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Tenchu The Wolf.3418

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Everything posted by Tenchu The Wolf.3418

  1. I made an extremely accurate (theoretical) chart on how adding Braham's Wolf Mask would affect your Gemstore sales. <3
  2. "Raider's Log, Adventure Date 1530 AE. "I have fallen into a time warp, potentially an alternate timeline. They added the Braham's Wolf Mask from that old outfit to the store, this future seems brighter, better, more well funded. I'm not sure if I have the willpower to return. My only regret is that if I do not return my farm of baby dolyaks and kittens may die without my attendance." - Somewhere beyond the mists.
  3. (Totally not that other guy) I cry myself to sleep every night that the mask from Braham's new outfit isn't added to the store. sniffle sniffle
  4. You guys separated the shoulder pads from Braham's new outfit, I would love nothing more from the gemstore to see the Mask from that outfit added to the gemstore as a solo item. Pleeeaaase :3 I would gladly pay 1,000 gems for it.
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