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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. There is another possibility that has not been mentioned yet. I have a friend in the guild that got the drop that provides the Queen Bee infusion (sorry don't remember exactly what that is). He is a pretty casual player that just was obscenely lucky and won the RNG "lottery". But as a casual player he runs pretty cash poor in game, and didn't have the gold to even be able to POST the item to sell it. It took him ages to be able to come up with that amount of money just to be able to attempt to sell it on the TP. Makes me wonder if some portion of the lack of availability comes from some super lucky players being in the same kind of situation. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Excursion.9752 said:

    Everyone acts as if people are lining up to steal names. They are not. But I guess having thousands of dead accounts lock names is a good thing. Everyone is tilted because they can't possibly imagine someone else using their name and the only reason that is, is because anet decided to make it that way. If they had decided to go the other direction people would not care at all about this topic. People hate change is what it boils down to.



    (Emphasis markup mine)

    Might I suggest that you take a look at my post earlier in the thread regarding determining the ethics of taking a name used by another player, versus not being allowed to? You are making an ethical assertion that taking a name that is in use should not be considered "theft", which means you bear the burden of proof. For this to be anything other than an unfounded opinion, you need to provide convincing reasons supporting that assertion (i.e. "possession is not ownership", "EULA", etc. and not something like "because I say so"). My previous post gives some framework for considering those reasons from an ethics perspective.  

    • Like 2
  3. 41 minutes ago, Excursion.9752 said:


    I would have to respectfully disagree with you. Even if you take away the topic if someone does  not reply to you in 3 months on anything they are not interested.  I thought 3 months was being very generous. I guess its a special circumstance because it a video game?

    You seem to have neglected or overlooked the fact that there have already been numerous legitimate reasons posted in this thread for why a player might have a break in playing that is far longer than 3 months. Let me restate a few: extended illness, military deployment, experiencing homelessness; to which I will also add: having a baby & adverse work schedule. I my guild alone we have examples of all of these except (to my own knowledge) the homelessness one. All of these are very legitimate reasons why someone would be simply unable to play, not because they don't want to play any more, not because they have abandoned the game, but because circumstances for the time being prevent them from being able to. 

    Starting with a base line "opt in" unless the present holder of a name chooses to opt out is functionally no different than name decay, but with a far faster rate than anybody has heretofore advanced. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:

    If aimed at me, i was being sarcastic as hell xD

    Nope, my post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, so much as offering simple solutions to those who struggle to figure out a unique name for new characters. But I do appreciate sarcasm 🙂

    **EDIT - hah, I posted from work and hadn't paid attention too much to where I stopped on the wikipedia page and its connection to your comment. I can see how you got the impression I might have been replying to you, but honest, I really wasn't. I just 
    wasn't paying that much attention. 😄

    • Haha 1
  5. This question keeps coming back. I answered a couple years ago and am just going to paste part of that answer regarding the ethics of this issue:

    Ultimately this is a matter of low stakes ethics. I say low stakes because either way in this setting nobody dies, no populations are devastated. It is what makes both sci-fi as a genre and gaming as a modality interesting: they become ethics laboratories.

    earlier on 4/10 you commented:


    It's actually quite intriguing how opposed this community is to this common practice compared to any other game community. It's generally seen very favorably there. While some even become really toxic about the mere notion of it here.

    It is the ethics of this issue that has many of us who disagree with you and the OP adamant about our position. I find it interesting that you consider those who hold to an ethical view that differs from your own to be "toxic". I am assuming here, and feel free to correct the assumption, but i would guess that the comment in view is where this idea of purging names is identified as theft. That is an ethical, moral valuation, clearly one that you disagree with, but an ethical, moral valuation nonetheless, not toxicity. I am not calling you unethical either, so please do not read that into my statement. I'm simply saying that there are multiple standards of ethics involved here. 

    Here are some ethical questions involved in this matter:

    1. What are the "rights" of players who have not logged in for a length of time?
    2. What are the "rights" of active players?
    3. What is/should be the deciding factor(s) when the "rights" of two parties come into conflict? Active status? Significance/Severity of "needs"?
    4. What is the hierarchy of priorities? (i.e. Is active status most important? is temporal precedence most important? is current possession {of a name in this case} most important? Is there potential for developer profit?) 
    5. What role should profitability and its potential play in policy decision making in a for profit company? Should profit and its potential supersede player "rights"?
    6. Is ArenaNet obligated to keep its word given at launch and since with regards to leaving accounts/names untouched?

    Clearly different parties in this thread have different answers to these questions. These questions ought to be answered in an unbiased manner, meaning answering them in one's favor simply because they are in one's favor WOULD be unethical. I'm sure there are other ethical considerations involved, those are just the ones I could pick out off the top of my head. 

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    • Confused 1
  6. @"Will.9785" said:I agree that something needs to be done. Its blatant market manipulation by 1 or 2 guilds with very rich players (i.e. hundreds of thousands of gold).

    This is harmful to the game in the long run. A new player would instantly be turned off by this if they wanted to go for a legendary. It puts what is already a daunting task for many players even further out of reach. Many may not find it worth the effort and leave the game. People need long term goals like this to stay invested in the game but they need to be reasonably within reach. The carrot on the stick approach only works if the person chasing the carrot actually believes they can get it.

    A price of 2-3 gold is not fine. You need around 500 for gen 2 legendaries. That's over 1k gold JUST for the coins.

    Even if you feel like 2-3 gold is fine, at what point does it start to become a problem? Because it can/will reach 3-5 gold before you know it given the manipulation we are seeing right now.

    From time to time I have had my own grumps about market manipulation, particularly back when sigils of nullification were necessary for progress on the Jahai achievements. At that point there was easily identifiable market manipulation when the entire stock on the TP being sold for a few silver each were bought up and then resold for multiple gold each. Personally I think that is a failure on the design part of Anet in setting the up a scenario that could and would be exploited. So I can sympathize with the sentiment, but let's look at this critically. Is there actually data that demonstrates that there IS "blatant market manipulation"? Can we find on Mystic coin price history evidence that can objectively lead to that conclusion? Conversely, to prove market manipulation, we would also need to disprove the simplest and easiest possible cause: supply & demand.

    Is it possible that with the now aging announcement of Legendary Armory that the demand for coins has gone up as more people (of whom I confess I am one) are making more legendary equipment, while the supply has not gone up appreciably?

    One way to increase your own personal supply of mystic coins is to have multiple accounts and make sure you log on to each daily, and at least do the mystic forger daily across all accounts when it comes up.

    *edited for typo & clarity

  7. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:so it is anet's fault that APPLE gave up on an industry standard (opengl) and decided to introduce a homebrewn cpu (to make more money and don't have to share with others)? Get a grib on reality.

    Apple sells overprized low quality junk. If you bought it, ask yourself about the wisdom of your decision.

    Macbook Air M1 would like to have a word with you.

    it can talk to my hand. The hand pushing it back into the dumpster fire where it belongs. Apple is a great marketing machine, but their products aren't even half as good as they try to tell people.

    I'd be curious if you have ever taken the time to use Mac and get to know it, or if this is simply your opinion formed without having used a Mac in the last decade or so.

  8. @"Sobx.1758" said:

    Happy informed gaming then :lol:

    "having worked in IT on windows" just says nothing about your expertise btw. You could as well sit in an office and be "the guy to connect the cables, install software and restart pc to fix a bug" and it would still mean you "have worked in IT on windows".

    ...and it's almost as if that "stability" is something you gain by apple closing itself off from others, which is a direct cause of... well, threads like this one. Stability by exclusivity non-inclusivity, waow.

    Yup, that description cold be applied to my minimalist statement, but it is not applicable to me nor my actual experience. I could post my resume to back that up, but I doubt anyone would care anyway. I do not disagree that Apple has made its own decisions that have directly contributed to this situation being what it is. That does not change the fact that the OS is more stable than Windows.

  9. @Veprovina.4876 said:Wow, Apple really hates its users doesn't it?I mean, just by the way of making it super hard for developers to do anything without them looking over it like a fussy mother.And now they're closing their systems even more which means, soon, you won't be able to do anything on a MAC that didn't come out of Apple directly.

    Why people continue to support Apple is beyond me...

    Because it is flat out a more stable and superior operating system. And yes I say that from an informed position of having worked in IT on Windows for well over a decade.

  10. @anduriell.6280 said:

    @aspirine.6852 said:Player inside other objects would be a problem for me. I would not like the get my account flagged for getting stuck while repairing double doors or wall in wvw.

    Well you are logged out to the selection screen which in you case is what you would do anyway. For one flag every once in a while it shouldn't be a problem for you, but if you keep being logging out and you can't play you will report it in game, contacting support or in the forums and a game moderator can look into your case. You wouldn't know if you have or how many times you have been flagged anyway, that's only for internal use.

    I don't think you get inside objects multiple times a day, right?

    This solution would prove problematic. Imagine being on a queued map (pretty common occurrence, at least on my home server) you start rebuilding a wall and something glitches so that you end up inside the wall. If there is an automatic rule that logs you out, not only are you removed from WvW, but now you have to wait the queue again to get in. On a reset night it is not uncommon for me to wait an hour+ just to get into the least queued map. If this were to happen . . . wow that would be a bad case of unhappiness.

  11. @aiinseinn.5914 said:

    @"anduriell.6280" said:The only way to fix that is to move on to alliances.

    thats more trouble inc .. sry make it like "you only can switch server once every 6 month"The answer to this proposed 6 month solution really is this:@"Hannelore.8153" said:Two months isn't frequent. If anything relinks should happen every matchup. If you've ever been stuck in a stale or unbalanced linkup you'd realise just how terrible it is to wait two whole months just for it to get "fixed".

    I love my server, we have some great guilds and a really good collective community that works well together. But some of the servers we get stuck with . . . well, I will just say that we don't mesh well. It ends up being a long and somewhat miserable couple months. There are 2 servers in particular that if we got stuck with either of them for 6 months straight it would have a truly serious negative impact on our server community. I would love to see the Alliances feature actually implemented, but the pessimist in me has come to view it as just vaporware. I really hope I am wrong but I have long since given up on the possibility of actually seeing this feature. Now I am just trying to hold out hope that the legendary armory won't go the way of alliances. . . . but that is a topic for a different thread.

  12. @PrinceValentine.9320 said:Closed squads are there because they are too selfish to share their boons/stab while non-members practically can share their boons to them. Their commanders will spam on chat to follow them so they can get supply and once they get wiped they'll start crying on chat. They are the most annoying groups in WvW. Once I get to a server plagued with these kinds of squads, I transfer immediately.

    I cannot speak for anybody else, but as for my own guild and squad we generally run a closed squad because we prefer to keep things family friendly and lets be honest, there are plenty of folks out there that don't fit that mold. That is fine for them, and I'm not out to change them, but for ourselves we prefer not to have to listen to that. Closing our squad gives us some degree of control over that preference.

    Another twist on the hidden vs visible tag is that at least on some servers, some players consider it fun/legitimate to log on to an account on a competing server to spot and announce the location of tags. I'm not going to debate the viability and sportsmanship of such, I'm very confident there are variety of perspectives on the matter. But when we get the sense that we are being spied on by an opposing server, hidden tags happen.

  13. While I ranger main, probably my most frequently played second class is Mesmer Chrono and at least the build I use I can absolutely solo most open world content including champions, hard HPs, etc. and have a great time doing it.

    Here is WP's video on the build and how to play it.

    This is my own slightly tweaked version to suit my own preferences.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAw6FlVw2YdMFWJOyWatdA-zRJYiKBjO+xISVVJVVfQCkeL6ZGB-e
  14. @"Veprovina.4876" said:Well i know but DPS isn't everything. And even the DPS isn't top tier.

    That may vary some with game mode. At least in PVE/Raids Mesmer actually IS top tier.https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmer/chronomancer/power/This isn't purely theoretical. My own raid group has a player who routinely pulls these kinds of numbers when he brings chrono.

    The problem with Mesmer right now, among others, that i see is - every profession can do what mesmers do but better. Mesmers are literally at the bottom of the barrel. We have clones but boy do we have to sacrifice a lot to actually use them, and they're useless in WvW big fights meaning, you lose all your potential utility there as well.

    I haven't played Mesmer in a Zerg setting, but I do know in small group/1v1 that the clones are seriously annoying, at least to me. That probably doesn't help you any though. :-)

    The other problem is the "hypocrisy" i reluctantly call it as Mesmers have been given nerfs for stuff that was considered OP, when other classes were and still are better at the thing that they nerfed mesmers for...

    Balance. The problem with balance is that its like chasing the end of the rainbow for that pot of gold. There isn't any absolute standard of what "balance" is, at least as far as what I am aware of. All I can say here is that NOBODY is happy with balance and I doubt that state will ever actually be achieved. Since this is about mesmers I will spare you my own thoughts on balance with Rangers which I myself play far more often except to say that we aren't any happier with what they have done to us either. > Alacrity is not given to just about every class, thief and necro can portal - how that makes sense i don't know...This does seem to be a bit of hyperbole here, although I cannot fault you for that. However, for clarity's sake, as far as I can see on wiki Mesmer & Revenant are the only classes that seem to consistently generate alacrity, with boon thief as a lesser source for themselves, but not others. The only other access seems to be from stealing boons which I think is a little different. Thief and Mesmer have always had a bit over overlap (stealth, ambush skills) and with both the necro and their versions of portal they are far more limited than the Mesmer version, so Mesmer clearly still has the edge on those. > Glamour skills are the only ones across professions that don't have a trait associated with them to make them better like every other profession has...Off the top of my head the thief Preparations (formerly traps) also does not have a corresponding trait line. Yet another "balance" change that has never made sense, at least to me. I would bet that there are others as well but that is subjective supposition on my part without the research to verify.
  15. @"Veprovina.4876" said:Fix how?

    Definitions of "fix" differs from person to person.Some would "fix" mesmers by further nerfing them to the ground.Others like me would fix them by giving back what wasn't broken yet was taken away like a dodge and boonshare.

    Since this is on the mesmer forums, i assume the latter? You're a Mesmer and you're dissatisfied with how horrible they're treating us?Or are you angry that mesmers can pull or something and that's somehow broken?

    I'm sorry, but the way you made your post, it can literally mean anything. :tongue:

    I agree that OP is far too unspecific in the complaint and more would be helpful and necessary to truly have a conversation.

    There was that 2+ year string of Mesmer & chrono nerfs that were brutal and they did a lot of re-imagining what the Mesmer is supposed to be including the coming and going of the boon Chrono. But at the moment both Chrono and Mirage seem to be in pretty good places DPS wise, although even as one who isn't a regular Mirage player the balance nerf taking away their second dodge I think that taking away the second dodge was a ridiculous and counterproductive nerf.

    @OP You might consider following up with a more constructive post that lists out the things you consider to be problematic for Mesmer, and possibly even suggestions on how you think they might be better, rather than just expressing your vast but non-specific displeasure. However, if you are absolutely fixated on leaving, you might consider simply taking a break from the game and coming back later once you have passed some time doing other things which you find fun and engaging and see if later balance patches have changed things up in ways you are willing to accept.

  16. @"ArchonWing.9480" said:Soulbeasts have a trait that does more damage vs a disabled foe, and if you throw in an impact sigil on top of that is a lot of damage when combined with sic'em, quickness, and probably One Wolf Pack. Don't really even need to be glass, but usually the whole thing needs to connect. You should really not cross the path of a dismounted ranger, though. Best way would be to force dismount and use ypo ur longest leap away.. If you get dismounted and fail to stunbreak, you could be dead.

    I play SoulBeast and often run this build. To add to this, for those using the Skirmishing trait line, the Grandmaster Minor "Hunter's Tactics" gives increased damage when attacking from the side or behind which is most of the time the case in this kind of scenario.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_ranger_traits

    @Ben.2160 said:Soulbeast here. Not an exploit at all. With a power build, sic em, quickening zephyr and one Wolf pack a (full hit) rapid fire will dismount and kill/eat a lot of hp on most builds. A longbow ranger is a hard counter to warclaw, keep aware of your surroundings, don't blow your dodges until RF is used and try to use terrain to your advantage.

    Because of that flanking bonus you might also consider running TOWARDS the ranger rather than away. Running away only plays to the Ranger's strengths. When you end up facing a ranger, interrupting to break that chain of skills and using chill can really slow the DPS down a lot.

  17. @"Connla Dda.9407" said:Hi again, sorry to post it, but you are completely wrong. Can not kite Necro while chilled and/or crippled. It is just impossible to do. And you saying "learn to play" as i wrote you not to do that... I am a good, competetive player, not top, but i know my value. Over 250k WvW kills and ultimate dominator title, so i know how to fight. But as i wrote. It goes: chill, damage, chill, damage, pull if kited, fear dead. Always. And lately some of one reapers in PvP wrote: "I am a god. Just die in silence." Total overconfidence of Overpowered profession. I have seen in WvW 1 Reaper killing 3 players, so do not tell me Necro is not Overpowered. And this topic is about nerfing the Necro, not that i am bad ranger as you trying to implement.

    I ranger main and love it. But I also play reaper & scourge enough to know them as well. I am still able to take out necros on a pretty consistent basis, although yes it is less consistent than it was a year ago before the patch. Nevertheless, it sounds like your problem is letting them get too close to you. You want to use the mobility & knockbacks before you become tied up in chill, not after. Once they start applying chill, you are playing THEIR game, not YOURS.

    Necros are actually in a pretty balanced and good spot right now. While I am not entirely satisfied with all the nerfs SB Ranger has taken lately, in a 1v1 vs. necro my experience is still generally "I win". You might consider that the issue isn't necessarily how well you play over all and how many kills you have in PvP or WvW, but whether you have the right build for playing the way you do against necromancers. If you just cannot stay out of reach, then think about building in condi mitigation so that when they do get you up close, you can do something about it.

  18. @LilSpark.4567 said:Hello guys, i have a questions, i am new in the game, i play this game from 10 days and i play this game with the dlcs and my friends and other ppl tell me i waste time to play gw2 bcs is a dead game. Is that true?

    Welcome to GW2! As long as you are having fun, you most certainly are not wasting your time playing! From the point you are at just starting, there is a huge amount of game play available to you that can keep you engaged and occupied for countless hours. There are some who keep declaring the game as dead, but as far as I am concerned and the people I play with, the game is still rich and full of content to enjoy. Some maps are more active than others, but there are always lots of people to play together with. Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Don't let other people take away that excitement and enjoyment from you and especially not so early on.

  19. @Escanor.8157 said:It is clear that ArenaNet cannot balance this profission without leaving it weak. So it is better to remove and create a new profission. This profission reminds me Elf of some games that are useless several buffs and 0 damage.

    I will most certainly agree that there have been extensive challenges to balancing the Mesmer profession. Anyone who played, or attempted to play Mesmer through that nearly 2 year string of endless nerfs will be painfully aware of that fact. However the recommendation to simply remove and replace is as heavy handed as it is unlikely to happen. Ultimately this argument hinges not on balance, but the present perception that Mesmer is weak. I will argue, along with those who have posted before me, that this is a misperception. There are intact several strong builds for Mesmers across each of the game modes.

    I would recommend to the OP that rather than spending time by posting unlikely suggestions of profession removal, that time might be better spent doing some small measure of research followed by a greater degree of time spent acquiring the proper gear for whatever build research returns, and practice on one of the golems learning that build.

    Good luck!

  20. I am having a similar but slightly different problem. I successfully purchased gems on 2 accounts and had them show up, but on the third account it accepted payment (confirmed by checking my bank transactions) but didn't give me any gems. My final account it just gave me the same error I had a few days ago the last time I tried to buy gems for that account that everyone else here also seems to be seeing.

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