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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. OP you should probabely go see a doctor if you feel you as in singular count as We multiple.
  2. Yea I think people in this thread have said you shouldent jump into the updraft go to them and interact mate.
  3. Yea I got main guild, raid guild rep while raiding together and 3 personal bank guilds.If I focused on wvw I would probabely have a wvw guild aswell. guess I had to drop one of my guild banks then.
  4. I thought the game ran already on linux so thats not a good reason.
  5. Dunno, I would but I was and still am more addicted to instanced content (in the past). I'd rather have easy mode raids than another map like Domain of Kourna which was a terrible map + achievements. The story was fine but I could easily live without it for another 3 months. ;) We'll you'll have to choose an average map not the worst :)Personally I don't feel like their would be enough people willing to make that sacrificeAnd thats the point we argue here, people want lore/easy mode raids but want the raider team resources to pay for it not the lore/easy mode content creators aka living world teams. If you want one thing thats the same difficulty as something else then you take people from the team that develop that same level of content right?
  6. i dont realy get it.if you whant to use a boost you just need to represent for 1 sec till you bought the boost.use some facility works without representing and for the rest you just need again 1 sec rep till you push the buy button.help gearing: theres no representing needed to farm wood and stuff. just for the 1 second when you put it in the guildchest/bank. just to farm guildquests rep is needed for longer than a few secs.lvling: you level guild by build stuff. and yes when you are playing simcity in the guildhall than you have to represent to be able to work. but i cant see a reason for a rule to rep 100% of the time cause of that. i mean you are not building stuff when doing events, quests, story etc. So basically you, the way I see it, is leech off our hard work?Agree s/he should just build up their own guild if they dont want to represent another.
  7. Your opinion is easy to refute. There are players who seek hardcore challenge, therefore failing to provide that means you lose these players. There are many games for which that's fine. ANet, however, have decided GW2 won't be one of these. And if anything, fractals are a solid example how tiered difficulties fail. That's just another opinion. You didn't "refute" anything. Game design preference is not a matter of hard scientific facts. It's all opinions and preferences. No, it's not all opinions and preferences. Not only is there solid theory behind it, it is also a business. As such, its goal is market success, which is not a matter of opinion and preference. There are different ways to achieve this, there's no doubt about that. But some of there will be more successful than others, and there's no doubt about it either. Do you own a bunch of stock in the company or something? They don't need you to white knight for their marketing decisions and quarterly earnings. The poll was literally "what would you prefer?". That's a question about preference and opinion. My job is not praise every last decision made by the devs. It's their game, they're free to do what they want with my criticism. Good point, but keeping a reality check and realistic mindset when it comes to suggestions, expectations and possibilities keeps one from asking for nonsense or look all to stupid. Please don't bring WoW into this discussion again, or be prepared to get refuted heavily on their approach to LFR including by me. Go read through this thread to be informed why the WoW LFR approach does and would not fit GW2. The reasons are many fold and reach as far as not working with the very basic itemisation this has versus Wows. WoW isn't losing it's mythic raiders true, but you also fail to show how LFR specifically has in any way improved the mythic raiding community (or raiding community as a whole) . There is enough differing opinions on that issue alone. Some even from the developers themselves who were not necessarily happy with introducing LFR. I missed the part where I suggested they put LFR in. I don't like LFR, and I don't like when people straw man my points. I was just talking about having a couple of difficulty tiers to cater to more of the game's community since they puta great deal of their resources into raids, that's it. I was responding to the question posed by the thread and stating my preference. It may not be yours and that's fine. I wasn't looking for approval. I have to agree, they do put in a lot of resources into these boss designs and raids.The monster design looks great. It’s a shame more people aren’t experiencing it. Perhaps it would be an added addition once there are few more raid wings.They do use the boss mechanics in other areas bounties and fractals, I wouldent be suprised if more mechanics do wurm their way into those so people can recognize them when they start raiding.
  8. that opens more questions than it awnsers. if i represent guild A i still get the decoration and can give it to guild Bif i give the decoration to the guild i dont have any killproofe anymore to postfor killproofes exist special homepages, so whats the need for a item that cluters my inventory if i just can send a link ? > @DeanBB.4268 said: ok, so what i thought to knew. but why does so many guilds still insit on it?do they sleep the last few years or is it a macho thing or some crazy domination thing or are they so dum to believe representing = loyality??? To question nr 1 Yes you can its in your inventory.To question 2 You are correct you wont have any kill proofs to link.To question 3 I wouldent do this becouse if people think you link something you dont have they will ask you to split them.Lets say you linked 30 dhuum tokens once.You will most likely be asked to split em in 13, 7 and 10 and spam each 3 times, just to make it harder for you to get those 3 links together in quick enough spam in the squad window. People dont like when you fake legendary insights or decorations etc. And the last thing having you active in the guild make it seem alive + you cant use the waypoint reduced cost if you dont rep.
  9. If you dont represent you cant get guild decorations from raids that are used as kill proofs aswell same with some world bosses.
  10. well wouldent it be better if yout guild gave you money back they got the goods.
  11. Oh yes, but the point is it's not there. Relic Preservation Materials purchased from the Follower Xunn aren't there either, and the support team is not responding to my ticket, woo! Well when did you put in your ticket they are slow to respond atm can take 1-3 weeks mate
  12. I will agree to many things that LFR did, I will not agree that it expanded the raiding community if raiding is supposed to be challenging content which one is to overcome as a group of players. What LFR did for WoW: allow easy distribution of meaningless gear to a majority of the player base give a majority of players a feeling that they are part of larger collective working together to overcome challenge while at the same te removing actual challenge and requirements focus the game a lot more on raid content and making raids an integral part of both story and item progression (until they introduced mythic+ dungeons to allow people to NOT raid but still get their gear) make grouping easy as pushing one button while removing all interaction between players. People are literally playing "group" content without in any way interacting with each other So are you willing to take all the bad with the good? Are we going to make raids story centric and required? Are we going to reduce rewards far enough for a GW2 LFR so they are on the same level as Wows?Well be ready for 1 blue and 2 green as reward with rare being the precursor level exception from lfr gw2 bosses =)
  13. You could also do a weekly level 10, 40, 60 personal story on a throw away character to gain black lion keys and possibly scraps from that. ( only the 10 step is weekly locked but its quite teadious to do up after claw island lvl 60 multiple times a week anyway. )
  14. Even I have to Linken accounts so yea odd that you hit the same last 4 digit as every name you tried mate.Did you by chance try to do 0001 on all of em or sum? I've been playing since release and I quit for the same reason too, I've tried to keep a lowkey status because I am very disturbed by the display name I'm using, also because I thought that the lesser friends I had would make the change easier with what Inculpatus had said, 'a bug within the game, and can make sending mail and friend's lists/guild member lists wonky.' . It was also my younger brother who created this account with the IGN he used for other games, I was busy with work at the time and it was my mistake as I had assumed that anything in the sign up would be subject to change, I also come from a small country and I never really liked how his display name would roughly denote where I'm from to complete strangers.. Having hoped that the display name change would be available in the future, I've invested a lot of time and money on this account, made and lost touch with a bunch of friends, and even had GW2 to inspire me to start streaming 4 years ago before it's first expansion, but eventually I couldn't bear to play, stream or progress with the display name that I had anymore and quit almost immediately after purchasing the Heart of Thorns expansion, without ever once experiencing the new raid content.. Every few months or so I get nostalgic and I do eventually want to come back to GW2 to make it my home base MMORPG and perhaps stream daily. I have half a mind to create a new account, catching it up would be interesting because my focus interest of the game is the nostalgic exploration of the ever changing GW2 world and the unique combat system for both PvE and PvP content, I can bear with the loss of the time exclusive items I've farmed or paid for, but I can not bear with using the current display name I am using as it is a different form of a branding or a persona that I want to portray if I am ever streaming.. I wish there is something that can be done about the display name change as I really enjoy the game and I would like to play it for many years to come without eventually having to create a new account, I do understand that this request is perhaps futile, so I appreciate any response that comes along. Thank You for your taking the time if you had read, and thank you ArenaNet Team for all your support so far. Looking at your name I have no idea of were your from ( looks like a scrambled jumble of uppercase letters to be honest) and I could get to know it by google but thats only becouse you said it was a identifire mate.
  15. They are talking about fine=blue and masterwork=green level of items.You also have white below blue and rare=yellow, exotic=orange and ascended purple
  16. So the xera portal device cant be used in new raid wing, not glad to hear that =(
  17. We'r inside the mystic forge I think the devs can go nuts with the backgrounds =)
  18. Well considering you only had 4.5 to start with when elementalists have usualy have been betten 35-44k it is pretty minor.
  19. Defense events count at all the temples (although I think at the entrance to Arah it's based on the boss, not the event itself). For various legendary bosses, I rarely participated in the assaults. For the service medal, I think it was half assault and half defense. I sometimes even got it on failed defence event.
  20. You can only use it one time so check the open skies achievement if you dont already have them.
  21. I would think the wiki got that very good reason but I cant spot it..... care to googlefu some for me? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PersonalityEditIf I would have to guess its the spagetti code we have in game that would break down the personal story that use it from time to time.
  22. if you want a diffrent alliance Im sure you will be able to switch and the switch take affect after the current match
  23. Or you could play a solo PvE build where you kill faster but actually have to pay attention? Isn't that the more reasonable solution to this issue? Stop watching TV and pushing 1 with your support firebrand and start actually playing the game. Way to put words in my mouth. For the record, I was playing warrior using whatever the current pve full zerker recommended metabuild (axe/axe). My point was, regardless of watching tv or playing hard, the time to clear on warrior was not that different (not firebrand support guardian, btw if it wasn’t obvious already). There seems to be a tendency from some players to see themselves as the lowest common denominator for gamers. When you tell them that they will deny it, but the truth is they are good at gaming, at least the combat side of it, and they see things as so simple that anyone can do what they do. Of course they don't realize that when you think that, it means that they see their ability as baseline. That's what the phrase "if I can do it, anyone can" means. They see themselves as the lowest. This makes no sense of course because clearly they are good at this game, so they should see themselves as the better players with regards to combat and that should lead to the understanding that what is easy for them, must be harder for many others who are not as good at it. They undermine their own ability in the process. It's kind of sad really when you think about it, but they really can't seem to figure out that it's easy for them because they are good at this sort of thing and come to this false conclusion that if it's easy for them, anybody can do it also. It's doubly sad that instead of being happy with their abilities, they prefer to focus on misunderstanding that not everybody can do what they can or wants to.And then we got the other side of the coin of people thinking they are gods when they are just plain bad.
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