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Captain Prinny.6492

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Everything posted by Captain Prinny.6492

  1. I multibox to quickly transfer items from one account to another without having to relog. I don't do it in GW2 but I used to do that in GW1. It was especially useful in pre-searing Ascalon where you couldn't access the bank, one account acted as a mule for the other, then I swapped them over when I wanted to do Legendary Defender of Ascalon on the 2nd account.Exactly my M.O. in GW1 as well. I am an obsessive Hoarder in Games so my other Accs are full-up-to-my-ears with items as well.What I mostly do is Fashion Wars or other foolish stuff with skins/dyes etc...one example can be seen here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74710/recent-patch-renamed-always-angry-into-burst-of-aggression-but#latest. I have spend waaaay too many gems on character slots/dyes and mount skins on my alt-accs to be considered "gaming the system" with regards to Gold making with alt-accounts. In stark comparison, I would be wayyy richer if I spend all the time farming instead of fooling around with Multibox shenanigans for my obsessive Fashion Wars-fetish ;-P
  2. The fear is, that with how the moderators/ community managers etc are constantly overworked that such passages/policies linked by Stelawrat may not be longer valid, just not have been attended to.I don't want to accuse Arenanet of that behavior but I HAVE seen other Devs/Publishers/companies just handwave old policies away with "oops, we forgot to change them, sooo sowwwy anyway they are no longer valid, so you are in breach of contract, sucks to be you!" BANHAMMER DESCENDS So I am quite concerned now and really would like a short clarification/reassurance by Fire Attunement.9835 or anyone from the Arenetteam that we aren't in hot water now, pretty please with choya on top?
  3. I really hope so, only need a Primeval Skyscale and a Primeval Warclaw for my complete set now ;-) On topic, no primeval skins in this set but I might go for the Shiba.....that doesn't mean I don't like the offerings, I appreciate the work put into these , well done Arenanet!
  4. FFS! You cannot even link Pictures directly from the GW2 Wiki? Shame on you Anet!
  5. Also an option but not possible right now are the Lunatic Armor sets from Helloween. They are stat-selectable exotic armors with the bonus of being ACCOUNT bound, not soul bound, so can be switched around your characters. The recipes cannot be purchased at the moment since they are tied to the Helloween Event, but they are cheap (relatively) to craft since they use the Helloween drops as ressources, which you are showered in constantly if you do the Helloween activities. Maybe worth stocking up/saving up on them for next year.
  6. "Great" is as always a "relative", not an "absolute" thing. I never said I want to solo Raids with Full-Celestial Gear because "its better than Berzerker and stuff", but having fun despite the fact that Celestial <=/=> Berzerkers, Vipers, Grieving, etc. Also fun is relative as well because for me fun <=/=> efficient or fast ;-P Finished collecting mats for a Celestial Middle Armor set and currently using the Celestial Thief mentioned by "HnRkLnXqZ.1870".I struggle quite a bit, but thats part of the celestial fun.
  7. Choose Female Norn, because I main female Norns and she really grew on me. But if I hadn't such a Norn fetish it would vote for female Sylvari. Jennifer Hale is such a great Voice Actress (cannot get enough of her in the Mass Effect Trilogy as FemShep) Special Mention is Human Male. Nolan North is also a good VA but he is famous in its own right, so Kudos first for Female Norn (makes me happy she gets her due in the newest 2 Trailers......makes sense to pick a Norn as Commander going on from now. All the Season 4 and Pof Trailers hat Human Male, too bad the trailers for HoT hadn't focussed on Commander Sheppard ahem THE commander ;-P
  8. Incidentally, Shout build with Necro made the class bearable for me at least. I know many players like their Necro but until I seriously tried shoutcasting (heh) it was at the bottom of my class list. it still is......but it isn't at negative value anymore at least ;-PI dabbled in a bit of minion-mancing since then but didn't try to celestify the build yet. I will try your suggestions out. In the meantime do not think I have forgotten this thread, I am trying several things mentioned above but I am a sloooooow player and need time to let things settle in. So keep em suggestions coming guys! :-)
  9. I like that philosophy of yours! Same goes for me, Shouts are crap you say? Hmpf! Ok, lets play Shout skills all the way! The core tenet of the "Full Berserker Gear Philosophy" is that the AI of Trashmobs and their stats practically beg you to murder them, as they are simple HP sponges 90% of the time, at least in Core Area GW2 Open world areas (not so much in current content, Expansion and LW areas, Fractals and some dungeons (and ofc raids). So I understand the mindset of "why bother with anything else than pure power DPS output?". So stacking as much Power and Ferocity as possible is the way to go. This backfired spectacularly and resulted in many long faces when HoT released and everyone had nightmares of being humped by a Pocket Raptor Swarm or three and/or Smokescale ambushes. However, GW2 has more to offer than that, especially in the trait system. I like to disregard Power and Ferocity altogether (pretty much) and go for 100% Critical Hit chance and try to get as much as possible from the benefits of traits which play into "critical hits do X, Y or Z" Here lies the challenge in the Celestial Set. The set has an abysmal measly 41,29% Crit chance as a baseline. Even with going for a fully charged Sigil of Stars (+50 to all stats) and adding a Sigil of Accuracy (unfortunately Sigil of Perception is out of the game because you can only have one "on kill" stacking bonus on you at a time) and fully decking out with Precision Infusions will net you with 54,95% Critical Hit Chance.Example For me, the main challenge is to get as close as possible to 80% CHC (+ 20% CHC per Fury buff) via Traits and Skills as well as having these skills have as much interaction with our buffed celestial stats as possible to get to a build that is fun to play. Fun meaning not necessarily being Top Dog DPS but maybe Top Dog at evading, ramping buffs and debuffs, doing tons of CC, Heal, crippling/immob, never ever going down, etc.
  10. That is usually my approach as well. This results in most of the time focussing on making Shoutskill-builds since my favorite class in GW1 was the Paragon (shouting supporter). Since my warrior hit LVL 80 about 3 months after launch I fiddle with my Shoutwarrior build. I wasn't too happy when Berserker came out, but with Spellbreaker I am more than happy. Still....not viable in Celestial gear.....yet(?)My current Tempest utilizes Shout skills as well (yay) but not with Celestial (boo) so i definetly have to try that out. Appreciate the input My Flamethrower-only Build focuses on Power, not Condition Damage, but man, there is some gold in your post here, I seriously need to up my build game since there are interactions I never thought of. I really appreciate it.And even with celestial gear, thats like having your cake and eat it too. I like the way you think! (^.^)=b Unfortunately, while I drown in Ascended Heavy (and Light) Armor I currently have no Celestial Medium armor (my ascended armor producing craze was at a time where leather was even more stupidly expensive as of recent times, so a bit weak on supply there).I have to get down to business and get another one ready to try that out. In the meantime keep the ideas coming!
  11. TL,DR:Help me find a cool semi-viable build focussing on "All Stats" gearI know perfectly well that 99,8% of the time other builds (mostly Berserker gear) are more efficient. I don't care about efficiency. I STILL want this to be about "Celestial" only.Please do NOT suggest something along the line of "ROFL Berserker or gtfo", this is not the point of the thread here. Hi everyone, I am sorry for the long wall of text, but for the life of me I cannot keep things concise. Apologies in advance. Background Info:I am a long term GW2 player and would insert me into the semi-casual crowd. I do not raid, WvW, PvE. I DO Open World and Fractals up to T3 and sometimes T4.Also, you cannot count me to the most efficient and skilled players around there. I am too stubborn, lazy and laid back to care for Min-Maxxing. I died a lot (A LOT) at the beginning of the game (mostly because A: Elementalist as the first character and B: I suck at Ele, especially at rotations). That is the main reason after reaching 80 with a couple of characters back then I tried briefly the Berserker meta (Power/Precision/Ferocity) and found it too stressful hectic and not fun for me. I loathed every second of it. The obligatory "get gud!" I ignored stubbornly and trudged on. I tried support/heal builds for Elementalist and Guardian and had semi-decent success in dungeons and low-end fractals.I prioritized Sustaining Power / Healing and Toughness and for better or worse rolled with it. My damage was laughably poor, it took ages to take enemies down and still I had fun.Also, since I took the lazy route I was totally unprepared for the "Truck to Face" that initial HoT and some parts of PoF were at launch (still are at some places). Finally, I had to "get (somewhat) good" and use the game mechanics as intended. Weakness, Blind, Evade and dodging are a "Necessary Evil"; Fury, Quickness and Might are not added flavor on top but the main course instead. The transition was eased a little since the Devs gave us some nice upgraded Berserkers Gear 2.0 and 3.0: Berserkers 2.0 is Marauders gear (Svaard) which is like Berserkers gear but with higher Precision and Vitality on TopBerserkers 3.0 is Diviners gear (Steelstar) which is like Berserkers gear but with higher Precision and Concentration on Top (increased boon duration)Despite my loathing of Berserkers Gear, I love both Marauders and Diviners gear. I am currently in the progress of outfitting my whole cadre of characters with those stats.Back in the "roll with it" phase, I accumulated a LOT of Celestial (All Stats) ascended armors and weapons since very often I couldn't choose where to go with my characters builds so I took the safe (but stupid) route of "Jack of all trades, master of none whatsoever". The "analysis paralysis" resulted in 14 Ascended Celestial armor sets. Also, I may be the only person left alive who has crafted a full Nomad Ascended set (Toughness, Vitality, Healing Power) and hasn't stat-swapped it yet. Request:Still, I accomplished my long term goal of a decent(?) "Shout" Support/Heal Warrior and a decent(??) Flamethrower-Only Engineer. My one unfulfilled goal is to have a decent Build which focuses on Celestial stats. Please help me find some fun builds which focus on the Celestial Stat Combos.Please do not derail the thread with "But Berserkers is more DPS, what's the point?" Also please no Meta Berserker Builds where you just slapped Celestial on, I tried that route, believe me, it won't work. Requirements:It should be playable in Open World PVE (which means difficult areas in HoT and PoF), Dungeons and low-to-mid Fractals. Flexibility and Utility above pure DPS but if you find a decent Damage Build with it I will gladly take it.Since the purpose is to take the celestial stats all the way, the gear is pretty much set in. Class: VariableElite Spec: VariableRace: Variable ( I main Norn, but if I simply must use Asura racial skills to make the build work I will go for it) ;-PWeapon-type: VariableSkills: Variable (I particularly enjoy shout skills and lazy Sigils (on passive) but knock yourself out)Weapons: CelestialArmor: CelestialJewelry: CelestialInfusions: VariableFood Buff: Dragon's Revelry Starcake (+45 to all stats +20%mf)Enhancement Buff: VariableSigil 1: Superior Sigil of the Stars (Gain a charge of +2 to all stats each time you kill a foe, 5 charges if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.))Sigil 2: VariableRunes: Superior Rune of DivinityThe one and only exception to all this is the rune set. I will allow for the hybrid runes (seen under https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune#Miscellaneous) as in:Traveler, Leadership, Tempest, Weaver, Revenant, Zephyrite and StarsThese runes have "all stats" boni as well as some special effects, which may supplement the builds. For convenience sake, I already prepared some templates on Build Editor:WarriorGuardianRevenantRangerEngineerThiefElementalistMesmerNecromancer Thank you for sticking with me through this long wall of text, I appreciate it, now lets have some celestial fun!(^.^)=b
  12. The main point is, they designed 2 systems which cannot be interchanged on every occasion. You basically want to have a 5 man SQUAD in the Dungeon so you can command the squad and have the veto on everything. As explained earlier the system was way to easy to abuse and hat other problems as well. The new system is a majority-rule and you have to accept that in its entirety. The tool is called "LFG" as in "Looking for GROUP" not "Looking for GOONS" in the 5 man version.The moment you put your group up there you are looking for 4 more individuals with the same status and options as yourself. it is not YOUR group, it wasn't yours, to begin with ; -P Has the systems its flaws? Absolutely!Should they Implement a better solution? Maybe as "better" may be disputable.Should they revert to the old status of "Party leader+4 Goons"? Never, see above-mentioned problems.Should they give the additional option to join instanced content with Squads? Disputable, I say nay - because it splits the player base and reopens the playing field to the old abusive options and will reflect in even more toxic behavior OVERALL, in relation of instanced content, imho."Ping your legendary gear, your Ascalonian Tears (Dungeon tokens) and AP"......"what? No 20k Tokens?/No Legendary Ring?/ No 30k AP?" Boots you from party
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