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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. Tbh I’m was alittle surprised testing pistol whip in this meta. At first I tried crit strikes for damage and was impressed by everything except the thief match up, then I tried deadly arts and was amazed it still worked. Atm pistol whip seems incredibly superior to s/d at least for daredevil, but I’ll still stand by the post that it needs to be lowered to 5 initiative to be meta becuz there are times when the initiative cost is just very high. I think valluns build had much more initiative gain than standard pistol whip builds so I’m not surprised he does good on it, but it could use some slight tweaks because builds like that are only going to be seen in ranked tbh, not competitive play.
  2. Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective. Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually.Almost no 1v1ers rn are about knockback, becuz kills or winning node is common through damage and sustain
  3. Ranger doesn’t even win 1v1s with knock back anymore. It’s mostly high pressure and sustain. You only have 1 knock back with just helps with burst, though u can take the immob elite to help make that better, but why take that- it’s just been considered a worse version of sotp since forever.
  4. Holo is just overall good. The damage on nades is great, but the spec actually needs to kite a lot if you want to 1v1 on it, that’s where it annoys me with so much utility- an Invuln that isn’t channeled, crazy mobility and super fast resustain with huge boon uptime, just great overall.
  5. But our treasured top teir players that most block
  6. Condi rev ate it and so did holo. It’s a total myth that those specs are so untouchable that they won’t fall out of meta- they already had some specs they straight up lost the 1v1 too, but ppl are to lazy to care
  7. Had a 13 min q during weekend prime time on NA duoing as 2 top 20 players
  8. Scourge is OP as a teamfight/support hybrid right now, but I don't understand why there isn't more focus on Core Guard atm. Core Guard is currently a fuggin beast in this current patching. Yeah, the guard 1v1 builds(core and dh actually) are amazing rn- they are lthe only build that can beat the scourge build and nades holo/ condi rev + ranger all at once. Possibly the best 1v1 spec atm, but has more trouble in plusses than say tanky ranger+ condi rev on average.Edit: I hear about a weaver stance build that might be able to rival some of this, but too early to confirm.
  9. Yeah there’s basically a time gate on the bottom ranks, eziest way to get back on is play another match and win
  10. This is just ignoring it though. The real counter to specs like these are staying out of their circles. Their dps with out these aoe spells is negligible. While it’s true that some classes in the meta will have trouble with them anyways becuz they are weak to aoe spam doesn’t mean they are unbeatable, in fact just the fact that the map may end up on foefire means they are useless becuz anyone can stand out of their aoe and still keep nodes neutral.
  11. Yes those gosh darn noobs ruining the game for our top teir players. Let’s talk about it
  12. whenever i faced a guard i could just corrupt them until they die or go off point. Might be a different type of guard. There’s not any spammable Stab on core guard, which is the 1v1 build
  13. Symbol guard can out aoe scourge and hence win the match up in 1v1s pretty ezily.
  14. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer. no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort You r not a thief player, right? I am and though I don’t really like the dp meta, it doesn’t feel like the other thief metas, though I think it’s a solid build for top teir. I wouldn’t mind an s/d or s/p meta or a mauraders staff meta, which I doubt would happen becuz it lacks chase potential and is high risk. Generally the thief “meta” is what Evers lowest risk these days, which doesn’t feel skillful, though not unskillful I dont think low risk means easy to play, you can escape any combat and yet kill nobody, cap nothing, plus none, and be -1 on your team.I dont think it is only about press keys, it is about rotations, battle choices, mind games, etc.I think staff and sword easier to play, there is no much variations and possibilities (dodges, vaults and staff 2 combo with steal and sword 2 + sword 3 spam + returns), but since thieves has no survivability atm, you only can get away with stealth, anyways You can't spam sword 2 + 3. Ask any actual thief player. Best way to get killed, really. i main a thief.It depends what meta your talking about really. Tbh daredevil s/d is more about 3 spam than it ever was before and it’s alittle better at 1v1s than core rn, and 1v1s are where you are more dependent on sword 2. However I feel the fact that s/d is more dependent on this than ever has turned into its biggest weakness, daredevil has never seen less benefit from just dodging than it has rn. There’s very little healing being pumped out and in many cases absolutely 0, so s/d is more about damage than ever but cannot really succeed in this as it’s predictable to the point where it has almost 0 1v1 potential, which is why I want s/p to be viable because at least it can pump out damage and cleave on point. If you play s/p correctly the damage can be impactful in team fights or 1v1s, especially against reapers or holos if you steal quickness. If only it was most forgiving to where I’m not forced to spend half my initiative on 1 pw
  15. There’s way more build diversity than godsofpvp would let you believe. There are actually many builds that will hugely out perform some of them most of the time, so I wouldn’t take too much salt from that list.I don’t think it’s as much for meta from gw1 though so your right. Not sure what we can do about it though
  16. lol... "high risk" with the stealth on dodge atop of all other thief evasion skills. DE would be a high risk high reward thing if they need mandatory to kneel and kneel truly root them on spot, but while is a shot-dodge- reposition and reset in stealth- repeat is not a high risk thing It has 1 sec on stealth on dodge only with rifle if traited which becomes 2 secs if you take shadow arts. Out of all the thief builds rn deadeye is by far the highest risk. You think it’s low risk try playing in plat1 as a non thief main and you’ll understand why most don’t play deadeye for any reason other than carrying ranked.
  17. It’s would make many necro builds too good rn.Edit: I liked the trait tbh, not trying to be biased though.
  18. Dj had an unblockable after the rework, which also made kneeling bad. I don’t think they want to undo all this. Just so you know though rifle 2 damage is pgood and is good in ranked as a high risk high reward spec. It’s actually somewhat good into revs Holos and necros. If you also want to play like s/d or s/p with shadow arts that’s workable compared to any other shadow arts sword build.
  19. I don’t even think it’s that great tbh. I don’t wanna test it though as it’s not fun.I kindof like condi s/d though at least that could be fun at times, like when power s/d just wasn’t that good.
  20. 6-7k? How long have you not been playing, its like 5k tops, if every hit hits. You can actually get it pretty high what with the recent buffs to crit strikes. I'm consistently hitting 6.9k with zerk, scholar, critstrikes and daredevil (no dodges used, so could easily go higher). Edit: 8k if I use all my dodges xDThis sounds about right for a deadly arts build. I prefer crit strikes right now with zerk amulet and eagle. My favorite is landing a pistol whip on reapers and stealing quickness via absorption sigil and this is usually 10k flat damage(I’ve seen up to 13k) with quickness with is one of the most obscene things I’ve ever seen in my gw2 career. It can hit phard and is fun so I like it a lot for solo Qing ranked, though I’m duo q climbing trying to get top 10 on my top 25 account
  21. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. Probably better delete sword and staff for thieves, cause only build that demands brain effort is dp roamer. no? d/p is one of the lowest imo.at the top its propably s/d followed by staff, and everything else just goes down down down.stealthing for 20s+ at a time -> huge brain effort You r not a thief player, right?I am and though I don’t really like the dp meta, it doesn’t feel like the other thief metas, though I think it’s a solid build for top teir. I wouldn’t mind an s/d or s/p meta or a mauraders staff meta, which I doubt would happen becuz it lacks chase potential and is high risk. Generally the thief “meta” is what Evers lowest risk these days, which doesn’t feel skillful, though not unskillful
  22. It's very difficult to measure meaningful contribution to victory. I know, but your end stats, like your kills, if you capped points, your damage and heal points at the end should matter when it comes to rank. If you worked hard you should lose less points depending on your work I think the whole point of this thread is the complete opposite. You are talking personal skill rating where the current system isn’t like nor would a league suggestion like this be. In fact a league suggestion is the complete opposite of personal skill rating, so you’d be better off with the current system than the one the op is suggesting
  23. Crit strikes ... yikes ? The only actual problem with crit strikes is it has no utility beside great boon duration. It was also pok on like s/d or s/p daredevil but now DA is nerfed and shadow arts does lower dps than DA plus they buffed crit strikes. So the DL is- crit strikes damage is way higher than the other options, so it’s up to you. Do you want damage? Take crits. Do you want sustain? Sa or acro. Mix of both? Da. the only crit strikes problem is that non crit strikes thief farm the thief that takes it :D True but it’s more of a problem against deadly arts build that land damage on mug which you cannot avoid. Stealth spam backstabs are avoidable, note though acro pw spam also had trouble taking match ups against deadly art builds. If u can land enough of your damage on them though the 1v1s are takeable, also a crits pistol whip build is gonna be more likely to actually end up with kills on solo necros and side noders like holo, so it’s technically not worse at 1v1ing just weak in the match ups against other thief’s
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