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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. and that was the biggest mistake. the gw2 combat system only shines in pvp. raids or pve in general in this game is terrible and boring. class rotations are a snoozefest, there are no procs, rotations are stale and all cooldowns are pressed according to priority. raids are way too easy and there is no reason to run them more than once if you're not interested in legendary gear. the other problem is that they kept adding stupid stuff to the combat system like resistance or stacking conditions. the best thing arenanet could do at this point is make a standalone pvp game with the combat system. a new game, free to play with skins and new classes/elite specs from time to time to make money. a good pvp mode, not an abomination like conquest. hire some people for a good balance team and some good designers. frustration is high right now because people feel like they're being ignored. which they are to a certain extent. communication is something that would help a lot, but people lost faith in the balance devs (rightfully so) so even if there was a certain amount of communication, some people would just lash out at the devs. you reap what you sow and it becomes an endless spiral of devs not wanting to interact with the community because of toxicity, and the community getting even more toxic because the devs are not interacting with us. it would help a lot if devs asked for feedback for all the classes, and i mean pvp feedback. create a thread for each class so people can express what's wrong/right with stuff. as we've seen with the new patch notes, some changes are just random and questionable. i'm gonna be blunt here. it's really not much effort to get one post a week from cmc. take part in a discussion, if you're our balance dev then at least try to be part of the community too. They tried to do a big balance session with cmc and the community and it failed utterly. It failed because everyone he was discussing the game with were blatantly biased for their own class. Like you had a ranger who wanted to buff greatsword. The discord it took place in also mutes anyone who disagrees with them, meaning they aren't looking for discussion and just want their own personal echo chamber.I mean they also let ppl publicly invite ppl to start shit talk session and fail to delete the stuff. But anyways there’s good reason not to have a “public talk” only with a select few on a discord mostly meant for ppl to advertise themselves. Some of us are glad these talks won’t happen because it’s a recipe for failure
  2. I’m gonna put it out there as I have a different experience. I play on Na and here prime times are different, where on Eu it’s +1 per win and -30 for loss in off hours it’s like +5-12 per win and -15-22 for loss on NA off hours. I put above that I did a season solo q and got 1730 in the season that was clear top 10.I do do some odd hour Qing and q dodging, but generally I only q dodge duos with inflated rating as 2 legendary players makes my plat3 not as influential, this way Qing at somewhat late hours I generally get many plat1-2 players that are usually very experienced players at times who just spam qs, which I believe isn’t like how things are on Eu. This way I get decent matches that aren’t inflated by ppl try Harding and throwing off mmr balance and in the cases where I did get a legend duo in off hours they were offline q dodging every other player in the game, except me because I have always refused to talk to these ppl, and I get a decent team, not the best but still all plat players and would ezily beat the legend duos 1v1er and survive pluses and rotate making these matches hard wins.I’m not sure if it’s possible to maintain legend though yet, some players have solod to near legend on stream on NA, but they stop streaming so we all assume they duo q
  3. As far I know yes the pvp season on NA ended being a joke for a week, where no one wanted to queue so sadly I stopped climbing this season. I however see no reason to close pvp, because even though I stopped playing ranked for a title, in the few games I’ve played the hackers in question were not present in fact I haven’t seen another complaint in awhile so as far as I know they have been banned and even if they aren’t it’s only a few ppl in question and it just pissed a lot of ppl off. There is still a decent bit of order in pvp so why close it completely, it’ll just hurt ppl who wanna do unranked or ats also.
  4. and that was the biggest mistake. the gw2 combat system only shines in pvp. raids or pve in general in this game is terrible and boring. class rotations are a snoozefest, there are no procs, rotations are stale and all cooldowns are pressed according to priority. raids are way too easy and there is no reason to run them more than once if you're not interested in legendary gear. the other problem is that they kept adding stupid stuff to the combat system like resistance or stacking conditions. the best thing arenanet could do at this point is make a standalone pvp game with the combat system. a new game, free to play with skins and new classes/elite specs from time to time to make money. a good pvp mode, not an abomination like conquest. hire some people for a good balance team and some good designers. frustration is high right now because people feel like they're being ignored. which they are to a certain extent. communication is something that would help a lot, but people lost faith in the balance devs (rightfully so) so even if there was a certain amount of communication, some people would just lash out at the devs. you reap what you sow and it becomes an endless spiral of devs not wanting to interact with the community because of toxicity, and the community getting even more toxic because the devs are not interacting with us. it would help a lot if devs asked for feedback for all the classes, and i mean pvp feedback. create a thread for each class so people can express what's wrong/right with stuff. as we've seen with the new patch notes, some changes are just random and questionable. i'm gonna be blunt here. it's really not much effort to get one post a week from cmc. take part in a discussion, if you're our balance dev then at least try to be part of the community too. They tried to do a big balance session with cmc and the community and it failed utterly. what failed was the follow up to that. nobody expected it to be perfect. the lack of attention and communication after that ruined it.Not really the discussion should never have taken place in the first place. If these same ppl wanted to talk balance they could’ve just used the forums properly.
  5. Pretty accurate description of scourges place. If u run feed off corruption you either never use shades or spam them until u run out in 5secs. Big shade is probably a better use of shade, just put it down to support team mates when your kiting. Scourge is really strong rn and I love the wells trait on it because protection and the massive utility is really strong rn
  6. and that was the biggest mistake. the gw2 combat system only shines in pvp. raids or pve in general in this game is terrible and boring. class rotations are a snoozefest, there are no procs, rotations are stale and all cooldowns are pressed according to priority. raids are way too easy and there is no reason to run them more than once if you're not interested in legendary gear. the other problem is that they kept adding stupid stuff to the combat system like resistance or stacking conditions. the best thing arenanet could do at this point is make a standalone pvp game with the combat system. a new game, free to play with skins and new classes/elite specs from time to time to make money. a good pvp mode, not an abomination like conquest. hire some people for a good balance team and some good designers. frustration is high right now because people feel like they're being ignored. which they are to a certain extent. communication is something that would help a lot, but people lost faith in the balance devs (rightfully so) so even if there was a certain amount of communication, some people would just lash out at the devs. you reap what you sow and it becomes an endless spiral of devs not wanting to interact with the community because of toxicity, and the community getting even more toxic because the devs are not interacting with us. it would help a lot if devs asked for feedback for all the classes, and i mean pvp feedback. create a thread for each class so people can express what's wrong/right with stuff. as we've seen with the new patch notes, some changes are just random and questionable. i'm gonna be blunt here. it's really not much effort to get one post a week from cmc. take part in a discussion, if you're our balance dev then at least try to be part of the community too. They tried to do a big balance session with cmc and the community and it failed utterly.
  7. I don’t really have many complaints actually and plenty of veterans still play. Everything is fine
  8. The thing about pvp guilds is that most permanent ones are groups of friends and/or team mates only. There are some public guilds that have ranged from at and ranked spam to teaching players, but most end of dying out. Largest one that I know of that’s public is AL if your on NA, though u will still need an invite and is at this point is mostly a very large group of friends.
  9. Yes it’s true that wells are good rn and in the past have been ranked meta. I do however think it’s true that there was difficulty picking wells and even blood in the past, because it didn’t work for many condition builds which most played all the time. Wells are great on bunker builds, especially power ones. Atm a wells bunker scourge is actually very effective in some ranked matches and was literally meta in 3v3s, so I think it would be arrogant to claim them as not useful though I think there is some credit in the quotes above
  10. Yes it’s very ez. For awhile ratings were much higher too but even recently players do. There was also a time when it was basically solo q only and ppl did it. I think I did it too right after they removed that restriction.Edit: as some ppl claim it’s not anymore. It actually is, it’s just hard to finish the season that way. If u place 10-0 u can get legend, so it’s actually pcommon for ppl to be in legend at start of season even solo q. It’s just hard to finish, I tried my hardest one season and was 1730 100% solo q by end and that was hard like I said, but I still think it’s possible to finish there, cuz even if it’s hard ppl can just exceed expectations
  11. Thief was already good most predicted before the big balance patch that overall thief would be S+ teir on multiple builds until anet made a late decision to nerf shadow arts- hence where s/d and d/p thief ended up A tier and condi thief S teir. Only thing that held thief back from actually being S+ was tanky builds and they removed it and condition thief was S+ until nerfs and now multiple builds are S tier and without any changes all we can assume is every thief build ever played will be S+ tier. Thief is pretty insane yes
  12. Thief has seriously been insane since they got rid of toughness and tanky amulets and hence needs nerfs in every aspect including condition builds and mostly imo the stealth duration across the board and/or complete nukage of shadow arts.
  13. Can we not veer off topic? Sounds like Eu is doing a little better than NA rn which is good I guess, hopefully doesn’t spread to Eu either..
  14. Could probably do all their coding for them too. Don’t forget the Lambos also that’s important
  15. Because a lot of the things being complained about are not overpowered, just overtuned. Concepts are fine, numbers/compromises are missing. Doesn’t matter. Looking at anets balance decisions in most cases they do stuff to improve health of pvp without changing too much- like how they removed knights amulet etc. only reason was because the use of that was unhealthy and didn’t touch the specs that used it and over performed. Basically everything on this list is unhealthy atm and only way to fix any of these issues without deleting the entire game is just delete them and competitive pvp will look 1000% better literally not even joking, just like how the meta shift looked kindof wild and much healthier after they removed knights. Most ppl here who say no should just suck it up for the better of pvp
  16. Weird lots of no’s in chat most of those seem like common sense yes plz- except 2 dodge mirage cuz sry mirage truly had no trade off. I want ppl to play mesmer but 2 dodge would be stupid at this point
  17. Losing 20-30 per loss is normal if you just finished placements but it usually evens out to like 10 for the average player. I have like 100 something matches- just a comparison to when the new titles came out if you were high plat3- legend Qing into plat1 and gold players it would be -20 and +3 per match and this is Exactly what I’m getting as plat1-2 with 7 min qs during prime time so it’s like getting silver players during prime time and asking me to win 90% of my matches just to climb becuz of this
  18. The way things have been makes me feel like my titles useless considering ppl are getting the same thing in plat2 for what was about legend before which is why I wanted to climb, but if things end up being this bad- and I don’t care if it’s cuz of hackers- then I might just have to leave
  19. I was thinking of casually climbing for the first time since I got one of the new titles, until I saw ranked like this- solo Qing as mid plat2 on NA during prime time -7 mins qs every match as pure rng -19 per loss and +3 per win. Streamers has a similar experience from what I could tell
  20. Some players auto think- I’m on a 1v1 build and the best player on my team and hence push far every single match and despite being a good 1v1er they never win. The far role is actually more complex than even great players know. Most ppl end up with more impact just helping your team and decapping far given the opportunity. That’s because if u push far and can only stall it it’s like saying at that time “I will take one for the team, the outcome of the match is on you”. The winning strat in ranked is pmuch only go far if you plan on doing enough damage to win that 1v1 and then doing a mix of helping your team and rotating either back to that node to protect it or to bunker another node. If u don’t have the mobility to rotate and decap, well u better have some damage. It’s simple don’t expect to carry being a potato on far- except possibly if the other team is just potatoing on mid then just hold sides can win the match.
  21. Balance is actually better than almost ever, even if it makes a few cry cuz they lost some gameplay. Lots of toxicity from players who think there good, but anyone that can comprehend w.e language they speak knows they aren’t so it’s ok. Lots of hacking but that’ll get cleaned up. Things aren’t bad tbh though the game is still amazing just expect some weird stuff in pvp cuz that’s just how life is.
  22. So what if a streamer complains like I said it’s 1 spot but there’s like 15 spots on legacy and streamers complain about it every single time they play thief on that map and yet it’s one of gw signature maps and they wouldn’t dream about removing it
  23. Unfortunately that’s a personal problem. I main sd thief a lot of seasons and have stuck to that for along time. I don’t have any problems with that there’s only like 1 buggy spot which is by the stair case on the left side node of the map that was a few tiny areas that cause no valid path warnings. Yes I explained there’s problems, but what your saying just isn’t an actual problem except that one area which you can simply memorize. In fact legacy has much worse no valid path warnings in seemly clear areas. There are a lot of no port spots but we all know it. But It’s almost a l2p issue compared to legacy
  24. There’s some problems with the map. None that I feel your correctly touching on. The map has excessive visual clutter like the trees that make teleports or just looking behind you rough. A few kite spots are amazing but other seem a little unfurnished, I think there’s actually a spot you can walk into and never get out of which is like the mine cart but just stupid and maybe should have the pixels changed so it does cause weird play. I think the secondary buff is actually too ez to get and if you cast in a team fight it may knock down to half health all the opponents there.I actually think it’s a great attempt at a new map and even if ppl don’t wanna see in tournies becuz of that big no port platform that that’s fine. Keep it in ranked but plz touch up the visuals and the weird spots like the giant no port platform that would be abused in organized play.
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