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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. I don’t get it. Ppl on here saying ppl being toxic is normal and most top teir players have same level of toxicity.I guarantee you 100% there will not be 1 time in any ranked matches that I will get angry in game or in irl.If ppl wanna be toxic to me out side of a match too it doesn’t matter to me becuz there’s no way they can get to me irl. If they wanna fight that’s fine I enjoy a fight and ranked pvp, I’m here for fun and not little enough to let someone ruin that.
  2. Stay strong brother . We all been there
  3. Yeah sure, but why force players into something then there will be guild teams that are just meant to bot tournies and it won’t help those players meet ppl at all and in fact might do the opposite becuz they are forced into it.
  4. It's innocent until proven guilty, so its up to you whether or not you believe them to be guilty or not. I will say that when someone is bragging about getting away with the alleged crime they're being accused of, they're usually guilty of said crime. In the comments there, there's someone doing exactly that. Although I suppose it is entirely possible that a player that previously barely made top 250 with their best effort can suddenly shoot up to top 10, then to literally rank 1 the following season to then vanish or return back to where they were originally. Again, I can't say exactly who's meant, but honestly you seem to be following it more than me so there might even be more than one instance there. I just bookmarked that because it was funny and baffling to me that someone was not only able to get away with wintrading, match manipulation, account sharing, and real world trading, but also to subtly brag about it opposed to just denying it or being silent I get heroes and villains in a competitive scene and I appreciate that. I don't think this person fits the ticket because aside from like 2-3~ individual ranked seasons they've been absent from or at the mid-bottom of the NA leaderboard. I mean yeah I see what ur talking about, said player whom ppl think win traded.I will say though that some ppl will use win trading arguement for bad purposes. Like I already know that there’s groups of “top teir players” like team USA on NA currently trying to spread slander rumors about me, claiming I win traded by getting top 10 on this account solo q and top 25 on my other solo even though I barely play the game anymore so I find it just random asf.But the worst part of all this is just like I said before in this thread, they aren’t doing this for moral value they are spreading these rumors because they are trying to lie to cover up the fact that they got caught publically sperging and acting imo like a bunch of crack heads on discord so now all these “top teir players” need to try and lie to the whole community and pretend the 1 guy who actually solo qd to get legit titles is a win trader. That’s the part about the fake “ethics” that really sucks and they are known wintraders/banned players at this point the scene may not be able to handle these ppl anymore
  5. Edit: Maybe it was a joke tell me if I’m wrongIme in competitive environments a lot of ppl like to tussle or fight other ppl, but cheating doesn’t make any fight better and actually detracts from the value of the scene same goes for things like flaming ppl in ranked, if ur any good why fight ppl u think aren’t and why act like ppl that aren’t good.
  6. I’ll just have to say there’s many things that the op that says about our ranked scene that are true. In fact it is very common for some of the players that manipulate match making every season by duoing in off hours to achieve their high rank- to purposely make every attempt every single season to throw matches on alts to make players that have somehow embarrassed them by beating them in 1v1s or just being less socially awkward then them. Those same ppl that match make are also know for going into discord and they start rumors about other players and accuse them for match manipulation whenever they get a title or something because if they didn’t lie about all the other players in the game then ppl who realize that they are incredibly little in real life and game. The scene could use a good shake up imo, let’s see if it happens
  7. I cannot thumbs up you because of that : Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic. At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons removal, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.Same goes for lich. The thing about unblockable was actually meant to be a suggestion for a rework to the the trait that gives quickness. Basically make it only give 1 burst of quickness and make the executioners scythe unblockable for burst. That way we have something strong that doesn’t promote bad game play like perma quickness. I worded it that way to make it seem like a buff to ppl hooked on perma quicknessEdit: it doesn’t really even have to unblockable either. It could be make it corrupt or remove 1 boon, which would help make up for lower led boon corrupt across the board, but from a balance stand point with spinal shivers and corrupt boon necro has too much boon hate already atm. So it might be broken unless they nerfed the skills mentioned....
  8. I agree with Lich nerf.The stab was already nerfed in half and a melee class without stab is dead.Reaper has already the least number of cleanse of all necro builds and it is already weak to condis, so no point in nerfing it more.For what it corcern the quickness, have u tried playing reaper shroud without quickness? You won't be able to land anything except for maybe the auto attack, so if we remove quickness you gotta reduce skill cast time. Because since HoT the pace of game combat has got so fast that most of reaper skills are still too slow to keep up. From the 25th of february patch:"Chilled to the Bone!": Reduced stability duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.Infusing Terror: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds Because everything on here was for healthy game play that reaper has completely lacked since the rework and now that it’s power crept it’s even less healthy... I play fine and already know what’s what in the meta. I really question if u do though
  9. Mentioned these changes before and now quickness and damage on reaper are looking wild, expect at least a moderate amount of complaints about reaper becuz compared to almost everything rn it is power crept
  10. Revert all nerfs since pof until every class is on rev and holo level, simple!
  11. MightyTeapots MOTA tournament probably showed quite the disparity between how competitive the NA environment is compared to EU. Team USA, which Naru and Nos are both a part of, got summarily flattened with no wins against Rank 55 Dragons (EU team). Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the tiniest bit competitive and the leaderboard means nothing, mAT means nothing; because while EU does suffer from some of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves. In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they know how shallow the pool of players is. To be fair, maybe they aren't doing it on purpose...but it isn't like they have, to my knowledge, made any sort of push to try, as content creators for GW2 (as some of them are streamers and make youtube videos) as well as being more notable members of said PvP community because of their position. Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post. The status quo has needed to change for a while but both ANet and the NA community don't seem to want to do anything about it. There is just this odd acceptance and it has hurt the competitiveness that NA could achieve by blunting any opportunity for it to grow. Yeah noody just stopped d*ck clashing with ppl after someone release a video on YouTube about all his sexual innuendo on discord. This is worth noting
  12. Fully agree. Just one thing to add:In PvP you can just add someone to the friendlist, nickname them and use that to q-dodge. Remove the ability to friendlist people! Agreed otherwise we should make gw2 so socially awkward that ppl cannot make friends that’ll at least nerf this op friendslist
  13. Having 2 dps classes playing together in ranked is insanely obnoxious atm. I would go as far to say 2 dps duo Qing is worse then the time before they restricted duo q when it seemed like everything was broken. In fact it’s about x3 as obnoxious because there isn’t anything left to counter it. As such now would be a great time restrict duo q yet again or completely get rid of it...
  14. I hate ranger but 8k on bunker is pushing it, even with 0 toughness on light armored I doubt you will ever get hit 8k, more like 6k, 7k at best Nah if ur marks with valk ur mauls max out at 8k even if it’s uncommonBut yeah 6-7k is more common unless u have a dps rune Lul I do not even 8k on zerker with core Well I have though something like 7.5k is abit more common for really nice hits unless maybe u have a dps rune. Keep in mind valk burst is the same as zerk, in my experience on my valk GS axe/axe build most of the time the burst is like 4.5-5.75k against non toughness builds and decent hits are like 6-7.5k which p much won’t really ever go higher than a ceiling of 8k unless U have some kind of extra dps like from sigils, rune or vulnerability. on eu are non thoughness builds and player without protection not commonI’ll have to check it out sometime sounds busted
  15. I hate ranger but 8k on bunker is pushing it, even with 0 toughness on light armored I doubt you will ever get hit 8k, more like 6k, 7k at best Nah if ur marks with valk ur mauls max out at 8k even if it’s uncommonBut yeah 6-7k is more common unless u have a dps rune Lul I do not even 8k on zerker with coreWell I have though something like 7.5k is abit more common for really nice hits unless maybe u have a dps rune. Keep in mind valk burst is the same as zerk, in my experience on my valk GS axe/axe build most of the time the burst is like 4.5-5.75k against non toughness builds and decent hits are like 6-7.5k which p much won’t really ever go higher than a ceiling of 8k unless U have some kind of extra dps like from sigils, rune or vulnerability.
  16. Brah the build your talking about is absolute garbage against anything but condition rev side node and a condition thief plus at the same time. How is that busted meanwhile it’s possible to land 6-7k Gs burst consistently on actually overall strong core side node builds... but those builds dont get played in top level play ... it's simple, if you go burst with GS you lose survivability so much so that you will just be a liability against good players - against bads yea sure , you can get away with it and you'll get the illusion that it's "good". it's that simple. for ranger's case, you lose that survivability in traits / utilities - not the weapon itself , because naturally by design the weapon's coefficients are already lowered because ranger has a pet. this is why GS is good at the moment with the current side node build and not good as a burst weapon. it has condi/power survival and good node potential. but if you try to go dmg enough to be able to burst with GS , you're a liability. this isn't rocket science it's simple logic that understood between most top players. but this is the difference between forum players and players who actually are good that hardly get on the forums to complain about stuff, the spectrums are entirely different. Idk what ur talking about against anything except condi rev and condi thief the soulbeast bunker build is a liability, the first person who played even clearly explained that. It’s simple if your not in an at and side noding against a condi rev don’t play that build it’s that bad, it will make a plat3+ player, me btw for past 4 seasons I’ve played, look like a gold player. You can play a bunker core build with valk + marks or sometimes nature magic with menders all the time in ranked and daily ats and out perform the other build 90% of the time has no difference if the opponent is good, because the other build is admittedly not against anything besides condi rev with a condition thief to plus it and even then it’s not that good as pmuch everyone knows from watching obindo play in the mota...
  17. I believe it was exploitable by just jumping during the animation to block anyways. I personally think anets doing a good job in removing exploitable things for workable ones, even if ranger mains complain about them being weaker...
  18. Sadly ranger main hand sword is pbad rn. Maybe just nerf the ranger greatsword trait which is making it so dominant then focusing our attention on longbow becuz bunker builds that do nothing but immob and knock back are atrocious?
  19. sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker. out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now. any type of necro,rangers and any support tempest those are not bunkers. necro is a tf dps and why would you ever take death magic, tempest is a support and ranger can be somewhat tanky but not to the extent of condi rev.Nah there’s a menders scourge that’s looking ptanky and I’ve found can 1v2 a firebrand plus condi necro for a few mins of proper kiting is used
  20. I’ve thought about this and it wouldn’t be bad as it would allow some nice memes with axe pull. I’m just not on board with the reasoning. The reasoning should be like - o bunker ranger should be about sustaining on node and not just knocking ppl off so rework longbow. That I would buy, but w.e floats ur boat
  21. Brah the build your talking about is absolute garbage against anything but condition rev side node and a condition thief plus at the same time. How is that busted meanwhile it’s possible to land 6-7k Gs burst consistently on actually overall strong core side node builds...
  22. No I really won’t. I have 4 ppl blocked in total and that is because they are known to be toxic and insane by the average player in the community, so for one I know who and why everyone on my block list is blocked and 2 there is no reason to block an insane amount of ppl, otherwise I would consider it to be toxic
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