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Posts posted by Qaju.2058

  1. @pareth.3847 said:

    @Cynder.2509 said:The boss fights themselves aren't even long even with challenge mode, they die within 2 minutes in normal and 4 to 5 minutes in challenge mode when solo.

    What class are you playing to get them down that fast? Even in a full group, these bosses take ages. And there's no way the Gendarran boss goes down in that short a time for anyone with the different phases it has.

    @Cynder.2509 said:The boss fights themselves aren't even long even with challenge mode, they die within 2 minutes in normal and 4 to 5 minutes in challenge mode when solo.

    What class are you playing to get them down that fast? Even in a full group, these bosses take ages. And there's no way the Gendarran boss goes down in that short a time for anyone with the different phases it has.

    Don't forget how it's a scaling instance. When solo mobs melt. The scaling isn't balanced around average player. It's like forged steel strike. Solo or 2-3 is much faster depending on comp.Destroyer slaying sigil+ utility helps with the melting too

  2. When you see us give a tip of using traps painters Vs thieves to help you out, we never said it was to give you a fair shot, to be on par. We say that it's giving you an unfair advantage over them so abuse of it. Especially if your already not a good roamer, it makes no sense to not use it (and come here to complain for years on end when Anet gave you a unique anti mechanic cheat tool).

    I'll be copy pasting this again in a few months again hopefully and not weeks or days...

  3. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @MaLong.2079 said:Can anyone share some videos of any class consistently beating stealthers? I can't find any and I would really like to learn how is done. Right now I can do nothing againts them.

    I don't have a video (maybe someone else can find one), but in case you aren't doing this already and it helps, when enemies stealth I usually find it to be a good opportunity to heal and build defensive buffs in anticipation for an attack. While they are out of stealth is a good time to switch to and focus on doing damage/CC. I do this whenever solo roaming on a tempest elementalist and encountering a thief if they want to fight (and not disengage/run away), for example. Haven't had any difficulties with this strategy so far.

    Well the stealthers I am talking about spend most of the fight in stealth. Becoming visible only for a second, usually when they are out of range. And they stealth again immediately anyway. Not enough time for me to get target or get in range and connect more than maybe one or two hits which are easy to dodge before stealthing again. Meanwhile they are doing a lot of damage and I can't dodge because I can't see them. I will keep looking. Thanks.Here you go:

    You wont find any "instruction" videos on how to fight these because experienced roamers
    do not engage unless forced
    as they know the... lets say type... of player. If you see a DE stealthing in front of you and you dont really need to go that way, do a 180 and walk away into the closest objective. If you defend a camp against them, dont take the bait and run out of the camp for a "fair" fight. The only time you should be willingly engaging rifle dodging DEs is when you outnumber them and got enough CC and condi to overload them so you can watch them burn as they try to scurry away and hide under a rock like a cockroach. Also dont forget to dump a ram on them when they do die and enjoy any rage whisper coming your way.

    That's why my fellow DEs ought to go dual cleansing/energy and keep kitten em up >:-]] NSDQ

  4. I'm not gonna comp main that there's a server that offers night time action. As a night owl roamer they provide funny moments. Sure they might not be on par pound for pound (to put it lightly), but I give them the benefit of the doubt. Most of em play from across the ocean with 200-300ms ping. T3 objectives flip over do many times day or night it's fine. Just give it your best each time trying to repel them. It makes for Fort Alamo moments on repeat ^^

  5. @Exitus.3297 said:

    @"ASP.8093" said:The current state of Deadeye in SPvP/WvW is the result of a muddled interaction between several passes of nerfs:
    1. Double/Triple Tap initiative cost (as well as Death's Retreat) initiative cost increased from 4 to 6 in SPvP/WvW.
    2. Damage nerfs to all Rifle skills except Skirmisher's Shot in SPvP/WvW, part of the global damage nerf.
    3. (Same time as global damage nerf) Double/Triple Tap might stacking reduced from 3 Might per bullet to 1 Might per bullet in SPvP/WvW.
    4. (Same time as global damage nerf) Spotter's Shot damage massively nerfed, but a slight Immob increase in SPvP/WvW.
    5. Game mechanical change to Revealed duration after attacking (from 3 sec to 4 sec) in SPvP only -- Death's Judgement indirectly dodged this nerf because
      the skill auto-applies Revealed before it actually connects, before the attack hits,
      and it looks like nobody went back and changed its Reveal duration in SPvP.

    So basically it's a mix of several sloppy patches that left Skirmisher's Shot as the main "poking" skill because Rifle 3 costs too much for what it does now, and Kneeling is very risky but doesn't translate into an kind of real damage boost in SPvP/WvW so it's just not done unless you need access to specialized utility. The whole spec is hanging onto Skirmisher's Shot like a life raft because it's the only viable way to build Malice right now.

    Pretty much...

    That is also why I don't want the class nerfed outright; just the damage shifted elsewhere. I could imagine shifting the damage of Double Tap to something like 1100 to 1200-ish tooltip damage in sPvP (assuming Berserker + Scholar) and Three Round burst going up to just around 1400-ish tooltip damage, and perhaps lowering their initiative cost by 1 because raising it from 4 to 6 seemed like overkill to me. That would justify lowering the damage on Skirmisher's Shot so it isn't a life-raft as you describe. I don't really care that Deadeye's do the damage that they do, I just want it to come from a place that makes sense.

    You say you "don't want the class nerfed outright; just the damage shifted elsewhere" along with "I don't really care that Deadeye's do the damage that they do".You realize that increasing reveal for 1s completely goes against your statement right? Reveal is what determines the damage output for the whole spec.You can't dps the same when you touch the malice pump and dump system that is the very design of the spec. When you increase reveal by 1s from 3s to 4s, that's a whole second where you will either just auto attack to save ini (laughable dmg on auto attack #1 ->dps crashes down) or lose out ini by #2 again because you couldn't DJ on 3rd second. This can lead you to being not able to M7 on time again after initial refund -> dps crashes down.

  6. That you keep persisting to deny daredevil trait line which contains 15%+10% dmg buffs to be considered offensive if traited is baffling. Acrobatics is purely defensive. There isn't a single thing that boosts damage on its own in that one.

    What is even the purpose of this semantics arguement about marketing fluff.

  7. @Antycypator.9874 said:

    @"Parasite.5389" said:
    worked for me last year, the Deadeye traits can be swapped out for something else if you don't have the elite spec, all it's doing for the build is stacking quickness which boosts your power/precision from marking your targets as you run around.Eagles can also be swapped out if you have a preferred Rune-set, i prefer it over Scholar because it's a consistent damage boost rather that relying on your health being above 90%.

    Dude, why would you play full berseker in Lab farm? It's selfish killing everything for yourself. It's all about tagging, not killing.Oh, and you should probably take Deadly Aim if you play p/p. Pierce. This trait has been reworked couple months ago.

    Because there's isn't a shortage of instances that can be created. And if you wanna farm at your own pace to your own flow you can too. Mind you there's thieves builds that can farm bags faster than tag-n-zerg methods.

  8. A clicker with slow as hell reaction times on top. 0 stun breaks. You'd get eaten alive against any normal roamer. Others can see your motions of laying traps under you. If they had any brain, they would just wait you out away from them, and you'd be toast. Because again, clicker, slow reaction times, and 0 stun breaks, 0 shadowstep. Only rifle4 for condi removal and your HiS.

  9. @Yasai.3549 said:

    @"aleron.1438" said:

    There no way on earth a "supercharged" soulbeast dies fast enough for the other one to not make it back on time -each time- -if it would happen- -on top T3 mobs chain respawning overtime-...

    Actually, I'm inclined to believe a Condi DD can in fact, kill a Soulbeast 1 on 1 and if supercharged meant Booned up.Bountiful Theft can be stacked with Sigil of Absorption to not only rip but STEAL, up to 5 Boons (3 from Sigil, 2 from WvW version of Bountiful) from a Booned up Soulbeast with a single Swipe.

    Swipe is also unblockable, causing a single button to rip many beneficial Boons a Soulbeast could have at a time, and maybe stealing Might as well, making the Condi DD even stronger.

    Bountiful also prioritizes Stab rip first, so it will always ensure that the Swipe is gonna daze as well, making the Sigil proc.

    Thief can kill any ranger type, I didn't argue it couldn't, but the whole matter is doing it vs 2 and a t3 camp, in time to even capture it. That's why I jested. And Boonbeasts die even less fast than others. I already play with Rending Shade, Trickery and Binding Shadow, so yeah boonbeasts still fold (even easier now since the nerfs to them). Non newbie boonbeasts are already masters at keeping their pet in between them and their enemy for LOS/ blocking, and a t3 camp would just give many more body blockers for them to thrive long enough, further making it hard to clear/cap said t3 camp in time. So I'll just keep on assuming they were braindead Slbs

  10. @kash.9213 said:

    @aleron.1438 said:Yet it's also us thieves that have begged to have our stealthless option we used to have in the early days of DE.

    There's nothing I would hope for more than for a fourth overhaul of DE albeit a minor one:

    Maleficent 7: when traited, you are also permanently revealed. All instances of stealth will grant access to flipped stealth attack that no longer requires stealth to perform.

    Death judgment: removed and replaced with modified return of Cursed Bullet.

    Cursed Bullet: 1/4 cast time, no lazing, 2000range, 2 boons corrupted. Half the dmg bonus per malice point than DJ in WvW/PvP, unblockable, can track up to targets atop cliffs or tower/keep walls. Half the projectile speed of DJ (about 20% increased speed from old Cursed Bullet).Death's Retreat: now also evades for 1/4s but keeps its current high initiative cost so can't spam it.

    Shadow Gust: Also steals 1 boon (stability 1st target priority)

    I was going to hard disagree and then you pull out Cursed Bullet which brought me on board but then, if by no lazing you mean no curvature that would less fun, that was the best part. Of course it was mostly good for how it could time with DJ if that would be taken out. I like that raised tracking though if it could avoid some invisible pathing in places like SMC.

    Unless there's some opening on maybe the front end of that Death's Retreat that could be really strong with it's Leap.

    Sorry I meant to say Lasing, the pre laser cast animation of DJ prior to the shot being fired. So revamped Cursed Bullet would fire off just faster. And of course it would retain its characteristic parallel to the ground hovering curve it used to do, going up and down. But for targets already high atop unwalkable paths, it should act sorta like a FGM-148 Javelin missile.

  11. @"sneakytails.5629" said:Well there is playing Thief and killing some random Necro running back to the zerg, and then there is playing Thief and killing 2 supercharged soulbeasts, not dying and taking t3 Northcamp on ABL.

    Are the soulbeasts respawning and running back backwards to NC with the show off montage intro walk toggled on or something?

    There no way on earth a "supercharged" soulbeast dies fast enough for the other one to not make it back on time -each time- -if it would happen- -on top T3 mobs chain respawning overtime-...

    And if both were no signet no GS and just knock back sic em rapid fire dumb brainiac spammers well that's not really supercharged is it.

    Now if it was say east alpine camp I would believe it possible just due to respawning travel time to allow capturing said T3 camp.

  12. Yet it's also us thieves that have begged to have our stealthless option we used to have in the early days of DE.

    There's nothing I would hope for more than for a fourth overhaul of DE albeit a minor one:

    Maleficent 7: when traited, you are also permanently revealed. All instances of stealth will grant access to flipped stealth attack that no longer requires stealth to perform.

    Death judgment: removed and replaced with modified return of Cursed Bullet.

    Cursed Bullet: 1/4 cast time, no lazing, 2000range, 2 boons corrupted. Half the dmg bonus per malice point than DJ in WvW/PvP, unblockable, can track up to targets atop cliffs or tower/keep walls. Half the projectile speed of DJ (about 20% increased speed from old Cursed Bullet).Death's Retreat: now also evades for 1/4s but keeps its current high initiative cost so can't spam it.

    Shadow Gust: Also steals 1 boon (stability 1st target priority)

  13. @Mokk.2397 said:

    @Mokk.2397 said:Stealth Is not OP. But Shadow Meld is . It is the ONLY skill that is a counter to a counter and the ONlY skill that requires the need to purchase a trick or trap to counter . This is what makes it OP . Remove the stealth when revealed from Shadow Meld and stealth is no longer a major issue. Thieves have plenty of stealth , speed and evades and DO NOT need a counter to reveal .

    Issue with stealth is the rendering in enemy cliente, ive playeed in laggy moments the the person atacking me we were talking as well, we came to realise that the time that ones come out of stealth m 8 not be the same time that enemy client will rander the atacker out of stealth.

    For the same reason, mass zerg quickness and alacrity out of a stealth bomb will bork up (mostly botlenek enemy client data) and most players will have diferent experience, ive been insituaion its ok, and other that first comes the damage to the health bar then aoe rings then the enemy apears like stealth is ending.

    i actualy swaped to a lower clock cpu with more cores and game has more issues when a zerg uses mass stealth and quikness than the older cpu with a higher clock with lesser cores.

    IMO for my experience issue with stealth feel more techical issue rather than being a balance problem, and under circunstances it can be a tol to the client to figure out what hapening.

    That could be an issue in some instances but not the issue I was explaining. You would never need to drop a ram to take care of a warrior or a ballista to deal with a Ranger so why should anyone have to drop a target painter to deal with a Dead Eye . Stealth when revealed is a messed up mechanic and needs t be removed . There is absolutely no justification to keep Shadow Meld in its current state .

    You just proved how unfair reveal was...

    You don't need or are required to use the traps. We're just advising to those that struggle to take on stealth users that ArenaNet has provided the crutches to completely tip the balance into your favour.

    You can bet your kitten that if target painters were patched to also deny class mechanics for every professions for the same duration that everyone will raise hell and whine like trumpkittens how hard life is for them now.

    Guess what thieves had to adapt and move on. Most didn't and quit maining thieves. Of those remaining most avoid getting caught fighting around sentries and watchtowers. Only very very few thieves in EU servers have adapted and learned the flow to still try to fight under mark.

    Shadow meld has a cast time you can interrupt. Most of the reveals are instant cast uninterruptible. So I wouldn't even be able to counterplay knowing I'm about to get revealed. So what's gonna end up happening against someone that knows how to use reveal smartly to deny me being untargetable for a following burst is that I will have to use 2-3 dodges and burn a stun break/evade utility to survive long enough to be able to cast shadow meld and then reassess the situation.

    Listen to what Caedmon said and been seeing all these years. There's tried and true wisdom in his posts. As a rifle only DE main, you've no idea how ridiculously easy it is for me to fight other thieves when I decide to use painters too. Many DE don't even use shadow meld and prefer daggerstorm/basi (some poor sods even use T guild for God knows why). Their only chance is to be smart and let go of their ego/pride and egress OOC to wait it out.

    Your grudge against Shadow Meld is so unwarranted it's not even funny anymore. Sadly it only has 2 charges in pve as well where it's just used as a DPS enabler and DPS boost. It ought to have 3ammo there but w/e. I would be more than ok if it had only 1 ammo in a 1v1 situation. It's would only be fair. But wvw is not a 1v1 map.Have you ever considered that even with just 2 normal smart roamers you could chain back to back reveals and mark traps. No amount of shadow meld charges would save a DE trying to survive an active engagement.

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