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Everything posted by DotDotWin.4357

  1. Persistent flames, in fact, fire in general, is not worth using 90% of the time because of the recent nerfs.You don't have the mobility or armor to survive in fire and without Lesser Lava Font, when you go down you are totally ducked.I have really lost all interest in playing my Elementalist because it's just such a pain in the ass to keep him alive now knowing that if he dies I have to run back to where ever I am. The nerf to PF pretty much made the class not worth playing. It's just not worth the effort. Getting set back and having to travel over and over and over because you get gang banged by mobs is just lame.Even engineers are better than elementalists now, IMHO. It's a sad state.
  2. You would need to make this a toggle option and have it off by default because otherwise clueless players are going to see that and think, "Wow, I found (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 28 Iron ore!" then open a ticket when they think they are missing items when they open their bag. The same kind of thing happened with Engineer's flame thrower. It counts as a continual cast so the numbers just grow bigger and bigger and it looks like you are doing SO MUCH DAMAGE but it's just adding all the previous damage to the small tick you get this time. Everyone who mains an Engineer gets to experience the heart break of learning their super-awesome burner-boy build is actually crap because of this.
  3. Make Necro minions run faster! I sear to God they can never keep up with me. I have to constantly stop and let the idiots lumber to me. Also they are all but useless in PVP because they are so slow players can just walk backwards and avoid all their attacks while the minions look confused and amble about like drunks. They need to be 20% ~~ cooler~~ faster.
  4. It's a matter of relativity. Relative to most games, GW2 is full of nice people.Arena is FAR to over-protective and censors everything we say on the forums so if you judge the community by what is posted here you'll think we are all a boring bunch of kittens. Get off these forums, go to a guild wars forum without storm-trooper thought-police censoring every post and you'll see a much more human side of the player base.
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