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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. I don’t like playing team fight specs for any reason besides 2v2 and 3v3 mini season where I actually enjoy them a lot. This lets someone like me practice a more wide array of classes and builds, at least in the long run
  2. When making your own build you should make sure it’s efficient. I’ve seen 1v1 builds that do great with predators cunning. Problem with your version rn is that both trait lines are power based and that you take longbow a power weapon and then even rabid amulet which is a precision amulet, so it won’t be efficient with precision and condi base stats with power stuffs. Consider wilderness survival(top,mid,mid)- it adds sustain and some good poison a lot of ppl also take skirmishing for condition builds but you don’t have to if you want something unique. Marksmanship is possible on condi builds, but basically only if you take the traits that help you land crits with an amulet like carrion which will make your build hybrid, but if you don’t plan on that just take beast mastery.Basically the build you closing in on is a small skirmish and/or 1v1er for unblockable damage and maybe lots of dodges, which can work but the changes above should make your build more efficient. It almost there but the more efficient for your role as a small skirmishes ranger the better and a long bow with marks and soulbeast condi build will just do the job slower than if you didn’t take those.Also consider the soulbeast traits bot or top, bot and for the last one mid(if you take stances) or bot. These are the good traits for soulbeast
  3. https://www.godsofpvp.net/look for ranger herehttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Rangerthose ones might be outdated and less meta, so take it with a grain of salt The ranger builds on godsofpvp are much worse for the meta than metabattle. Also I don’t think this is necessarily what the person was asking for at all
  4. Let me fix this: invulnerability if the game has not yet started. I can't tell how stupid it is to be put in combat when swapping build.* Totally disable "faster rez" traits/skills.Automatically give the win to the team with 2 players alive if the other team has one dead by the end of the timer.~~* No class stacking. ~~ Rez skills and traits are part of the game, and you can't really call stacking something that has only TWO items. The rest proposed changes are great, especially the 1st one. Either invuln, or just CLOSE the kitten gates at Auric Span before the match. No because you can still win at timer with 1 person. That suggestion would ruin the game mode
  5. Its EU.Does he play on EU? Specify it's EU in your OP.I was going to ask where Noody was, say what you will he's very clever with his thief.Who are these ppl even and why would they be on an NA power ranking?
  6. Bleeds usually last awhile I think while burn doesn’t. Basically bleed is long duration damage while burn is high damage short duration
  7. No. Burn from virtues is symbol traited. This would only upset the balance
  8. Dude that's actually pretty inaccurate. Boonbeast was only good for quite seriously "a season or two" and it that was a side node thing. After they gutted Boonbeast, which didn't take long, Soulbeasts had to start running full DPS builds. Ranger went for literally "years" without having any build that was solid enough to compete seriously for top 50 slots or to be used in any serious MAT team. Then we had a short season or two of Core Ranger play, which was recent There was actually a soulbeast who played it right when it came out with a unique dps build that hit rank 1 briefly and later secured a rank 3 title with it. Imo some of the thing in soulbeast were always real diamonds- like fresh reinforcement at least with 2 pets was one of the most insane things I’ve seen in gw2. Sadly these things to nerf on ranger stick out like sore thumbs so it gets nerfed to oblivion when they realize it. Meanwhile engi is constantly either meta or in sleeper mode for meta, which was been true for core ranger now and I’m not sure what they could nerf on ranger so maybe the tables have turned, though I doubt it or at least in severity
  9. Actually players who were “hacking” completely disappeared from what I saw for a good bit. Possibly they got banned, generally first offenses for bans are lighter so a short ban and a return is possible. Tbh the “hacker hype” is not nearly as bad anymore from what I take with the small number of complaints.
  10. Ahh yes the blocking discord. Where anyone,even gold or bronze players, can dominate the scene if they are ruthless enough.
  11. Yeah letting ppl pick who they q against is just gonna lead to mmr failure. The only thing I would recommend as a solution would be something like a draft pick that lets you choose a role before a match - like Qing as a side noder and/or roaming and purposely getting put with more balanced team role wise, but tbh it may not be possible in a game like gw2 where players can bend role rules by playing w.e build they want or just changing role by selecting a different amulet.Not a good idea to do this
  12. Don't you see the issue?Symbol Firebrand is the one people complain about.It's not Symbol Core Guardian or Symbol Dragon Hunter. Do you realize what that means? Firebrand is at fault, not Symbols. symbol core guard is just as toxic, have you not played the side node symbol core guard build? it's braindead and will carry bad players, just it will never be meta because FB is better. and ofc, by AoE i don't literally just mean symbol, FB spam just as much AoE from tomes, that's why fb is worse, doesn't mean symbol is any better by it'self The symbol core guard type of build isn’t really obnoxious imo. It’s just another counter play in the 1v1 realm. It can counter things weak to aoe like ranger and does it really well, but if the opponent doesn’t stand in your symbols then it becomes useless and like wise it’s also technically very squish outside of its symbols, so to actually play well you need to know kiting very well and how much dps is in the match up.I’ll agree it’s ez sure as you just lay symbols, but it’s one of those things-like say necromancer, where game knowledge is so incredibly important that the new player can be countered or out rotated by anyone with a brain. So it doesn’t really carry bad players just counter bad play while being fairly simple You can't contest the node, and killing at range for most builds takes so long you'll get +1ed and forced to run. It's incredibly powerful at holding nodes and winning games.It’s powerful on certain maps yeah, but super weak to a plus and even if your on a map it works on- it’s actually very possible to hold at least a decap until plused and they then will be like 1 shot by any power thief plussing them.Edit: I know exactly what your talking about though, as I’ve 1v1d this build many many times by now
  13. I thought the problem with this was it end 200-100, but I guess not. It sounds like an extremely average match and judging from the comps a possibly low-middle range rated match, though I maybe wrong about that
  14. Great guide. Kind of a silly question but how do you make fast turns without "Use either mouse button to change direction"? Only reason I don't use free camera is because character movement is slow and clumsy for me without that option checked. That would probably be about face, which you use to automatically turn the other direction. This is very important for more precise movements like reaction based spell usage or kiting. It is also very important for the thief class which is heavily dodge based and let you use the “roll skills” in the direction you want without the risk of losing movement efficiency and all you need to use this is bind a key to the command.Free camera is actually better so that you can see what’s going on around you also, so I would recommend you experiment with it. You don’t have to take it until you fully figure out how to use it and also possibly when you get all you keybinds and settings under control I'm talking more just turning in general. With the "use mouse button" setting I can make quick turns just by holding my mouse, but turns are very slow with that off and you can't use that and free camera. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but yea, with free camera on I can only make these big wide turns and it's hard to be precise with movement.O! well on my set up which, should be the same, you walk forward with W and A+D is the strafe. The reason you use strafe is becuz the only way to need to move is toward or away from the target and around the target- the reason for this is mostly speed, but it also has to do with how important kiting is imo- just go test on a golem u can walk in circles around targets ezily with strafe. There’s a few situations where turning may help you land a hit but that is very infrequent and is an incredibly precise movement that u can just do with your mouse. For me left clicking the mouse pointer this shifts the camera, which is hugely important so I play with free cam and right clicking changes the camera and the focus of your character which causes them to move in that direction. That is how u change directions with free cam, so you need to be used to both left and right hand clicks. Quick synopsis- u can move forward or back(unless u decided to eliminate backwards key bond) and side to side with wasd. Left mouse click changes camera direction and right changes character focus for changing directions. This is with free camera which allows you to move your camera when u want and be more free and efficient with movements since they are reliant only on reactions not the camera position
  15. I actually have a question though. How will they make a duo q only q? There are 5 players per team, so will one of them be a solo qer at random? This would just hurt solo qs more as they will have little coordination than the duo qers at times. Or do we make a new game mode for them?
  16. Don't you see the issue?Symbol Firebrand is the one people complain about.It's not Symbol Core Guardian or Symbol Dragon Hunter. Do you realize what that means? Firebrand is at fault, not Symbols. symbol core guard is just as toxic, have you not played the side node symbol core guard build? it's braindead and will carry bad players, just it will never be meta because FB is better. and ofc, by AoE i don't literally just mean symbol, FB spam just as much AoE from tomes, that's why fb is worse, doesn't mean symbol is any better by it'selfThe symbol core guard type of build isn’t really obnoxious imo. It’s just another counter play in the 1v1 realm. It can counter things weak to aoe like ranger and does it really well, but if the opponent doesn’t stand in your symbols then it becomes useless and like wise it’s also technically very squish outside of its symbols, so to actually play well you need to know kiting very well and how much dps is in the match up.I’ll agree it’s ez sure as you just lay symbols, but it’s one of those things-like say necromancer, where game knowledge is so incredibly important that the new player can be countered or out rotated by anyone with a brain. So it doesn’t really carry bad players just counter bad play while being fairly simple
  17. Fair point, however people already don't take the rating and leaderboards seriously. Thats sort of the point. It has gotten to the point that people care so little about it that rather than get frustrated and angry and lash out as they play Ranked and try to climb, they literally just stop caring and take a "just for fun" approach to Ranked. Which isn't bad, that isn't a problem, but to me that speaks to how irrelevant as a mode sPvP is in that regard. I'm not saying that people should be getting angry when they lose, or can't climb, or that they should be lashing out at people and insulting them, its just that clearly things have gotten to the point where they feel its just better to not care at all because they feel like things just won't get better or change, and not caring is just healthier for their sanity. There is a reason why ESL closed their GW2 section, their is a reason why sPvP has been hemorrhaging players, there is a reason why so many more people now are saying "Ranked isn't worth caring about" and gradually the same is being said more about ATs. Swiss to me is just the most recent problem that has appeared in the ever expanding list of poor decisions being made in relation to sPvP, one of the earliest problems being the dynamic queue that unfortunately evolved into solo/duo queue only. There are plenty of other competitive games out there that have solo queue options, or multiple queue options, that players who participate in them don't feel like it is "meaningless" because that is its own separate entity. It has its own separate rating, its own separate queue and sometimes builds/classes/whatever that work better in that queue. Even Ubisoft is considering adding Solo Queue as its own separate thing in R6 Siege (a bit late on that but better late than never). Now while I would like for them to add more actual game modes to sPvP, I would love to see 2v2 and 3v3 deathmatch just be a constant as an option, but I still feel that functionally they need to do a lot of improving and changing to sPvP, specifically Ranked, so people actually care about it and want to play it, as well as so they don't feel like it is completely irrelevant because of where the state things have been brought to. Imagine if they had added solo/duo queue only as an option for Ranked, keeping them separate from full team queue, way back in 2016. I genuinely don't think it is a coincidence that ESL pulled out after that change went through, and especially after the change stayed. I think part of why ranked is seen as almost irrelevant is more because of the design of the game. Being able to kill and carry can be almost irrelevant at times because the game gives very little for kills. You will see thief players just get 1 kill and then go decap and monster side noders who can stay at far even 1v3 do nothing to win matches becuz it just doesn’t matter on a level of depth as almost every pvp game in the world. Because of this solo q grinding can be irrelevant, while duo q can range from relevant to plain op when new players go against top teir ones. This is also a reason why team q goes out of control, since top teir teams and semi-serious ones will have an unclosable gap.Imo opinion in this game it’s what you make of it. If you are good and/or in a good duo and try enough ranked can be somewhat enjoyable, but if you don’t take a slightly serious approach rank deludes into something meaningless . For me it’s just a live with it thing because I know how the game works and I just try to enjoy the good parts that make the game unique- and it is unique, I’ve never seen a game so different and yet have some all encompassing basic mechanics that matter on this level
  18. I actually think the current system is good. The real question is whether or not Swiss is good and if there should be more options for 2s 3s and maybe something like 10s or a capture the flag version that is better than stronghold.Swiss sucks for brand new players or ppl that want to do ats for quick farm, but for semi-serious casuals or casual serious players it’s good, though not that fun for pro level teams who want ez first place wins. As such it should take a large portion of the population saying they hate it to get rid of it.Having more game modes is tricky as it would add variety but would possibly end up a meme game mode, because no one would take rating seriously. Team q is also an actual problem because it would suffer from this issue and just make qs more meaningless if they made a separate team q just to make most players in the game feel bad about rating and lacking a team in general.
  19. Conditions are an interesting mechanic as they have mechanics of it that can punish players, but and experienced player can avoid it. You need to think of it on a level of depth as a more counter damage type as it will only do anything if the opponent doesn’t use cds well, but if it does hit it ignores damage mitigation. So it’s bursty and yet not bursty which imo makes it fairly unique to games in general, but I think it’s far from superior on a deep level or at least after the rework. Because of this it’s almost a l2p issue in top teir play, but insanely op to new players.
  20. Great guide. Kind of a silly question but how do you make fast turns without "Use either mouse button to change direction"? Only reason I don't use free camera is because character movement is slow and clumsy for me without that option checked. That would probably be about face, which you use to automatically turn the other direction. This is very important for more precise movements like reaction based spell usage or kiting. It is also very important for the thief class which is heavily dodge based and let you use the “roll skills” in the direction you want without the risk of losing movement efficiency and all you need to use this is bind a key to the command.Free camera is actually better so that you can see what’s going on around you also, so I would recommend you experiment with it. You don’t have to take it until you fully figure out how to use it and also possibly when you get all you keybinds and settings under control
  21. CMC already said in a stream with Teapot and Angeels, when asked "is there a build in PvP that you consider to be the power level that you'd like to see across the entire game?" and he said that "warrior isn't necessarily the gold standard but it feels pretty good." Which means, if anything, other classes need to be nerfed and Warrior really only needs adjustments (Buffs or Nerfs) We know that, warrior has been "feeling good" since 2012, warrior has never been underpowered, but either overpowered (quickly nerfed) or standard (underpowered but not buffing just nerfing everybody else) and we also know that, because they have been nerfing everything FOR 5 MONTHS already yet warrior is still trash.. that's the point of the thread tbh, how long it takes for anet to nerf everything to warrior level standard, so that warrior can finally has a play with 5 months already passed.remember that FB still trashes warrior, yet this isnt even FB's meta yet..there's still many meta to come before finally reaching so called "warrior's standard" I understand the frustration, I'm right there with you, Warrior might "feel good" for the moment but that gets overrided by the overtuned things still going on right now with classes like FB and Holo and otherwise. I've said it before in other threads, its an issue of boon accessibility. Those classes, by comparison, projectile vomit boons onto themselves, and often others, and that is practically the entire reason why they are where they are. Warrior does not have that, neither do some other classes/specs, and because of that it gets pushed out. Boons need to be viewed as the issue on these classes and they need to look at it from the perspective of bringing that boon accessibility down. Now I am all for criticizing ANet for the slow cadence, and the patches not really having much of an impact in terms of balance, the thing is that any sort of change or rework to skills or traits needs to be forwarded to the skills team and unfortunately PvE is taken heavily into consideration for any of those kinds of changes. So for the most part its not entirely in CMCs hands, which is precisely why the passive traits haven't been reworked yet. This stuff is why they need to have those on the PvP balance team and the skills team, even the content teams, do a weekly devstream and have these kinds of Q&A/State of the Game type discussions. I highly doubt that they don't have something to talk about on a weekly basis, or at least an update to something. If weekly is too much bi-weekly at minimum. You know, the reason guardian has aegis+protection is because it doesn't have 19k base health and endure-pain, shield block, evades, etc etc right? You can't complain that a class that is specifically designed to be statistically weak, but instead relies on boons...... relies on boons. Similarly Ele and Engi are designed with boons in mind. The current issue with guardian/FB is symbols. Nobody likes them, either those playing with them or against them, and fortunately CMC appears to be aware of this issue. Guardian boon generation is actually pretty average compared to the likes of holo/scrapper, ranger/soulbeast, rev/herald. Go and see which one can maintain higher uptimes on protection, stability, vigor, or generate higher stacks of might. I dare you. Boons got hit very very hard in february, they really aren't the issue anymore. FB elite mantra provides 1s stability.... on 45s cooldown. Wauw such boon-vomit. As for warrior, it really would only take another shave to holo, a symbol rework, and a shave to rev evade/block-chaining, and it would be perfectly viable. I can totally see condi-zerker coming back and being a thing, especially now mallyx got trimmed. The issue is symbols because no one likes them? Every guard I knows has heard about cmc wanting to remove them and thinks that’s a terrible idea and no one I know complains about playing against symbol guards, in fact everyone I know thinks it’s balanced and somewhat interesting... wrong,guardian spamming aoe has always been problematic, just less so now as guardian is outshined by tempest.regardless how strong tempest is, i'm just glad that it pushed FB out of the meta Spamming aoe is not the same thing as symbols being faulty and for most of the time it was a support spec with the actual symbol firebrand being good but more of a 1v1 team fight hybrid meanwhile all the other guard symbol builds in the entire history of gw2 are mostly 1v1 builds and atm guardian is mostly a 1v1 spec like that. It has nothing to do with symbols and shows absolutely 0 problems with symbols themselves and like I said these specs are good at what they do, but aren’t really a problem balance wise nah, symbolbrand has always been toxic mechanic wise. Well I see no proof of that at all. Firebrand was strong sure and now it’s not nearly as strong so players see more reason than ever to play core symbols or dh symbols and it’s good but not worth nerfing because it has natural weaknesses ok ok no need to talk it all loud, we know you like to spam AoEs. but it's toxic.i'm talking mechanic not how strong it currently is, but ok. there are literally thousands of threads talking about how AoE spamming is bad, go read someI main thief ranger and power reaper I don’t even play Aoe specs. I gave you a factual answer based off opinions of guard mains and many many interactions of them and other players including myself and 1v1 sessions and also what I see from pmuch every person that plays guard in ranked on NA in high mmr. If I was wrong there should be a reason and I don’t see any at all nor any very substantial thread on the subject that sways the opinions of many ppl
  22. CMC already said in a stream with Teapot and Angeels, when asked "is there a build in PvP that you consider to be the power level that you'd like to see across the entire game?" and he said that "warrior isn't necessarily the gold standard but it feels pretty good." Which means, if anything, other classes need to be nerfed and Warrior really only needs adjustments (Buffs or Nerfs) We know that, warrior has been "feeling good" since 2012, warrior has never been underpowered, but either overpowered (quickly nerfed) or standard (underpowered but not buffing just nerfing everybody else) and we also know that, because they have been nerfing everything FOR 5 MONTHS already yet warrior is still trash.. that's the point of the thread tbh, how long it takes for anet to nerf everything to warrior level standard, so that warrior can finally has a play with 5 months already passed.remember that FB still trashes warrior, yet this isnt even FB's meta yet..there's still many meta to come before finally reaching so called "warrior's standard" I understand the frustration, I'm right there with you, Warrior might "feel good" for the moment but that gets overrided by the overtuned things still going on right now with classes like FB and Holo and otherwise. I've said it before in other threads, its an issue of boon accessibility. Those classes, by comparison, projectile vomit boons onto themselves, and often others, and that is practically the entire reason why they are where they are. Warrior does not have that, neither do some other classes/specs, and because of that it gets pushed out. Boons need to be viewed as the issue on these classes and they need to look at it from the perspective of bringing that boon accessibility down. Now I am all for criticizing ANet for the slow cadence, and the patches not really having much of an impact in terms of balance, the thing is that any sort of change or rework to skills or traits needs to be forwarded to the skills team and unfortunately PvE is taken heavily into consideration for any of those kinds of changes. So for the most part its not entirely in CMCs hands, which is precisely why the passive traits haven't been reworked yet. This stuff is why they need to have those on the PvP balance team and the skills team, even the content teams, do a weekly devstream and have these kinds of Q&A/State of the Game type discussions. I highly doubt that they don't have something to talk about on a weekly basis, or at least an update to something. If weekly is too much bi-weekly at minimum. You know, the reason guardian has aegis+protection is because it doesn't have 19k base health and endure-pain, shield block, evades, etc etc right? You can't complain that a class that is specifically designed to be statistically weak, but instead relies on boons...... relies on boons. Similarly Ele and Engi are designed with boons in mind. The current issue with guardian/FB is symbols. Nobody likes them, either those playing with them or against them, and fortunately CMC appears to be aware of this issue. Guardian boon generation is actually pretty average compared to the likes of holo/scrapper, ranger/soulbeast, rev/herald. Go and see which one can maintain higher uptimes on protection, stability, vigor, or generate higher stacks of might. I dare you. Boons got hit very very hard in february, they really aren't the issue anymore. FB elite mantra provides 1s stability.... on 45s cooldown. Wauw such boon-vomit. As for warrior, it really would only take another shave to holo, a symbol rework, and a shave to rev evade/block-chaining, and it would be perfectly viable. I can totally see condi-zerker coming back and being a thing, especially now mallyx got trimmed. The issue is symbols because no one likes them? Every guard I knows has heard about cmc wanting to remove them and thinks that’s a terrible idea and no one I know complains about playing against symbol guards, in fact everyone I know thinks it’s balanced and somewhat interesting... wrong,guardian spamming aoe has always been problematic, just less so now as guardian is outshined by tempest.regardless how strong tempest is, i'm just glad that it pushed FB out of the meta Spamming aoe is not the same thing as symbols being faulty and for most of the time it was a support spec with the actual symbol firebrand being good but more of a 1v1 team fight hybrid meanwhile all the other guard symbol builds in the entire history of gw2 are mostly 1v1 builds and atm guardian is mostly a 1v1 spec like that. It has nothing to do with symbols and shows absolutely 0 problems with symbols themselves and like I said these specs are good at what they do, but aren’t really a problem balance wise nah, symbolbrand has always been toxic mechanic wise.Well I see no proof of that at all. Firebrand was strong sure and now it’s not nearly as strong so players see more reason than ever to play core symbols or dh symbols and it’s good but not worth nerfing because it has natural weaknesses
  23. Yes. Some specs that had naturally untouchable mechanics are playable but balanced and most things are fairly balanced with the others being touched on by updated patches. Feels like the majority of things are closer to ground level for the first time in years after the major patching.
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