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Everything posted by ElijahFitzroy.5762

  1. Been doing Dragon Storm since it started and have wanted to get the frostsaw ever since, not a single one has dropped for me while my friend who has done it the same amount of times as myself has had 3 drop. Please make some currency or something to be able to get the rare loot drops in dragon storm or at least let people sell the frostsaw and minis like they can sell the eye infusions. RNG does not make the game fun, it does make people come back but after a while it gets people very frustrated so please fix this some how.
  2. That is certainly an idea if they don't want to make something new and different for the Marionette fight. Though I think some people might have a complaint if you can buy the infusions with currency from this fight. They certainly could be a random drop in the content for those that seek out infusions. With the eye infusions in dragon storm I might suggest allowing 1 to be bought from the vendor since between the achievements and the merchant you could have 2 dragon eyes to make one set. while any others would have to be a random drop. Otherwise if any infusions can be bought from the merchant they would have to be a very very high price in the new currency/token in order to not have people that have bought the infusions before not to get upset.
  3. I was thinking more of a new token rather than the memories of Aurene. Something to encourage people to play dragonstorm and the marionette. A friend suggested having also the prismatacite ore be one of the items that you need to spend with the token since prismatacite is already given to you with dragonstorm and it only has use in making the dragon slayer weapons. So with that I thought maybe the new token and prismaticite would be a good way to purchase these items.
  4. Also if you are interested in more suggestions for drops in Marionette take a look at my other thread and please make comments. The more we get the more chance hopefully someone on the Dev team will see it. We can only hope
  5. Hello Tyrians, There is an issue I have come across in some of the Meta and instanced group content such as Dragon Storm and the Marionette. Many people I am sure have been trying for a very long time to get frostsaw, minis and the eye infusions from Dragon Storm. Many people I have seen complain about getting more than one frostsaw, while others have tried over a year every day to get one of these drops. I wanted to see what people thought of a merchant in Eye of the North being created and special tokens for Dragon Storm and the Marionette in which you can buy the special dropped items or even exchange a duplicate like the frostsaw into tokens so that you can buy what you want as well as having random drops. This idea has been implanted in the game before with things like the statuette vendor for the Black Lion Chest special weapons and drops. I’d also like to put forward the idea of placing the new item Watchwork Chest (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Watchwork_Chest) and the watchwork weapons into the marionette as a random drop for completing the marionette and possibly create a ascended version of the dagger/sword that the marionette holds as an item that drops as well and possibly a watchwork infusion or brass infusion that would drop to get more people to play the marionette. To at least add the watchwork chest and weapons as a random drop would make it better to actually play this awesome meta. Of course, much like the Dragonstorm suggestion a new token for playing Marionette would drop and you could eventually buy these items from the merchant in eye of the north to allow people to buy it after so long. What does everyone think? Anything else you would want to add to this whether it be a meta that needs this sort of mechanic or items you’d like to drop or be from the vendors that were suggested?
  6. Thank you 🙂 I mean they could even have it like the halloween chest in LA where you get pieces from completing the marionette to unlock a chest in scarlet's lair like Cait Sith was suggesting. I'm also hoping they will bring back the Krait chest that was in kessex hills for the nightmare tower. I really hope they make the nightmare tower and battle of lion's arch into 50 person content like Dragon Storm. Both those encounters would feel....less epic if they are just ten person strike content.
  7. I agree, it should have been implemented right away. I know it is highly unlikely but hopefully someone sees this and Anet gets their butt in gear. They need to learn that the reason Dragon Storm is popular is because of the drops. It much like Dragon's end which needs more loot options as well, not just a single infusion but a few different things that can lure in more players. Since a single infusion will bring back a few players but the drop is so rare, while having more items like dragon storm you usually have a least one person in the group that gets some kind of drop. Which encourages people to return again and again.
  8. Hello, I'm a huge fan of the Marionette meta from when it was first around in season 1 and with it being brought back I was a little disappointed to find that it had no unique drops which means unlike the dragon storm meta that happens on the next hour the marionette is not as popular. With Season 1 being brought back into the game I thought I might suggest some rewards that would be a good way to pull people into doing Marionette beyond doing the achievements for that particular part of the story. Infusions: Watchwork Infusion: Much like the wooden doll infusion it would make your skin into a clockwork marionette like skin being gold/brass with gear elbows and joints. Brass Infusion: an infusion that would work much like the effect (quicksilver) you get from the Gen 1 legendary hammer (Juggernaut) , but this one makes you covered in a gold or brass colour liquid metal. Unique skins: Marionette sword/dagger: An ascended version of the sword/dagger that the marionette uses. Marionette Boots: A style of boots that are modeled after the marionette. Marionette Gloves: A style of gloves that are modeled after the marionette. Minis: minis from season 1: watchwork knight, steam rider, steam hulk, steam minotaur and twisted watchwork moa. New Minis: Watchwork Scarlett: A watchwork mechanism scarlett much like a holographic Scarlett but made like the watchwork knights in design Twisted Watchwork Scarlett: similar to the watchwork Scarlett but has the green effects much like the other twisted watchwork minis. I would also like to suggest a currency that is dropped by the marionette, it could be something as simple as gears or even brass parts. This currency would be given to a merchant both in eye of the north and inside the marionette instance. It would allow you to buy the unique skins such as the Sword/dagger, boots and gloves and even possibly the minis. Obviously you would need a decent amount of this currency to buy each one of these items but it would also be a way to allow someone to eventually get the items instead of strictly relying on rng drops. Please feel free to comment and possibly suggest other items for this idea.
  9. welcome back, If you enjoy knowing all the lore and nods and hints to parts of the story I would recommend going through all the story from vanilla onward. Its a good story and there is lots of lore packed into everything. Plus you can get lots of different items along the way to help you. Like Superkai said unfortunately Season 1 is missing but you can certainly watch the cut screens, there is a really good video someone made on youtube with all the recorded cuts scenes from season 1. Otherwise if lore and nods to different parts of the story doesn't matter you can certainly start on EoD but a heads up if you haven't played through any of the other content in level 80 zones like HoT (Heart of Thorns) or PoF (Path of Fire) you will be missing several very important items such as gliding and mounts. Both very helpful in EoD. Plus one of the best areas in GW2 is the maps in HoT areas. You'll still see many people playing around those maps even when new content comes out. So in the end it is up to you but if I was recommending it to myself I would say to start from the beginning, but I am a huge fan of GW2 lore. once again welcome back and have a good time in Tyria or Cantha!
  10. I’ve also been having this problem. I logged on the 14th was able to purchase gems and then the crash started. Only when I try and go into the gem store does it crash. I can access the TP fine through an NPC as others have mentioned. sent a ticket in and they told me they are working on it to watch the forums. after the patch today I was hoping it would fix it but nope still crashing whenever I try and open the gem store.
  11. hard no for this. I party with friends all the time and do not want a friend to complete something for me. The point of grouping up is to be together and help each other. Not to complete something for someone else in the quickest time. Like it was pointed out earlier. I would be very upset if I was in a group and in the new content someone in my party grabbed the mastery point first,poi, vista or waypoint before me and I would get it. What you suggest is that a person in your group could be on the other side of the map and complete it for me. I do not want that. I have fun finding things and doing things myself or figuring out things alongside my friends. If this was implemented it would only help a small amount of people that are lazy and don’t want to do the content. Like others said, slow down for your friends. You are being severely selfish rushing ahead of them. Be patient and wait for them, don’t use your mounts until they have them. Only use your mount to help your friend or to catch up with them if you lag behind. Everything you suggest is easily fixed by being a good friend and waiting for them. Being on a toon that isn’t level 80. Not using your mounts unless needed. Show your friends how the game was originally played. Only use mounts on PoF maps till your friend gets theirs. In short the easiest way to fix this is to be kind and patient. To have fun with your friends. Don’t be selfish and rush ahead. Who knows you might find something you didn’t know what there is he first time around cause you rushed past it.
  12. Which one costs 100 gold? Almost all of the season 3 and 4 ones are just their currency. The bloodstone ones cost a capacitor to change and reselect. Reckon it to what you want looks wise I guess. I think they are meaning the crafting ones like the burough of mulandru, wings of lyssa and shadow of grenth. Yeah, but I mean, if you want to stay change, it’s cheaper in the long run to do Warbringer.... True but that’s only if you are on a server that does WvW on your time frame. If you are on a lower tiered server it takes a whole lot longer unfortunately. It really doesn’t.., flipping camps, sentries, killing yaks, and taking shrines is a very easy way to keep participation up while not needing people to help. Towers are doable, yet hard. I’ve seen solo’s cap keeps but yeah, you can’t plan for it. To me, Warbringer is easier in many ways than Warclaw. You can certainly do it in the long run. I myself am on a low tier server and do my WvW dailies but have yet to get the warbringer while I can get the blood stone backpack a lot quicker and with doing daily ascended crafting (it is expensive) you can certainly manage it. I’ll have to take your word for it for making the warbringer though because that is one back pack that I have yet to make.
  13. I wouldn’t suggest skipping to PoF to get the mounts. It is a lot easier to learn the mechanics of the game if you play it through systematically. So you know how things work as they were meant to in each area. I’m actually currently playing new characters with one of my friends that actually skipped ahead and got mounts. We are playing them without mounts. It’s a lot more fun and you see a lot more of the game if you play vanilla how it was meant to be played and HoT and eventually PoF. I’m not sure if Mokah meant to imply getting mounts right away or not. I just simply wanted to advise to play the game through as it was originally intended. It makes for a more enjoyable experience.
  14. Which one costs 100 gold? Almost all of the season 3 and 4 ones are just their currency. The bloodstone ones cost a capacitor to change and reselect. Reckon it to what you want looks wise I guess. I think they are meaning the crafting ones like the burough of mulandru, wings of lyssa and shadow of grenth. Yeah, but I mean, if you want to stay change, it’s cheaper in the long run to do Warbringer....True but that’s only if you are on a server that does WvW on your time frame. If you are on a lower tiered server it takes a whole lot longer unfortunately.
  15. Like Strider suggested, I would have both you and your wife to start out on new characters. Play through the personal story. That will get you up to 80 and it will bring you through many of the vanilla maps. Then once you are done that and get some exotic gear for each of you and you have a better handle on your base classes. Then start into living world season 2. Go through that, it will get you to some new maps as well as introducing you to heavier CCs that aren’t in vanilla. Then once you are done that you can start into heart of thorns (the first expansion). Just a warning it is tough in there but it has some wonderful maps and mechanics. This way you can level up your masteries too. Having gliding is a wonderful thing. Once you are done HoT you can play with your build. Try out the Elite specializations as you go through HoT. Once you finish HoT go to living world season 3, then you will go into Path of Fire (second expansion) work through that, play with the elites and masteries. Once you are don PoF. You should be able to know what kind of build you want to run. (You can easily continue with exotic gear, but could certainly start working on crafting ascended. Know that ascended is only needed for fractals and raids, which are 5-10 people content) Then finally go on to living world season 4 and finally living world season 5 (ice brood saga) which will catch you up to everyone else. If you have any questions feel free to message me.
  16. Which one costs 100 gold? Almost all of the season 3 and 4 ones are just their currency. The bloodstone ones cost a capacitor to change and reselect. Reckon it to what you want looks wise I guess. I think they are meaning the crafting ones like the burough of mulandru, wings of lyssa and shadow of grenth.
  17. Sadly there isn’t a way to change ascended back pieces except for the LW3 items and only specific ones. As pointed out above they are more of a accessory and aren’t able to be changed via the mystic toilet. Admittedly I would really like that to be an option but sadly it isn’t available at the moment.
  18. You have some interesting ideas here, when I was reading through it though it reminds me a lot of the PvP lobby. It would probably be simpler to just direct them there to practice against the training golems and the various professions. I would suggest maybe having this at level 70 or even 80. A more through explanation of what the stats are would be nice and what they are used for. The biggest issue is that this game tries to stay away from the holy trinity so there is no straight way to tell someone how to make a build since there are hundreds of thousands of options for builds. Unfortunately ANet I don’t believe will put more effort into making the new player experience different. The best thing for any new player is to have a guild or friends to help them along and to play the game. It might take a bit but we all learn what to use in different situations.
  19. I think you might be thinking of Guild Wars with rose tinted glasses on. I have played both games. Both games have their non esthetic items. Look at the rainment of the lich. It is available in guild wars, it has wings, hooved feet and characters with no face and glowing evil eyes. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Raiment_of_the_Lich You can get that item in GW2 as an outfit but it’s an item that originally existed in GW1. So saying angel wings are out of place in GW2 is a moot point considering there are races with manta ray wings (largos) and large cow-cats stomping around. I agree for those that do not wish to see these items there should be an option to turn off infusions, back pieces and spell effects on other players. I am one of those people that would like to turn off infusions. But please do not say that the items they have added in to GW2 since after the start are out of place. I’m sure GW1 would have had tons of shiny items too if it could have handled the load.
  20. 1) That is why it is necessary that they be PvP ZONES and not the entire map. 2) PvP is an optional and extra, but aimed at finally materializing the GUILD wars, in a way that does not interfere with the rest. 3) Yes, it takes up more instance space, which would be minimal. No more than what each instance of the new game modes occupies.In addition, it is not a PvP + PvE, it is mainly a PvE of increased difficulty and in cooperative survival mode and with areas focused on clan warfare. 4) with you I could be "civilized". With the previous 2 who immediately commented on something negative and / or inventory things just to tear down the idea, I will not be "civilized". Thank you for your comment and indeed try to dialogue, do not seek to be negative One thing I would like to point out that many people misinterpret. “Guild wars” the actual wars happened before even the original guild wars game story happened. Guild wars doesn’t happen in the games. So please read into the lore before you say that there needs to be “guild wars” in guild wars 2. I’m not seeking to be negative. I’m simply giving my opinion. Sadly your idea is not to my tastes. If perhaps it was a suggestion for WvW. Then I would be happy to add things but bringing PvP and PvE together is not my forte. Even if it’s an “option” I don’t particularly like the idea of someone poking me to fight while I’m fighting hard/raid level bosses.
  21. Reading your idea, from my interpretation of it. You basically want to change every map in the game into a T4 fractal or a Raid. (1-5 man). First issue I have with this is how can you have multiple groups of 5 in these suggested variations of vanilla maps. When comparing them to fractals you have to remember that they are supposed to be instanced content. With your ideas for PvP in them it would be more like a wvw map with groups being in factions. To the PvP I’d say a hard no. ANet has said multiple times they have wvw and PvP for that. They do not want open PvP in the PvE maps and many people in GW2 agree with that. Of course there are people that would also like to have PvP zones or versions of PvE zones with PvP. I am a person that does not want pvp in PvE unless it is WvW. Your basic idea would just be a hard mode PvE map with PvP thrown in. I would have to say no to this. Especially since each instance of an alternate map would take up more space on the servers for the few people that want to play hard mode. Also please try and be civil. We are simply stating our opinions on what you have presented and it would be helpful if you explained some of your ideas more so that those that are commenting will know more of what you are trying to put forward. And my apologies if I have misinterpreted your initial post. If you could explain some more it would be helpful.
  22. They have this already. Play multiple characters, you choose various paths depending on your race and choices. You eventually help most of the races you listed there except Kodan and largos. Kodan have been in the game you can learn more from the dungeon Honour of the waves, bitter frost frontier and bjora marches. Largos are a mysterious race to everyone. They more than likely will be explored once we meet Bubbles (Selbbub) aka DSD.
  23. I chose higher than hot because frankly I enjoyed HoT when it first came out. It’s way more watered down now and is easy now because of mounts. I like having a challenge and I find having an expansion that is more vertical and harder not just mob difficulty but actually trying to find your way around. Though I love mounts...they have sadly taken away from the ability to enjoy the beauty of this game.
  24. Would be nice if we knew what your situation is, if you have played from 1-80 or you boosted your toon. What areas you are playing in and such because as pointed out before each area has different kinds of CCs and attacks from different mobs. Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like you possibly used a booster and went straight to 80. Making that boost was one of the worst ideas ANet had ,simply because it throws too many new people straight into hard content without knowing the mechanics of your class and the creatures you fight against. If you used a boost. I’d recommend that you start another toon and work from level 1-80. That way you will familiarize yourself with what each ability does, learn to dodge and what can block large attacks and clear conditions off of your toon. If you are still having problems please reply here so we aren’t guessing in the dark. We are generally a friendly and helpful community and we’d like to help if we can.
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