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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. Actually scrapper is looking like our new op side noder, renegade is looking to be op as either a shiro jalis roamer or at times mallyx jalis team fighter and scourge is looking to be better than core but still maybe second to reaper unless we are talking ranked or mini seasons where scourge is definitely better. Decap spam core engi is also being used a tiny bit
  2. Yet symbol guard can drop 4 symbols on node that can hit 12k each without being full glass. Full glass can hit 16k each. The trade off to this build is that it’s just single target damage and still it’ll be ez to kill
  3. Every single top rated player duo queues and makes themselves easy matches. Most even admit that getting 1700+ is impossible solo. I've watched former top10 players get stuck in gold3 for entire days, sometimes weeks. non sense, ive reached plat3 for the last like 10 seasons, all solo and regardless of balance and population as well1700 is very casual level still, and hundreds of players get there every season (and mostly the same as well)EU?NA is different, it's gate kept by like 10 people.I’ve done that on NA too, you just cannot spam qs in offhours
  4. Your team fight players need to regroup, but if your team properly plays their role it should help avoid a wipe- side noders should focus on side ands never go to a team fight to die and the roamers should never commit too much to a team fight since they may need to help sides. But yeah hard regroups are sometimes needed if you all die, but also sometimes it’s risky if the other team zergs in which case you may need to just go wherever their is not.
  5. Following your logic then counterattack on Ranger greatsword is passive too because you get knocked back if you hit the ranger while he's parrying ...then it should be removed too following again your logic The following are "on hit" CC too https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandit%27s_Defensehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Full_Counter I may have forgotten others but yeah, here the CC happens if you hit the target..so we should remove them too Your way off man neither rangers block nor bandits defense work like that. Those are by definition active knockbacks, because u must activate them. You can't CC anybody unless they hit you first....exactly like shocking aura, if you don't pay attention you get CCed by the ranger or thief and that's exactly like shocking aura, now the OP stating the auras are passive because the ele doesn't activate the skill when he's actually hit but...the conditions for the CC to occur are exactly the same, you need to hit the target first By the way Shocking aura is on activation too if you or the OP didn't know, another argument would have been to change 1st part of shocking aura into a block or dmg mitigationNo it’s not at all. Shocking aura is a passive cc with an active condition. Ranger block is active with a passive condition. Hence they are opposites.
  6. Following your logic then counterattack on Ranger greatsword is passive too because you get knocked back if you hit the ranger while he's parrying ...then it should be removed too following again your logic The following are "on hit" CC too https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandit%27s_Defensehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Full_Counter I may have forgotten others but yeah, here the CC happens if you hit the target..so we should remove them too Your way off man neither rangers block nor bandits defense work like that. Those are by definition active knockbacks, because u must activate them.
  7. Scourge is meant to be the boonrip offensive support but anet nerfs its support tools all the time like it wants it to be a support but also doesn't and wants it to be a dps but dps scourge is not good. So what happens is people play bunker scourges..ugh. Also NA meta is power and the exact same as EU's. Scourge has been nerfed to trash tier. I don't think it has any viable build at the moment. Scourge is great rn as a supportest build. Was probably the most broken thing last 2v2 season Compared to other support specs scourge is weaker. If u think scourge is weak rn well that’s some funny bs. It’s better than core necro rn which most would say is already wild.
  8. Scourge is meant to be the boonrip offensive support but anet nerfs its support tools all the time like it wants it to be a support but also doesn't and wants it to be a dps but dps scourge is not good. So what happens is people play bunker scourges..ugh. Also NA meta is power and the exact same as EU's. Scourge has been nerfed to trash tier. I don't think it has any viable build at the moment. Scourge is great rn as a supportest build. Was probably the most broken thing last 2v2 season
  9. They already have a 15v15 map created, which they did years ago but it has a latency problem for everyone involved so they cannot release it.
  10. Warriors fairly good against what ppl play for ranger rn, but that only becuz things like healing spring and menders do nothing to stop the burst from zerker builds. If a ranger chooses to play a variant of the meta with some toughness it’s actually fairly ez to win as a ranger
  11. Does power mesmer counter power or condi herald?What about power builds, even vs. powr herald? lol I’m not sure about this statement at all since even when condi rev was considered very op- it was pretty well defined, due to streamer videos, that condi mirage countered condi rev and ofc any condi build is great against power rev. Also keep in mind though that no Mesmer build is very good rn, also I wouldn’t call rev op at least anymore just very good
  12. Soulbeast has mini-endure pain built on some pets. It's also a stunbreak. Soulbeast sucks though...
  13. laughs in ranger with 4 stunbreaks + stability Ranger only has 3 though and 1 can be take out for signet...
  14. Obviously we will see nerfs queued up to Explosives and Holosmith traits Juggernaut probably goes untouched, why?To the masses, the only fact worth considering is: "spam #1, perma stability & many might stacks!". Rarely do people consider that you can ONLY spam flamethrower skills to maintain this, and you gotta dedicate two mediocre traitlines to do so. Trapped behind an enormous paywall of opportunity cost compared to the best builds. However if you are a new player who plays at a slower pace, spamming FT #1 might not seem like the lackluster way to apply pressure to competent enemies that it is, and stability lowers risk. It's a low risk low reward build, if you nerf it, you won't affect any of the engineers who are actually smacking kids right now, just the learners. Will ArenaNet nerf firearms and FT? Press F to doubt From your point of view then I think it'd be reasonable to adjust the auto-attack of flamethrower , with all considered it simply does too much , it should either apply burning or do direct dmg and increase burning dmg of rest of the skill. In the hands of a decent player that "press 1" build appears to be far too rewarding especially in a group setting. At the very least we should remove the burning from the auto-attack or leave the burning and remove the direct dmg. I haven’t seen any decent players use flame thrower not in solo or team settings and I don’t think they would consider it Many builds never get used by players during tournaments...they still get nerfed regardless, we had many examples in the past about that so don't know why this argument still stand. There are many situations, different gamemodes where Flamethrower becomes problematic. The low skill requirement is not the issue here...it's the rather big reward it gives , a little support or peeling and a flamethrower build becomes far too rewarding for just pressing 1 button most of the timeIt would be countered by even ezier builds like symbol core guardian. I think the problem is just scrapper is a great side noder rn. Like I said it can be countered by like core guard or core ranger fairly ezily, but with the build ppl play, not flamethrower btw, they can do a lot more different stuff with less investment to do it, which is the only reason ppl aren’t taking ranger or core guard in mats though they could if they chose to
  15. Obviously we will see nerfs queued up to Explosives and Holosmith traits Juggernaut probably goes untouched, why?To the masses, the only fact worth considering is: "spam #1, perma stability & many might stacks!". Rarely do people consider that you can ONLY spam flamethrower skills to maintain this, and you gotta dedicate two mediocre traitlines to do so. Trapped behind an enormous paywall of opportunity cost compared to the best builds. However if you are a new player who plays at a slower pace, spamming FT #1 might not seem like the lackluster way to apply pressure to competent enemies that it is, and stability lowers risk. It's a low risk low reward build, if you nerf it, you won't affect any of the engineers who are actually smacking kids right now, just the learners. Will ArenaNet nerf firearms and FT? Press F to doubt From your point of view then I think it'd be reasonable to adjust the auto-attack of flamethrower , with all considered it simply does too much , it should either apply burning or do direct dmg and increase burning dmg of rest of the skill. In the hands of a decent player that "press 1" build appears to be far too rewarding especially in a group setting. At the very least we should remove the burning from the auto-attack or leave the burning and remove the direct dmg.I haven’t seen any decent players use flame thrower not in solo or team settings and I don’t think they would consider it
  16. The thing is this change would be good in the case where they were used by insanely bunker classes that team fight- where a 300 sec icd would be perfectly balanced if fights literally lasted 6 mins till ppl died, but in many cases they were used by burst classes or roamers who wanted some 1v1 potential. So it seems like it just killed all the traits, but I don’t really have a suggestion besides make it like 150 secs instead
  17. The difference between the 2 is ratings are a public account of build strength while the level of meta or great is selected by the pvp moderator of metabattle, whom mostly does it based off what’s play in mats etc.(though not always) . One thing to remember though is that anet has been doing a lot of balance changes which in a game like gw2 changes the meta greatly, which ratings are not deleted or changed unless the user or moderator wishes to delete them, so some build have ratings given from literally years ago that may no longer be relevant. Because of this it’s good to check out the most frequent ratings especially those of the moderator hanz and decide based off these- what build would be strong or fulfill your purpose for what build you want to select.
  18. Not a bad idea, would piss some off but hey if it encourages ppl to actually climb I’m all for it
  19. The only reason I play this game is becuz there is no monthly fee and that I can sub stain my in game gold fix simply by being good at pvp, so plz no- neither of these changes will make me happy, nor make climbing ranked anymore fun. And sry about that but you cannot change my feelings towards a huge tax like that- also if I wanted a game with quality gameplay like that I would play wow, but gw2 combat is simple and smooth so I play it even if I could afford a monthly fee
  20. Rez signet into mist is obnoxious for sure. I’m not sure you can do it and stone form or magnetic shield invuln though. If you can I think that should at least be patched out. But most form man, obnoxious as hell- at least ele down state is alittle weak in many cases though.
  21. Your probably confused by the fact that there was a mini season. The actual season has been going on a few days so ofc rating for top 250 is nothing like the end of normal seasons.
  22. This is just part of the new game mode called 5v5 death match
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