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Posts posted by Malavian.4695

  1. @Funky.4861 said:There will always be one optimal build for any given scenario, no matter how narrow the gap is to the next build.Power benefits from ferocity, condition damage does not. Unless you can condi-burst, power builds kill things faster.

    In zerg fights condi bursting is an issue especially when the siege weapons drop a 10 or 20 stack on you. I guess the other baseless rationale I have is the idea that the system would have an easier time multiplying by 2.0 and 20 than 2.2 and 22. Maybe I could see a little less lag in mass zerg fights.

  2. Personally, I don't see why they couldn't just give us a skin showing a spear for our staff skills. I'd like something as simple as that for updating the inclusion of a basic weapon type to all characters that can wield staff. Adding, additional skins for oriental weapons to existing weapons would be satisfactory to me as well. We already have katanas, sai, kama, chain sword. We're lacking Halberds (though some staff resemble this), whips, ropes, chain weapons, chakram, blowguns, tonfa, jian, butterfly sword, hook sword, just to name a few options for skins. In general, I think there should be no weapons added to the classes. I would prefer it if they made racial weapon types and give each race a specialty weapon or trait line.

    Asura - Golems, not just the lumbering ones, let's go drone style....Charr - Beast like abilities for the race. They can run on all 4s for pities sake. They have fangs and claws. Use them!Human - Get in touch with the Gods again. Maybe even one god who hasn't fully abandoned humanity such as Kormir.Norn - Get in touch with new spirit abilities. Channel the spirits of the recovered spirits of Wolverine, Ox and Eagle.Sylvari - Plant based abilities obviously whether it's planting individual shoots, vine walls, entanglement, whatever.Tengu - They are called masters of weapons. Chose one weapon type and gain bonus abilities with it.

  3. If they made Tengu playable AND expanded racial skills in general I think it would be excellent. Instead of creating whole new specializations it would be like adding a layer of specialization to all pre-existing characters as well. Train in new racial skills that you can select. Add some odd new weapon for each race if you want as well...

  4. @avey.4201 said:Cannon/arrow carts/ballista are doing massive power creep damage, we have so little damage it's impossible to pressure siege campers, and takes a very long time to destroy siege while ballista almost 1 shot's with unblockable cc, arrow carts can down people in 3-4 ticks with big aoe, and cannon does big damage with chilled+cc.If we must be brought in line so hard one berserk is camping other berserk cleave to rez friends with no consequence, siege should be brought in line too, on the other hand I may go open field siege tonight for keks. btw golem auto attacks are stronk, and put my dps to shame.

    Not really feeling it on my side. It's one of the reasons to put points into reducing damage from siege as one of your first selections. After that it's really just a bunch of mosquito bites...

    What I would like to see from a reality perspective is the Trebuchet should do more damage the further out it hits just like the catapult does. The rock goes higher...it comes down faster....

  5. I agree with most of your points about the WvW scene being more fun now. I'm only worried that the initial enthusiasm was only for the double Wxp that was running.

    That said:

    @"Threather.9354" said:Build diversity is also a thing now, condi/hybrid builds are arguably viable now, condis were nonexistant before. Reapers and core Necros can finally survive long enough in shroud for meta to not only be "shadebombs", stealth cheese and pirateship. I can play even shout spellbreaker and feel useful because there are actually condis to cleanse and fights last long enough for my shorter cooldowns to get some advantage over yolo stance builds. There is also stat diversity other than Berserker and Minstrel.

    I don't necessarily agree with the build diversity. There were many a guild I fought that would simply bomb all condi on choke points so...not really feeling the diversity. If anything I've notice a few players I work with switching over to condi builds because their hammer Revenants got nerfed.

    T3 keeps are still way too strong.

    I respectfully disagree. They should be a reason to gather large zergs/blobs and challenge them. They shouldn't ever be "easy".

    Also mount stomp is a stupid RNG mechanic, the worst feeling is when one enemy just happens to join the fight with his mount when you or your teammate is down and finish a player that you would get otherwise up.

    Mount stomp can be a viable tactic for a good zerg though holding a portion in reserve as cavalry to run in and stomp downs. That is not a stupid mechanic it was designed for zerg battles. Try it.

    The only thing I'm missing is it's easier to remove the boons or convert them to condis than the reverse. I kind of wish they'd ditch the boon conversion and condi conversion entirely and just go to removal of each instead.

  6. Thinking a little more on that...there was a difference in expenditure of magic between the different dragons as well. Maybe Zhaitan was smaller because he technically was extending himself beyond just a primary body. He had Eyes of Zhaitan, Multiple dragons flying around that looked like Tequatl. He had a central core body, but his power was more decentralized.

  7. @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:I would argue the opposite. Aurene demonstrates that their size is comparative to age. Aurene as an Elder Dragon is the same size as Vlast, Glint, and Drakkar - which is smaller than even the Claw of Jormag, Tequatl, Shatterer, and Shadow of the Dragon. Which is in turn much smaller than Zhaitan or Mordremoth. By all rights, Aurene should at least be the size of Zhaitan given that she absorbed the lion share of Kralkatorrik's magic (this remains true even if we exclude the magic Kralk absorbed from Zhaitan, Mordremoth, and Balthazar).

    Zhaitan was supposed to awaken as one of the first dragons because he was 2nd powerful to Primordus. Primordus was delayed due tot he events of Eye of the North. If we remember the sleeping Primordus from the Eye of the North end scene, he was not as massive as the one displayed in Season 3. As for age, I don't see how that could be relevant because technically Aurene is what...two yrs old at most?

  8. @Diak Atoli.2085 said:

    With regards to the multiplier, power has similar multipliers in the formula already. Skill coefficients are are usually set in the form of X.XX, just like conditions. Is there any gameplay reason why (conditions) should be toned down?

    With the change to Power payouts, I see a lot of people switching to condi builds in my group. It would be nice to see that the balance in build selection is continued rather than having one dominate above others.

  9. I think it's Lady Anise. She is the Master Exemplar of the Shining Blade. The Exemplars have a dual role of playing spies and intelligence for the queen. She's a Mesmer and not a necromancer. She would obviously be focused intently on everything with Scarlet Briar after she went after Queen Jenah in Season 1. Further, it may be possible that E is not a single person, but any of the Shining Blades Exemplars.

  10. Well...I guess the real question would be were the other dragons as big as they are prior to Zhaitan being killed? Prior to Mordermoth begin killed? Prior to the death of Balthazar? If anything Aurene demonstrated they're size seems comparative to the amount of magic that they have absorbed, not how old they are.

  11. I'd like to see the Condition damage brought down just a notch as well. I think brining the multiplier from 2.2 down to 2 and reducing the stack damage from 22 to 20 would at least be a start. If they don't change the metric it's going to go back to all elemental bombs.

  12. Following the most recent update I was noticing that while the number of conditions applied reduced frequently, the maximum stacks is still 1500. That seems to be a bit of overkill. I mean...how much can you bleed really?
    Is there any chance we could at least see the multiplier evened out from 2.2 to 2.0?And the damage per addition stack going from 22 down to 20?It seems trivial, but it should be matching whole numbers the say the Power based traits are.It would also tone them down JUST a notch.

  13. I thought it would be helpful if they change the damage multiplier for condition damage the same as they did for Power based attacks. I think lowering the base multiplier from 2.2 to 2 would be a start. Then take the 22 damage per stack down to 15 per stack. It would be the same base on the equations they used in other areas.

  14. I had an idea that might encourage players to rotate through some of the old maps so they don't simply die off except for the occasional new player. If each may had some significant once a week reward or chest that could be opened for an event and those events were staggered in the weekly refresh then it might encourage players to rotate through the maps over the course of the week. So Ascalon could be promoted on Mondays, Blood Legion on Tuesdays, etc. etc. Then instead of having continuing Boss trains you could promote short runs through each map on various days. If you put it on a 6 day rather than 7 day cycle it would also change the date of preference for what day of the week the events rotate.


    The enemies greatly outnumber your forces. Be careful out there!+50% Participation+20% Magic Find+25% World ExperienceTake no armor damage on deathBeing killed by the enemy team will not grant War Score.— In-game description

    Specifically, the part about "Being killed by the enemy team will NOT grant War Score" is the issue with matching IMHO. If a group which vastly outnumbers your side is able to roll over you and still get loot bags, they are going to keep doing it. If a group which vastly outnumbers you is able to take your tier 3 keep with little effort, they are going to keep doing it. If the game fails to give War Score, that simply means you have to see those same people next month as well. I don't think that War Score modification is having the intended effect of creating competitive matching and heroic skirmishes.

  16. @jgeezz.7832 said:WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is not saying any thing or doing any thing to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.

    I feel your pain brother. The looooonnnnggg time since the last link and it's grueling. The Commanders we're linked with just charge in like bulls with none of the tanky characters they would need for those tactics. They get slaughtered running into chokepoints then tell everyone to rally on their tag so they can do it again. A lot of long term players I'm used seeing 4000+ rank have been on less and less. Worse yet, we've been Red every single week against two top tier servers. It's like we're being invited to quit. Hasn't been this bad since Sorrow's Furnace was linked with Maguma for FAR to long.

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