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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. I would say "I can outrun a centaur" is the charm one since its abit tongue in cheek to be fair.
  2. Yah.. it'as almost as stupid as the DPS meters, kill proofs, using discord and all the other things people do to ensure the content is easy.. oh wait. No really your objection to making things easier is silly at this point. Might be rather shocking to you but many of us actually enjoy using voice communication and DPS meters with all of the data and additional information they provide through websites like dps.report. The fact that you put voice communication software and statistics/analytics tools on the same level as autoplay features is pretty laughable. Oh spare me.. The objections to giving people the tools to better their game play is deplorable and stupid. Logical fallacy. Having a script take over a majority of a players actions does not improve their skill, which would be their input. It improves their output in the game by taking over and reducing difficulty by simplifying the required inputs. Simplifying is not synonymous with improving. Actually improving a persons skill would require to improve their input. Now one can debate if gameplay should be measured in result or player skill, but in one of both cases the actual player learns and/or improves nothing (when reducing the difficulty). You are confusing skill with a game. Sorry, this is a game, not a job, not some life skill, it's pressing a few buttons, on cue. If I can have a program take some tedium of button masking from me, what is it to you? if you don't like you don't have to use it.. but to deny others this feature is beyond pitiful and spiteful.Why not watch someone else do it on youtube then you dont have to press anything at all.
  3. about the clovers you can buy 2 a day for fractal relics+ mystic coins. ( that way you never need to gamble in the mystic forge. )
  4. I dont mind them doing this but they should cost gems tho like all the other passes.
  5. Sad to say your wrong sir/mam we are not celebrating the games birthday its becouse alot of people have saved the chars from the very first day we all get presents when game turn 6 years but we are still celebrating each of their birth days not the game.If everyone would have deleted their characters noone would have gotten their presents when the game turned 6 years.
  6. The big question then becomes, how to "train" the players to be better at the game You give them an easy mod for end-game content, just like any other MMO did, when they wipe in EASY mod, most of them start to look around and learn. Because it's a kitten meme to get wiped in easyI fail to see how they cant look around and learn in normal mode tho.
  7. Just release dwarf tonic like the kodan one and call it done.
  8. As other have said you do know you can buy them ingame from the gem store?
  9. I think alot of people dont take into consideration that WvW will have to be oceanic players on all 3 sides aswell.
  10. Well there is a patch tomorrow no need to bump this today if it aint fixed by then you can complain =)
  11. They are only worth more becouse people want to pay more, if you make a 10k listing you will get it eventualy I would guess since there is people who dont want to take the extra hassle to find a buyer and a middleman.
  12. Well becouse of power creep dungeons can be done by 2 compentent players or 1 really good one now days unless the path require more like cruicble of eternity as an example.
  13. Plenty of people have given good reasons why the races people want implemented dont make sense in the game aswell.
  14. usualy do mine in level 7 fractal but when I do daily I get em easily in 99cm
  15. You could also sell let say 75 of those chest now when they arent worth 2 coppers anymore.Just a though since 100 keys are alot bud. ( sold over 400 chests myself and now I see that they drop alot less, so having trubble getting more chests for the random keys I got =) )
  16. Wait a minute when did it come out there maybe a bug with the regular treasure hunter collection?Been working on that forever and thought it was just bad rng.
  17. That is exactly what I'm talking about right there. Discrimination regardless of performance. I would fathom a guess that it wasn't regardless of performance. You can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily. For instance, the group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. We still one-shot everything. But it doesn't mean his performance was okay. His performance was just fine thanks and honestly, as the top dps in that fractal nobody had any right to say anything as they all were lower than me. I don't know in what group you were top dps, but it wasn't in mine. It looked like you were referencing my friends performance as a fb support. In which I was top dps. Your comment saying "you can one-shot the fractal while underperforming heavily" seemed as if you were doubting our performance. That's all, if that's not the case then it was a misunderstanding.Maybe you should read what you quote. They saidthe group I joined today featured a dps chrono who did worse dps than the banner warrior on more than one fight. Your friend was a firebrand so how could that sentence in any way shape or form be tied to him/her?
  18. You know we have a new forum right so the search bar in the top right corner actualy works now, maybe try useing it before making yet another topic?Anyway people have already say why it wont happen.Cost to much to push out update on consoles so we would get update at expansions and tops 1 or 2 times a year.Would you like to wait for living stories/raids/balance and bug fixes 6-8 months after each expansion due to consoles?
  19. have you tried renaming said file to just gw2.exe?
  20. Since my first comment that everything is endgame content was to unconstructive I will link you to the wiki.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endgame
  21. And thats why you should join training runs were asking questions is ok not regular pug run were people want to get their kills quickly.
  22. I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons. But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids? P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids. I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours. That's like asking "why are dungeons 5-man, I want to see the content solo". Because that's was the original idea. The game gives exactly the same requirement for anyone. If you're not doing the content, seek the problem in yourself, not the game. You need to take into consideration that biggest gate for raiding is its "community" :) Game puts requirement in terms of content mechanics and timer however it's the "community" that stricts the content beyond proportions. The community is truely an issue here. Don't forget about those who actually gate themselves from raids by not even trying them once or by completely refusing to listen to the many helpful voices I see on a regular basis. It is indeed so much easier to just blame everyone but yourself for your problems. I think we can agree both sides of the coin are to blame here. Hardly imo. That's not the point. The point is that while some players are indeed lazy and unwilling to cooperate, there are also many raid snobs who create artificial gates for raiding even though game mechanics never require the group to be 100% optimal. Then just dont join those groups. Make your own LFG. Create your own static. By the amount of players complaining about those who want to runs optimal setups i think i could have create ~20 statics by now. The problem again is those who dont accept the playstyle of others, while demanding to accept their own. I think you need to go back to the beginning of this conversation. I'm pointing out the fact that community creates additional gates for raiding, while game mechanics themselves are not as strict and allow many mistakes.And we all know why people do this, with pick up groups you never know what your going to get so by setting a high standard you create the best circumstances to not have to be in the raids longer then you want to that week. Cant say many who are used to do 1-2 wings in 1h-2h are willing to do 2 bosses in the same time.
  23. did it actualy eat a recording device since you dident have it in inventory?
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