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Don Vega Van Kain.9842

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Posts posted by Don Vega Van Kain.9842

  1. On 6/6/2022 at 1:09 AM, vanflyheight.6832 said:

    These kinds of matches shouldnt be happening as much as they should be, its annoying and gets players overly frustrated that, yes get to be overly "toxic".

    Yes, it is.

    I remember the more I got interested into pvp the more frustrated I become.

    I just got back to the game, multiple accounts, solo queue, NA and EU, from higher G1 to higher plat1 (the same person🤣) and I play 2-3 games a day, more if I'm hyped but yea, I'm too toxic now...not in a way that I'm gonna yell at everyone or insult them (I don't even call back or answer angry ppl in the game and even here) but as soon as I see that the matchmaking made an unbalanced match (after 2-3 min of playing), I leave even if I know it's a 15 min of disgrace, I go chilling in new EOD maps or in fractals/Raids and come back after (too bad for the match and the others)

    I wasn't like that before but the game made me like that, unfortunately. 🙁


    • Sad 1
  2. War is fast by default.

    My biggest concern (with all my respect) is we have someone with over 700 posts (basically someone who knows what his talking about) asking for that...

    That's why the matchmaking is very bad in this game, it takes too many irrelevant parameters into account, for example, the number of hours spent on the game, it's not at all a guarantee of quality.

    (I just come back to the game)

    • Like 1
  3. Hi there,

    I just comeback to the game and i'm just wondering, is thief's portal is better than the mesmer one now ???

    In other way, has Anet just make a flower to sindrener to kick mesmer from his team for a more valuable profession ?


  4. @fumcheg.1936 said:They just need to make every thief skill cost 7 ini like Chocking Gas. Then thief will be perfectly balanced.

    Nah 2 much....

    Imo, a light modification can handle all the OP thief's builds :

    You use a weapon's skill for the first time, it will cost the usual initiatives, if you reuse it instantly (or in the next two seconds for example) it will cost the iniatives +1, next time +2 until there are no more initiatives left or almost and there, we reset and that's it.

    It will push a good part of thieves to make their brains works, to watch their placements and know when to attack or not instead of squeezing the same button forever (like the skillful SD thief 2 2 2, pistol whip 3 3 3, old and new condi 3 3 3 condi)

  5. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @Alatar.7364 said:I'd like to see the Video.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I found it in the Thief subsection for some reason.

    I KNOW right? But if there's any specific profession you'd like me to dig up and compare it to modern footage of said profession on the same or at least similar stats I'm happy to attempt to do so.

    I don't want to cut in the hype but....you know that @Alatar.7364 have been sarcastic cuz he's a thief's main, right ??........... :#

  6. People cry/whine and will always cry about mesmer as long as he has clones, it will never stop.

    Imo, it's the basic problem of people with mesmer :/ ( damages modifier with clones (condi/powa) And finding the real one :s )

  7. @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:(Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

    S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

    A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

    That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

    I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

    IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


    If you really have done some Maths, be a little more logical man, you can't just drop your list like that and tell us "it's a fact, deal with it" :#

    "I did this via statistical analysis" ......And what ??? and how ??! it's very large... have you begin a curriculum as a "Data analyst" and you want to show us that you study well ??!

    Give some sources, some data, how do you do your maths, formulas ????!! Nahhh without all this i can't agree with your list nether with your numbers......

    From a data scientist ;)

  8. I must say that I was furious with this nerf and I've put my mirage in the closet (especially since I didn't play Meta, I don't like staff, personal choice ^^ ) .... until yesterday.

    And I must say that I was surprised, in 2 vs 2, I'm really doing good with my condi mirage, it's true that I lose some survivability/damages with the one dodge man but I adapted my fight style, I put my burst and then I move away to temporise and then I go back and it works pretty well.

    I'll try it again to see if it's been just a lucky day or a fact ;)

  9. @lare.5129 said:

    @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:It's just a SINGLE Weaver burst.why not? if we call this "burst" it should be painfully.

    No offense Mister Weaver, stay calm :) Two people thinks it's 2 others ppl who hit the op, i've said "no, it's a SINGLE weaver burst" error corrected.

    No call for nerfing or anything....not my job ;)

  10. @Thenme.6491 said:I see that many people here cry about guardians being over powered.I know most of you rely on specific builds.I think it is time to learn how to strategize, which is what you do before battleBlablabla bla

    Thank you Senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii for the lesson :3 (as a Fb will just stay there and let you do what you want or i'll make a specific build just to counter a single Fb knowing that 4 others guys will REKT me in the way while i'm trying to..... remove some boons from a boon's machine)

    From a PVE Guardian main :)

  11. @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    Every few games you will inevitably roll into a low rated game that is not carryable as 1 good player, but it is carryable by 2 good players.To win you need to have 2 nodes and duoQ with 2 good players guarantees just that.A 2 good players / 3 very bad players is completely different from a 1 good player / 4 very bad players situation.The solo'qer might be just as good, but gets an instant -30, because you might be able to hold a node but there is no win condition.The problem of duoq is not that it turns bad players into good players. The problem of duoq is that because of the nature of the game this allows you to carry clownfiestas very efficiently.

    As always a Duo player see just what he wants to see.......

    You say 2 good palyers (a duo) + 3 bad players in a team make a balanced team....ok, i'm ok with that but what's the fault of the 2 others good solo players in the other team ??? make sense for a duo of good players (with all the advantages voice, coordination......) vs a 2 "nobody" players with...nothing ??? balanced for you Happy No ? sry Happy Yes, and What happen if your duo facing a team of 5 averages players ??? :/

    Duo queu players abuse the system to climb even more and more and statistically, there's more (much more) Solo players than Duo's ones.

    And yah, if we do as you say and allow everyone to do just Duos, you can say bye bye to the actual pvp (it's a 5 vs 5 game not 4 vs 4 nether 6 vs 6 but 5 vs 5, u'll always need a solo player.....)

    And Yes, the actual pvp is a very messy clownfiesta.

  12. @Don Vega Van Kain.9842 said:

    @Gorkus.7496 said:Hi everyone.

    I have a mule mesmer that I wanted to use to get through the Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle. I have done 90% of the JPs in the game, but never completed that one on my own. I paid a mesmer 10 gp to get me to the diving goggles about a year ago after trying for a few weeks to get to the top with my very swift elementalist. The thing is, I am having trouble with the mesmer because I can't get constant swiftness and my lack of focus means I loose swiftness mid jump and fall. Is there any way to get a good (time) amount of swiftness with the mesmer without having to use skills to get it up and running? If not, which is the simplest way to get a longer swiftness boon? I am currently using the signet which procs 5 secs of swiftness every 10 secs. The on and off feature of this method is not working for me at present. Any suggestions?

    Why you need swiftness when you have Superspeed while dodging (mirage) ??!

    I've done this JP a couple of weeks before to have the achievement (after several try i have it) and i've done all my risky jumps with dodge (to have superspeed) and all up there, on the big swirls, i've used a sword to have the ambush jump and it's done.

    I don't want to nit pick, but the superspeed was removed from Speed of Sand in July of 2019. The duration of Mirage Cloak was also reduced from 1 second to 3/4 of a second in March of 2019 (this change hurts actually more out of combat since 66% will still cap movement speed out of combat).

    It's now a 66% movement speed increase for 3/4 of a second, which while still useful, is far from a replacement for swiftness in jumping puzzles if one desires a speed boost.

    My bad for the superspeed, 66% mouvement speed was enough for me to do the achievement, i don't even talk about fighting just ... jumping far enough :) and as you said it's 66% movement speed, more than swiftnes. (33%)
  13. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @Gorkus.7496 said:Hi everyone.

    I have a mule mesmer that I wanted to use to get through the Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle. I have done 90% of the JPs in the game, but never completed that one on my own. I paid a mesmer 10 gp to get me to the diving goggles about a year ago after trying for a few weeks to get to the top with my very swift elementalist. The thing is, I am having trouble with the mesmer because I can't get constant swiftness and my lack of focus means I loose swiftness mid jump and fall. Is there any way to get a good (time) amount of swiftness with the mesmer without having to use skills to get it up and running? If not, which is the simplest way to get a longer swiftness boon? I am currently using the signet which procs 5 secs of swiftness every 10 secs. The on and off feature of this method is not working for me at present. Any suggestions?

    Why you need swiftness when you have Superspeed while dodging (mirage) ??!

    I've done this JP a couple of weeks before to have the achievement (after several try i have it) and i've done all my risky jumps with dodge (to have superspeed) and all up there, on the big swirls, i've used a sword to have the ambush jump and it's done.

    I don't want to nit pick, but the superspeed was removed from Speed of Sand in July of 2019. The duration of Mirage Cloak was also reduced from 1 second to 3/4 of a second in March of 2019 (this change hurts actually more out of combat since 66% will still cap movement speed out of combat).

    It's now a 66% movement speed increase for 3/4 of a second, which while still useful, is far from a replacement for swiftness in jumping puzzles if one desires a speed boost.

    My bad for the superspeed, 66% movement speed was enough for me to do the achievement, i don't even talk about fighting just ... jumping far enough :) and 66% movement speed was better for me than swiftness (33%)

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