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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. 5v5 death match in unranked is great maybe we can have a no down state season next
  2. That makes no sense Aren't you playing ranger by yourself? I give you some small advice, when you have trouble against p/d thiefCore ranger with tangle, zerker Amulett and rune of divinityIf you still die to the "insaaaaane" dps from pd than it's clearly your fault, on eu is actually no one playing pd beyond p2 Ppl don’t even play pd in ranked on NA unless they need it to carry skillwise . What they do do on NA though is stack them for tournament 1 pd thief is very annoying for a side noder who is trying to hold a node all match, but is even worse if they can Just stack them and condi burst you 2 at a time or even keep your roamers so condid up that they cannot plus and then just plus you whilst they try to clear the condis This is kind of gross stuff we have going on in NA right now. Taken about 15 minutes ago in an AT: NA seems like heaven lol, 2x condi thiefs. FeelsGoodMan.I take it over 2x holo or reaper+tempest any day.It’s not super common on NA tbh, but by taking that good teams can get away with a lot more build diversity in ats. You don’t need a reaper +tempest to team fight for you if you can just take sides and never lose them becuz 2 condis thief’s are all over the map at the same time. Also the burst is like disproportionate to the amount of effort put in so it’s very tilting to lose to this.
  3. It might be useful if the dagger trait wasn’t completely useless. But I don’t think anything else is wrong with the weapon. Ppl don’t play it on scourge becuz axe is just better for condition corrupt and dpsing, which it can do from a range. Only advantage might be that u get life force from dagger autos, but they won’t be usable on scourge because you don’t wanna get in ppls face and the dagger 2 u wanna keep off cd for the heal so you cannot use that either. Weapons fine just not useful in pvp atm- bad damage, not enough boon corrupt and not enough sustain to warrant tanking ppl in melee range.
  4. That makes no sense Aren't you playing ranger by yourself? I give you some small advice, when you have trouble against p/d thiefCore ranger with tangle, zerker Amulett and rune of divinityIf you still die to the "insaaaaane" dps from pd than it's clearly your fault, on eu is actually no one playing pd beyond p2 Ppl don’t even play pd in ranked on NA unless they need it to carry skillwise . What they do do on NA though is stack them for tournaments- 1 pd thief is very annoying for a side noder who is trying to hold a node all match, but is even worse if they can Just stack them and condi burst you 2 at a time or even keep your roamers so condid up that they cannot plus and then just plus you whilst they try to clear the condis
  5. Entangles only op when ppl don’t understand what it does. Decent skill though
  6. Since they are both marksmenship with beast mastery- tiger would be great for f2p players other than maybe raven or owl(if you want 2 birds). If you looking for a more bunkery pet with tiger maybe siamoth or even wolf for a fear maybe Isn't Tiger from HoT?O yeah I was thinking of the same family as the wolf family. The snow leopard is a decent sub for tiger, but doesn’t have as much synergy with marksmanship.
  7. Since they are both marksmenship with beast mastery- tiger would be great for f2p players other than maybe raven or owl(if you want 2 birds). If you looking for a more bunkery pet with tiger maybe siamoth or even wolf for a fear maybe
  8. What crit chance can you get with valk? 50%? Pmuch the crit chance is terrible but because all your combos are hidden behind pet swaps and interrupts all of which give you 100% Crit chance- almost all the time you try and land a maul or axe 3 it’ll crit. That’s the only reason it really works tbh
  9. Most ppl are gonna playing menders bunker core ranger for ats. Valk is good still though
  10. This is fairly well countered by 2 good dps players who pick the hall of the mist map. Just find your own specs your good at and stop complaining
  11. Pd core thief dies easily when focused No, it doesn't. It has multiple teleports, stealths, wears carrion, and spams weakness on all the power damage. For the level of ranged damage it deals and how frequent it is, the sustain & disengage is outrageous. In example, consider how a Core Warrior who has to melee is far easier to focus and actually kill than a P/D Thief and has roughly half the damage output during a burst. P/D Thief is currently extremely loaded, including its sustain. The weakness should be removed from the build entirely aside from blasting shortbow 2 on shortbow 4, which is actually a considerable amount of init to invest for procing an AoE weakness. Again , warrior and thief role are COMPLETELY diffeeent , dunno if u know the differente of a dueler and a roamer but u cant compare them thats ridiculous . Core dp has literally one teleport with 50s using daggger 2 when focused by two or more persons is not viable u will prob get a cc chain and die . There is only one stelath with big cd too , dagger 5 is like dagger 2 not viable wheb focused , the health is easily rupteable with 1s cast time. The condi burst is nice ? Ofc but like every top player says (sindrener , boyce..) c thief dies easily when focused not likely dsredevil wich is nearly inmortal . Literally when boyce plays ranger he farms c thief when they has shadow step and he says it on stream , no shadow step =kill 1 person playing a ranked counter doesn’t equal every top teir player. U even have the amount of stealth’s way off, plus if u want to play ranger in top teir it’s gonna sw/wth bunker which won’t kill them but can sustain them nicely. Is not one person playing a ranked counter , thats a exemplarization , every good player will say the same cthief dies easily under pressure . Plat3 should kill ez a cthief on a focus tbh U can pretty much play roamer sick em soulbeast at top tiers without problem also both mender and valk ranger can 1v1 (wich wont happen at top tier ) a cthief , tank mender soulbeast makes cthief +1 a hard play cuz it tanks condi burst dmg easy but when it comes to very very good players u wont decap them with lg4 what makes the build almost useless I’m plat3+ na and Eu and haven’t seen this much nor hear it much. Longbow sicem is mostly ranked but is not really played in top teir and valk is falling out of meta atm and the tank soulbeast has been more absent than sic em. The only thing worth playing rn in ats is sw/warhorn bunker core ranger tbh while the bursty ones are fairly meme but can be nice at times Im talking about playing sick soulbeast at ranked , it is viable but there is no one playing it apart from boyce . Im pretty much a play3/leg1 player at eu . There is a big differente between what is played at eu/na , for example Mender soulbeast was pretty much a na thing back then . All ranger builds r fairly covered by holos and scrappers tbh . Idk if ur refering to mender core with greatsword and sword with marks but i dont find warhorn better than dagger (if ur refering to that build) Anyway theres is a way big differente between ats and ranked , i find valk ranger pretty good at ranked but not on ats . I see some more sic em ranger in high teir other than Boyce. The menders soulbeast wasn’t really played at all on NA except for 1 team USA in-house where they thought it was meta and hence brought it to the mota without thinking that it would suck against any comps besides mostly their own. I know the build your talking about with marks, but it lacks all the trait synergy to make it viable. It only holds node because of healing trap with combo effects and also makes use of regen spam. Marks is workable but the only way to survive in ats is the combo effects and regen, where all the trait synergy is there with warhorn and nature magic. Plus you aren’t really gonna get many more kills with marks damage and you will be way more sensitive to plusses. So there doesn’t seem like much reason to play that variation over what I’m talking about Core ranger has lot of variants but at the end r all the same , i mean u need to play both survival and bestmasrety , then u can pick marks or narute (even skirmishing) , marks has big synergy with valk and axe but at the end u can pretty much play it with mender sword taking with both intelligent sigils (nature will be way tanky but at least with markd the build will deal bit more dmg so it will be more enjoyable) , u only can take value on healing trap with mender / sword tbh . Mender nature magic is bad at ranked while being good at ats cuz u wont kill nothing that is bit tanky and i dont rly enjoy it , at least valk ranger can kill stuff . I mean i know there is s trait at narute magic wich gives 200 heal when u gain regeneration while using wh 5 on healing trap (dunno if ur talking about synergy with that trait) also u will get big value with axe off hand cuz u will get 200 per regen tick without cd when using axe 5 on the healing trap . Anyway i still dont like warhorn over dagger , i think dodge has way more value at least for me . Maybe dropping gs to run sw/wh axe/dagger but gs block is way to overpowered to drop it Yeah I’m talking about the 200 healing on regen, but this is any source of w/o cd on at least 5 sources of regen, some with fairly low cds. Plus blast finisher gives extra condition clear you will lack. A big problem with what your talking about is for one that you are taking this stuff to counter classes(scrapper mostly) which are huge in projectile denial and stick in your face with area denial, hence why healing trap is good. The variants you are talking about won’t be able to do much when they use projectile denial and to my knowledge is just slighly not tanky enough to survive the 1v1 and maybe a plus 1 where actually the warhorn can also be used for stealth with smokescreen, which I’ve seen be incredibly useful especially since your going all out at trying to sustain on node versus a build that usually counters ranger on node without this stuff.
  12. Pd core thief dies easily when focused No, it doesn't. It has multiple teleports, stealths, wears carrion, and spams weakness on all the power damage. For the level of ranged damage it deals and how frequent it is, the sustain & disengage is outrageous. In example, consider how a Core Warrior who has to melee is far easier to focus and actually kill than a P/D Thief and has roughly half the damage output during a burst. P/D Thief is currently extremely loaded, including its sustain. The weakness should be removed from the build entirely aside from blasting shortbow 2 on shortbow 4, which is actually a considerable amount of init to invest for procing an AoE weakness. Again , warrior and thief role are COMPLETELY diffeeent , dunno if u know the differente of a dueler and a roamer but u cant compare them thats ridiculous . Core dp has literally one teleport with 50s using daggger 2 when focused by two or more persons is not viable u will prob get a cc chain and die . There is only one stelath with big cd too , dagger 5 is like dagger 2 not viable wheb focused , the health is easily rupteable with 1s cast time. The condi burst is nice ? Ofc but like every top player says (sindrener , boyce..) c thief dies easily when focused not likely dsredevil wich is nearly inmortal . Literally when boyce plays ranger he farms c thief when they has shadow step and he says it on stream , no shadow step =kill 1 person playing a ranked counter doesn’t equal every top teir player. U even have the amount of stealth’s way off, plus if u want to play ranger in top teir it’s gonna sw/wth bunker which won’t kill them but can sustain them nicely. Is not one person playing a ranked counter , thats a exemplarization , every good player will say the same cthief dies easily under pressure . Plat3 should kill ez a cthief on a focus tbh U can pretty much play roamer sick em soulbeast at top tiers without problem also both mender and valk ranger can 1v1 (wich wont happen at top tier ) a cthief , tank mender soulbeast makes cthief +1 a hard play cuz it tanks condi burst dmg easy but when it comes to very very good players u wont decap them with lg4 what makes the build almost useless I’m plat3+ na and Eu and haven’t seen this much nor hear it much. Longbow sicem is mostly ranked but is not really played in top teir and valk is falling out of meta atm and the tank soulbeast has been more absent than sic em. The only thing worth playing rn in ats is sw/warhorn bunker core ranger tbh while the bursty ones are fairly meme but can be nice at times Im talking about playing sick soulbeast at ranked , it is viable but there is no one playing it apart from boyce . Im pretty much a play3/leg1 player at eu . There is a big differente between what is played at eu/na , for example Mender soulbeast was pretty much a na thing back then . All ranger builds r fairly covered by holos and scrappers tbh . Idk if ur refering to mender core with greatsword and sword with marks but i dont find warhorn better than dagger (if ur refering to that build) Anyway theres is a way big differente between ats and ranked , i find valk ranger pretty good at ranked but not on ats .I see some more sic em ranger in high teir other than Boyce. The menders soulbeast wasn’t really played at all on NA except for 1 team USA in-house where they thought it was meta and hence brought it to the mota without thinking that it would suck against any comps besides mostly their own. I know the build your talking about with marks, but it lacks all the trait synergy to make it viable. It only holds node because of healing trap with combo effects and also makes use of regen spam. Marks is workable but the only way to survive in ats is the combo effects and regen, where all the trait synergy is there with warhorn and nature magic. Plus you aren’t really gonna get many more kills with marks damage and you will be way more sensitive to plusses. So there doesn’t seem like much reason to play that variation over what I’m talking about
  13. Pd core thief dies easily when focused No, it doesn't. It has multiple teleports, stealths, wears carrion, and spams weakness on all the power damage. For the level of ranged damage it deals and how frequent it is, the sustain & disengage is outrageous. In example, consider how a Core Warrior who has to melee is far easier to focus and actually kill than a P/D Thief and has roughly half the damage output during a burst. P/D Thief is currently extremely loaded, including its sustain. The weakness should be removed from the build entirely aside from blasting shortbow 2 on shortbow 4, which is actually a considerable amount of init to invest for procing an AoE weakness. Again , warrior and thief role are COMPLETELY diffeeent , dunno if u know the differente of a dueler and a roamer but u cant compare them thats ridiculous . Core dp has literally one teleport with 50s using daggger 2 when focused by two or more persons is not viable u will prob get a cc chain and die . There is only one stelath with big cd too , dagger 5 is like dagger 2 not viable wheb focused , the health is easily rupteable with 1s cast time. The condi burst is nice ? Ofc but like every top player says (sindrener , boyce..) c thief dies easily when focused not likely dsredevil wich is nearly inmortal . Literally when boyce plays ranger he farms c thief when they has shadow step and he says it on stream , no shadow step =kill 1 person playing a ranked counter doesn’t equal every top teir player. U even have the amount of stealth’s way off, plus if u want to play ranger in top teir it’s gonna sw/wth bunker which won’t kill them but can sustain them nicely. Is not one person playing a ranked counter , thats a exemplarization , every good player will say the same cthief dies easily under pressure . Plat3 should kill ez a cthief on a focus tbh U can pretty much play roamer sick em soulbeast at top tiers without problem also both mender and valk ranger can 1v1 (wich wont happen at top tier ) a cthief , tank mender soulbeast makes cthief +1 a hard play cuz it tanks condi burst dmg easy but when it comes to very very good players u wont decap them with lg4 what makes the build almost uselessI’m plat3+ na and Eu and haven’t seen this much nor hear it much. Longbow sicem is mostly ranked but is not really played in top teir and valk is falling out of meta atm and the tank soulbeast has been more absent than sic em. The only thing worth playing rn in ats is sw/warhorn bunker core ranger tbh while the bursty ones are fairly meme but can be nice at times
  14. Pd core thief dies easily when focused No, it doesn't. It has multiple teleports, stealths, wears carrion, and spams weakness on all the power damage. For the level of ranged damage it deals and how frequent it is, the sustain & disengage is outrageous. In example, consider how a Core Warrior who has to melee is far easier to focus and actually kill than a P/D Thief and has roughly half the damage output during a burst. P/D Thief is currently extremely loaded, including its sustain. The weakness should be removed from the build entirely aside from blasting shortbow 2 on shortbow 4, which is actually a considerable amount of init to invest for procing an AoE weakness. Again , warrior and thief role are COMPLETELY diffeeent , dunno if u know the differente of a dueler and a roamer but u cant compare them thats ridiculous . Core dp has literally one teleport with 50s using daggger 2 when focused by two or more persons is not viable u will prob get a cc chain and die . There is only one stelath with big cd too , dagger 5 is like dagger 2 not viable wheb focused , the health is easily rupteable with 1s cast time. The condi burst is nice ? Ofc but like every top player says (sindrener , boyce..) c thief dies easily when focused not likely dsredevil wich is nearly inmortal . Literally when boyce plays ranger he farms c thief when they has shadow step and he says it on stream , no shadow step =kill 1 person playing a ranked counter doesn’t equal every top teir player. U even have the amount of stealth’s way off, plus if u want to play ranger in top teir it’s gonna sw/wth bunker which won’t kill them but can sustain them nicely.
  15. The protection on core ranger is actually incredibly short duration and the regen isn’t perma either. These are also usually instantly lost when a thief pluses them. These things are really going to add up if you use the we heal as one though. as such troll ungent if taken is usually at least half their healing and also we heal as one usually ends up Also as about half there sustain. If your on an amulet without healing the heal skill ends up as like 2/3 their healing tbh
  16. play mirage and go tell me how much you can resustain with healing skill alone. where every ~30s you heal for 6k. Took bad 1 stray nade auto can take that much in 0,5s.The fact is, almost every class has kitten ton of built in, easy to proc, consistent sustain. Be it gaining boons to heal as holo, losing heat to healing. Barriers and other kitten.Healing skills alone dont mean jack, they can be rupted, poisoned and when you just look at healing skill they dont heal much.But when you go into a proper teamfight, and you have perma regeneration, you have necro that gives you leeching, you kitten out boons and every boon heals you, you get barrier for landing EE, losing hit heals you. You can have water combo field to heal up from elite then suddenly all of those "small" heals combined do most of the healing, while healing skill itself doesnt do all that much. I disagree. We are at a point where burst healing skills are worth taking over passive ones even on bunker - like for engi and ranger. The boons are also part of why to take this. Also u won’t get much barrier from scourge without the heal skill. Heal skills are huge source of sustain rn on most every meta build
  17. Every class has a strong healing skill and since anet reduced passive sustain and support skills- it seems as any build can have good sustain just by using their heal skill, which probably contributes to all these dps builds like holo, which runs around with near s tier resustain making it basically a 1v1 build as a roaming spec
  18. Even if your duo dcs during the first round you generally still lose rating in 2v2s. This would be fine if you could win without 1 person but the chances of that for 3 rounds is close to zero, so can we adjust the timer for dcs or add one if it’s missing?
  19. All the top players are playing reaper + tempest or reaper + x. I don't understand what this holosmith complaining is on about If anything, this 2v2 just shows that DPS ele needs to be buffed. Actually I don’t think ppl play reaper tempest. It would seem that the op comp is scourge + scourge. Reaper tempest maybe better against 2 High damage burst specs though
  20. Supply crate is like thief’s guild. Obnoxious and last a long time when it works, but kindof bad when it doesn’t work
  21. S teir damage yeahA tier mobility actually yeah but only becuz of super speedSustain is where’s it’s tricky, actual sustain as a zerk build is B at best but it’s burst on the sustain coupled with mobility and disengage makes it’s re-sustain actually close to S, but let’s just say ATeam utility is alittle tricky and depends on the situation. I’d say more like A teir team damage which actually ranger can achieve but not on the same level becuz it’s not aoe or as ez to do
  22. Lower sustain while removing boon rip maybe. Also lower condi burst in compensation for lower sustain
  23. Outside of other stuff- the biggest problem I see in anyone who’s say new or not experienced is 1.) big mechanical problems from terrible settings 2.) no knowledge of roles, which makes their play seem random 3.) no inter class knowledge- they don’t know what to expect from other classes or simply when to dodge 4.) no knowledge of what maps are like- they cannot know where to rotate for wins or simply cannot figure out if or not they will win with say 2 nodes and hence get decapped or make a random rotation
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