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Everything posted by Zeivu.3615

  1. Well, I was going to farm food to use for later, but they destroyed that.
  2. You not buying the Expansion isn't going to keep them from screwing everyone or yourself over. At best, you just save a few bucks. I have a feeling their staff are merely diversity hires and their decisions are not based on merit....
  3. They could have at least added the butter to the drop table.... Edit: Come to think of it, why can't we make butter?
  4. I don't understand why Anet is freaking out over the food giving the notes and removing the option to get them from holiday events. It's not like the notes directly gives you the items associated with them. You have to fing craft the items associated with them and you still need to buy the research kits to even get them, so it's still not even free. Get your head out of your butts, anet! You are just making it worse for the rest of us! PS: If you are going to take notes away from food, add them to other low crafting items. Aside from specific crafting trophy items, the market has crashed.
  5. You don't need to 'get gud' for those HPs. You just need to not get attacked for five seconds to channel and collect the point. It's not HoT where slaying them is required.
  6. You don't HAVE to kill them to get the Hero points you know.... Summon NPC distractions and stealth also work.
  7. Honestly, starting out, long time ago, when there was only an option for two crafting disciplines, I made each toon specialize in just two things because it was just easier to do that and log into that toon. You don't need to do it 100 times for each toon. There is plenty of ways to get exp. If anything, scribe could use some serious QoL updates. You know, like an option to buy carpentry furniture and keep it into your personal inventory so you can use it without needing the permission of your guild leader. Then you can have a right-click option to auto deposit it to your guild that you are representing.
  8. I don't think we should get free kitten just because we are older than everyone else. If anything, I want to earn Legendary armor without having to raid. I hate raids and group play, but that's just me.
  9. That is BS, Taclism. I had other keys remapped. Q in particular is my attack button for skill 1 and it didn't function at all until I remapped it.
  10. Everyone is asking why their keys aren't working Anet. Why did you have to kitten with our keybinds? Just put a tutorial in that tells new players how to change their binds.
  11. This. I ended up cannibalizing my last ele's gear and deleted her for another revenant.
  12. Skimmer is just more practical in the water. I hate the Skiff, but you just can't fish off your skimmer. Edit: Why didn't they incorporate that into one of the fishing masteries?
  13. A glass build implies that there is a sharp offense and a weak defense that is easily broken. Using an ele in general, elite or not is more like flinging plastic squares out of a slingshot: Zero traction and most likely to fall on it's face before ever ending the target. The Virtuoso is more of a glass cannon than Ele can ever hope to be.
  14. Well, at least Warrior can be played in PvE. Can't say that about eles.
  15. I deleted one of my eles a couple of weeks back. You can stop nerfing it now.
  16. Exact same problem. 95% of the time it's a miss.
  17. Yeah. If Anet hates ele and all their elites, just delete the class and don't put players through this.
  18. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they retroactively fills in story gaps at this point with a 'Director's Cut' mini story chapter, but I don't think the writers will remember the plot we currently have.
  19. Not a fan about the HP requirements of the urn, but everything else is a button mashers paradise. Chaotic OP madness. My mind can barely keep up on this. I would hate to face this in PVP.
  20. Same issues with base Ele apply here. Low defense, low HP and low damage output. It needs a boost to at least one of the three to make it worth using. The augments seem kinda meh. There is no reason to have all of them on your skillbar and I found it more useful to add other base skills over them. With Catalyst, you pretty much are limited to One or two major elements so element swapping loses value. The catalyst tree skills rely too much on auras and doesn't really add many aura opportunities, at least when using Fire hammer.
  21. I would have given them the mace, personally
  22. Honestly, it's terrible. I would revamp it so that there would be a chance to spread the blight on attack. PvE doesn't get the attack buff. And I would replace those elixirs with Am Fah relics for flavor,
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