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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. That much bonus damage is busted. Sigils should be about providing utility not damage.
  2. Birds still pretty wild, gazelle is insane but so buggy that players don’t always notice, jacarandas decent so is smokescale. Overall pretty good class- ranger is very strong and soul beast can also compete on a high level, but I hear druid is trash though I thought it would be workable(haven’t tested yet so cannot say for sure)
  3. Condition thief rn is a counter pick to many class and forgive the metaphor but the numbers on this p/d build when they hit feels like a full burst from a core ranger plus a bird, only difference is you cannot heal or do anything besides use a cleanse but even then it’s risky becuz of confusion and poison
  4. Lightning rod eleSymbol guardBunker rangerProt holoQuite a few others a good or great in some situations or ranked but the above stands out
  5. This is very incorrect. Ranger is absolutely gaped by conditions anyone that says different is wrong very wrong.
  6. If u want a 1v1 build you should actually try core symbols. FB is strong but having instant skills + virtues(extra sustain) is way better for 1v1ing. Depending on the map, as symbol builds require a small node and nice kiting spots to be effective, I’d say core symbol guard is one of the best 1v1ers rn.
  7. This is the only thing that matters about incoming mini season
  8. ok the trait has bad traduction to my lenguague so it basically says you and your pet but on engllish it says only your pet Ahh that is unfortunate and yes the English version says heals your pet, but this may heal yourself when in merge of soul beast.
  9. It heals your pet not you I think? Might heal you when in merge as a soul beast
  10. I'm sorry but isn't that just inting? All the more power to you if you just want to mess around in unranked, but playing to not win is just throwing the game for your team. Not everyone knows what it takes to win and not everyone knows their team mates and what it takes for them to win
  11. Thing is, that’s been it’s design for nearly 8 years. And it’s a hybrid not a condition weapon. What is giving people burst condi here is venoms. A utility. Usually shared with Guild. I can do that on any weapon set. That’s what needs adjusting. You might as well have suggested removing damaging condi from the game. It isn’t helpful or realistic. Only thing hybrid about pistol is p/d. No it’s not venoms- cuz then s/d condition thief would be busted meta too, but I’ve tested it and it’s decent but balanced. It’s just lol, thief’s guild having a 30 sec duration with 3 thief’s also doesn’t really have a place in pvp I don’t see why you couldn’t use something like the old s/d build. P/D has always had more condi application but s/d was considered better due to the teleports through walls. Just port in, thieves guild (Pre-cast), venom, steal, port out, rinse and repeat. But that’s an issue with well played Sword in general. They are harder to pin and if they are chunking your HP it’s not a good place to be in...I wouldn’t play it w/ thief’s guild tbh. But even when they nerfed condition thief awhile back, even though I’d always hit my highest ranks when condi thief was meta, I would site the nerfs as a good thing because thief’s guild + venom share is busted. Even though I actually like condition thief, the p/d build is everything I’ve hated about condition thief all clumped together at the same time in 1 build and it’s pretty dang strong atm
  12. Thing is, that’s been it’s design for nearly 8 years. And it’s a hybrid not a condition weapon. What is giving people burst condi here is venoms. A utility. Usually shared with Guild. I can do that on any weapon set. That’s what needs adjusting. You might as well have suggested removing damaging condi from the game. It isn’t helpful or realistic. Only thing hybrid about pistol is p/d. No it’s not venoms- cuz then s/d condition thief would be busted meta too, but I’ve tested it and it’s decent but balanced. It’s just lol, thief’s guild having a 30 sec duration with 3 thief’s also doesn’t really have a place in pvp
  13. Thing is pistol thief shouldn’t be a condition build. Remove bleeds entirely and nerf p/d 3 skill to the bottom of earth. Also rework thief’s guild to something with less thief’s and much lower duration. Idc if u make cd lower but thief’s guild lasting for 30 secs is insane and it should really only 2 thief’s at max, but according to logic I think 1 is enough
  14. I don’t think dp is in a good spot at all. It literally loses 1v1s to other thief builds, has worse mus and does less damage than other builds. Like dp in general is fine atm but I don’t think it’s worth paying huge amounts of attention to tbh. Only thing actually that makes it worth playing is the stealth, but that won’t carry stuff if you do no damage.
  15. Combat still feels decent. I don’t really like the fact that all ccs do 1 damage now, but it seems a little more balanced so hopefully it doesn’t hurt combat too much. Same problem as before though- game is hard for new players to understand, so in ranked you will see some insanely dumb stuff in comparison with what is “norm” in “high tier”. If that is too much for you too handle then play a more pvp focused game like league, otherwise it’s not as bad as some ppl let on
  16. It’s not ok because it can completely counter comp what was the previous meta in NA, entirely by its self. Having 1 condition rev on other team completely changes the way the game will happen because it’s that good.
  17. He was playing a menders build that is bunker against condi and core demo which is also bunky Demo is not bunkery lol and if he was menders on soul beast he was hybrid, there for he wasn’t bunkery
  18. Eura wasn’t even playing a bunker build and no those are not all plat3-legend players
  19. Yeah core symbol guard is ez and can actually be strong also the version vallun presents it’s self is ez, though it’s truly most effective only on certain maps where the node is small enough for symbols to cover the whole thing and with nice kiting spots. Without those preconditions you could never hope to decap or win a 1v1 against ranger/prot holo etc. when talking experienced players
  20. Just give it an icd if it ever becomes a problem ez
  21. I think it’s actually a very well designed rune though it’s stupid with like 4 traps, but it gives trap builds more options for 1v1ing in ranked
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