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Everything posted by Djamonja.6453

  1. BG is tanking and so is SoS, so Tier 1 is probably not going to change.
  2. Well if they are nice they won't select a "WvW" guild and will just be put into a random world. No system is going to be perfect, there's always going to be people leaving and joining/coming back to the game that affect population.
  3. Lol, yes you're right, it's shocking that people would play a game more on the weekend than during the week. I can't think of any rational reason that might happen ;)
  4. DB has a big late OCX/SEA, but it's partly because META (OCX) is on IoJ and linked to DB. Also, although some of these guilds might only be 10-15 people, some run closed while others often run open and have a pretty big pug following. The number of pugs varies from server to server.
  5. It doesn't get blocked by LoS, so you can use it check if someone is hiding inside a structure (or if they are outside and you don't want to get up on the wall). You need to zoom your mini-map in to see the dots.
  6. I don't get this comment -- is that some kind of racist jab? Seriously, I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself rather than immediately report it. LOL, how is what he posted racist in any way? Is English your 3rd language? (maybe that was a racist comment? ;))
  7. So your solution is to lower the map caps and open up JQ, YB, FA and SoS? I don't think it would help to have even bigger queues, and it wouldn't really solve anything because it would just keep getting harder for Anet to balance the links for 4 tiers.
  8. Eh, you can look at your guild roster and see who hasn't been online for months -- just kick them if you don't think they are coming back, you can always re-add them to the guild if they do.
  9. It seems like you didn't understand the meat of the example in the dev's post. SoS is only "putting in work" because they have a link that helps them achieve that: Borlis Pass. The dev said it is difficult for them to create teams that have the coverage profile of BG because the world linking system is not granular enough. So for example CD has the population but not the coverage. Anet was able to seemingly do it with the SoS and BP link, but their real goal is to be able to do that for all teams. The proposed system would create the granularity needed to achieve that goal. Chaba is correct -- the problem is not that they can't make some servers (links) competitive in tier 2-4, the problem is that tier 1 can't be made competitive with the current server linking system. If they stick enough linked servers in tier 1 they might be able to make it competitive, but then tiers 2-4 wouldn't be balanced. With the new system, they basically break up the top 4-5 servers and force them to become alliance based, and then Anet can split them up between worlds if they are too big/strong.
  10. You need to take a deep breath and really think this whole thing through. Explain each part of your thought process -- why do you think "a bunch of guilds that play in one timezone can stack a new server each time, capping the population, keeping out anyone not in the guild, and not having anyone from different timezones to fill in the coverage gaps?" How do you think they can do that? Which timezone can they do that in? Can they pull that off in tier 1 with a bunch of big alliances from BG, Mag, JQ, etc.? Unless you can explain how they can outstack the other alliances/guilds, you're just being dramatic.
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