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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. CMC already said in a stream with Teapot and Angeels, when asked "is there a build in PvP that you consider to be the power level that you'd like to see across the entire game?" and he said that "warrior isn't necessarily the gold standard but it feels pretty good." Which means, if anything, other classes need to be nerfed and Warrior really only needs adjustments (Buffs or Nerfs) We know that, warrior has been "feeling good" since 2012, warrior has never been underpowered, but either overpowered (quickly nerfed) or standard (underpowered but not buffing just nerfing everybody else) and we also know that, because they have been nerfing everything FOR 5 MONTHS already yet warrior is still trash.. that's the point of the thread tbh, how long it takes for anet to nerf everything to warrior level standard, so that warrior can finally has a play with 5 months already passed.remember that FB still trashes warrior, yet this isnt even FB's meta yet..there's still many meta to come before finally reaching so called "warrior's standard" I understand the frustration, I'm right there with you, Warrior might "feel good" for the moment but that gets overrided by the overtuned things still going on right now with classes like FB and Holo and otherwise. I've said it before in other threads, its an issue of boon accessibility. Those classes, by comparison, projectile vomit boons onto themselves, and often others, and that is practically the entire reason why they are where they are. Warrior does not have that, neither do some other classes/specs, and because of that it gets pushed out. Boons need to be viewed as the issue on these classes and they need to look at it from the perspective of bringing that boon accessibility down. Now I am all for criticizing ANet for the slow cadence, and the patches not really having much of an impact in terms of balance, the thing is that any sort of change or rework to skills or traits needs to be forwarded to the skills team and unfortunately PvE is taken heavily into consideration for any of those kinds of changes. So for the most part its not entirely in CMCs hands, which is precisely why the passive traits haven't been reworked yet. This stuff is why they need to have those on the PvP balance team and the skills team, even the content teams, do a weekly devstream and have these kinds of Q&A/State of the Game type discussions. I highly doubt that they don't have something to talk about on a weekly basis, or at least an update to something. If weekly is too much bi-weekly at minimum. You know, the reason guardian has aegis+protection is because it doesn't have 19k base health and endure-pain, shield block, evades, etc etc right? You can't complain that a class that is specifically designed to be statistically weak, but instead relies on boons...... relies on boons. Similarly Ele and Engi are designed with boons in mind. The current issue with guardian/FB is symbols. Nobody likes them, either those playing with them or against them, and fortunately CMC appears to be aware of this issue. Guardian boon generation is actually pretty average compared to the likes of holo/scrapper, ranger/soulbeast, rev/herald. Go and see which one can maintain higher uptimes on protection, stability, vigor, or generate higher stacks of might. I dare you. Boons got hit very very hard in february, they really aren't the issue anymore. FB elite mantra provides 1s stability.... on 45s cooldown. Wauw such boon-vomit. As for warrior, it really would only take another shave to holo, a symbol rework, and a shave to rev evade/block-chaining, and it would be perfectly viable. I can totally see condi-zerker coming back and being a thing, especially now mallyx got trimmed. The issue is symbols because no one likes them? Every guard I knows has heard about cmc wanting to remove them and thinks that’s a terrible idea and no one I know complains about playing against symbol guards, in fact everyone I know thinks it’s balanced and somewhat interesting... wrong,guardian spamming aoe has always been problematic, just less so now as guardian is outshined by tempest.regardless how strong tempest is, i'm just glad that it pushed FB out of the metaSpamming aoe is not the same thing as symbols being faulty and for most of the time it was a support spec with the actual symbol firebrand being good but more of a 1v1 team fight hybrid meanwhile all the other guard symbol builds in the entire history of gw2 are mostly 1v1 builds and atm guardian is mostly a 1v1 spec like that. It has nothing to do with symbols and shows absolutely 0 problems with symbols themselves and like I said these specs are good at what they do, but aren’t really a problem balance wise
  2. Thanks for bringing out an idea for a full revamp. Not gonna champion it as it’s kindof too big for me to assess rn. It seems like your trying to bring all necro specs on the same level as scourge, am I correct in that assessment?
  3. CMC already said in a stream with Teapot and Angeels, when asked "is there a build in PvP that you consider to be the power level that you'd like to see across the entire game?" and he said that "warrior isn't necessarily the gold standard but it feels pretty good." Which means, if anything, other classes need to be nerfed and Warrior really only needs adjustments (Buffs or Nerfs) We know that, warrior has been "feeling good" since 2012, warrior has never been underpowered, but either overpowered (quickly nerfed) or standard (underpowered but not buffing just nerfing everybody else) and we also know that, because they have been nerfing everything FOR 5 MONTHS already yet warrior is still trash.. that's the point of the thread tbh, how long it takes for anet to nerf everything to warrior level standard, so that warrior can finally has a play with 5 months already passed.remember that FB still trashes warrior, yet this isnt even FB's meta yet..there's still many meta to come before finally reaching so called "warrior's standard" I understand the frustration, I'm right there with you, Warrior might "feel good" for the moment but that gets overrided by the overtuned things still going on right now with classes like FB and Holo and otherwise. I've said it before in other threads, its an issue of boon accessibility. Those classes, by comparison, projectile vomit boons onto themselves, and often others, and that is practically the entire reason why they are where they are. Warrior does not have that, neither do some other classes/specs, and because of that it gets pushed out. Boons need to be viewed as the issue on these classes and they need to look at it from the perspective of bringing that boon accessibility down. Now I am all for criticizing ANet for the slow cadence, and the patches not really having much of an impact in terms of balance, the thing is that any sort of change or rework to skills or traits needs to be forwarded to the skills team and unfortunately PvE is taken heavily into consideration for any of those kinds of changes. So for the most part its not entirely in CMCs hands, which is precisely why the passive traits haven't been reworked yet. This stuff is why they need to have those on the PvP balance team and the skills team, even the content teams, do a weekly devstream and have these kinds of Q&A/State of the Game type discussions. I highly doubt that they don't have something to talk about on a weekly basis, or at least an update to something. If weekly is too much bi-weekly at minimum. You know, the reason guardian has aegis+protection is because it doesn't have 19k base health and endure-pain, shield block, evades, etc etc right? You can't complain that a class that is specifically designed to be statistically weak, but instead relies on boons...... relies on boons. Similarly Ele and Engi are designed with boons in mind. The current issue with guardian/FB is symbols. Nobody likes them, either those playing with them or against them, and fortunately CMC appears to be aware of this issue. Guardian boon generation is actually pretty average compared to the likes of holo/scrapper, ranger/soulbeast, rev/herald. Go and see which one can maintain higher uptimes on protection, stability, vigor, or generate higher stacks of might. I dare you. Boons got hit very very hard in february, they really aren't the issue anymore. FB elite mantra provides 1s stability.... on 45s cooldown. Wauw such boon-vomit. As for warrior, it really would only take another shave to holo, a symbol rework, and a shave to rev evade/block-chaining, and it would be perfectly viable. I can totally see condi-zerker coming back and being a thing, especially now mallyx got trimmed.The issue is symbols because no one likes them? Every guard I knows has heard about cmc wanting to remove them and thinks that’s a terrible idea and no one I know complains about playing against symbol guards, in fact everyone I know thinks it’s balanced and somewhat interesting...
  4. My guess is guard will be the next hated thing. And I suspect holo or scrapper will still be busted. Ranger and druid. They auto win any 1v1 regardless of either players skill. side node warrior is better than ranger atm , see vaanns gameplay and you'll see. you should understand ranger isn't build to WIN 1v1s , it's build to hold neut node/node position , this is philosophy of side node builds.... druid is trash at side node buddy , if you're losing to druid then you're just bad - i think even soulbeast is better at side node than core ranger at this point and druid is nowhere near either of them at side node. scrapper / warrior will be side node since crev is out due to resist nerfs .... ranger can win 1v1s in some occasions but it's not meta. Spellbreaker can be ok into ranger, but I’ve been playing ranger into the warrior in question for like a year straight now and I’d say war is good maybe great in the right hands, but it doesn’t beat ranger in the 1v1 as a match up-otherwise vaanns would be farming me badly, which I think I can proudly say isn’t the case.Edit: soulbeast is also terrible compared to core. Wth are you smoking
  5. Thing about ranger and especially symbol guard is that they were, even played as full tank like nature magic ranger or dh symbol guard, they were half as good when plussed. To even be effective on these builds you need to kite extremely well when plussed, meanwhile condi rev could not only survive a plus but barely kite and sometimes not actually kite at all skillfully and still survive 1v2, which is kind of wild and let even a full tank build carry ranked very well becuz even just semi experienced played would survive forever in matches where a full bunker ranger would’ve died 3 times.
  6. It’s a trick for sure and it’s got ammo- it’s called scorpion wire
  7. The typical issue with 1v1s comes up then, namely that some classes are broken, and some classes unplayable. Well I mean there’s some counter play options- like aoe classes can actually beat stuff like ranger or holo pezily in normal matches, but u have room to kite and aoe classes can be countered by burst ones, it seems like every class can come up with at least a little- like some condi builds for thief are used in 1v1s or maybe a staff build and Mesmer and war are at least ok in 1v1s. If u cannot come up with much 1v1 pressure you can at least kite till timer and try to win. It’s a mini season no one expects balance, but at least u aren’t dependent on 2 team mates to just aoe for you and I think that’d be fun, but u can disagree.
  8. I wouldn’t mind a 1v1 season, because the aoe is getting a little boring and while u didn’t have to run aoe in 2s or 3s- it was very good and while aoe can still be used in 1v1(core guard, dh and scourge) it won’t be a basic necessity.
  9. Actually while trap dh is kind toxic, symbol guard- usually core but sometimes dh + meditations, is probably ezier and more “meta” in that it can be used pretty well as a 1v1er
  10. Depends on deaths on both teams, but I would say roamer should catch up the enemy roamer, duelist should take a look at mid, but goes with rest on far and trys to get the decap Idk I can sidenode but I have actually no clue Side noders often find high value in taking an aggressive position or at least much more than afking on an uncontested node. So if your team goes far to team fight and there’s no value in defending mid as hypothetically say the entire other team is bunkering home- the side noders optimal rotation would be adding pressure to far or taking advantage of objectives like beast which may give you the winning points or even the sword buff if the enemy team will just Rez themselves over and over. I’d say if you need beast to win the best person to go for it is a side noder, then the roamer which maybe better suited for stealing it from enemies and then as a last resort your team fight dps like a reaper if that is the deciding move.
  11. Indeed it's pure logic if you know all the factors. But I believe that with hammering in some basic rules and evoking thought we can all start to improve one game at a time. It's all about perspective and motivation, and I believe I speak for most when I say winning games is fun ^^ I actually think you're doing it the right way in this thread with a quiz type question set. You can't really set rules of thumb for rotations. Believe me, many have tried, including myself while writing this thread -> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38081/the-10-commandments-of-conquest The problem with trying to provide new players a rules of thumb list for rotations, is that while you are trying to design that list, you realize it cannot be done. Rotations are like a mixture of 1) A players raw knowledge & experience of the game & current meta, and 2) The speed of their common sense to calculate ahead while using that information, as to what their next action or two will result in. When you REALLY sit down and try to make a list of do's and do nots for rotations, it just cannot be done because no matter what you write as a do or don't, there are always circumstances that can change those rules of thumbs, and they often do. In other words, a list of rules is limiting and deceiving for new players. The best we can really do for them, is explain to them some very basic fundamentals about their job role, and when to stomp or cleave, or when to revive or let someone die, ect ect, and that at all costs they should try to survive in the match rather than meat grind. Beyond that, making them ask questions and think about things situationally, like your quiz there, seems to be the best way to teach people. So rather than teach them rules, you are getting them to utilize problem solving skills in general, while looking at some said given circumstance, rather than tunnel visioning some kitten someone told them about how a Thief should always push far. If you see what I mean. Those fast problem solving skills & mental calculations of the current circumstance <- That right there is what rotations are really all about and new players can never grasp that if they are left clinging onto rules of thumb that aren't even necessarily true all of the time. But yeah, looking at how you laid down a quiz with a hypothetical situation, that's a good way to go about it. Rather than give them answers, get them to start asking the right questions: I had never thought about laying it out like that before.I’m not the op, but I believe telling some examples of rotations can be helpful to new players, some of whom may have done pve or looked up enough about their class or build to understand their own mechanics and even the meta fairly well, but that doesn’t mean that they already have a sense for the map itself or what will win their matches since our pvp is fairly different from other common games like mobas. What the op is saying can so far can give them an idea of what’s important in pvp that they may have not known for thousands of matches until a high level player points out that they shouldn’t have abandoned the 1 node they needed to win or that they don’t need to Zerg far for kills if they already own half the map. Or in this case if they can look at the map and predict an outcome they will have a better understanding of why they won or lost which leads to less frustration and more opportunities to learn.
  12. In ranked u need to know 2 kinds of rotations- 1.) splits, basically which spread your team will take ex.) 1 home 3 mid and 1 far and who will take these rotation 2.) whatever is the winning optimal rotation, can be class based or role based rotation based on your splits ex.) take far and if no one contest rotate to help team or a objective. This can also just be “we only need 1 node to win this, so rotate to that node and just die on point if you have to”
  13. I heard a rumor anet is devoloping more weapons of mass banning, but are just stockpiling them for the future - just in case of an invasion from wow or some other mmo.
  14. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110616/what-s-going-on-in-na-servers#latestAt least in NA there are match where every lags for no reason and the ats are bugging out like crazy
  15. Players are experiencing ranked match where all 10 players experience high amounts of frame lag- which makes the game feel choppy and occasionally makes it hard to use skills. Also ats are bugging out- not letting ppl click enroll and also at times not ending the at, which makes it run to next day without allowing players to enroll. All this seems fairly recent past 3 days - a week, at least at this severity!
  16. Teaching and official discord i think is a great idea! There’s already discord’s and groups set on some of these, though it’s gonna be impossible to get mentors for every new player as teaching someone is a choice not an expected thing and just having a plat1 coach or something for a new player probably won’t teach ppl much at all since even new players can get plat.Edit: also having an official discord is gonna be impossible as plenty of discord’s have tried being the source for these things and always falls short and adopts coach’s that are just well known toxic meme players
  17. Holo damage is really good. I hate being caught in roads against them, but if they don’t get the kill on node and you are playing well- they will be forced off node to resustain or die. It’s just they do so much so fast that many don’t see them forced off node as much as they should be
  18. The problem is that the tournaments are buggy and no one can enter properly anymore
  19. No one can enroll for at and has been like this for at least 12hoursEdit: not everyone is bugged but multiple ones in the past 24 hours have been for everyone on NA
  20. Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective. Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually. They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there. All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node only happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations. Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it. 1 knockback is all you need. Mind you most of the time fights just stall out completely until you get a +1, but thats how sidenoding goes. You dont kill the enemy, you just play pool noodle fight til a +1 arrives. Holo is the same as others, doesnt die, has a knockback. It just sets up +1s better. One knockback is, again, all you need. Theyre about damage in the sense that going for sustain is pointless when you cant die anyway, and damage at least sets up +1s better. But winning a 1v1 doesnt happen. Thats why they synchronised their dancing instead of fighting. Considering that holo is a full zerk build that’s almost all for damaged and can ezily be pressured off node by the damage from multiple 1v1ers I’d say you are completely wrong. Being full zerk is meaningless when damage isnt there to kill you. Surely you have seen a lot of people complain about holos tankiness/sustain here, havent you? Thats why. Because even zerk builds dont die. Sure it can be pressured off nodes when facing multiple enemies. But in a 1v1? Well, you can just look at MOTA and see how that works out (Spoiler: Nothing but deadlocked fights, never pressured off node 1v1). Actually, you are. 1v1s have only been about knockbacks and +1s since the megapatch.No there is literally no one who complains about Holo sustain rn. It is an entirely dps based roaming and 1v1 centric build, which btw 1v1 centric builds actually don’t focus on holding node- that’s for the more tanky 1vx builds like condi rev.
  21. Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective. Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually. They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there. All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node only happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations. Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it. 1 knockback is all you need. Mind you most of the time fights just stall out completely until you get a +1, but thats how sidenoding goes. You dont kill the enemy, you just play pool noodle fight til a +1 arrives. Holo is the same as others, doesnt die, has a knockback. It just sets up +1s better. One knockback is, again, all you need. Theyre about damage in the sense that going for sustain is pointless when you cant die anyway, and damage at least sets up +1s better. But winning a 1v1 doesnt happen. Thats why they synchronised their dancing instead of fighting.Considering that holo is a full zerk build that’s almost all for damaged and can ezily be pressured off node by the damage from multiple 1v1ers I’d say you are completely wrong.Your quiet a few months out of date- 1v1s haven’t been about knockbacks since prot holo and knights amulet were a thing.
  22. Pulls Dantheman asideHey.My dude.X-nay on the iable-vay. there are times when the initiative cost is just very high. I think valluns build had much more initiative gain than standard pistol whip builds so I’m not surprised he does good on it, but it could use some slight tweaks because builds like that are only going to be seen in ranked tbh, not competitive play. Manage your init. This doesn't deserve to be a pick-up-and-play weaponset. I might be sounding like a broken record but if it even approaches easy we're going to have a problem that will likely get thieves arbitrarily nerfed and cram them into repeaterbuilds even more. *hides my walnutsThief buffs plz
  23. Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective. Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually. They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there. All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node only happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations.Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it.On the topic of ranger- what everyone plays is mostly valk axe core or sometimes demo and/or even with nature magic on core, but in the end it’s almost all about damage. It has one knockback also. As I pointed out before the only thing that’s about knock back is 1 ranger build which is for the most part a meme against anything but condi rev with a condi thief to plus them.
  24. Wait, why does it matter if the invuln is channeled or not? They can stomp downs risk free duh. Just adds even more to an already insanely fast paced spec
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