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Everything posted by Alik.9651

  1. I just realize the critical hit shark bite effect does triggered for buildings when using revenant spear (land) skill, but it never triggered on mod, no matter the size of the mobs
  2. The real thing ruined PvE is RAID, Anet always mixing pure PvE and RAID together.
  3. Some relic looks good to use (if there are not bugged) which gives an addition effect after using specified type of skills but still, revenant have NO access to them Revenant is still have 9 relic less then other classes 🥲
  4. totally agree, the new daily system is a crap
  5. So, the achievement need to do 20 sub-achievement out of 20 that's means I am forced to do PvP (which I am not good at and not like to) if I want that cape. Hey Anet, do you really think it is a good idea to ruining other 9 player's game for PvP newbie like me to just want to get the cape?
  6. to answer to myself, yes you can just do the strike-like story instance, then you will get the credit.
  7. About those "Notes on something" say https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notes_on_Martial_Prowess Can I get this by joining other player's "In the Name of the Law" story instance as a Guardian?
  8. I do got hit sometime during dodge (in PvE), but I not sure what attack it is But I do sure, I always be infected with fear during dodge
  9. Is that I hitting a but, or Anet made some changes?
  10. because it is more easy for me using a shortcut then that little tiny button, or go through the hero panel. especially some OOC gap only have a sec or 2 between combats.
  11. Hi there, As more and more mount, and equip/build template is now up to 8 I'm running out of shortcut on my keyboard to keep the shortcut not using more then 3-keys combination (yeah I'm now start using Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Something for non-combat shortcut) So I'm wondering if GW2 can identify the Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the left, and Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the right as 2 sets of keys? Thanks.
  12. Changes of Salvation is more fitting Vindicator then Centaur Centaur's changes look more like nerf then buff to me and it still hard to use ...
  13. TBH, I have no hope to Anet's balance team since the day they said REV's F1 trigger weapon swap sigil is a "bug" they are SO~~~~ good at forgetting why the thing/setting is there since day one.
  14. I'm not sure about other class, but ... afaik most Revenant skill with dodge the dodge effect didn't match the skill animation most of the time Revenant still got hit / CC at the skill first active, and when the attack landed sometime I even got CC on the half way of my hammer#3 I cannot confirm it is bugged, or it was caused by my ping (my normal ping is around 220~250)
  15. Hi Anet, Please do make the portal between SP and NKC more striking but not a lonely portal at the edge of the map, and it have camouflage during day time 😂 https://imgur.com/q4eQeif https://imgur.com/cLm4Uby And please unlock a default WP when we are in NKC, currently the default WP will unlock when the newly arrived player got downed/dead in NKC. please please 🙄
  16. yeah, that's the only why I unlock it and master it ...
  17. Won't say I never use it, but it is not useful for me. even at the event must need it, I rather be the lazy walking player 2. although turtles can use in combat it's skill is not relay to my attribute it don't have dodge it's skill 1 have super long after cast that not letting me fly (aka dodge with Adroit Evasion) And for Skiff as it share the key bind with fishing and PWP ... so I will use my skimmer and don't forget there are many chests under water, skiff don't dive Also, it's chain of anchor is so~~~~ weak that you cannot drop your anchor if there have 1mm/hour movement ...
  18. Oh well, that say, Necro Druid Specter Firebrand always have weapon swap, so why their F skill still count?
  19. Let me guess, Revenant will got nerfed becoz some "bugs" suddenly pop-up after 6 years 😀
  20. becoz back to the day Rev first come out with NO weapon swaps (like ele, and eng) so the dev make F1 count as weapon swap and nowadays ppl arguing is Anet called this a "bug" which is NOT it is the "setting" back to the first day. if it is a "bug" (which is not) this changes should also apply to Necromancer, Druid, and Specter. becoz their F1 (F5 for Druid) is changing their "Form" changing skill 1~5 is the form changing result, just like changing skill 6-0 is the Rev's form (Legends) changing result.
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