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Posts posted by Qaju.2058

  1. @Yasai.3549 said:Another problem with Stealth is alot of the Professions that do utilize it have absurd mobility.

    If a Thief Stealths, it's basically a reset.And they can get back to yu way faster than yu can run/catchup to them plus their weapon cooldowns are already up because they essentially don't have any.

    Why is it so hard to be coherent when posting?

    Initiative system replenishes at 1 per second.

    If they decide to evac ooc they waste all their initiative then gotta wait and use em again to come back. And then what? They are out of juice and your cooldowns are ready.

    If they waste Shadowstep/Return and/or Roll for Initiative, to escape, if they decide to come back too soon then they are out of stunbreaks, gg, you can nuke em.

  2. @archmagus.7249 said:

    @Virdo.1540 said:stealth needs to be unstackable in duration ,like superspeed.

    together with that, reveal should make players immune to becoming invisible, not just undo invis after some seconds. Perma-Reveal,like from new taken keeps) still opens the way to perma-stealth.

    already does this. I think you are confusing it with


    revealed? oh u mean that thing that can simply be cleansed away?also reveal from marking isnt as useful when keeping permastealth on with 0.5 seconds before the "reveal" from marked could go in action

    I mean you can complain the Deadeye elite thing, sure. As for "permastealth." Do you mean for a long duration? Or that they are popping stealth on and off like flickering before Marked does it's thing?


    Shadow meld should not remove revealed in competitive modes. It's just too strong. "Oh you revealed me? Haha I remove it and go back to stealth, then attack you from stealth again because I can't take you on head to head."Sure thing son, remove stealth and revealed removal, overhaul it so for 6 seconds outgoing attacks are unblockable, can't be reflected or mitigated by barriers.Go ahead, it's only faire DE also get class mechanic denial on tap.

    They are already unblockable. My only counter to them is reflect. I was facing off against a DE and I tried blocking him with my static shield (supposed to stun attacker and block), but instead, I was one shot from full health.

    So he had basilisk venom which is the only unblockable interrupt he could pull out, which means no shadow meld elite could've been slotted, so he already had no means to remove revealed. Are you even trying to make a point here?Static shield stuns melee attacks. You said you were shot. Can I please get coherent arguing in here?

    Ps: Death's Judgement lost it's unblockable effect since December 2018 just for your info...

  3. @archmagus.7249 said:

    @Virdo.1540 said:stealth needs to be unstackable in duration ,like superspeed.

    together with that, reveal should make players immune to becoming invisible, not just undo invis after some seconds. Perma-Reveal,like from new taken keeps) still opens the way to perma-stealth.

    already does this. I think you are confusing it with


    revealed? oh u mean that thing that can simply be cleansed away?also reveal from marking isnt as useful when keeping permastealth on with 0.5 seconds before the "reveal" from marked could go in action

    I mean you can complain the Deadeye elite thing, sure. As for "permastealth." Do you mean for a long duration? Or that they are popping stealth on and off like flickering before Marked does it's thing?


    Shadow meld should not remove revealed in competitive modes. It's just too strong. "Oh you revealed me? Haha I remove it and go back to stealth, then attack you from stealth again because I can't take you on head to head."Sure thing son, remove stealth and revealed removal, overhaul it so for 6 seconds outgoing attacks are unblockable, can't be reflected or mitigated by barriers.Go ahead, it's only faire DE also get class mechanic denial on tap.
  4. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:you know, there are only two ways to fix this:either remove stealthorlower thief damage by 90%

    even when the game released, people were pointing out how utterly broken stealth and thief damage were. ANET never listened.

    ANET DO LISTEN.But they only listen when there's a united front against something. Gankers frequent the forum in larger proportion because everybody else is jaded. So they always get the game changed to suit them.That's why thief is in the state it is,That's why engineer is in the state it is,That's why warclaw stomp (a proper anti-ganker tool) is gone,That's why no-downed-state week is happening next week.

    The list is endless, but ANET do listen.

    That's why Ricochet is back since [ ] , Oh wait....

  5. No downstate week is my favourite week event.

    I'm a solo roamer that loves to tackle and harass any sized groups. I don't die easy and I sure will make you try hard to earn my bag.

    When solo, getting downed or not means the same thing. End of story, back to respawn.

    But when fighting outnumbered, this event means the world to me. It levels out the playing field, putting odds in favour of the good smart roamers. I get to pull off more great feats. Even if I'm alone to witness it. Makes every fight epic. I love it.

    Because face it otherwise I had to down the same person 4 times in row to endure a kill because others would revive so fast.

    It makes the role of culling the herd so rewarding and appealing.

  6. No going off a tangent. OP, your rant's root cause problem is the game interface priority targeting the turret dropped by any Dominion engineer NPC in Drizzlewood instead of the charr himself? So because of your habit of automatically opening a fight with Mark, you realise you gotta waste your initiative dealing with the marked turret first, yeah? Am I correct?

  7. How to fix FS (listen up Anetian)

    Eye of the North:

    Leave Forged Strike Echo and Hum part of Emissary chest.

    Add it to the daily rotation of recommended strike missions.

    Forged Steel strike overhaul:

    Camp readiness meta

    Cut off 5 minutes from the current initial camp readiness timer event.

    Remove the Svanir champ optional choice when you have to cull the Svanir presence.Once enough was culled, remove return to camp timer preceding the 2 add spawn patrols that charge the camp and instead, immediately spawn the Svanir champ that comes charging from the gate towards the camp.

    Make Nicabar potion ingredients gathering fixed regardless of scaling to 2 of each (snow/mushroom/grub/alpine blossom).Remove the downtime timer after completion of gathering and make Nicabar run towards the camp exit and make him drop the tonics there as tank starts to move out.

    Remove the scaling on Vishen sniper pre event. 7kills =event ends. 2x #1 for 1kill or #2 fully one shot kill.

    Throughout whole Forged Steel strike

    Scrap Metal toss on the tank also gives it a buff of 5 second Superspeed. Remember Superspeed doesn't stack in duration but overwrites previous one.

    Picking up Nicabar tonic cast time 1sPicking up Alpine blossom cast time 1s

    Vishen perched sniping event n°1:

    Remove the timer. A fixed yet #players scaling amount of mobs ends it directly. Reduced 2 waves from each portal. tank resumes once clear.

    Dwarven Gate + Nicabar Tonic event #1 :

    Fixed to 2 of each gathered and returned.Gate weak points available as soon as the spawns from the initial 2 portals and portals themselves taken out. (currently the case)

    Dwarven Plaza + Vishen sniper perch event #2 + Nicabar Tonic event #2:

    Remove timer from Vishen, 7 bubbled dwarf kills ends it.Fixed 2 gatherings material of each for Nicabar tonic completion.After 2 champ drake riders and mounts die, 3 total waves of crazed dwarves from each spawn points. Upon clearing complition, Tank resumes moving leading to 3 runes plates to draw the bridge.

    Forgeman boss

    Add a weak point on the Forgeman that can be only damaged by Stoneforge cannons. 3 hits initiate the Pressure vent event. (10sec timer for tank to go harpoon spot). This will enable focused squads to speed things up and bypass the natural waiting time. This weak point is only revealed upon successfully standing one the 3 rune plates (which currently only raises the cover/walls).

    In Conclusion What all these can changes mean, we go from a currently very lengthy strike to one where being focused and participative will speed the whole run tremendously.

    Because make no mistake, currently doing forged steel strike solo or duo is much faster than with 5-10man due to scaling.

  8. My personal metric to see if a build is viable or not is:

    100CM Arkk Anomaly: can you solo it reliably in the worst situations(incl. instabilities)?

    99CM Diaz 66% 33% 4snake phase: can you solo your snake reliably in the worst situations (incl. instabilities)?

    My shortbow only hybrid renegade handles those fine.

  9. I wouldn't advocate for me damage on rifle deadeye in PvP WvW.

    But I would like a revert on the boon denial nerfs of the Big Balance Patch.

    Bountiful Theft, Rending Shade, Binding Shadow should all strip/steal respectively one more like they used to.

    Shadow Gust should also strip one boon with a priority for stability.

  10. Find a guild or a group of likeminded friends you do fractals daily with them.

    Since the latest patch, I wanted to revisit shortbow renegade. Doing CM T4 Rec with my guild. Used to do them mostly on my DE rifle only before. (got over 2 stack of CEs),it's more than fine. Quite enjoyable really.

  11. @"KrHome.1920" said:

    4-6 low-to-avarage skill enemiesSpeed Rune Signet Reaper

    I am doing this at least once a week to troll people. No one expects that this is possible. Extra style points for 180 degree direction changes with spectral walk porting into their back.

    I've chased down shortbow teefs on that build. It's incredible.

    Your corruptions and strips guarantee that your encounters can't make use of their own speed rune.

    Clever resource management of your targets will ruin your day, but we are talking about "low-to-average skill" here, right?

    Kudos to you!Reassess, adapt, overcome

  12. @Heibi.4251 said:

    @Heibi.4251 said:Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are:
    1. When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".
    2. No spiking from stealth.
    3. No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.
    4. Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.
    5. Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.
    6. Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately.
    7. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)

    You can't take with out giving, what are you 7 suggestions to compensate what you are suggesting to remove?

    Why should there be give and take when stealth is so broken? Sorry, with stealth in its current form I'm for take-take-take. And we're only talking about the thief here, currently a favorite of some dev since it keeps getting MORE stealth and that ridiculous portal.

    Keep it up with the lies Heibi! Buff them lies good!

    Do you want me to pull up the records of the stealth nerds across the patches now too?

  13. @Heibi.4251 said:

    @crepuscular.9047 said:I may have missed in one of the past patch notes, I think Warclaw's Sniff got nerfed since the big balance patch? doesn't feel as effective as pre-patch, feels sniff loses targets quicker compare to before

    Yes, the warclaw cannot detect a thief in stealth for some reason - there is no bell even. Mesmers are easy to counter, but thief is not. A DE with the trait set will go back into stealth in less than 1 second upon being revealed and will not be marked even if he/she hits a stealth trap(ANET decided to make stealth traps useless by creating a auto counter play). And the biggest and most disgusting thing is the portal that thieves were given. It completely unbalanced the class. At least a mesmer has to try to stay undetected, but a thief just has to stealth and auto stealth. Get rid of the portal and the balance will be returned and most if not all the complaints will go away. For the portal is the the most ridiculous thing ANET did.

    War Claw Sniff never ever showed stealthed characters in the first place. It was by design.

    @Heibi.4251 said:Stealth disruptor traps are useless against a DE. Any DE traited properly basically ignores the trap. The are visible for about 1/2 a second and then gone and are not marked. So please stop acting as if the the anti-stealth traps are any good. The DE needs a MAJOR STEALTH NERF. And the portal needs to be limited to 1 person(the thief).

    You repeated the same lie twice now. And 2 other users push your propaganda too.

    I have given you the benefit of the doubt if you said you didn't play any WvW since November 13 2018,but the fact that you mention the thief Shadow Portal (introduced in July 2019) means you have played since then, so why then the blatant lie?!?

    Stealth Disruptor Trap which used to just reveal, got changed and renamed to Target Painter Trap on Nov 13th 2018.

    Along with the tossable on the fly Target Painter, both apply an -unavoidable- (can't evade, can't remove, can't block, can't dodge) Mark effect (can't remove it) that lasts 30 seconds.

    Any Marked player will immediately get shown on map as a dot, and if the marked player tries to stealth for any duration longer than and including 2 second (Detected!), gets a 5 second Revealed effect.

    This Reveal is the only thing a Deadeye could remove via Shadow Meld. Doing so will immediately get you Detected! again for another 5s Revealed (and you still have the remaining Mark effect still looming over).

    Apologize or get flagged.


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