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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. Brah that’s just nright. Needs to be patched out, hopefully before next big tourney....
  2. But if u have them blocked it’s a done deal, no? There’s no reason to remember stuff about someone who’s blocked, kind of defeats the purpose...
  3. In pvp players get mad and call each other names all the time, so there is no reason why you should be able to block someone and call them names. That’s just ridiculous.Some people might even use this feature to help them manipulate match making ex. O.o this ranger 1v2d my guard and ele on far all game, I better block and nickname Q-dodge-this so I know when to queue up for ez matches.Tldr being able to call someone u block in pvp names it’s just too much plz remove
  4. To learn mmos and be good at them you should be looking up guides online and for pvp it’s good to have a teacher to give u a lowdown since there’s so much to keep up with and there aren’t guides for everything
  5. I hate ranger but 8k on bunker is pushing it, even with 0 toughness on light armored I doubt you will ever get hit 8k, more like 6k, 7k at best Nah if ur marks with valk ur mauls max out at 8k even if it’s uncommonBut yeah 6-7k is more common unless u have a dps rune
  6. Meanwhile maul on ranger can hit for 8k on bunker builds
  7. already got new pings not too long ago, but sure give us smart pings when the rest of the population is able to play ranked on the professional level. Then I won’t have to ping “defend” so random ppl realize not to leave node
  8. lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore. Check metabattle.com. Vault damage is actually potentially insane rn going up to 13-14k depending on the build though not all so that damage, but 1 shot staff is actually more based on staff2s forward charge into swipe which maxes out at like 10k including *mug, but it’s a insanely fast way to plus 1 into some which I can follow up with dust sweeps and vaults for damage. It was always wild into firebrand but not many ppl played it except maybe hitzer who solo qd to like rank 4 at end season on it recently, now that firebrand is still common asf in ranked and kind of low on sustain it’s starting to look almost op and is building some popularity. I'm playing staff DD this season and this quote above is absolute BS.There is nothing inaccurate here try to challenge a single number on the list and I’ll gladly strip down your quote to it’s foundation
  9. lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore. Check metabattle.com. Vault damage is actually potentially insane rn going up to 13-14k depending on the build though not all so that damage, but 1 shot staff is actually more based on staff2s forward charge into swipe which maxes out at like 10k including *mug, but it’s a insanely fast way to plus 1 into some which I can follow up with dust sweeps and vaults for damage. It was always wild into firebrand but not many ppl played it except maybe hitzer who solo qd to like rank 4 at end season on it recently, now that firebrand is still common asf in ranked and kind of low on sustain it’s starting to look almost op and is building some popularity.
  10. Just play 2 thief one shot builds like zerker staff or deadeye and farm the firebrands...
  11. Rest of population is cesspool? Seems good
  12. Soulbeast trade off was pretty well thought through and it’s seeing play in team play, though the build ppl are using is unless in ranked and pretty much anything but against condi rev and thief. There’s also a condition soulbeast build hovering around, is it possible that Mesmer can still see play in some way even with trade off, at least as a counter pick or ranked pick like soulbeast?
  13. This is kind of true. I think anet showed great insight in not removing valk amulet along w/ cav and knights as they did succeed in removing some insanely cancerous build but left enough build diversity for the builds that literally 100% need something like valk to survive ie. staff thief and maybe marks core ranger have that to thank
  14. I’d guess between some form of bunker rev, full tank warrior and bunker dragon hunter. Effectiveness is not 100% related to this, but how ez the build is is somewhat related
  15. It’s becuz it’s a mini season not an actual season. Ofc mini season gives less gold everyone accepts that
  16. They can't do it worse than Stronghold. I mean, I have over 5K matches in PvP, and only were 3 or 4 in Stronghold; literaly no one plays that game mode, and I for sure won't waste time playing ranked matches in that game mode. Good for you
  17. Stronghold is a badly made MOBA.The map is too small for a MOBA.The creep and environment variety is too small for a moba. The supplies mechanics are too weird for a MOBA, MOBAs are all about combat and managing the level up of your character and the purchases. They should made a larger MOBA map with automatized creeps and turrets, with every class starting at scaled level 60 and with each level up increasing your effective level by 1 up to a max of 80. It could be done and it could work. But no one will spent time playing Stronghold. Another alternative: a 10 v 10 or 15 v 15 arena mode for guilds, using the guild hall arenas, in a "best of X" rounds format. Yeah no ty. Such a bad idea
  18. Maybe 15s otherwise make the rest of pvp population learn how to stronghold. It’s so ez l2p issues all around the board
  19. I’m having a little more fun, but I’m not sure if that means 3s > 2s.
  20. Yes, is better have 1 only mode to fun no? or maybe because of that pvp is so death Maybe it’s cuz I’m a thief main, but these death matches are fun but stupid at the same time
  21. It’s not competitive, one of the reasons being how cds work in this game. You just cannot be punished by playing attrition in this game, so it’s boring.
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