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Everything posted by Polar.8634

  1. core rev also has pure dps role, maybe try that out. also from bench numbers comment above, i think they are pathetic vindi is barely 40k while scurge is 50k , delete rev that trash
  2. so few people play rene that anet can ignore it
  3. to nerf condiquick herald
  4. it is still gonna be best quickdps in the game, does not matter what you take swords or gs. why so much drama
  5. what if there is no preview because there is no balance
  6. alliance and world restructuring concepts conflict between themselves. Alliance is about stacking guilds and restructuring is about spreading players. so it would not work if they launched them together anyways.
  7. all 1 tier servers have night blobs, it will be funny to give 1 tier more rewards so that they sleep even less.
  8. To be fair they also added pips for rank, so now gain is higher then it was before change
  9. Simple log in gives close to nothing now so I would not bother. Doing daily+ weekly gives more then previous system gave. So you could log for 25-30 min daily achievs or wait for relics
  10. It is 5 ICD only on allies. You cleanse yourself as usual
  11. Antitoxin relic gives same cleanse as old rune gave plus it cleanses allies now why rip
  12. wvw weekly to do obsidian sanctum jp is utter trash. few others also not that fun, like defend 10 objectives - they cannot be done activelly, you can wait hours for opportunity to defend anything, depending when you play. i like option to choose pvp, wvw or pve focused set of daily/weekly, but wvw ones are so bad, if next week obsidian sanctum again ill need to switch daily to pve which is sad. Dailies from different categories should be expected to be finished in around same time, rn i see pve takes around 5-10 min, pvp match or two, wvw can take hours why
  13. didn't see that happen, condi everywhere, they counter cleance by stacking more condi on top if condi.
  14. rune of speed was allways there, it is nice rune but nothing crazy.
  15. few build variations depending how many classes you play (due to weapons) and few soto relics, as for core relics you should have access without expansion. there are only few expansion relics atm. If to play only wvw, it is a bit little content to consider imo.
  16. I think 5 new maps, 3 new mounts and all the rewards will be added after alliances
  17. Support vindi would be better in every aspect if you want heal support.
  18. in pvp your condi cleance is kitten, so you either burst target down before it puts ton of condi on you, or dont engage with condi heavy enemy at all. Condi herald uses demon stance, which deals with condi much better then power due to f2 condi transfer and shield trait. on power herald you dont have that, burst target down in few seconds or run. select target you can burst. if before match you see nobody is squishy relog to something else. also map is important - you are bad in the open, but smth like khylo gie you advantage to port through obstacles = not being hit untill you burst. what is sad about herald - it is squishy roamer, so you cannot hold node/tank for your party effectivelly. it means if party is really bad you can't do much about it, unless enemy party is horrible. you use shiro to move. use "take target" and try to port through walls, you can also use shiro stunbreak aboutface to evade forward. remember your mobility is much worse in pvp then in pve due to pvp nerfs to shiro, so plan you cooldowns and energy accordingly glint f2 you only doubletap, with corresponding trait taken. it prolongs even boons you dont apply on allies. in pvp you use f2 on other legends, also doubletap. in group pve you do rotation. in non-group pve, you want to ensure to have boons you need. in general, strenght and elements allways use off cd, it will be better damage. darkness upkeep for stunbreak. chaos upkeep when taking damage, release whenever you need cc. light upkeep for heal. and when energy ends - swap. f2 i would not ever upkeep unless you want to help other players. If in your build you give quickness then use quickherald rotation. in pvp you cannot rely on rotation so try to pull some energy - especially in shiro. It would be nice to have energy pool to have stunbreak available.
  19. there should be second summer beta due to anet announcement, seems they forgot and are not willing to remember
  20. i would rather ask for possibility to craft lege weapons but not do open world content. wvw is much more fun and i can't stand doing eod open world meta again and again same stuff every time just to get weapon.
  21. ARC is the reason why lfg still somehow functions. Otherwise ppl would do most content only with guild members. Reason - nobody wants leeches in party when content is not easy. In your daily strike you could afford few leeches, not so much in more challanging pve/wvw raid. Anyways, mostly people who fail mechanics consistently get kicked, or toxics, because in most pve content autoattacking deals enough dps. anet provides gw2 API for developers to make addons like arcdps. Anet controlls which information can be acquired through that API - including fight logs. Which makes those damage logs public. arc dps does not spy on player information - it takes public information throug api and acts as interface for player to see it more easily
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