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  1. 49k isn't that close to 60, but I get what you're saying. Regardless, if we're going off what the "game was meant for" then that went out the window years ago when mirror comps stopped being a thing that was required. Takes 92k dps to no-updraft gorseval and skip the entire main mechanic of the encounter, for reference, and my team was able to do that like week 2 back in november 2015 of SV raid launch.
  2. Specter is fine, it requires allies for dps, and can only have one per sub. Akeem is the real issue. Scourge I agree is reaching a bit too high
  3. It's more just the principle? You can't prefice the specter section with it being too strong in competitive. Then not split the biggest change between game modes. Support specter already sucked because the first column of traits are embarrassingly bad.
  4. It's pretty rare. The amount of mechanic differences aren't really noticeable. I can think of maybe a few on Cliffside. The big difference is mainly with CM and non CM 100/99/98
  5. I've said this for years. Artificially increasing difficulty isn't a worthwhile mechanic. I'd rather see more mechanics at higher end than AR be a thing. The only purpose it serves is just gating newer players out of content. (even if it's a short period. Because for the rest of us it just isn't something we even have to think about, so why even exist. I get that they want to have some sort of a meaningful progression system for newer players. But surely there's another way.
  6. Your proposed solution is way too similar to how the specializations used to work when it was a point system. But they did away with that system so I doubt they would go back to it.
  7. It's literally stated in the description of Arms as a specialization that it's precision and crit based. It makes sense to be in there. The issue is there isn't a second one for power builds.
  8. It's increased crit chance from Fury. Which is the whole point of Arms when you read the description of it in general. It's pretty necessary to keep up Furious stacks on Condi war. The issue is the power trait lines didn't get buffed too. War handing out boons needs to be on par with the other boondps classes, doing 30k. With dropping the banner trait/line, bringing the class up to 40k.
  9. This is their version of vertical progression, and even then it's very minor compared to the standard gear score method other Walmart MMOs use. With the philosophy that Elite specs let you turn the class into something that it hasn't been able to do before (like ranger healing) It mimics the classic final fantasy job system from the early days of gaming, there is a base and a specialization. This kind of system naturally has an implied vertical progression but wasn't directly stated that it would have more power. Most of the time it's not even necessarily the trait line that's superior, it's the F/profession mechanic that the class is given that makes it far stronger than the base. My conclusion is that I prefer this system over a gear score system any day of the week. When you couple this with no-level cap increases, it gives us a lot of new ways to play old content every time an expack rolls around. Albeit the old content might need a rework of they keep raising the standard DPS mark. (40k now). I'll gladly pay expansion fees for content and new classes, and in no universe do I ever think it's p2w. The game should have launched with this system imo.
  10. It's not really a grind, they're extremely cheap in both shard and gold cost from the Shard vendor in arborstone. Just need to do Harvest Temple strike twice and complete your weapon collection for that spec.
  11. We'll see if the patch they just pushed out stealth fixed it. Because it wasn't mentioned :<
  12. I'm sure it's an oversight, a lot of this patch seemed to be. I'm struggling on my Berserker to see my cooldowns because the fire effect is now on top instead of behind the skillbar lmao.
  13. Ohhh I wonder if it was your squad that I was in. Thanks for the effort!
  14. Had this happen in a run yesterday evening. Frustrating, but I'm glad there are posts about it.
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