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  1. That's odd, I only got Umbriel only once all week which was earlier this evening. I got Demon Knight 3 times, Sorrow once and Hell Sister twice so it's probably just weird rng luck. The only boss that I'm not a fan of really is Sorrow though because A) I hate forced movement mechanics that I can't seem to negate/avoid and B) the telegraphing for the knock up is hard to see with so much clutter on the ground. Umbriel I only dislike because he moves around so much like that surfboard Kryptis and if you're using melee weapons you are just running around trying to chase him down the whole time lol
  2. omg if it isn't wing 8 after saying that, considering the 5 year mention, I will be so disappointed. I am leaning hard into it being wing 8 and the return to raids because they are notably missing compared to other games, and with all the work they've been giving to challenge modes in the last few years I'd be surprised if it wasn't that. BUT there is always that part of me with GW2 that is in "brace for impact" mode so we'll just have to cross our fingers and see. ANET! Participation will ALWAYS be higher in open world than in raids, it's pretty much the same in WoW, but some people LOVE raids! Give em to us, we have groups that still do them despite there being no "need" to anymore (once you get your leggos) just because they are fun!
  3. Out of curiosity, what content did you test this in? On the golem or in specific encounters? Just curious, I'd like to play around with it to see.
  4. Yes it's been pretty bad since they gave the skyscale fireball and introduced the turtle. It's gotten to the point where if I'm doing an event that I know I can complete on my own eventually but someone is just there on their mount tagging I'll literally just walk away and do something else. I'm not going to do all the work and fight for my life against the entirety of the mobs just so you can sit in your mount. If you want credit you can dismount and finish it, otherwise congrats on wasting both our time.
  5. Among a lot of the different types of posts that get shared here, this was really sweet to read. Thank you for sharing publicly with us all. I've also had some rough times throughout my years playing the game and there are a few spots that I'll just go to and sit to listen to the music and view the scenery when I just need to escape my busy brain. One of my most frequented spots is the holographic floating city in the sky in Desert Highlands at night. I like to climb up there and wait for it to start spawning and just sit there and think of my mom. It might sound weird, but little stuff like that can help strange little gamers like me. Some of my other spots are the various Itzel hidden around the HoT maps that play unique guitar music that takes over the map soundtrack. I was so surprised when I first found them and was equally surprised how long the songs went on. One is overlooking a waterfall in Auric Basin and when I'm feeling stressed I sometimes just go there and listen.
  6. They aren't "my standards" it's just math and logic. The skyscale can only do some brief burning damage and a minor strike of damage per cast, with a decently long cooldown compared to auto-attacking and with limited chargers. You're also disregarding the other part of my response where I highlighted that someone left me to fight entirely alone, making me the only vulnerable target for attacks. There are other numerous passive defensive/damage benefits to actually being in the fight vs being on a mount that don't happen by pressing your fireball/turtle slam skill.
  7. Truthfully, no offense to your friend, but they may as well just be standing there. The mounts don't do any damage. It may mow down low health open world mobs, but in a larger boss fight they are just scaling the boss to make it take longer for everyone else to kill by merely being present.
  8. This is my main issue with the mount dps abilities. I can't tell if people think they are actually contributing or if they are just easily afking by pressing 1 button. The skyscale and turtle don't do any damage compared to if someone was simply autoattacking a boss so it's always annoying to see someone just on their skyscale tossing fireballs while I'm doing all the work. This happened to me once specifically that I remember when I was doing a rift in the Crystal Desert. One of those roaming forged packs came into the rift and the only other player there used the skyscale mastery to mount in combat and just fly up into the air and wait until I killed everything, including the rift boss. Bro get off your mount and help me I'm literally soloing this and fighting for my life while you're up there..
  9. Since the threads are being merged, I'm just going to post my main pieces of feedback based on my experience here rather than create a new thread. It's only a few maaajor points, and this is just me, but customer service directed me here so here I am: -Please move away from using mounts so heavily in meta events. We saw the Turtle used in Gyala Delves pretty heavily (and almost exclusively in part 2), and the Skyscale being used extensively in Soto. My guess is they thought "Hey we are known for having the best mounts in mmos, let's use that" but I do not find it fun to participate in a fight by pressing 1 button on a mount. They can be restricted to a small part of the event as needed but having to fly around and shoot a fireball, or traverse a tunnel on a clumsy turtle, is not fun. I am playing my [enter class here], I want to push my class buttons. -I recognize that open world legendary armor was widely requested for a long time from a large number of players, but revolving an entire expansion around it kind of killed the motivation to play for a large majority of us who already had legendary armor. Legendary weapons hit different for me for some reason, and even though I found gen 3 lackluster compared to gen 2, I still chip away at working on those. Armor though, I know it has a unique visual effect, but even the raid armor that I have I never use the unique visuals for because A) they weren't all that good to begin with, and B) I like the armor pieces that are my go-to already. Making an expansion fully revolve around what is essentially just an armor skin for some of us really killed the motivation to keep logging in, and I took the longest GW2 break that I've ever taken since I started playing because of it. The new vendor that was added to allow players to convert essences into anything else was long overdue and should have been implemented at the start due to the limited use of them outside of crafting motivations (which use research notes and HOLY GOD even though they've improved creating those, please find a way to replace them with something less annoying). -It's difficult to stay engaged with the story with the new rollout. I actually think the Soto story was pretty good! And it had a few moments that were really nice that I enjoyed. But once we got out from the launch, it fell apart because it was trickled out in these very brief, rushed-feeling micro bits that just made it really hard to care anymore. I bet if I had never played the story this expansion and waited until now to play through it start to finish I would have loved it, but the way it was implemented just felt very messy and left it hard to care by the end. -Strikes. They are neat, but they aren't the same as raids by a long shot. It can sometimes take longer to form a group than to complete your daily strikes. Additionally, as neat as they are, 2 of them are not neat enough for an entire expansion. It is incredibly hard to recruit my friends into gw2 when the topic of raids comes up because they don't see the incentive. "Come learn an entirely new game and class so that we can fight 2ish challenging bosses a year" is not an effective selling point, and the other competitive mmos out there offer much more than that on a more regular schedule. At the end of the day, the limited amount of challenging content for small groups is not enough to bring people in who would be interested in the game otherwise. It's just not worth people's time, money, or energy unless it becomes more part of the norm. It's also very weird (as someone who also plays WoW) how often the game has class balancing considering how little instanced content is released. I would say it's just for pvp/wvw but a lot of the changes are pve specific so who cares if there isn't anything new to do outside of 2 strikes and (eventually) 2 fractals? Are these open world balancing changes, or "we saw this unrealistic, very specific scenario benchmark done on a training golem, so we should address that?" Very weird if we aren't going to be getting more instanced content outside the few pieces we got this expansion. -Finally, general game feedback, something should be done about the amount of leeching/afking/bots that is rampant around the game, particularly in high value meta events. I don't really care about someone multiboxing a dust farm, but I've run Dragon's End almost every day that I've played since it's released and the amount of people that are clearly multiboxing and afking on multiple accounts is absurd. It's incredibly frustrating as a commander to try and get your group into the map unless you commit to a range of annoying tricks to spawn a new map only to see the same multiboxers that you've seen for years now taking up space in a map that you can't realistically move away from least you risk separating your group further. Reports do nothing despite providing annoying-to-take requested screenshots of the evidence of people tapping Soo-Won during the 1st phase and then jumping off the platform during the first crystal phase only to never be seen again because you get the reward regardless at that point. It kills the drive to lead, it kills the incentive to try to do the event at all, and it overall is just incredibly frustrating to see your squad of 50 dwindle to 40ish over the course of the fight because the afkers want to hide somewhere on the map. It is so rampant, and so unhandled, I can actually accurately predict which bots I will see at different timeslots of the day, by name. It's ridiculous. Looking forward to the conversation about lessons learned coming up and I am still rooting for Guild Wars 2. I love this game and I see a lot of potential in the future, I just hope the last expansion isn't a herald of what to expect going forward.
  10. Nope, just regular bags. I've used the same purple 20-slot and the 2 ascended 32-slot bags bags I've always used, it just randomly happened twice today out of nowhere. One of the 32 slot bags prioritizes containers, but they weren't in that one. Edit: oh and both times it happened I was in the Wizard's Tower
  11. Today a weird thing started to happen. I was opening my Unidentified Pieces of Gear and then click Salvage All Masterwork & Lower on my Runecrafter slavage kit for all the greens in my bag. It got through most of them but then stopped short, leaving about 20 unsalvaged. When I went to right-click it to try salavaging all again the option was greyed out as though I didn't have any qualifying items in my bag. The issue just happened again while opening/salavaging blue Unidentified Pieces of Gear. Stopped short and now wont allow me to salvage all again. In both cases I am still able to individually salvage the pieces one-by-one, but the Salvage All option stops working.
  12. You can still take alts in to do map completion, it's just lanterns instead which are account-wide progress. They are all near the POIs on the map so it's essentially the same thing except you need to stop and channel for a few seconds. If anything I find the new system a lot more convenient because if I decide I want to swap to an alt at any point I can just pick up where I left off.
  13. I am guessing you are mostly referring to open world pve (raids and strikes would also be considered pve content, and would yield different responses). The staff is a healer weapon and doesn't do good damage compared to other weapon options available, but if you feel like you enjoy it because of the added boons you get from it you can just run any berserker/spellbreaker build and replace greatsword (berserker) or hammer (spellbreaker) for the staff. You wont get much value from it though (unless maybe you are running around in cele gear), and things will die significantly slower than if you just ran a dps build. You can do open world in healer builds, which I think a lot of newer players actually do once they hit HoT and realize they aren't always safe lol But it's really not worth running for except maybe the aegis and movement.
  14. I wouldn't mind them exploring some water content elements in the future, but as it stands certain builds don't even work underwater the way they're designed. Mechanists don't even get their mech for example, which is tied to their way of being able to provide alac and/or heal if that's their role, so it would have to just be something incredibly trivial and at that point I don't think there is much value dedicating the resources to trying to make it work for something that historically in gaming is not popular.
  15. The story this expansion feels extremely clunky with their new rollout structure. I can deal with the fill the bar stuff, but having 30 minutes (maybe) of story content several months apart just takes me out of what is otherwise so far a very nice story. It almost feels like it would be more fun to play waiting for the expansion to be over and then play through the story at that time so you can just do it all at once instead of this weirdly dished out piecemeal.
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