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  1. The title above is still appearing over the head of my alt, blinking in large white letters on a bright red background. I logged out and back it, still there and blinking. Ported to my Home Instance, still there. How long does it last?? Why is it happening? I'm about to log out for the evening so will see if it's gone tomorrow. Background: She was the standby to my main who was doing the Hive Hopper jumping puzzle in Lowland Shore. On my first time thru a jumping puzzle she follows in chunks of progress so that if I die I don't have to start over. My main tried Combs first, got the massage also, dropped down to the next one, it worked, back to Combs who then worked, on to the last one and done. Chest and master point. I wanted the alt to finish also, so to see if the order was different for each player, she tried combs too. No joy, but the message flamed. she dropped to the correct one, but it would not take the talk either, flashed it's own message, and comb's message stayed put over her head the rest of the way. She never finished as none of them would work for her. A complete logout and a portal to Home and message still there.
  2. I have almost concluded the search. I got back to the problem right now. My main account has 18 characters, most camped in the outback at a top end chest or running a short gathering route for varietal mints, etc and have only have a short time in the days they are played. They also serve as storage for lots of old time stuff or material storage overages. The game has a quaint way of mail showing up to some of them, particularly to the daily return from the results of the previous day's teams' gathering. Sometimes the mail shows up on a player that hasn't played in a few days. I generally gather my home instance daily, using a player that starts duty at level 10 and uses the gathering experience to make it to level 80. It then gets exotic armor, weapons and ascended jewelry to replace the junk it's wearing and finds a job (camping chests, etc) and another junior player starts. No use wasting all the gathering experience by using a level 80. about 3 days gathering to reach a new level, so a few months to reach 80. So 11 years later of intermittent gathering I have 18. Since I'm now several heavy played days since launch of Janthir Wilds, almost every character has played multiple times, albeit short duration for most. I have 3 full ascended meta waving top end characters, one of which has opened both maps and filled all the masteries for the Homestead, and about half the warclaw. I stopped to learn the homestead play, where a now level 41 has done the daily gathering and the experiments on how to play it. I .saw I needed to accelerate the slow gathering needed to ramp the production of the lumber yard and mine. I learned of the Janthir Wilds Expedition Contract and already use the other teams to gather what I need, and change their targets regularly. So it's now a showstopper and as of now gets all the attention other than the minimal daily routine. So I'm patiently checking all bags using the search method to keep me from looking right at it and not seeing. Ugh. I am prepared to send a support ticket. tonight. I've used a couple in the 11 years to solve some sort of screw up with good results. I'm reasonably sure I didn't get the mail, but then when I find it I'll not be so sure. I was looking for it for a few days now, but with the startup needs done, it's now has my full attention. I never delete an email that comes from the game itself, and I don't have it, so I think it didn't arrive. I'm searching for the item anyway, as of course I may have.
  3. I believe I would have noticed, since I use it daily of course, but also pay attention to my selections and I cannot find any evicence of it. It has been a busy period in game, however and it may be in my bags but not searchable. Before I send in a support requenst, I though to ask others if they have Janthir Wilds on their BL teams' board?
  4. Reset in my use = refills the basic store with goods, not SOLD OUT signs.
  5. Answers to all so far: The wizard's vault is to 9th click of the 10 icons at the top left of the game screen. It's labeled Wizard's Vault for the one who asked what the Wizard's Vault is. While the tasks reset daily, weeklies tasks reset weekly, and others seem one time only, the things you can purchase go away as you reach their purchase limit. I do it daily and currently have SOLD OUT signs on about 3 each of every row, some of which aren't likely to be used for a while. They RESET in ~3 months, but this will the 1st time an expansion has come out near the reset date, which I've forgotten when it is anyway. Hence the question. I've played 11 years and there have been different dailies , changing several times. I hope this brings you further along the background curve for the question itself.
  6. Will the Wizard Tower Daily reset the day of the expansion launch, or does it have a different date?
  7. Possible answers: 1. Nothing. Quickness lowers the cast time only. The after cast remains the same. 2. Quickness modifies both the cast time and the after cast by the same amount. 3. Quickness removes after cast completely. You get the cast time reduced and the aftercast is gone. I'm sorry but my eyes are not calibrated even to the nearest second, never mind to the nearest .1 of a second.
  8. Is there any deliverable now (extra character, lever 80 gain token, etc ) for pre ordering now? or is everything delivered Aug 20?
  9. Is masterework food not really masterwork? Blackberry pear compote, which I make 420 times weekly to plant stuff in my garden doesn't work. Bug? No, I don't have anywhere near 1300 AA either, so it's not that.
  10. Thanks for the link. How much I'll use it I can not say, but it was an interesting browse for sure.
  11. Thanks to all who replied. I'll just wait, noting again the awkwardness of the Arenanet's marketing scheme. I'll not buy it when it comes out, as it was for my grandson who just finished his grandmaster chef. Months from now the event will be lost in the history of our game play. I've played 11 years as of earlier this year and moments are common in the game. Little knick knack rewards are nice, but not essential. He can make food in his armor just as well as a chef's outfit. Most of Arenanet's income comes from that store, but they deny access to many of of their products for most of the year. It has to cost then a lot of income and I don't buy for a minute the argument that by waiting my desire will only grow so overwhelming that I'll watch the market hourly for months waiting to see it. I know zero major real world merchandisers who use the Arenanet method of keeping merchandise away from their buyers. Is there a real argument for that?
  12. I would like one, have googled services that provide schedules for TP, and no joy. Is it still available in game?
  13. All of you are correct. Just a brain spasm, which is why I asked publicly. One can keep spasming and may eventually break through, but asking online gets expert answers quickly . that save half a day of struggle at the risk of being called stupid. Incupaltus cedo here too! It was the Computer Demons that made me do it, not me. I was following a prudent plan (follow the Wiki exactly, step by step) while being intertupted by hourly phone calls from my sister 700 miles away about problems with her bees. She raises hives for the honey. Ack...can't I just play my game? Anyway, the recipe I was making was AUTOMATIC, but I was sure I was on the last rstep ecipe, with is Discovery and I certainly had never done it on that account. However that final recipe is a multi-side trip recipe to make several components, and I my set up tray was for oneof those and my guidance screen was looking at the last one. Anyway, thanks to several folks who all got me moving. I finished the first 4 of the 5 visits the final quest requires, and will be totally done in a few minutes.
  14. I have all 8 crafters at max and have played the game for 10 years. I thought I'd seen it all, but..... Today I am running up a Master Chef on an alt account, at the point where I'm doing the Gourmet Training, the last achievement before I'm done. I have all 4 ingredients in my inventory, conveniently in the first 4 positions. I switch to the cooking screen, select the discover method, and the tarragon has DISAPPEARED. Nada. Can't put it into the cook pot. The other 3 items are there, and of course the umpteen dozen other possible food choices for the discovery are there. The place where the tarragon should have been was filled with the next item down the inventory page. I switch back to inventory-only screen, and there sits the tarragon. I log out completely, shut down the computer, and log back in. Same situation. Tarragon visible in the inventory, not visible in the inventory when on the cooking screen. I have my main account send tarragon to the poor waif who is trying to become a Master Chef. She tries it, same situation. She buys fresh market tarragon, same situation. I go back to my main Master Chef (On a different computer altogether), open the screen, select Discover, and try to put tarragon up. He DOES'NT see the tarragon either. Of course he sees it in his inventory, just not on the cooking screen. Two computers, 4 different sources of the tarragon, always visible in inventory but not visible on the cooking screen. Can't make the item. Stuck. What now?
  15. I suspect not, but the game said we did. We took the wipe do to a learning curve issue, and came back for a do over, but the only mob left was the one who was trying to kill our NPC. That was about a 8 sec fight and it gave us the win, a chest reward, a new WP formed in the areaand the story advanced in the text. I'd hate the think that a wipe killed the chances at finishing the instance. I expected a full replay, but got a gimme. The boss wasn't tough and we got rewarded like a standard win. I sent the post because we searched hard for both door opening methods, as either would work. I could take the heckling that should naturally come when the answer was given about how easy it was to find the switch/chain/key/pressure plate, /flower/etc I have heard the dungeon is bugged in several places and there was a warning in the writeup of several of them about bugs not allowing the zones to be completed. When I asked
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