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Everything posted by Dyers.1567

  1. Danger - Kershl - [BAEL] Babylons Pass (02:02,656) 👀 https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/BAEL Babylons Pass
  2. GW2 Fun roller beetle race tracks you know who - Tyria madness extravaganza Infernal Leap
  3. GW2 Fun roller beetle race tracks - Fussell - Tyria madness extravaganza Tropic Valley Raceway
  4. GW2 Fun roller beetle race tracks - Fussell. - Tyria madness extravaganza Ghostfire Run
  5. GW2 Fun roller beetle race tracks - Fussell. - Tyria madness extravaganza Lakeside Loop
  6. [RACE] Reaper - [Heartbreaker] Was informed that this is a "RAWR GAMING With T" track submission and video of it created by Reaper. So, I asked if I could share with you all this unreleased to public vid, so here ya go. "Reaper: Though i never made these public, but i did get asked to record videos for all the GH submissions prior to the World Cup and here's the one he made"👍
  7. Garfried - Demon strike! 1v1 race Garfried vs. Reaper (4 years ago before advanced tech)
  8. New Cup was added by RACE Killer to Beetlerank. Get a chance, check out the newest open world tracks created by Gental Foot. https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/gencup
  9. Mismo - Core Tyria Extravaganza [RACE] tournament! Last Saturday of every other Month racing.
  10. I offered 100g to the first person to get sub 2:00 on Roller Coaster Tycoon at the RACE discord. https://discord.gg/wkJbRwA Andur ran the hell out of the track! Trying and trying like hell to beat it and get the Gold on https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/DI Roller Coaster Tycoon He has run this track so many times,... Extremely faest! Congratulations, Andur! Well run! Andur - [DI] Tycoon - sub 2 run
  11. All these tracks can be done by you in game. https://www.beetlerank.com/ Contact: [RACE] https://discord.gg/wkJbRwA or a [DRFT] https://discord.gg/6gE5GYV member and have fun!
  12. Andur - The Dark River https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/skiffscup/TW The Dark River
  13. Professional Speedboating. "How can we compete with the Beetle racers?!?!" https://clips.twitch.tv/GlamorousAthleticSeahorsePoooound-aUVaRvWRPBx4_5pw Laranity makes ya smile. =)
  14. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Beetle Bloopers: Rally Rage Volume 1 Good clean fun. =8)
  15. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Haiju Flying Circus "Samurai" gw2 Beetle Music Rally 🤙 https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/meddriftcup/DRFT-30 Haiju Flying Circus
  16. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Tales of a Legendary Dragon "Luma" gw2 Beetle Music Rally 👀 https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/meddriftcup/DRFT-53 Tales of a Legendary Dragon
  17. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Five-point Flying Frenzy "Moon Over the Castle GT7" gw2 Beetle Music Rally 😎 https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/meddriftcup/DRFT-39 Five Point Flying Frenzy
  18. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Vabbi Brandstorm Border Patrol "Feel the Universe" gw2 Beetle Music Rally 😎
  19. n1nj44r - [DRFT] Tomb Raider Super Stunt Redux "Wicked" gw2 Beetle Music Rally 🤯
  20. prz3mytnik on the extended DI Roller Coaster Tycoon. https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/DI Roller Coaster Tycoon 💯 American made Roller Coaster made for [RACE] Beetle League Racing Team 💯
  21. Beetles Race Lines - Fussell is keeping at it! New vids of tracks! Dyers, Inc. [DI] Hall this time. A guild hall where designers come in and build tracks for events.
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