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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. 37 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Also i hope theres a way to disable the jade bots from other people so we dont see the map full of them and with fps drops.

    I saw this and had a mental image of Gendaren Fields covered with Jade Bots, fields of green.

    The more I think about this though, the more concerned I am getting. Hasn't anyone else seen the many dystopian movies that encourage everyone to buy robots, all advertised as "friendly, helpful companions", only to discover that those "companions" are fundamentally flawed which ultimately end up destroying their hapless, unsuspecting owners? Doesn't anybody else see the potential for this to go really wrong? 

    We ALREADY see hints of that in the implicit suggestions that not all is well with Jade tech in Cantha.

    To my earlier concern, will there be a disclaimer and hold harmless contract clause that we have to check before we can unlock and progress the mastery?

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  2. Ok, I have done this before and posted without reading all 52 pages of replies before me, so I readily recognize I may be repeating someone that beat me to the punch.

    My concern is who repairs the damage if the jade bot collides with the various disco globes already swirling around my characters head? Will such accidents result in the disruption of jade bot services &/or legendary gear? Will the Xunlai consortium insure against veterinary bills if their bot runs over my scepter's flying lizard or sets down on my mini and crushes it? 

    Apart from those concerns I am looking forward to this feature most out of all I have seen so far. 

    • Haha 5
  3. 3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    "To make this power DPS build work, you need to be Norn or Asura."

    "The tank has 1138 toughness, you can't join this raid as Norn."

    "You can't crit-cap build this if you're not Human."

    And also, the added dimension of race will seriously skew balance.

    "This ranger skill is useless, unless you're a Sylvari, in which case it's OP."

    This is the best illustration of what ANET was trying to prevent from happening. IN what seems to be an unpopular position, I concur at least in part with the OP in desiring racial choice to have greater significance than purely cosmetic, and I was disappointed when racial skills were thoroughly nerfed into balance oblivion. 

    But rather than the options recommended by the OP and for the same reasons that have been beaten to death already, I would propose minor passive buffs tied to race and zone; buffs that are largely inconsequential in the scheme of combat and skill balance. Perhaps a speed boost (30%?) in home region maps, a small MF bump (5%? 10%?) a small XP bump, and (My favorite) an increased contribution rate to event & heart completion, making events and renown hearts easier to do in a region home to a race than those completed in other regional zones. 

    I'm welcome to all the criticism this might bring as well, just my own mental meanderings over the years regarding the (to me) sad state of race choice in GW2. 

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  4. 13 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

    Thanks lads, but as it turns out I was already aware of this. None of those options are a gobbler called the Cold Turkey. I'd also support a gobbler for Hatched Chilis, but I haven't got a snappy name ready yet. Any ideas?

    I'd LOVE a Hatched Chili gobbler, I'd consider calling it something along the lines of Back Burner or Afterburn. Not nearly as appropriate as Cold Turkey for the ice shards but its the best I can do atm. 

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  5. On 1/12/2022 at 9:07 PM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

    Yes to this. Also, if we got a gobbler for eternal ice shards called the Cold Turkey, I wouldn't be opposed.

    You are probably already aware of this, but on the off chance you aren't, I take shards and trade them in for Mistborn Motes and then consume those for Volatile Magic, which in turn I use to buy Trophy Supply Crates for the mats. It's a little cumbersome but since I DO make the odd legendary, this works for me. 

    **EDIT** Dang it, I really do know better than to reply before reading the rest of the posts. Ninja'd by Darc by a mere 4 hours. 

  6. When we gather up as a squad to play, often several of our guild members will rep other guilds in order to be able to claim multiple camps or towers. I know that we will be locked into our WvW guild for the purposes of alliances and team balancing. Has anything been said about being able to rep different guilds in WvW for claiming?

  7. On 12/7/2021 at 6:30 PM, Daerth Riverstone.3218 said:

    Arenanet has to decide what direction the want WvW to go in, if you want to bring PvE to WvW you are on the right track...keep screwing it up. If you want it to be a competitive large scale PvP game mode, (wasn't that the intention?) than these alliances are too big. 500 is too big. If you reduced the number to 150, or even 200 (still big imo) you force people to think about their rosters, which lets smaller guilds be relevant in this current meta and balance. The issue with smaller guilds is 50% of smaller guilds ARE casual but make up half or slightly less of a map queue. When that's your only team mate on the server and they dont want to get better, nor do they want to listen, nor do they want to learn basic game mechanics. And all you have to fight is a map q with pin snipe. I'm sorry but thats not the game for me. And it's not like you're pve content is thrilling (sitting through pointless dialouge that you can't skip yawn). 

    . . .

    Now to a solution???? Shorten map caps on bls to 50 max (there isnt even enough ppl in the game for that to matter) and give rewards to eotm and make the eotm map cap 80-90. Back in the day when eotm had rewards it was a great place for people to go and PPT or find mindless things to do. There was no obligation for holding objectives because its a 2hr instance and when WvW was dead it was a fun place to go try to beat a blob. This would allow WvW to have roamers again, this would allow 10man havoc groups to do things, and 15-30 man groups to enjoy fights. Other option, alliance capped at 100-150 people. If you need more friends then that to enjoy a game than you have issues. 


    While I can understand your frustration, I certainly do not agree with your solution. My own guild is a medium sized guild, and our server has quite a few guilds that have been playing together for a long time. Many of us have cultivated a very deliberate atmosphere of friendly cooperation in WvW and over the years we have become friends and allies. For us the Alliance system is already going to end up destroying the community that a large number of us have worked hard to promote and develop. The best we can do going forward is to try and band together as many of our separate guilds as we can so that we might still be able to play together. Reducing the number of guilds and players in an alliance by the degree that you are talking about would finish us off entirely. 

  8. 11 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Housing: The next expansion's big thing!  :classic_tongue:

    I certainly hope not! 🙂 I am definitely in the camp that does not want player housing in GW2. Other games already have that and there is no need for Anet to carbon copy other game's features. Clearly, like everyone else, I haven't played EoD yet but fishing was another requested "feature" that to me personally looks like a worthless addition. Having two back-to-back low value "big thing" additions is unappealing and disappointing to say the least. 

    IF, and that is a huge IF, Anet were going to do something of the sort, I would recommend it be released as a gemstore item, accessible via a gizmo much like the zone passes so that people who are dying for some sort of player housing get their fix and the rest of us that hope to never see it in game are equally satisfied.  

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  9. Couple thoughts on this. In keeping with the ascended/legendary relationship everywhere else, I would expect no larger than 32 slots if ANET were to actually adopt this idea. 

    Secondly, the idea as presented remains distinct and unique from shared inventory slots, which is good because it won't cut into existing utility/QoL product sales.

    Finally, like with how the legendary armory sets up to encourage purchasing equipment templates, legendary bags that would be usable by all characters might encourage more people to unlock additional bag slots if they knew there would be an immediate 32slot bag available for them to use. 

    I'm just gear junky enough that I would probably make a full set over time just because. But then I'm the same idiot that for the same lack of logical reason will end up making legendary breathers if ANET ever releases them (please!!) 🙂

    • Thanks 3
  10. 4 hours ago, Nathan.5138 said:


    -Using Discord (or any voice communication program) does in fact give one player an unintended, unnatural, and unfair advantage over another player who is not using voice comms (third party program).

    -Using Discord does in fact allow someone to play faster, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program.

    -Using Discord does allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards.

    @OP these three assertions of yours need support. In what way does does using any voice communication platform an "unintended, unnatural and unfair advantage? How does voice coms allow someone to play faster or more accurately? How does voice coms provide unnatural or undeserved rewards? 

    Without supporting these assertions, you have given no reason to agree with you. As they stand they are simply opinions until you give coherent, logical reasons for why we should agree. 

    While you are at it, I personally would love to hear a response on whether talking with my wife as we sit together playing should also be worthy of being banned, and if not, how using Discord to bring another family member who plays from another room in the same house into that conversation changes that situation from unworthy of being banned to worthy of being banned. 

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  11. On 10/10/2021 at 2:08 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

    I think the best way to give Tengu to players would be via a combat transformation tonic (or maybe a whole set with multiple recolours). There is only one model, so that shouldn't take away too many resources from other parts of the game.

    Due to only one model existing, we can't even know if the Tengu shown are native to Cantha, or descendants of exiled Canthan Tengu that came along with the commander. They may simply be Tengu from tribes that are native to Kryta, Maguuma or the Shiver Peaks that came with the commander.

    There are a couple reasons this solution would be unsatisfactory for many of the Tengu-hyped players. The biggest (at least I think) is that combat tonics and mounts don't play well together yet, and may never. I personally HATE the Charr character model, and I almost never play my one single Charr char (sorry, I had to) for that single reason. I thought the infinite watchwork tonics would be an option for playing that char, but no luck for me. Each time I want to mount I have to disengage the tonic to be able mount, then dismount and re-engage tonic. So not worth the extra hassle every single time I want to mount, so that char remains limited to crafting & harvesting.

    Secondly, for some, although certainly not me, there is also an interest in the lore that goes along with a race. While I would see all that lore and story an abysmal waste of time, some players out there don't share my own tastes in that regard and actually WANT to delve into the lore that would accompany a new playable race. 

    Personally I think we should quit wasting time with Tengu and bring in Largos. 😄


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  12. Ages ago, before HoT was all that far into development, Anet hosted a long series of community discussions to find out what players wanted from GW2 (link below). Our current mastery system is just one thing that came out of those discussions, and people's requests for XP to still have value past level 80, and to make the game more "alt friendly" so that players with many alts weren't as heavily penalized for playing a broad scope of characters. 

    Whether or not people are happy with the system now, it (along with many other systems introduced in and around HoT) is a very direct reflection of those discussions with the community. 


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  13. 5 hours ago, dace.8019 said:

    If ArenaNet introduce a DPS meter, I hope (and sort of expect) them to do it to the standard they elevated mounts.

    Besides various damage metrics, I'd want to see:

    • Healing metrics
    • Damage blocked
    • Boons
    • Conditions
    • CC metrics
    • De/Buff metrics


    This would also get around the potentially thorny issue of a DPS meter diminishing the other roles in combat in the mindset of the player.

    See, I guess I SHOULD read to the end before replying. Someone else said the same thing as me only much better and more succinctly. 

  14. On 11/2/2021 at 12:09 AM, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    What we are discussing here in this thead are after all how tools for DPS messurement are being used across different groups to exclude each other from doing that same content with only base in DPS. I wanted to point out that DPS is only a very small part of what ArcDPS can do as it also show numbers for heals, boon uptime and condition uptime among other which is also as important for the end result. Not al of those numbers are exact numbers (as heals as an example have limited information present in API; which ArcDPS dev mention as cuation to interpret from those numbers) and should not be taken to show the real thing going on in game as there are limitation for how those numbers are being registered in game (API).

    My own two bits worth here, and honestly if you give me a quarter (USD) you have over paid. I think this hits a key point that I too had notices was lacking in the conversation up to at least the point this was posted. I haven't read all (currently) 4 pages yet. 

    Healing & boon uptime are also very important elements to track. There are also the non-boon buffs (superspeed, one wolf pack, etc) that impact game play in non-trivial ways that are helpful to track and already found in ARCDPS. 

    If this were to go forward as an in-house developed tool, it really would need to have many or even all of the features of ARCDPS in order to truly replace it. Someone else has already mentioned but I think it is worth repeating, that if ANet were to build this in game and reduce or gem gate functionality the way they did with build templates, the game would be worse off for it. Possibly the best option might be for them to either hire or contract the ARCDPS developer and adjust the existing product to work in the game rather than just overlay.  

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  15. 20 minutes ago, MikeG.6389 said:

    Is there any point to this thread? A single constructive element that is worth discussing? OP seems to struggle with the futility of his proposition, let alone the English language (I suspect Google Translate or some such, but still) and doesn't seem to be open to valid criticism.

    This thread is the only excuse to use the confused emoji without stating a reason.

    Mike, why are you trying to insert logic and reason into a perfectly good snarl of confusion and fake outrage? But since you have, do you have a logical reason for expecting a forum thread to make sense? 😄

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  16. 12 minutes ago, genjonah.1253 said:

    I think the real issue being vaguely complained about is the gift of the jungle/desert requirements. The thing that requires actual time and playing content and what really is restricting things to being account bound (elegy mosaics, map completion, crystalline ingots, etc.)


    which, personally, is a feature I think should be more heavily leaned on to create legendaries to further stop it from being purchased out (I would rather it cost the equivalent in extra fulgurite/elegy to replace the mystic clover/coin count just to further differentiate those who have them vs those who credit card their way to ‘victory’, but that’s just me)

    For myself, I have no issue with people being able to use their CC to obtain legendary weapons, and wouldn't even object to expanding that potential to other comparable items whether Gen 2 weapons or whatnot.  Those folks help financially support Anet which in turn allows me to keep playing my favorite game. 🙂

    However I personally would love to see either an alternative to mystic clovers, or some option to acquire clovers that is not so hard limited on time. Either clovers or whatever other option ought to be obtainable at a rate that is solely limited by content completion and not raw days/weeks the way that clovers are. 

    But that is a digression from the OP's point. I was simply responding to the most recent complaint that the game needs more "Gold Sink" and highlighting the fact that such a blanket declaration overlooks a large spectrum of options. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, Chapell.1346 said:

    see @ArenaNet Marketing Test.40; how long will you forsake and torment me? 😢

    let me remind you again that the Game needs more Gold sink.

    Just a bit of quick wiki/TP math. To purchase all the Gen 1 Legendary Weapons, at present values at the point of this post, it would cost approximately 46,550G. That is quite sufficient of a gold sink in itself. But if that isn't enough for you and you deeply desire to throw more gold at the game, you are welcome to make every Gen 2 Legendary Weapon, purchasing each component instead of farming. You will just be slowed a bit with the necessity to acquire the clovers. STILL not enough gold sink? Why don't you considering the Gold to Gems feature and buy every account upgrade Anet offers on the gem store? Once you have all those, perhaps buy all ~71 character slots and unlock all character bound options for each one. Then you could dig into buying every single skin available through the gem store. Need I go on? 


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  18. This seems to be a fight that those of us who struggle with JPs have to keep fighting over and over and over, whether that be with the Tower, or Ember Bay or other JPs in the game. At times the devs seems to listen to us and give us at least one alternative option so that we can complete achievements without the JP, then they turn around and do the same thing over again. The earlier post by Danikat seems to well put a finger on the likely problem, but surely there ought to be some sort of Standard Operating Procedures type document that gives the basic framework for (re)designing their content that could be updated to include the need for alternatives to known, difficult to accomplish content. 

    If there isn't such a document, it would be a great way to help institutionalize some of the lessons that have been learned by the experienced developers so that those aren't lost through the inevitable turnover that happens at any company. 

    For myself I can't claim any disability, just a gut-wrenching issue with heights that is equally bad whether at the top of a rappelling lane, looking out the door before I skydive, or looking at a "virtual" depth on my monitor. I have tried to improve, and on some JPs have actually been able to do so, but just cannot seem to manage more than a few tries before my BP & pulse are higher than it is worth risking. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Kilty.4906 said:

    Thank you, I think they forget there's another human being on the other side and that phrasing is important, I really don't feel confident posting on the forum and this just makes worse. Really thank you!

    Is it not possible that they had an unspoken assumption that they were addressing an Asura rather than human? I believe that the Asuran mode of dialogue lacks some of the courtesy conventions expected in human communication. 🤪

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  20. For myself, I play GW2 in large part BECAUSE of its business model. I won't subscribe to ANY game or game service no matter how compelling a game they might have.  I don't claim to speak for other players collectively, but I will say that I do know within my own periphery many players who share the same opinion. 

    Completely apart from the "don't break the existing system I like" argument which of course will only be persuasive to those who may share my opinion on the matter, let me try a different approach that hopefully may be more compelling. If we look back almost 2 years ago now, Anet had to shed a LOT of their staff including some very long term developers  and leadership because they were trying to juggle multiple projects. (I am aware that there are people who have speculated on what that other project is, and perhaps even knowledgeably. Since I myself remain entirely ignorant of whatever that was, I won't speculate) For whatever reason, they were unsuccessful in being able to diversify into additional games. 

    What you have proposed seems, at least to me, to be something comparable, a different game, or a spinoff game, that would require a non-trivial portion of the development staff to create and maintain. NCSoft & Anet have already not been able to successfully pull that off before, why go down that road again? Worse, would trying to go down this road again risk the existing game? There is a chance that having failed once, a second attempt might result in shuttering the studio if things go even worse than last time. 

    Whether the large number of Noes in your poll truly reflect the opinion of the silent masses of GW2 players or are simply a very vocal minority, this is already a strong indicator that such a turn would not be well received in the existing community, and that is the very community that such a project would have to be directed to. New players would not have the history to appreciate what a restored Orr signifies or why it might have appeal. That means that such a spinoff has a lower potential of being successful. Rather than advocating for a spinoff/reimagining whatever,  we should continue to encourage Anet to continue striving for the highest quality content possible within the existing game. 

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