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Everything posted by LadyMari.7920

  1. At this point I would be happy to have all hairstyles of a race available to every gender as a start. New styles would be awesome, of course.
  2. I was practicing my griffon flying on such a perfect flying map and WHAM got slammed into by a leyline and not only pulled away from the direction I was going, but also down to a lower island and could not break free. It really ruined my flying experience. Even on a skyscale I have been pulled away from where I was going by a surprise leyline. Theory was good... execution not so much. Definitely needs some adjusting to be able to use the griffon in particular to it's full abilities. 😞
  3. Exactly. I buy all the mount packs anyway so why buy the supply drop. If these three skins end up being part of a larger pack... I guess I'll take the risk that they will only be part of a three pack that I may or may not purchase in the future. 🙂
  4. Last time I purchased a supply drop for mount skin(s), the skin was in a later mount pack. Customer support did, eventually, refund the one ticket I couldn't use from the pack but told me it was a one time thing and to be more careful. So why should I buy this one and risk shooting myself in the foot? I would like the read emote but based on my last experience... I'll pass.
  5. I also want the readbook emote along with the mount skins (because I apparently collect mount skins). But I am afraid to buy the supply drop. Last time I did, I did it for the mount skin not realizing it would come out later in a pack, which I, of course, purchased. When I asked for a refund for the one mount skin I already had, customer support initially balked but eventually refunded some gems to me for the value of that one skin. Which was all I was asking for. BUT they also said this was a one time thing and in the future just be more aware of what I am purchasing. So... why should I buy the supply drop when I am going to be buying it later anyway??????
  6. I was raiding at the time. So, Cairn. THERE IS A PATTERN ON THE FLOOR! XDDD And then everything. I had thought the Charr lands were kinda ugly with all those dead brown trees but on the new comp I found out that it was freaking Autumn LOL! I could finally see the colour. Also someone had to have seen me running back and forth through some grass because it moved!! I had so many moments. My first time running across the snow and through water seeing the textures... so pretty.
  7. Back in the beginning? There were a lot of great things. I still have my first toon, a norn ranger and she was always my main. My favourite map, to this day, is still Wayfarer Foothills. I love the events there. I remember laughing SO HARD at the norn in the hotsprings trying to hit on the very disinterested lady and her responses. I remember soloing The Frozen Maw and Svanir Dome chains and bosses every time they came up just because it was fun. My first jumping puzzle and finally getting to the chest. Helping poor Gareth try to protect and feed his kids. Discovering events as I explored because you COULD NOT see them unless you were nearby... In 2020 I built a gaming rig and it's like playing the game for the first time all over again. I was playing on a potato laptop on low settings- now everything is on high and it's so beautiful!!! I saw something somewhere one day when GW2 was still being developed and read about the game and said, "This is the kind of game I want to play. This game is for me." I was thrilled by a game that didn't hold my hand and force me to play a certain way. GW2 was exactly what I wanted- a place to explore. I bought and played GW1 while I waited for GW2 to come out. XD
  8. Yes. If we are anywhere near a squad, we are eating up the tail and helping during a push, distracting the enemy and causing... havoc. That's what we do. When the zerg is trying to take an objective, we'll be across the map breaking into T3 keeps, forcing the enemy to make a choice. Mag proves that clouding is effective when people know how to play. Our little invis tag comped guild group switches between clouding and stacking as needed. We've learned to be flexible. And that's actually what Mag is good at. Mag will res their downs, focus on low/downed targets, and do their best to choose the best ground for the battle. They basically bring PvP skills to a larger scale and it shows. They're great to learn from! When we go up against them and match their strategy, we win fights. If a commander is determined to only play ONE way, then that commander loses. Be flexible. If people don't want to be on your tag, too bad. Adapt. P.S. I would also venture to say that if you are a good commander, people want to join your tag...
  9. Sometimes I wonder if not having new dungeons, raids, etc. signals to the players that GW2 isn't about this type of in-game content and so they never develop the desire to do it. Emboldened mode (basically a raid update) encouraged many new raiders to jump in and whet their appetite for more. It was a delight to see people put on the mantle of courage and attempt their first raid clears. In other games, raids are a way to get armor for your toon or weapons and whatnot. That isn't necessary in GW2. So what would draw people do raids if they seem dead? I see people saying that raids are dead, strikes are where it's at now. So new players hear this and don't bother with raids. Or dungeons. Some go back and try fractals when someone mentions that it is good gold. I think dungeons, raids, fractals, and WvW are loads of fun. It makes me sad that the overall picture being created, in part by veteran players, is that they aren't worth trying. I look forward to more positive changes for these content modes. Emboldened was a good step. We're getting a new fractal. Alliances are still... slowly but steadily moving forward. Unfortunately we aren't getting any dungeons so far, just a new frantically paced meta map. I still love the game in all its modes (except pvp, I'm just not good at that) and am patiently awaiting more positive changes. I do hope for more raid wings. XD I'll just keep playing whatever I feel like playing...
  10. Maybe we can get a daily wing that gives us rewards, like the strikes. It's hard to do raids again during the week when the time vs reward makes it not worth it. I'll help out training runs or groups that need fills because I love the fights and the challenge, but I'm always sad when I realize that I am spending this time (my very limited gaming time) and not getting anything for it... 😕
  11. I raided for years on a potato laptop. There are some things you will never see, but you can get the rhythm of and know when to dodge. ie I never knew the Cairn platform had a texture/img on it. I simply learned the radius that I needed to stay inside so that his projectiles went over my head. That being said, I built my gaming rig in 2020 and it's like playing the game for the first time.
  12. 33 Easy Builds to Reach 30k DPS on All Classes in Guild Wars 2 in 2023 (once you get your specialization) Masel is an angel and has great videos (especially for the mesmer specializations) that help simplify gameplay while you learn.
  13. Back in the old days there was special PvP armor. When that changed, this gear was in our inventories and going to the PvP lobby "fixes" it. The quickest way to ditch the armor is still going to the PvP lobby.
  14. If you are experiencing this bug, ask in Map chat if anyone will run you through. I've run 3 parties through it. For those that have a Skyscale, please consider calling out in map chat that you are going in or even posting an LFG for the zone and help some peeps out. One guy I helped was new to the game and playing the story for the first time. I was sad that his experience was this bug. 😞
  15. What you actually want is full legendary gear. Then you can do exactly this at any time without any extra work. It will take time (it is legendary, after all) but you'll enjoy the game your way once you have it! Good luck. 🙂
  16. I used this site to find a guild when I was starting out and did find a friendly guild that was casual, didn't have any tight requirements for play like specific roles or builds- or even play style. It was a great way to start. https://gw2mists.com/guild-recruitment
  17. I think what I am trying to say is that you asked for more options than the Bladed Armor and they already exist. I'm sorry you always felt the need to farm Verdant Brink. I've never done it except when I was chasing my mastery points. But there are other options and we have listed them for you. I hope you benefit from that knowledge so you never have to go to VB again if you don't want to. 🙂 I do not agree that you should be able to just choose a spec without putting any work in. The base classes are still good (and often great when played well). You either earn the currencies in your chosen game mode or you don't get a spec- and you still get to have fun playing whatever format is preferred while you earn it. I don't see how that hurts the game. The instant level 80 is a freaking huge boon on its own. Not only the levels but also the armor, weapons, and build to start out? It's pretty awesome. I am remembering how many toons I leveled the long way! The masteries and specializations are part of the horizontal system. It would take away too much from the game to hand those away too. Heck, you even get a raptor at lvl 10 now if you own PoF. New players are given A LOT of really helpful things. I remember starting out and what it was like. My side accounts are not funded by my main, I make them earn their own way, so maybe my memory is more fresh than most. XD
  18. Exotics aren't bare minimum unless you are raiding. Specific stats only come into play if you are optimizing for specific play, which would also indicate that you are using outside sources to learn more about your spec/class and how the skill modifiers work, etc.. Therefore stat-selectable exotic armors would be easily searched out by such a player. I don't think the type of player you are describing would find it a challenge to gear up. There are already options that are easy (seriously I have so many warlord boxes across my accounts just from WvW play and I'm only rank 150 or something). For PvP the armor/weapons/stats don't even matter. Did I love unlocking all the HoT masteries? No. I still hate Tangled Depths lol but finally figured out Verdant Brink. But it gave me access to the things I wanted to do in other game areas. That's the whole point of any real game or even fictional story. This is a RPG, after all. There is a goal and the game throws obstacles up (bosses, maps, whatever) that you overcome to reach your goal. You play more game, you get more access. It isn't Amazon; you won't have everything delivered to you within two days... and I hope it never becomes that way. But if all you ever want to do is play WvW or PvP? You don't have to go to Verdant Brink for exotic armor. I have never used a set of bladed armor. I took advantage of the other options. If you never want to unlock a spec via PvE, you can unlock it through WvW (I assume PvP has something similar but I'm only recently starting to dabble in PvP so I don't know). It's great to have options.
  19. I'm not sure I can agree with just skipping the game entirely to... do what? Just look like you are at the end-game? lol For returning players, you can do this. WvW currencies allow you to buy hero pts to unlock specs. You can buy any armor you need from the trading post. So there really isn't anything holding back a returning player.
  20. So... you want to be able to boost to 80 as a brand new player, unlock a new spec, and have whatever specific "end-game" armor in one day?
  21. I guess the exotics are so cheap these days from the trading post that I never worry about it and just buy them if I need them. You don't even need lvl 80 armor until you're working on your final build(s). I am not sure a brand new player would stop playing after only six weeks? I feel that in most MMOs it takes longer than that to reach end-game and begin the end-game journeys... I am appreciating that they are beginning to simplify a lot of the currencies. There were so many even I didn't know what to do with half of them. I hope they continue simplifying currencies. I play so casually... I learned to use the Wiki. For years I fought it but when I finally gave in I was kinda kicking myself for resisting so long. It is so helpful. XD
  22. My side account gears everything from WvW Warlord boxes, Triumphant armor boxes, etc. (stat selectable armor from WvW) and the laurel vendor for trinkets. I might even start working on the WvW legendary armor for that account. 😄
  23. I have them all. XD It was a little disappointing but I can't complain. It was free- not like I spent money on it and already had it!* Now my side accounts have at least one mount skin and my husband's account has plenty remaining to choose from. I am happy with this. 🙂 *In the past I purchased the full bundles on sale but the last time I did I already had one of the skins from a Supply Drop. They didn't want to reimburse me for the one skin I couldn't use! Now THAT peeved me! Ditto for the bank slot I purchased (turns out I'm maxed and it doesn't just vanish from the store like the shared inventory slots when you max out). Thankfully they did reimburse me for these, but I'm still steamed about the mount skin. They did it as "a one time courtesy". So this year I wasn't planning on buying the supply drop anyway, if it happens, and I definitely hold back on buying mount skins now (not like I don't have enough already)!
  24. If I remember, this used to happen when you dismounted but at least the pet merge didn't go on cooldown. If they removed the cooldown after a forced unmerge with the zip lines it would help tremendously in the short term.
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