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Posts posted by Ailis.7910

  1. My 2 coins: 

    fishing: awesome. There’s bait! There’s buff food! There are rods to collect! And collect a fish achieves that have the janky part of my brain purring happily


    jade bot: super cute. Wish I could pull him out like a mini pet sometimes. My wombfruit find them adorable. 

    the maps: beautiful and nostalgic. I’m telling the wombfruit stories of what happened here and there. That’s been incredible. I do wish there were more events, though, esp in KC


    that meta: the rewards need upped big time. The pre either needs to be shortened or give level-adequate chests at each major pause point on the route. The timer needs to hold its kitten horses when we have to detour to these random levendaries over yonder. 
    the map though is beautiful. I would love to see more npc around and things trapped in the jade like we did in factions but I love the map. 

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  2. Mesmer still need a kill on the Meta so womp womp 


    psssssst anet can we have zero head breakbars on tail dps? Instead of every breakbar on tail dps? And can we pretty please have tail do damage to the head as every other noodle dragon operates. Dps mordy belly, get mordy mouth, etc. bless. 


    *passes the mic* 

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  3. Another go. Another fail. Highly organized. All possible buffs, boons, etc. Excellent leading. People knew the mechanics. Hardly any downs during slam, etc. 

    2 breakbars - 1 during tail phase. Both times we broke the bar, she IMMEDIATELY swooped. No stun. No nothing. We barely got any chance to DPS her. I got bubbled and whirlpooled 4x. Yes, 4. I realize it's random but my goddess. 

    I'm....tired. Demoralized. Frustrated. This isn't about the turtle. Or weapon collections. Or achievements. It's about this open world meta that flies in the face of nearly every other open world meta to this point. 

    I can't bring myself to try this again. I just can't. And feeling that for my favorite game? Awful. 

    ETA: the wombfruit don’t even want to attempt this because they’re both really into the lore and personal story right now and they love tooling around on the open world maps, doing quests, exploring, and every so often, fighting this huge dragon in the middle of the open world that a random group of enough players who happen to be around at the time of spawning can down and hooray loot!

    Thats what’s fun for them and, honestly after my oldest put it that way, yes please. It’s fun. It’s immersive. It keeps the imagination going.

    That’s their 4¢, anyway. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

    RNG The GODs have spoken! You get.....nothing.


    Okay so I am one to say I absolutely despise the RNG in this game. I feel it is a PERFECT force multiplier for Strikes/RAIDs/Fractals and other instanced based l33tz wanting a challenge! Back when rng was on drops my wife saw all manor of good loot. I on the other hand saw drops of white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, blue, white, white, white, white, white, blue, white, white, white, white, white, white, white. All the while she had an EXOTIC DROP BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN EQUIP IT! SRSLY!?!? though it was after her second exotic that I received my first green😶


    Yes I agree the RNG should just leave Tyria as the Gods did, they left THAT one behind to F'with us!

    the RNG is the real final elder dragon 🐉 

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  5. 7 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:


    It would be neat if the Dragon's End meta had something substantial like an infusion, for players to receive as a potential loot drop, just like how there's a chance at the chak egg sac from the chak meta.


    Something like this, from "The Only One" EOD story (SPOILER'ish? I don't know).




    I took a screenshot of my character with this effect. It looks amazing. Looks similar to the poly reverberating infusion effect, only it is coloured white, and with nice glowing eyes - not the lame glowing eye skins which just basically look like dots in the eyes, no, this effect covers the WHOLE eyes (as it should) and looks epic. If this was an infusion, available as a drop from Dragon's End, that would be a bit of an incentive to keep coming back. Not necessarily enough of an incentive, but a decent start, towards giving the meta a good loot table like some of the other meta rewards.

    oh yes. I am HERE for this suggestion. I loved loved loved how powerful I looked in that moment. Having this effect on an infusion would be *chef’s kiss* 

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  6. 17 hours ago, White Dragon.5429 said:

    Wait,  there's telegraphs for bubbles and whirlpools? I've been looking for them and never seen anything. 


    15 hours ago, iPhyre.4183 said:

    yea, i didnt know either. 1 in 12 men are colorblind, whereas 1 in 200 women are colorblind.  i know i am colorblind with green/red particularly.

    whaaaaat? what are the telegraphs? I've been running this fight nearly constantly since last Thursday with no wins and I've never noticed a cue for those beyond the audio (which is frak all for your D/deaf/HOH players). Is it in the middle of all the visual clutter because whew. No. 

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  7. I won’t repeat what others have said but, no, I don’t JUST want my mount. I want to beat this meta. I want the achieve for beating it. I want it to be a fun repeatable battle so I can get the other achieves. I want my trophy for the dagger collection from this meta - which means I have to play the new espec to attain that. I want an accessible fun meta for the casual gamer - especially those of us who have been here since day 1 of gw1 - which ties up the story we’ve lived through for nigh on a decade (longer if you played Factions).

    if I wanted to raid I’d join a raid group. 

    I’ve attempted this thing for 4 days straight many times a day and nothing. I’d rather be subjected to serpents ire again and that’s saying something. The Jade Sea was my favorite part of Factions. To have it turned into this is just….upsetting. 

    People are bringing up the same valid points over and over and we’re getting zero response. It’s frustrating and demoralizing. 

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