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Everything posted by Kaizen.3804

  1. No kidding. As much as I would love to have a GW1-styled Mesmer in GW2...well, imagine the care bears, kicking, screaming, and crying about thief on a minutely basis, and multiply that by 100. Even if it was perfectly balanced, the care bears on these forums always have an anyeurism when they face something that requires an iota of effort, because God Forbid the game is anything except face-rolling your keyboard. A GW1 Style Mesmer would induce an ocean of tears; too many people would lose to it, because they'd roll their faces across the keyboard as per the norm, and kill themselves. Which would be hilarious, quite honestly, but I'm not sure it's worth turning the entire GW2 forums into a literal salt mine.
  2. Bold of you to assume those same care bears won't cry for nerfs to a support spec, too. Regardless of what we get, those same cry babies will kick, and scream, and cry, no matter what kind of Spec Anet gives us. Honestly, the only surprising part is that they're not already up in arms demanding nerfs to the as-of-yet unreleased EoD Spec.
  3. And on today's episode of "Anet, please nerf/delete this thing I don't like"...
  4. Let's not forget that Anet's answer to overperforming Elite Specs, is to carpet bomb Core Trait lines and effectively achieving anything but what they set out to do. At this point, I have no faith in ArenaNet's Balance Team. Absolutely none at all. They almost never touch what the actually issues are, and just blindly smite everything else. They say they want more "build diversity", but every single balance patch they release only seems to pigeon hole us more and more. The conclusion? ArenaNet is bad at balance, but they're really good at Smiter's Booning stuff. I'd love to see Warrior get the attention it deserves, but alas, we're all just screaming into the void; nobody is listening, and if they are, they don't care. I'll say it, and I don't even care if I get banned; This Balance Team is the absolute worst I've ever seen in any game ever.
  5. The mind of a child is truly a wonderful thing. On a serious note, yes there are jerks in both PvP and PvE. But this topic was about PvP. I didn't think it had to be mentioned that there are toxic players in PvE, because most of us are aware of that. Regardless of game mode, a jerk is a jerk. Hmm. Deja vu -- I do believe I already said that. 🤔
  6. And it's official; we're pointing fingers and shouting "he said, she said" like little children. It seems that game forums are always producing solid gold for people who like to gather around a garbage fire.
  7. I assumed that most people agreed that a jerk is a jerk, but now we're breaking out the measuring sticks to see which group of jerks is a worse? Wow. There are no words. 😆
  8. I guess all of the threads calling out toxicity in Raids, Fractals and Strike Missions were just a hallucination then.... 🤔
  9. I'm sure whatever it is we get for an elite spec, the forums will be up in arms demanding it be nerfed into the ground, on day 1. But yeah, a support spec would be a nice change of pace.
  10. Lmao, I can't believe this is still going. You anti-thieves are truly hilarious. Listening to you scream about Thief and Stealth is truly something else; one would think that Thief is some kind of Omnipotent, All Seeing, Invisible Deity that sits in stealth and indiscriminately smites people at 10,000 range. You know what I do when a thief kills me? I suck at it up and learn from it. I don't come to the forums to cry about it. "Wah, X thing killed me, it's OP, nerf it!" Furthermore, everyone in here screaming about "perma stealth" is ignoring one tiny little detail; if the thief is sitting in stealth, they're not dealing any damage. You're ignoring it, because it doesn't fit your ignorant, anti-thief narrative. I kill thieves as often as they kill me. Myself and other thief mains actually play the thief, and know how it works. I have seen many a thread over the years where people ask, in the thief forums, how to fight thieves, and we're all too happy to help. But you anti-thieves come in here and scream for nerfs, rather than even attempt to put in the effort to learn, and then you're shocked and offended that we get defensive. 😒 Stealth is fine, Thief is in a good spot, and yeah, maybe Shadow Arts could use some work. This is a Learn To Play issue. Full Stop.
  11. This is nothing new. Every game that has ever had PvP, has also always attracted terrible people. The kinds of people who take video games way too seriously and who should probably go outside and get some sun light every once in a while. I doubt there's a game that has PvP that doesn't have these kind of tryhards. These people will always exist. They'll never go away. Better to ignore them, rather than give them validation. But outside of PvP, yes, Guild Wars 2 does have a lovely community. (Unless you're a Commander on Verdant Brink and your map failed even by a small margin.)
  12. Bold of you to assume that I don't think Scourge is also kitten. The same lobotomized pigeon could win with scourge while also deaf and blind.
  13. @Exile.8160 A lobotomized Pigeon could play that build by crapping randomly over the keyboard. It needs to go. Sounds to me like you're getting carried by a cheap gimmick and don't want Anet to nerf it, so you can continue to roll your face across the keyboard for easy wins.
  14. Oh look, another thread about deleting the thief class, disguised as a "balance the thief class" thread. It never gets old. Bad players crying for nerfs to a class they've likely never played. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can kill/defeat your average thief roamer. Ya'll are just upset you can't roll your faces across your keyboards for easy wins vs Thief. Everyone in here claiming that nerfing stealth is to "balance the thief" is a liar; just be honest and say what you really want. "Delete the Thief class."
  15. Honestly, ArenaNet has always been sub-par at balancing. This is nothing new; they've been making highly questionable balance decisions since Guild Wars 1. They nerfed PvP Paragon into the ground Shadow Form (PvE) Smiter's Boon (PvP) And then these exist. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Amity https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Quick_Shot
  16. You probably won't find very many thieves who'd disagree that Steal/Swipe/Deadeye's Mark aren't overloaded as kitten. Thief Main here, and honestly, it's stupid how much kitten you can trait 1 button press to do. Balance has never been Anet's forte. Smiter's Boon, anyone? (And no, I'm never going to let Anet forget this.) https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Smiter's_Boon_(PvP)
  17. Oh wow, you bought gold. Yay. Not like you can buy ascended gear with that. Or Legendary gear. Maybe t1 legendaries, if you're willing to shell out thousands of dollars to convert to gold. Buying gold means nothing. Your arguments are pitiful and easily picked apart, as they have been for several pages now. Mental Gymnastics at their finest. Do yourself a favor and just stop. 🙂
  18. That literally makes no sense. If someone buys a level 80 boost on the first day, that doesn't mean crap; they're level 80 now, but they have no idea how to play the game, or their class. Meanwhile, everyone else who played the game and earned their gear and level 80, actually knows what they're doing. Buying a level 80 boost gives no inherent advantage. If anything, it's a disadvantage. And that's also ignoring that Open World PvE is pitifully easy anyway. You spent money on a level 80 boost, and yet, what did you win? Nothing. You're still no better off than anyone else whose level 80. Now you "GW2 is P2W" people are just reaching really far. Ya'll could be Gold Medalists at the Mental Gymnastics, I swear. 🤣
  19. I already knew PvP was a garbage fire; it has been for years (which is why I haven't been there in years). And I've heard about how broken Scourge was, but to actually see it? Just wow. I thought people might be exaggerating a little, but holy crap. I haven't seen anything this disgustingly overpowered since Shadow Form (PvE) in Guild Wars 1.
  20. If the shoe fits. There's literally no Pay to Win in this game, by any stretch of the imagination. The things people in this thread have called "Pay to Win" are downright hilarious; Bank Slots, Inventory Slots, Expansions, Elite Specs. The level of entitlement in this thread.... "I'm greedy and want everything for free" - Literally everyone calling GW2 P2W
  21. Lol, shortly after Heart of Thorns launched, I predicted that PvP would turn into a complete garbage fire, so I bailed on the mode years ago. I'm disappointed to see I made the right call; several years later and PvP only produces solid gold for people who like to gather around a garbage fire. Smiter's Booning things instead of actually addressing the issues has been Anet's style since GW1. Some things never change.
  22. What a blatant lie. My Warrior has always carried two sets of armor and several different weapons. I've used each and every trait line in various different builds that I created myself, none of which I copy-pasted off of Meta Battle. I have far more playstyles at my disposal as a Warrior, than I have as a thief. Meanwhile, as a thief, I feel pigeonholed into an Elite Spec, and Trickery; two trait lines I feel forced to take if I want to be effective. Base Thief pales in comparison to Daredevil or Deadeye. And let's not forget the Acrobatics trait line, which was gutted and left in the trash state its in now, for Daredevil. Thief has an entire trait line that is almost completely worthless, nerfed into the ground to make way for an Elite Spec, and then never fixed from its trash-tier state. Last I checked, none of Warrior's trait lines were effectively deleted from the game to make way for another. Note: I can't speak from a PvP standpoint. I bailed on that game mode after HoT. It began turning into a sad joke way back then, and I've seen nothing to indicate that it has or ever will improve. So I generally don't bother with that mangled mess of a game mode.
  23. Add to the fact that there are more than a few players on this forum who have openly admitted to wanting the class either nerfed into the ground or outright deleted from the game. The lion's share of players raging against Thief simply hate the fact that a playstyle exists that they don't like. Thief and Mesmer are always getting shafted because bad players flock to the forum and cry when they lose.
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