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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. Yeah druid the by far the squishiest and low west damage/impact side noder in general is very very op
  2. That’s a good question for team USA . Plebs like me need to listen to the bosses
  3. Uhh excuse me, I don’t remember asking for nerfs with unconstructive feedback...
  4. No strip protection - like honestly strips can literally ruin this builds day.Limited stab ( Pulsing stab on roads for what ? 5 secs , and dark razor as a stun break and 1 sec stab)Limited damage if you don't stand in the field. That's just a few of the weaknesses. If you are running in solo yolo vs a build designed to bunker what did you think was going to happen? +1 the build just like you have to +1 various other builds and this thing drops like a rock - especially if you understand how the build works. Or simply bring a ranger and watch them pew pew this thing to death without even a scratch. I mean honestly anytime there is a build that is a little challenging to fight all I see are nerf posts. Then people wonder why Conquest feels to plain and vanilla - you've continually asked to nerf any and all diversity. As a genuine question have you even seen a good rene play? It's cele with damage/condi reduction, protection on spirit, and every class loses a ranged fight (other than holo) the shortbow on renegade is stronger than a rangers longbow, Rene also spams weakness so power damage is near irrelevant especially on a class thats as weak as ranger. A solo yolo build was not mentioned yet no matter what build you play a good rene will just not die 1v1 at all. The only strips in the game are spellbreaker and necro, necro lacks the pressure to kill rene and spellbreaker needs to be in melee range but strip wont do anything because of CC spam and as soon as spirits are down the warrior needs to run again. The fact renegade is so good is because it wins point and can sustain even if a person pressures them from offpoint. I understand how the build works but ( for example ) when i try to +1 azzurs, i have to wait until spirits are gone, but thats when he is on jalis that has damage reduction and CCs as well as pulsing weakness on heal. This build is challenging to fight because it lacks counterplay and its non interactive and therefore unhealthy for the game. Decap builds and bunker builds endorse low IQ high value plays and thats why this meta right now is so degenerate. I don’t think ranger is weak at all though. I’d say if you average all the builds and possibilities ranger would stand at the top as a side noder at least if you consider rank + playing the proper build. 1.) regen spam core ranger is one of the most tanky builds in the game and yet has x2 or even x3 the damage of most of the other tanky builds 2.) decap ranger with all its build can beat any bunker in pure 1v1s except decap scrapper, which u can at least keep decap but never win 3.) can be played basically anyway- high toughness, high healing, insane damage while still being tanky ranger can do it all.Whether you think it’s degenerate or not, ranger is most definitely not weak- as it’s an amazing side noder which you should be able to ezily play as high as legend or in ats.
  5. I never actually thought of killing the elite spirit
  6. I probably do need to save my dodges more. Some of it’s bad habit- 1.) I’ve always spammed a tiny bit too much for my own taste 2.) ranger leap effects seem so important rn that I have to use these “dodges” on node for sustain etc.
  7. I don’t think soulbeast is very good rn though
  8. @Thanks.6859 i thought you declared in map chat last season that this one would be one without placements. Did you lie to us? Why did I have to do placements this season?
  9. Yeah when I 1v1 against one of the better rev players in the game it can feel like a different ball game, but still winnable if I don’t have to worried about being constantly 1v2d by a thief.
  10. I like fighting the side node renegade and I don’t think it’s super op or anything, but darkrazers daring seems so loaded. It seems like this is the only thing I ever need to look out for in a 1v1 and I need to either use a lot of dodges(ranger stuff like swoop) a block or just stand off node otherwise this 1 skill will potentially lead to a loss of the 1v1. Am I correct or is it literally not all this skill??
  11. @Johnny.2681 the thing about tiger versus snow leopard and lynx is just that tiger is just better, though they are all good pets and tiger got a slight nerf. Tigers leap is on a super short cd and hits once, this one hit is super important becuz that one hit is often full of damage mods plus it gives fury which gives more damage and mods to the ranger. For some builds yes the other felines are great and if they had leaps on a shorter cd I’m sure they’d be meta, but tiger is just more advanced and hence better on average.
  12. what about switching class right before the match starts, locking the other team into an unfavorable match up? Yeah. 1 reason that swapping is good in ats.I personally like having the option- it was also super fun to be able to swap during 2v2 and 3v3 death match ats
  13. Barely usable? If you want damage on ranger pet does 60%+ of it. Thats why its horrible rn the ranger/druid/soulbeast on its own is genuinely quite weak. We need the actual class to get a buff while the pets recieve a slight nerf or allowed to have more variety than these: (birds/tiger/smokescale/jacaranda). Comparing gw2 right now to gw1 is quite pointless as its an entirely different game with different mechanics. Ranger before was fine there was no issue until they nerfed/buffed the wrong stuff and made it quite weak. I thought ranger was one of if not the best side node class on average, how is it bad rn? It's not bad right now. It's that a couple OP things make it look like it's losing its place. Particularly Renegade's current performance is replacing anything a Ranger once did well. The Renegade can hold a side node better with spirit spam and it is by far a much much stronger team fighter. Then you have Holosmith which has Flashbang, and Flashbang alone pretty much negates almost all of the offensive pressure from Ranger GS side. If you can imagine how a Ranger's GS side works: "Maul > Hilt Bash > Maul, and even add Worldly in there for Soulbeasts after the 2nd Maul" All the damage is coming from those 4 strikes. The problem with Flashbang is that an Engi can get right in the Ranger's face and he dodge rolls to negate first Maul. Then the Flashbang makes a blind proc which the Engi puts on the Ranger when he hits with some forge auto, this will negate Hilt Bash and also negate the recharge of 2nd Maul. Even if the Ranger manages to land the Hilt Bash and refresh Maul, the next strike and the rest of the combo comes to a halt when the Ranger hits and gets CC'd by Flashbang passive proc. And then as soon as you fight through the Flashbang effects, the Engi just dodge rolls and primes them all again, continuing to completely negate Ranger GS side. It leaves the Ranger in a situation where it only has a brief opportunity to hit the Engi with those single strike important attacks, when LB#5 has been cast and is current tossing 10x strikes down on the Engi to eat through blinds & passive CC so the single strikes might hit. Outside of catching the Engi inside of a multi-strike field, it is actually next to impossible for a Ranger to deal with current Holosmith. Even the grenades cleave through walls & around LOS and hit the Ranger when the Ranger can't hit the Engi in range vs. range play. A same kind of hard counter effect happens vs. Renegade, where it negates your projectiles while hiding in the spirit fields, and neither the Ranger or its pet are able to get into those fields and survive to deal damage with melee side. So essentially what's happening is Holosmith & Renegade are currently very obviously overperforming and they are pushing the good Ranger builds out of the game, the ones that use LB and GS. This is largely why we see so many people running strange things on Ranger right now, such as a lot of weird condi variants trying to spam immob. Most people are being forced to do this to find ways to deal with Holosmiths & Renegades. These condi immob spam builds are actually a terrible choice to use for any 1550+ play or for say ATs. It's just that most people don't possess the skill cap to be able to wield LB/GS builds against what's currently OP atm. But with that said, Core Ranger side node play is a niche thing right now, to be used when Holos & Renegade aren't present to completely counter you. The only real viable role that Ranger has in this current patching is glass cannon high mobility Soulbeast, which fills the same role as a DP Daredevil, and actually counters Thieves hard so it works out well for the role it performs. @"Johnny.1634" There are a lot more pets that are "good or strong" than people realize, they just require too specific & niche of Ranger setups to ever work practically in pvp. So really what we're looking at is that a pet's viability is completely reliant on the Ranger setup that goes with it. Because this game is good at pigeonholing us into only being able to use 1 or maybe 2 setups per patching that actually work for our class, that means that a Ranger has to use particular pets that compliment those setups that they have to use. Here are just a few examples of some particularly powerful pets that don't see play due to that effect:Black Bear has 2x invulns while in soulbeast merge, and 1 of them is even a stun break. Along with utilities like Dolyak Stance & Sig of Stone, and of course the right traits / amulet to go with, you can make a Soulbeast that will not die to power damage, that will decap everything with LB/GS. But again, none of that matters when a good condi Mirage pushes your node or some otherwise condi spec. An example of Black Bear never being used because the Ranger setup to go with him wont be practical to use in a real match. But you can exploit Black Bear in 1v1s vs. power builds ^^Hawk has the lowest CD on its F2 skill out of any pet in the game. I've always wondered if this was some kind of bug that never got fixed. But the Hawk's F2 CD is only 4s after the beast mastery 20% reduction trait. Here is its F2 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lacerating_Slash when you pair that with Wilting Strike that has NO CD https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wilting_Strike you are spamming 4s of AoE weakness every 4s with Hawk. When you pair that up with Axe/Axe setups after 20% axe reduction trait, Winter's Bite will be on an 8s CD to spam another AoE weakness for 10s every 8s https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Bite This setup has incredibly powerful damage mitigation vs. power, yet it is never used. Even in pve, this setup can effectively replace a dedicated healer vs. power mobs. The problem in pvp is that pets die so quickly, especially birds. But tbh in 1v1s on side nodes, the Hawk has no problem surviving power damage when the enemy has weakness on it almost 100% of the time. But again, it needs to go with Axe/Axe setups which aren't so popular so this never gets used despite how inordinately powerful AoE weakness spam is.Bristleback has somehow lost popularity which doesn't make sense at all. This is still by far one of the most powerful pets for several reasons. This is probably actually the most flexible pet that works well with any setup used on any Ranger build. 1) It can sit off node and avoid damage. 2) Its F2 is like Rapid Fire and it follows targets after they go into stealth, which creates a hard counter situation vs. Thieves & Mesmers. 3) Its damage is ranged in general and the animations are super tiny dull grey little pixels that you can barely see if you can see it at all. The Bristleback just hits due to to this, and ends up dealing a lot of damage over the course of time.And so many others to mention, but I'm going to keep the text wall to a minimum.I don’t think holosmith could push ranger out of side node meta, though I do think it’s decent as well as scrapper being decent. The valkyrie ranger build however does have an incredibly similar playstyle to nades Holosmith, with the exception that ranger lacks aoe damage making it more of a duelist. Renegade is also insanely annoying, but you can always find a ranger build to match it. Again I don’t really see them outshining ranger enough to stop it from as I said being 1 of if not the best side noder on average. But you did mention that’s how it is for most ppl, so maybe I guess if you don’t know all the build variety and or how to play all those builds then I guess I can see ranger not being insanely op.
  14. Barely usable? If you want damage on ranger pet does 60%+ of it. Thats why its horrible rn the ranger/druid/soulbeast on its own is genuinely quite weak. We need the actual class to get a buff while the pets recieve a slight nerf or allowed to have more variety than these: (birds/tiger/smokescale/jacaranda). Comparing gw2 right now to gw1 is quite pointless as its an entirely different game with different mechanics. Ranger before was fine there was no issue until they nerfed/buffed the wrong stuff and made it quite weak. I thought ranger was one of if not the best side node class on average, how is it bad rn?
  15. As a whole this class is insanely busted. I recommend everyone play renegade to prevent this
  16. Conditions exist and so do condi stats, so conditions shouldn’t be so weak that they aren’t allowed in the game = summation. Think what you want but unless they can think of a different type of stat arrangements than there’s no reason to not have viable condi builds.
  17. That is unheard of. Doubtful you paid enough attention.
  18. There are way too many votes for conquest. 2v2 and 3v3 is a lot ezier to get good at and less cringe to play over the long term since #1- you get to make your own team #2 - it’s ezier for your team to stay consistent.If you wanna get good death match is the place to do it, less win trading and more balanced matches
  19. No, actually, it doesn't. Placements are just regular matches, they just hide your rating from you at the start. It doesn't do a "magic calculation" after the 10th game and then place you, like the friggin Sorting Hat. If on the 9th match in "placements" your hidden rating is for Gold-1, then after the 10th match that fact just gets revealed to you. It's all just a silly trick to stop people from seeing the kitten-show that is the ratings at season start. No in fact it does you have 10 placement games total Once you reach the 10 that's it regardless of afker or dcer No, you're wrong. You have just played 10 games, that are the same as any other 10 games you play during the season. The fact that they're called "placements" doesn't mean that they function any differently to regular games. Not at all. The first 10 placements have enormous rating gains & losses. 1-10 first games are far larger gains & losses than even 10-20. You can use api tools and go track your first games if you don't believe me. What Thanks is saying is actually true. Getting kitten out of a win during your placements, especially if it happens in games 1-3, is a massive chunk of rating that you don't get, and you don't get compensated for later. Even if someone DCs for 2 minutes and you don't LOSE points, you still aren't getting like +65 or some enormous number that you should have, if he had stayed and you would have been able to win the match. Going into game 11 and having your rating revealed doesn't compensate you in any way for missing out on some large rating gain like that, and if he DCed too late you still lose rating, well GG, you get eat -60 rating or something horrific like that. In fact, you plainly just miss out on it and start going down into maximum games of +25 in game 11, and then down to like +17s in game 21, until you start going towards +13s and 14s in game 31, and eventually end up in game 50+ getting +8s and +10s, so on and so forth. I agree completely with @Thanks.6859 With the way the rating system keeps lowering and lowering gains/losses, and how it likes to 50/50 your win/loss ration, the large volatility in ratings shifts during games 1-10 are too detrimental and too strongly dictate how easy or hard it will be for you to climb or even drop after your initial placements. When you really sit and watch it and really pay attention, it doesn't make sense anymore in low population. And upon that, they really should stop with soft resets. All the soft resets do at this point in low population, is make things take FOREVER to settle each time a season restarts, and the match making is an unholy nightmare during that phase.I think he’s aware of that, but I believe you are bringing up a completely different problem- that a -0 as compared to a win can largely affect the displacement of your average rating in the view of the match maker.I believe there’s some good forum post which display what you rating is during placements and how the match maker views it that also demonstrate how on average early wins are much better than later wins for the rating you will receive from placements.This is enherently different becuz it also uses the fact that match maker has a slightly different number for what match’s you get put in in placements and that this is more important because placements start you at a fairly low rating. Not becuz dcs actually hurts your rating
  20. No, actually, it doesn't. Placements are just regular matches, they just hide your rating from you at the start. It doesn't do a "magic calculation" after the 10th game and then place you, like the friggin Sorting Hat. If on the 9th match in "placements" your hidden rating is for Gold-1, then after the 10th match that fact just gets revealed to you. It's all just a silly trick to stop people from seeing the kitten-show that is the ratings at season start. No in fact it does you have 10 placement games total Once you reach the 10 that's it regardless of afker or dcer I told you for a reason. Ragnars right. Placements are just mmr based matches which are hidden because they start you in a different spot than from previous system. If you would look up the effects of a match with a dc mmr wise on your placements you would see that they don’t effect them at all.
  21. You do realize if someone dcs in placements you lose no points?
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