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Everything posted by Malavian.4695

  1. LOVE all the improvements to decorations in Janthir Wilds expansion. Before this I had to stack thousands of clouds to get to the top of the guild hall for the griffon dive platform and now...BEE time! There's just ONE request I have to make it perfect. Could we have a diving bucket so we can make attempts to hit it from the drop from the top? So far my record is 55,909,708 points of damage to myself in the drop. However, that would be offset perfectly by an exact plunge into a bucket of water. Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!
  2. I was satisfied with one beautiful map and you gave me two. Thank you for the hard work. I'm a little myeh about the spear as I'm guardian primarily. However, the Warclaw upgrade is fun in every respect. My only complaint is I can't eat the ducks.
  3. I don't mind nerfs to some of the burns on Guardian. But I can't stand the change to the mechanic for the use of pages and having to recharge the Mantras. Too often in WvW when lag is rising I suddenly find I've burnt all my Mantras and Pages when it suddenly catches up. Then I'm stuck with trying to exit combat to recharge the Mantra. If you want to nerf the Condibuild then look a the traits they depend upon not the mechanics.
  4. And to add to that I keep having issues with popping open one of the tomes hitting one skill and suddenly it turns off my passive ability after I only could hit one page in the tome. It's simply not worth the exchange rate.
  5. My personal lament following the update is I now basically have only one tome to work out of. I'm not a high-end content player and I like to be able to flex my role in open world and pve to help out other players. Now with the page sharing I basically can play one tome out of three. This adjustment was simply overpowered in it's impact. Instead I'm looking at the slow regeneration for my pages and it's like I have gone form three options to a single one that takes forever to come back online.
  6. I have the same issue. Did a complete 30 minute /repair as well. Disabled sound and that does not seem to be the issue. I can hear my processor running faster and faster in Round 2 of the Event. 5 but logs sent and we wait for Labor Day to end and the Devs to get back to work....
  7. The first thing that comes to mind from this suggestion is that it will split up every single guild and people from their friends/family lol. Myeh...a low performance friend in WvW is just a rally bag. If they can't dance...then they're no friend of mine.
  8. Also in a zerg fight the limit of condi stacking is what 1500 conditions? yeah good luck with cleansing...
  9. My issue with the change is they did it because too many people were using one build and so they wanted to force people to shift tactics. That's not why you should be nerfing a build. I think that's pretty apparent because of the specific areas they chose to nerf and no introduction as to what their actual purpose was otherwise.
  10. Annnddd power classes slashed up again condi is king.
  11. Just an odd thought for performance issues and latency. Obviously, some issues are going to be beyond Arenanet's control: operating system, hardware, graphics card, and local connections through the internet. Has there been thoughts in pairing people with similar performance ratings together? For instance best performance can log onto one server group, then 2nd tier, 3rd tier, etc? That should at least help synchronize the speed between players to some degree which might provide some solutions.
  12. I only hope that they finally work in a real explanation for what drove Abaddon mad. I've been speculating that he maneuvered Shiro into that suicide attack for some reason. Now, it seems reasonable that he might have been committing a pre-emptive strike against the Deepsea Dragon. If it in turn struck back and made him insane at least we'd have SOME rationale behind all that happened.
  13. I'm hoping for an expansion into racial abilities, underwater skills that make it FASTER, and actual guild wars.When they first launched they intentionally avoided giving each race special abilities because they didn't want one group to have more advantages and end up with all Charr or all Humans with no one playing any other races. That said, I think there are possibilities to expand on racial abilities without unbalancing the game.Underwater activities and expansion seems to be inevitable if you are going after a Sea Dragon.Last, I'd like to see Guilds actually be able to have wars. The game is called Guild Wars, but there is no arena for a full guild to battle another. You can do 10 max. I'd like to see something like WvW numbers with 50 on 50
  14. Well, my personal take on it is that the two dragons shown are the Water Dragon on top which sleeps beneath Kaineng city where it was frozen in place by the Jade Sea eruption. The other dragon on the bottom is the Ice Dragon. The only motivation I have for Jormag the Ice Dragon is destroy Primordus. They are polar opposites. She clearly has been injured or bested before by Primordus and he is listed as the most powerful of all the dragons. I could only see her motivated to try and kill him. Possibly with the assistance of the Water dragon. Now, either that's in partnership or by her taking it's magic. Either way after she intends to destroy Primordus while he still struggles to awaken following Balthazars attack. I think she is only interested in having her voice near to Aurene so she can better discern how to use as many types of magic energy as possible. As for the preview, well clearly the first voice is that of the one entering the scene and remarking on it. That would lead me to believe that they are foreign to the area such as Aurene would be. Then the encountered dragon confuses that notion by saying "No Kunaveng..." So...confused.
  15. For pities sake just give us the achievement. it's not even that hard a race...
  16. The one where I went was just permanently stuck and wouldn't advance. Same 8 guards for 2 hrs.
  17. Actually, an interesting little twist here. What if Splokk the Asuran located by the Aspect Arena and Sanctum Sprint helped him out? He says, "These Zephyrites - they're a hardy crew. Despite the suffering and hardships they've endured, they still retain such a positive outlook. It's worth studying. Perhaps it could even be bottled." -character response, "What, like a happiness tonic?" Splokk's reply, "Yes, though that would be the most pedestrian and capitalistic approach. Imagine instead the good that could result for those suffering from crippling anxiety." response, "That's quite an altruistic thought. Well, good luck." It sounds to me that he might be able to provide some assistance to Kookoochoo....
  19. So, for those who have done the achievement The Rise and Fall of Kookoochoo you are undoubtedly aware how the NPC Kookoochoo goes through a series of erratic and for lack of a better word, mentally unstable decisions. He goes from being a simple fire breather act from the first release of Labyrinthine Cliffs to an achievement with the small character showing up in the Northern cliff face in a small cell behind bars. Now, I get the intention was to relocate the character and make room for other events. However, after GW2 joined with Seize The Awkward I began to realize that the Kookoochoo story arc is not really in the spirit of helping those with deep depression, suicidal ideation, or mental instability. Additionally, his treatment goes completely against the theme that has been established in the new release of Labyrinthine Cliffs. It is specifically stated by some of the NPCs that everyone from every walk of life is welcome there...except those with mental instability, we lock them in a cage, alone, on a cliffside...for 2 years now. I am formally requesting that Kookoochoo be afforded legal representation and subsequently a petition be filed with proper authorities to have his mental health properly assessed and treatment provided. I might recommend his being allowed to be treated at Lion's Arch and the Heal-o-tron assigned to assist Kookoochoo in his recovery! We cannot treat those among us who have endured the horrific attacks of numerous dragon's minions, mass death and casualties as though they are monsters themselves! They are victims deserving compassion! Treatment and compassion! Friendship and Support! FREE KOOKOOCHOO!!!
  20. i agree that it would add a lot to the community if concerts were possible. the issue i found playing with others is lag and the only way i see to overcome that with confidence is some allowances for scripting performances.
  21. I would like a library to be added to the home instance. I have stored a butt load of books from all the different adventures and for whatever reason...i just never delete them. If they could get stored in a library in the home instance I could stop worrying and still comb through them once in a while trying to figure out who "E" is.
  22. Guardian updates still tend to be "overperforming" and get nerfs. It would be nice to see a balance that make some of the other skills more appealing. Unfortunately, not much to do with a buff class. Still can't escape the shadow of the Monk.
  23. I think trying a new architectural style rather than offending Korean, Chinese, Japanese customers is wise. Personally, what I absolutely want is for them to move were Cantha originally was. Put it on the back of all the Luxons turtles and have it being towed across the endless ocean towards the north. It's a magical world, enjoy. Hmmm...I wonder if it could all be on the back of the great Sea Dragon coming north? That would be a plot complication...kill the dragon and everyone in Cantha dies...hmmmm….
  24. So a little brainstorming to get around the barricade. If the Tengu were added, it would require:1) An advancement arch from 1-802) Modeling3) Voicing4) Tying in with the story of the Commander5) Some racial abilities to match those of other races. Possible solutions:1) When we went to Elonia back in GW1 the characters advanced in a contained environment to levels sufficient to compete in open world. Tengu have been isolated for a long time so containing their character development arch within the city would be reasonable. As long as they had training areas, it's achievable.2) I believe many of the Tengu have already had some incidental modeling from HOT. Working off the Charr model seems reasonable. I think it would also make a lot more sense if every armor set you find DIDN'T magically fit every race. Just saying....3) I think the cost of voicing can be reduced if it just focuses on the new expansion forward. Don't recreate everything from scratch. Just build from this point forward. No, a Tengu cannot go back and become the commander in previous content. It's just the price to pay for the new race. If you wanted to ensure a relationship with Aurene, then include that during the development story from 1-80.4) Having the Commander suddenly transform into a Tengu does not seem a viable option. So travelling to Cantha would likely be better suited to an expedition commander or Strike commander. Just change the term used when travelling to the new area and presto. Same dialogue, all characters.5) On the racial ability front, I was thinking it might be advantageous if the Devs considered expanding all racial abilities rather than adding new specializations in this expansion. Tengu in Japanese lore were associated with training martial skills to outsiders. If the outside Commander were brought in to be taught his "inner nature" that might add a layer on top of existing specializations rather than forcing another substitution. Some basic ideas: Asuran drones/tech/new understanding of the Great alchemy, Charr going beast mode with natural abilities of claw, horn and fang, Humans could channel spirits like the ritualist everyone is hungry for, Norn channeling the lost spirits for new abilities, Sylvari doing plant shaping/plant animation, and Tengu having a whole array of war skills from weapon mastery.
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