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Everything posted by Polar.8634

  1. While your ideas look valid to me, I don't mind skills themselves as they are now, just wish animations were faster and more condis applied. I like a lot spear being hybrid damage so I could use it in more builds unlike scepter which can be used in like 2,5 builds and it is optional in any of them. If animations and condis are fixed I can see spear usable in any DPS or support DPS build, group or solo play. If it is not fixed, then it would only be used in PvE instanced play, essentially golem killing most times, and maaaybe wvw zerging(we still need to see if those animations lock you from moving, and power coefficients).
  2. I don't like slowness and having only torment for damage, but ground targeting can be very strong, especially if animations are faster. As it is now it is PvE exclusive weapon just like scepter.
  3. i generally had positive experience with restructuring betas, except for last one when i was on server stacked with guilds (they made "alliance" megaguild) and enemy teams even stopped come out by the end of the week. There should be some mechanism to pair guild stacked servers so more puggy servers have a chance to have fun.
  4. Since imperial impact no longer prolongs boons, endurance regen nerf in retribution will be reverted, right? Both minor traits.
  5. scepter giving rev least amount of skills was already sad, but i hoped weapon will be more or less usable on many builds. Judging from damage it outputs it is healer only weapon. Plus, it is autoattack heavy, auto is strong and to activate pull you also need to autoattack, which makes it pve only weapon. To be clear i do like that healer build gets another weapon. But with karakosa relic mace isn't even bad choice now. I expected to get more value from big expansion feature. It would be nice if scepter got some damage, also for skill 3 not needing autos to work to get improved effect, also skill 2. so that is it usable in other builds/gamemods. Otherwise 99.9% of players will not even use it.
  6. Maybe devs finally start fighting bots. Bots are known for mishandling ground targeting and creating ai esseys on forums.
  7. I know but still should be better. I am not talking about night gaming either
  8. Last 2 betas I played on 3 servers and all were much more active matchups then what I played before. Also if system works as advertised, there should not be situation when 50 man blob runs empty border as server populations would be balanced out. Fights with equal numbers are most fun so I am waiting for it.
  9. I would not do it regardless because ventary also has stab, while having also bubble, heals and lot of boons
  10. I also got all lege with different style in each tab, wvw and cosmetic infusions that's why it would be pain. But we'll, not gonna die from a try.
  11. That character has several infusions, also shoulders from Halloween, so maybe even unequipping those can help
  12. Good idea ty. I'll try but will be pain, I have all tabs unlocked
  13. Hey, bug section is silent so I ask here before ticket. One of my characters causes game to ctd when going any wvw map from anywhere but armstice bastion. Anyone had this bug?
  14. Somehow i have this bug only for my rev, if i try to go wvw from any other location only on my rev i get ctd. Anyone else got this issue? I have this problem since i got armstice bastion around a year ago.
  15. It is not like the more money you spend the better content you get. Product quality does not only depend on money spent by customer.
  16. It can, but I think auto damage should be lower than sword's because of barrier. It is just a guess anyways, they can crank numbers to max to promote expansion
  17. PvE weapon with nice animation, which is great but would be nice to get something more versatile since rev gets only 3 new skills, unlike most others. In wvw/Pvp it competes with sword which has excellent sw2 and sw3(when not bugged). And even in PvE, heal herald can use new heal on blast relic on mace, in heals like 2k per blast on short CD, idk even if new weapon gets stronger that that. So, I like how it looks and generally I like functionality but I don't want this weapon to be for one try and then swap to better options. Hope they make numbers and energy costs really attractive.
  18. That's why I said you terms from different forums often mean same thing. In context of gw2 updates, vertical progression and power creep means same thing. Talking gw2 does not have each of them is misleading, while they both are same thing.
  19. Since now any ele brings warhorn in instance PvE for the reason it is stronger choice, it became stronger with weapon mastery, which is exactly what vertical progression is. No need to add a ton of terms you find in internet, they often have same meaning just used on different forums. Vertical progression means power goes up with new content and that is what happening with each expansion.
  20. Vertical progression refers to player power increase with expansion. Btw bot, weapons mastery are gear progression.
  21. They actually are. If with expansion character becomes stronger then without it it is vertical progression by definition.
  22. Yes that one with low damage. Cele build should have good might to do damage. Rene has 20-25 for burst, vindi 5-10. And spec traitlines, vindicator is just not good for condi damage, while Rene gives both power and condi. You take ventary over shiro, so it became real slow bunker.
  23. If something is really good that gets to meta battle fast. I tried out condi vindi and it is bad. Tanky yes, but no damage. It is worse than Rene.
  24. if it was that good more people would play it. i see maybe 1-2 vindi roamers in a week. wb, many
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