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Everything posted by Nabbut.7480

  1. Unfortunately, if you don't bash people for bad behaviour they may decide it is okay and fine and keep doing this. This game is a wargame so defeatism is considered bad behaviour here and must be reprimanded.
  2. Yeah, nerfhammer prevents them from speeding to an empty point and standing there, I understand it now.
  3. that goes idle because "It's lost, we can't fight them" instead of (de)capping empty points like normal thief would. Haven't seen that kind of idiocy before, must be new.
  4. Gathering in the expansion areas is quite hazardous, you can get mauled by a pack of wild scarabs or whatnot else.
  5. I wield Royal Ascalonian Greatsword [&ChQRAAA=] because of my admiration of the ghosts' tenacity.
  6. Easiest way to get ascended trinkets is to buy them from Laurel Merchant in LA, you likely have enough laurels by now. All other ascended gear will cost you mostly time if you will craft it from self-gathered materials.
  7. Not everyone is able to get good so as to honor those who get gathering: Reaper of Saplings, Ore Means War, Farming Is Fine, Make Onion Rings Not Raids... there are certainly some possibilities to this.
  8. Yup, pubs are very alcohol friendly too, does it makes alcoholism good? Playing multiple characters is like building multiple houses simultaneously while you can live in only one at a time. Yeah yeah I see players dropping down all the time on simple bosses like Svanir Shaman and in fractals it is considered a norm to wipe and use /gg. Not to mention Verdant Brink where players die to Mordrem waves, etc, etc, the whole kitten game is an example. So don't you try to kitten me and the new players please. You cannot deal more damage on something that downs you because of a glass cannon failbuild, and on big champions and bosses like Molten Twins sustain matters more than damage. But you can't agree because you are triggered by letter Z amirite?
  9. Bosses have targeting points you need to aim the crosshairs at.
  10. If you want to go into raiding, healing Scourge is in high demand there. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Support_Healer
  11. When I was a starting player and tried Elementalist, I was dying right in the starting map. Necromancer is certainly the most beginner friendly.
  12. Pick a profession you like the most and stick to it, altoholism is bad in this game. Don't rush the story, take your time grazing in open world and becoming stronger and more skillful to tackle it without loss. Doing one story mission per day is a fine rule. Try to die as little as you can, focusing on survival instead of "doing damage". This game is about living after all. GW2 haves one of the best economies in MMO's, acquainting yourself with gathering and crafting is a good way to make lots of gold and help the community by supplying it with stuff.
  13. Actually the real winning tactic is to SLAUGHTER the enemy team then roam between points as a group and SLAUGHTER solo respawners trying to recap. If you are unable to SLAUGHTER, point thievery haves slim chances of success.
  14. Yeah please fix the game by returning stuff that was broken, like Celestial Amulet, Sigil of Air, Eternal Life and so on.
  15. What you call "strategy" is actually "tactic". "Strategy" is to make your breed of ctrl-T-callers marginal.
  16. Doing daily time gated crafting like Deldrimor Steel Ingot from self-gathered materials is a good profit.
  17. To take less damage on any profession you need to make use of kiting and control. As a warrior you should use Physical skills to disable enemy and not be ashamed to use a ranged weapon.
  18. There are literally hundreds of thousands of those on TP just begging to be salvaged.
  19. If you are getting killed and dying it is silly trying to project it on a game. Won't work that way, sorry. And historically arena fights were designed for 'spectators' to have fun, not gladiator slaves.
  20. First off, everything is fair in war and love so "duels" are silly. Second, the "native" GW2 sPvP community is very nice and polite. It is newcomers whom they casually farm are flying into all kinds of frustration and rage.
  21. You can get exotic any stat armor in the Warlord Armor Box from ranked sPvP or WvW.
  22. To avoid that, you need to stay longer in the starting areas before moving out, and delay/space over time the story because it is very taxing. Losing all resolve and quitting again/keep playing like it's an exhausted slave's job, or patiently graze and move on only when feeling ready - that's the choice of the open world player.
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