Kang Hyesoon. She can be found praying at several different locations at or near Valor Shrine." - thats where my problems start... I found the lady and tried to talk to her - she asks me if she can help (or something similar) and my character answers "Nevermind, I'll be on my way" - and it's the only answer my character can give, there's no other choices. I have tried to talk to Kang on all locations where she prays, with characters which finished the story, characters which didn't finish the story and with a character who didnt even start the story. I have also tried on different maps/instances, different days - you never know, it might be a small bug which was fixed at a certaint point. Nothing seems to help. Did anyone have similar issues with this collection? Am i missing something? Thanks in advance!
  18. As a main rit in gw with few thousands of hours played on this class, i too agree that i would still like to have my rit back somehow but i'm 99,9% sure that it won't happen - it didn't happen with para and dervish and i doubt it will happen with rit or assassin. As for rit = engi - never was, nor will it be. Thats like saying mesmer is warrior because it uses a sword. Necro was necro here and there. I like necros for beeing necros (i think the flair of the class remained the same) but they are not rits. I don't think even an elite specialization ritualist would fit for a necro. The closest we will get to our rits is rev - imo - now even more with the ash elite which works similar to the ashes in gw1. Renegade has spirits (sort of), vindicator has ashes (at least 2 of them.. )
  19. Just one question about the astral weapons.. i have crafted 5, since i crafted one long ago (the staff - don't have it anymore though, I've salvaged it back then) to be able to craft the ascended one (Stellar). Now that one seems not to count toward the collection even though i have 6 astral weapons in my wardrobe. Bug or working-as-intended ? And to stay on topic, yeah,..the are out of cost balance and now, since i'm (almost) done ill probably stay away from Istan for a while.
  20. okay, bringing this up again - i have just updated my graphic card driver - same issues as before.Here is my crash (one of them): --> Crash <--Exception: c0000005 Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be readApp: Gw2-64.exePid: 11352BaseAddr: 00007FF607740000ProgramId: 101Build: 96833When: 2019-05-27T20:55:58Z 2019-05-27T22:55:58+02:00Uptime: 0 days 0:04:08Flags: 0x1 --> System <--Name: 2ada6ca2IpAddr: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:14:9]OSVersion: Windows 10.0 (64 bit)[...]--> DirectX Device Info <--VendorId = 0x10deDeviceId = 0x1c03Version = 26.21.0014.3086Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GBCompat = 0x00100000VidMem = 2048 MB I have run the Fur Benchmark just today - everything was okay (had like 77 fps at full screen 1920x1080, temperature was ok - after 20 min it reached 80°) Also i have run - once again the ram test - it didn't find anything@Anet:What to do... ? its been too long since i have these issues - and i'm not alone... its just so annoying... :/
  21. I have finished this achievement yesterday -whithout any guides or multi-maps or what-ever. It took like2 days but i must admit that i didnt have much time to play so maybe it can be done faster if someone has more time to spend half-afk I simply parked 3 chars at bridges and switched between them while beeing half afk (btw the NPC starts talking when an event start - so its usefull to have the ingame Sounds on)Also - the events occure only until the camps have reached lvl 4 - after that not anymore. They start after map reset and restart every 15 min. You have a def event and if that one fails, the rebuild event will start afterwards.This achivement sounds harder / more annoying to get than it is (imo).
  22. This thing is something especially "funny" when you just finished a pre event for for example Shatterer and crash.. and on relog you land on an empty map xD - happened to me yesterday. Cause yeah.. my game still crashes from time to time as well..Edit:// since i had the same issue on my brother's laptop, i must admit that i did't reinstall my OS. Did the rest just as UnderWater posted above though.
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