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Thanatos Blood.5702

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Everything posted by Thanatos Blood.5702

  1. Happens to me as well, and it has for many months. Please, ANet, try to fix this. It's a silly bug, but very annoying...
  2. Same here. My alt account doesn't have expansions, but my weekly vault missions require them. Not sure how to do them anymore... Edit: never mind. I just understood now it offers two different objectives, so it can be done anyway!
  3. I wonder why Luck Essences aren't considered a material that can be saved into the storage. It fills too many inventory spaces once you've reached the maximum luck level, and have to move all low tier essence to an artificer to refine them for the exotic ones (needed for legendary stuff, among others). Maybe because it acts as a consumable + account upgrade?
  4. Alright, then it is in the game indeed :') Wish it didn't have to be using this particular method, seems kinda awkward. Thank you a lot! Hope it will help other players too 😄
  5. Thank you for the suggestion! I already thought that would be a possibility, though, and tried to fish with a low fishing power. Haven't been lucky, still got plenty of Exceptional and Exotic fishes (even got a Legendary), even with the red bar and all the effort that implies, so I just gave up. Guess RNG must be terrible on my account and I'll just have to keep trying.
  6. I'm quoting from the last patch notes: More than an hour fishing on Inner Nayos rewarded me with fishes from Skywatch and Amnytas, yes. Almost all of them, that's the problem. For instance, I haven't got a single Phantom Pollock, a fish exclusive from Inner Nayos, which should be easy to catch since it's "blue" tier, and can be caught on Open Water. Don't know if the item is not in the game, or its description is just incorrect, but this just smells fishy.
  7. That event is sometimes bugged in a lot of instances of Skywatch Archipelago: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_the_Kestrels_search_for_survivors. When Stormy Silvercrests arrives at the last spot to revive Min-Ji (NPC for the next event), that NPC is still at the last spot from their own event, alive but with the "resurrect" icon on top, so it blocks the progression on that event chain.
  8. I noticed some waters in Skywath Archipelago, when fishing there, give credit to other fishing achievements (Desert, Krytan, etc.) instead of the correct one (Horn of Maguuma). I don't know if it's intended, or it's actually a bug.
  9. The "04-Maguuma: Waterfall overlooking a Pact airship" shrine guardian infant is not granting progression on the achievement (the box doesn't mark as done even when you interact with the chest and take the loot). UPDATE: Never mind! Seems like it wasn't the correct location. Wiki page got it wrong, probably still updating. Right now, the correct location for the 04 is on the number 16 at the wiki page: "Enjoying a view of a broken bridge". Thanks for the callout, Puitje 🙂
  10. I never said anything about wanting anything "fast and/or cheap" 🙂 I simply said that, after opening hundreds of caches and obtaining no result, the frustration is very high, and I don't have the motivation to keep running a new meta (and I think that applies to many other people). Which leads to the "dead content" thing: no rewards = no motivation for repetition. So maybe precisely that very low drop rate is what will make it a dead content. If they want people to actually try and get those new weapons, maybe making it a little bit more possible than "almost 0 chance" would be nice. But I'm no expert in how the economy of the game works! And again, I'll quote myself because (again), I see the point is being missed: "I don't think it's about having to prove that real completionists do whatever is necessary, being easy or not". Some can be hardcore players who are willing to complete everything in the game asap. Some, in the other hand, will take it slowly, simply because we have our own lives to attend to. So I don't think there's anything wrong in asking to balance the drop rate of an item that, only if you're farming for hours and hours every day, will drop. Which, again (please, read the discussion before making me repeat myself, I've written that word more times than I'd like), leads to the point of "repeating the meta for that purpose is useless, I'll farm something else to get gold, wait for the prices to go down and buy them". And that's what kills the meta. If there's no point on repeating it, no one who values their time will.
  11. I'll quote myself again, because I see the point is being totally missed: "The end solution will be farming something completely different to just buy it, and that feels wrong. What's the point of the new meta or the air filters, then?". I'm perfectly aware that the most efficient way to obtain most things in this game is just "make gold, buy it", if we're talking timewise (because yes, I'm also aware that time is the most valuable currency, also in-game). I just wish I didn't have to do that again to get a collection, and that I could do it the way it is supposed to be done. But for now, that feels unachievable, unless you're willing to waste thousands of hours and research notes which, again, it's not worth at all.
  12. Indeed, as I mentioned, there's that method, way easier than the conventional one, given the circumstances. But, as I also mentioned, I don't feel like spending hundreds of gold on a basic collection, and I'd rather ask if a rate drop increase was something doable. I don't think that makes me or anyone else less of a completionist; I simply value my time, and if someone can spend dozens of hours every week farming, then congratulations! I can't, and so do many more players, because of IRL. So, I don't think it's about having to prove that real completionists do whatever is necessary, being easy or not, or that some get impatient. I just think, having opened hundreds and hundreds of chests, without getting any single one, is very discouraging. Not about patience: I've waited months to slowly progress on some of those personal in-game goals, and I don't have a problem doing so again. I just think the drop rate feels so low that running that meta for that specific achievement definitely feels like a waste of time. Maybe I've been just veeery unlucky with the RNG. Whatever 🤷‍♂️ time to save up a bit.
  13. Hi everyone! Not sure if any of the ArenaNet members team will be reading this, but just in case: please, increase the drop rate of those weapon boxes. Please. Since last patch, I've opened hundreds of caches in Gyala Delve with the "special" air filters activated, and I have not obtained a single one, neither from caches nor events. The drop rates feels VERY low. For us (at least, for me), completionists players, this is a bit discouraging. Spending many research notes on those air filters and many hours of meta-event to obtain nothing... feels bad. And I don't feel like spending hundreds of gold on the trading post for a basic collection. The end solution will be farming something completely different to just buy it, and that feels wrong. What's the point of the new meta or the air filters, then? Thank you!
  14. Those are exactly my thoughts as well. And I highly disagree with a lot of the answers this post is receiving. Not everyone cares enough about the description of the items to read them all, some of us are constantly getting exotic gear and do not pay much attention at it. Some of us only cared about unlocking the collection, not the weapons themselves. And some of us don't have enough space on our inventory/bank to keep an entire collection there for moths. Be a littlebit more comprehensive. Thanks. Said that, I totally agree ArenaNet should really offer a way to re-obtain those Stormcaller weapons, just as they did with the Restored Boreal weapons: "The merchant Humble Stone in the village of Still Waters Speaking offers spare account-bound Restored Boreal weapons to players who have already unlocked the corresponding weapon skin. Each weapon can only be purchased once". This would be a really nice solution that would not affect the game's economy at all. ArenaNet, please make it possible.
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