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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. Crit strikes ... yikes ? The only actual problem with crit strikes is it has no utility beside great boon duration. It was also pok on like s/d or s/p daredevil but now DA is nerfed and shadow arts does lower dps than DA plus they buffed crit strikes. So the DL is- crit strikes damage is way higher than the other options, so it’s up to you. Do you want damage? Take crits. Do you want sustain? Sa or acro. Mix of both? Da. Whats the point of taking a damage traitline on a profession that doesnt do much damage anyway? Your purpose doesn't require much damage, you would even be effective with just shortbow. Crit Strikes lacks any kind of utility, and as such its useless for thief outside of PvE. Because deadly arts is bad rn. It used to be a damage trait line and now the only reason to run it is the heal in mug and improv, which overall is only so much. I would only take crit strikes on a few builds though becuz of their mechanics- like pw which I see hit in matches for like 10k which is pgood and it s more effective in ranked solo q than dp because u can take out side noders and necros fast . Thats why the meta lineup is SA, Trickery and DD. You dont pick DA or CS. Except even with CS, you will not be doing damage. Well, actual noticable damage. Your purpose is to decap and +1. You do that just as effectively without CS.Ehh you can believe what you want. I’m just a guy that streams for friends, has gotten top 10+25 , made a few meta builds and loves to test out any kindof build. In testing builds I found this to be much stronger than s/d builds which were popular and can do at times insane damage while still fulfilling requirements for thief’s role and at times in ranked can be x3 as effective for the average solo qer. I don’t think it’s meta and in fact I never tell ppl that but can be more effective at times for many which some or many may appreciate the option.
  2. Crit strikes ... yikes ? The only actual problem with crit strikes is it has no utility beside great boon duration. It was also pok on like s/d or s/p daredevil but now DA is nerfed and shadow arts does lower dps than DA plus they buffed crit strikes. So the DL is- crit strikes damage is way higher than the other options, so it’s up to you. Do you want damage? Take crits. Do you want sustain? Sa or acro. Mix of both? Da. Whats the point of taking a damage traitline on a profession that doesnt do much damage anyway? Your purpose doesn't require much damage, you would even be effective with just shortbow. Crit Strikes lacks any kind of utility, and as such its useless for thief outside of PvE.Because deadly arts is bad rn. It used to be a damage trait line and now the only reason to run it is the heal in mug and improv, which overall is only so much. I would only take crit strikes on a few builds though becuz of their mechanics- like pw which I see hit in matches for like 10k which is pgood and it s more effective in ranked solo q than dp because u can take out side noders and necros fast .Doing damage on thief means u can actually do stuff besides being a decap bot who “only uses Shortbow”. Being a decap bot on thief is the sign of a weak thief or a team that is weak.
  3. When I was nearing Plat2 it put me against the #1 on the leaderboard with another legendary duo he queued with. I was with all golds and lost 0-500. I lost 29 pointsNext match I win and gain 12 points.You think this made me want to keep playing? Nope, I stopped. At 50% win rate, if I keep playing, I'll eventually drop down to gold. For most people, playing will make them drop down to gold. 50% win rate ensures nearly everyone is stuck in gold.That means the matchmaker does not function with the current ranking/division system. So you are saying that the system thinks you are gold level an tries to get you there. And thats wrong? Also. Having the majority of the playerbase in gold (the middle) makes perfect sense. My win/losses;+16-25+16-23+13+12+11+12-29 50% win rate would mean I'd do nothing but tank my rating despite playing vs equally skilled(plat) players. It's an anomaly of game design. Ok. Lets see. +80 and - 77. Looks perfectly balanced for me. I believe whats wrong here is that you think you are a Plat player but the Matchmaker thinks you are Gold. The reason you play alot of plats is simply low player numbers at the time you are playing and you (maybe) being like Gold 3. What time and timezone are you playing at? Also here is my experience with the matchmaker. https://imgur.com/a/NVpQnSeThe problem with this is that the match maker starts everyone from gold and in your own words assumes they are gold. Having some on who’s brand new do their placements and land gold is ok but then to ask them to do 120 games, or more maybe they do 1000 , and have a 60% win rate only to end as gold seems insane to most and extremely demoralizing to everyone.In contest look at a league game like lol, where ppl start in iron- someone may have been playing for 3 years and climb every season, highest they ever landed was gold, at least they feel a since of accomplishment being in gold with a 60% win rate(actually very good against other gold players) and can brag to all their friends in silver/bronze. Meanwhile the gw2 player spends all their time in rng matches against rank 1 players or silver players learns nothing and isn’t on the leaderboard any ways so has nothing to brag about for doing 1k games a season.
  4. Pmuch off my first comment- there could be some serious benefits to a league based system. Say in mtg arena where u climb from bronze and only challengers really get on the leaderboard there are some serious benefits- for me I’m experienced in climbing but was new to mtg at my local game shop, but when they heard I climbed to diamond in 2 weeks on f2p stuff they know “ this kids pgood” and around that level you can stream and get viewers. As things are there are lots of casual climbers who average high plat2 but because they solo on f2p they don’t get high demand titles. In a league only system ppl like this could climb from bronze to say diamond and could stream at that lvl, we know they aren’t gonna be rank 1 players but ppl might really wanna watch them and this could expand our streamers from only top 5 players to much more which could be options of viewer ship. Also a benefit in games like these is that you still get players in your league at all hours of day and not just 2 hour prime times, so again could improve viewship.Basically I’m not sure if it would work because low population is the cause of most complaints, but there’s a chance it could fix all our problems and improve population if it actually works.
  5. I’ve been thinking about something like this though I think it’s more comparable to league and MtG arena, not dota. It would probably work better than other suggestions of personal rating but main criticism is lack of population playing
  6. Ehh if your playing thief rn don’t expect balance- a lot of ranked builds counter thief hard and yet aren’t present in super high tier. Also ngl the meta for thief is insanely pepega but I guess that’s just our karma
  7. Or maybe you are just angry that you cannot get to a high enough rating on those builds. The key is try and actually get good at the game instead of clicking things randomly No, Im not angry. S/p teefs were/are the easiest to predict, punish and BM right after for playing this spec. I dont like mindless builds, and this is one of them.Btw rating in 2020 xD. I can show you how to get Leg rat either on d/p or s/d teef, but that doesnt matter. You dont have to ask opinion of teefs that know what theyre doing, just look at this thread. Every1 knows that this build is mindless. What isn't completely mindless or cheese in this game, I'm really interested ? I've never felt skillful in this game, except maybe when I solo q carried on thief to legend in early season when people still played pvp. And I agree, thats true. But you know, life is not white and black, its grey. There are less and more mindless builds, and s/p is on the very top of the listS/p is not mindless by nature. Imo look at old sinderner vids of playing pistol whip- it took skill. The only thing that was brain dead was acro thief being able to just dodge with pistol whip, which you cannot really do anymore.Also that “brain dead build” had counters from the very beginning, as literally the sec the build came out I tested that and proposed that double DA thief comps would not only be better but counter that and guess what everyone agreed and adjusted the meta comps.Innovation is > than build. Take from some one who’s made a bunch of builds that have ended up as meta.
  8. It is a wvw screenshot, but the damage of this skill is the same in wvw and in pvp, plus the fact that i had the stonemist castle aura (+100 thoughness) and the major bloodlust (+50) somewhat negates the buff he had from his food. Sure it might not hit the 9.5k in pvp, but the damage would still be almost as high in spvp so yeah it is still relevant to this conversation it will only get that high with 25 vuln, executioner, and all the other damage modiefies below 50% and someone gave you 10+ might with zerk and ferocity runesYou also had bound plus didn’t detonate the clusters, which will barely ever hit in pvp. Not saying your wrong but that damage is gonna be rare. Only way to hit damage like that is on the staff roamer build which is workable, but if u kill shortbow the build dies, becuz staff needs extra utility, just try playing it and 1v1 or team fight without swapping to short bow to range ppl down
  9. Maybe becuz quickness doesn’t do as much for aoe classes. It’s really op on lich from what I heard though
  10. The thing is shortbow's auto attack also deals too much damage especially since it bounces U could honestly take away bounces imo, but shortbow isn’t really gonna burst so you want the melee set for bursting, if u take away the sneak attack on short bow also thief 1v1s will become pepega and that is also a very important use for cluster bomb so if u kill the damage shortbiw will just become bad and hence ppl will just stop playing thief.I get the idea but thief isn’t over performing to where we delete shortbow, power rev will just replace it. But that’s my take feel free to feel different
  11. Thief 1v1 potential brought down condi on short bow brought down huge initiative increase to the daze. Thief play style needs mobility on short bow and a tiny bit of utility. Most would tell you every build needs short bow but it isn’t really over performing except maybe cluster bomb damage, but you need at least 1 way to do damage on short bow other wise it won’t be useful. The real things that are overpowered rn on thief, which is not much tbh, is all in the traits- stealth time still crazy and steal can do almost every thing when you trait 2 lines into it.
  12. Fair, but I feel the reworks which nerfed overall play have brought pw to a close to balanced good state. Cc spam isn’t as punishable and pulm isn’t strong too where it can replace burst, also the nerf to EF brought down the 1v1 potential from good enough to take sides to enough to stall for only a tiny bit. Pw is still an all in 1 skill but it’s been brought to a point where it’s only good in plusses as a roamer which is about as balanced as you can ask which is all in one skill, but not oppressive in any of those categories.
  13. Good. Leave it like that.It still works as an evade after, so that's fine. Just don't miss. Yeah your right I don’t actually believe it’s bad, I’ve actually had it rated on metabattle as still workable, but it was workable most as a niche build- take it down to 5 and it’ll be workable as a regular build, which is my intent with this post, which you are allowed to agree or disagree with.
  14. Nah, leave it at 6.People fought tooth and nail to get it bumped up to six, lamenting how they were getting stunlocked by pistol whip spam.Keep it right where it is. Let it be clunky and unappealing to people who don't moderate their initiative. That forum riot happened this year. If they get hit by pistol whip now they deserve it. My problem is that unlike sword dagger - the only thing that I can hit with besides autos For damage is pistol whip, tbh autos aren’t amazing but pgood with crit strikes. The dl is in my test that you hit pw it can be good, if you miss you are useless- so if it’s bulky ppl will see those times it’s useless and not touch it, but if it’s only moderately bulking at 5 initiative then ppl will see more good in it and I’m like 90% sure it won’t be too busted- it will just end up a decent team fighter to interrupt Eles and hit good cleave
  15. The increase to damage of pistol whip was good, it is now comparable to sword dagger damage. Also the buff to crit strikes was good, it feels really good on both sword d and sword p. Sword pistol could be very viable, but it feels clunky with a 6 initiative. The old problems with the weapon set are no longer present. It does do great damage unless you play a pure damage line and it doesn’t really 1v1 forever as well with the nerfed EF etc. All these changes are good and pistol whip is no where close to being a problem so decrease initiative to 5 if you want anyone to play it.
  16. As far as the meta right now the classes themselves that are best overall for ranked would have to be- 1.) ranger. Go to metabattle.com the 2 builds there plus core bunker using marks and valk are all insane in ranked 2.) engineer. Pmuch any holo build can do well, especially nades holo 3.) rev. It was nerfed making it not as good at 1v1ing as ranger or holo, but condi rev can 1v1 team fight or roam and is the most flexible build in the game and power rev is an amazing roamer and with some variants can 1v1 well or team fight.
  17. Side noders and classes that have enough dps and mobility to side node and roam without changing spec are always best for solo q. The idea is be able to impact fights quickly and dominate on your own. This also goes to show why sometimes thief builds are known to struggle solo- they have amazing roaming power and can be everywhere at once basically, but a zerker d/p thief cannot 1v1 so there are times where you cannot do anything on your own. That’s why u want both capabilities.
  18. Crit strikes ... yikes ? The only actual problem with crit strikes is it has no utility beside great boon duration. It was also pok on like s/d or s/p daredevil but now DA is nerfed and shadow arts does lower dps than DA plus they buffed crit strikes. So the DL is- crit strikes damage is way higher than the other options, so it’s up to you. Do you want damage? Take crits. Do you want sustain? Sa or acro. Mix of both? Da.
  19. Ranger: same core bunker will be better than before once the bug to holo is fixedThief: you can try crit strikes now, was always good just better now. If you didn’t try before there’s more reason than ever to play s/d DrDNecro: looks super busted, lots of new builds.
  20. No these are all p out of date. Only person trying to go that now is stunning styles and he’s no where near legend from what I’ve seen
  21. im not saying "this is better than that so focus on that" , core ranger that exclusively uses this is literally not even meta anymore, it's not even an offender build and not even useful anymore is my point unless you want to sit on far and be SOMEWHAT useful (again , crev is more useful at this). power soulbeast with WS/BM/SB is actually better as a roamer option now lol and that uses sic'em not protect me. if it was a top leading build that offered high value for little work then you'd have a point but it doesn't, when focused it gets wrecked. if you can't focus a target then it's not the build, it's you. and no, core ranger is not meta NOW , crev bumped it out of the meta because it's more offensive and has more tank against +1's , if that wasn't the case, top players wouldn't abuse crev on far over bunker core ranger and since most top players also stream it's very easy to understand this fact. nade holo and crev are the BEST pug carries in the game, core ranger isn't even remotely close to carrying games. it's annoying and it's decent but not a great build because it can't handle +1's well. it can only use it's mobility to leave the point whereas crev can actually sustain +1's due to it's resistance, cc and weapon kit (shield and staff) design. my point is you want to nerf a class that isn't even used as a meta option anymore because you can't focus a target. there's a massive difference between the build overperforming and you underperforming. Brah I have been playing soulbeast bunker since before big patch, in fact I didn’t know anyone else on NA that thought it was playable yet I brought it to top 10. And core bunker ranger and alittle of the BM, WS soulbeast build. BM WS Soulbeast is not better at roaming than core, it has alittle more mobility and some modest support methods, but it’s damage is kitten poor. A core bunker build with The extra traitline and a damage amulet can actually burst incredibly hard in a team fight and has some mobility, it can take out players in team fights like a thief than actually go side node cuz both are best in 1v1s. So imo your 100% wrong on that no damage = bad roamer.As far as meta bunker core is one of the strongest builds rn, but it maybe true that ppl didn’t play much in mota. All that means is it didn’t quiet for their comp. it is definitely incredibly good rn possibly meta even, whether or not it fits into ppl comps. That just means it doesn’t work cause they are countered comp, not that bunker ranger isn’t viable.Edit: I mean u might be doing some damage if your talking about sic em sniper with taking absolutely everything for damage, but still your wrong it’s not better than core rn, also it isn’t as good at 1v1ing either so my comment stands core ranger is not a better far option than crev, it's simple lol.. if you're denying that or even arguing it then you're delusional. nade holo is even better at carrying pugs at far in duo than core ranger. core ranger just isn't as good anymore man and since core bunker just received more nerfs it's DEFINITELY not as good anymore. here's a little 101 for you. if you are roaming, you need to have damage and enough damage to justify the +1 in a specific amount of time while your team on the other end of the map is getting outmatched. if you do no damage and you're roaming and most likely +1'ing as a result of that roam then you are wasting time. if you do no damage and you're roaming and +1'ing , you are stupid and not doing your role and you are hindering your teammates.I havent seen the patch notes. While it is true condi rev is busted, a core bunker ranger with valk and marks can often get kills on condi rev, has the ability to decap condi rev and also keep a condi rev so pressured that they either die or need to run to the hills on a plus. Condi rev is good but it’s not good enough to push core ranger out of meta nor is it op enough to make everyone in the game ignore the other most broken things in the game.Edit: looking at patch notes and core bunker ranger looks to be like the least nerfed spec in while thing. What delusions? Core bunker was already a tough match up for crev and nades holo and now it’s looking like ppl will avoid those making the already impressive core bunker a possible meta option in both mats and ranked where it was already amazing in ranked and daily ats
  22. im not saying "this is better than that so focus on that" , core ranger that exclusively uses this is literally not even meta anymore, it's not even an offender build and not even useful anymore is my point unless you want to sit on far and be SOMEWHAT useful (again , crev is more useful at this). power soulbeast with WS/BM/SB is actually better as a roamer option now lol and that uses sic'em not protect me. if it was a top leading build that offered high value for little work then you'd have a point but it doesn't, when focused it gets wrecked. if you can't focus a target then it's not the build, it's you. and no, core ranger is not meta NOW , crev bumped it out of the meta because it's more offensive and has more tank against +1's , if that wasn't the case, top players wouldn't abuse crev on far over bunker core ranger and since most top players also stream it's very easy to understand this fact. nade holo and crev are the BEST pug carries in the game, core ranger isn't even remotely close to carrying games. it's annoying and it's decent but not a great build because it can't handle +1's well. it can only use it's mobility to leave the point whereas crev can actually sustain +1's due to it's resistance, cc and weapon kit (shield and staff) design. my point is you want to nerf a class that isn't even used as a meta option anymore because you can't focus a target. there's a massive difference between the build overperforming and you underperforming. Brah I have been playing soulbeast bunker since before big patch, in fact I didn’t know anyone else on NA that thought it was playable yet I brought it to top 10. And core bunker ranger and alittle of the BM, WS soulbeast build. BM WS Soulbeast is not better at roaming than core, it has alittle more mobility and some modest support methods, but it’s damage is piss poor. A core bunker build with The extra traitline and a damage amulet can actually burst incredibly hard in a team fight and has some mobility, it can take out players in team fights like a thief than actually go side node cuz both are best in 1v1s. So imo your 100% wrong on that no damage = bad roamer.As far as meta bunker core is one of the strongest builds rn, but it maybe true that ppl didn’t play much in mota. All that means is it didn’t quiet for their comp. it is definitely incredibly good rn possibly meta even, whether or not it fits into ppl comps. That just means it doesn’t work cause they are countered comp, not that bunker ranger isn’t viable.Edit: I mean u might be doing some damage if your talking about sic em sniper with taking absolutely everything for damage, but still your wrong it’s not better than core rn, also it isn’t as good at 1v1ing either so my comment stands
  23. It is a problem when their discord has constant communication with mods in game, some of us are happy management decided to minimize out side interactions with these 3rd party groups.
  24. When streamers have to be toxic after claiming all 9 players in matches are against them. And when the biggest platform for players to communicate streamers is also the largest platform for harassing ppl and their community manager saves pics of attacking ppl to use later
  25. Lol its all seems so off topic sry. But Healthy game modeS let average to ok players have a 50/50 win rate, some even let challengers have that if they are against other challengers, but forcing someone to have a 80% to be in ok territory = not ok. Maybe I’m over reacting but yeah
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