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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. No the formula starts you automatically at 1200 then you win or lose point per placement match so good is actually good on a new account. If u played the previous season you would start at 1200 averaged with last season and the u can talk about placing much higher
  2. Who cares about backstab damage in this case? Also rune of speed isn’t that good, almost no one would bring this to an organized match because it’s useless on less mobile classes and not useful on mobile ones either
  3. Holosmith is probably the highest dps class atm, but they have to spec for it while something like a rev just plays a normal build and hits very hard
  4. Sorry are we talking about specific plays or skill? I'm simply proving your point wrong that thieves can't 1v1 a player of equal skill (or higher, in this case). Oh by that logic unarmed Turret Engineer can 1v1 too. They just have to get a screenfreeze and be unable to do anything. Of course you have to go for specific scenarios. Cherrypick well enough and you can have anyone on any build beat anyone on any build. Moving is fine. Spamming skills that do half your hp for no actual reason is not. Thats like getting hit by Photonic Blasting Module then complaining you got hit for 11k damage from one skill.Ok I’ll settle this. That was an outplay from a 1v1 perspective for sure, but it was a 1vx and at a time a 2v2 senario. The thief out played grimjack by avoiding his burst and even his ally that showed up and then also heavily out played grimjack by not only landing a burst but by landing confusion after grimjack cleansed his first burst and then started using skills to 1.) atop condition rev from attacking him and 2.) just run away. Yes this was a huge out play, but not technically 1v1 but I think we can all assume the thief had a huge advantage if this indeed was a 1v1
  5. Nah. Thief cant 1v1. Which is by design. The reason they cant is because of their mobility. And since every build uses shortbow 5 and has the same mobility (since thief gets nothing from picking a second weaponset), none of them can 1v1. If they could, that would be an issue. I've seen condi dagger thief 1vs2 and win. It's kitten that thief can't 1vs1.You just need to create a build that works. I mean Ive seen Druid do that. Sometimes even bad builds can perform way better than theyre supposed to. But against players of equal skill level with a good build? Nah.I mean core ranger is a good build and yet a druid would be a better MU into condition thief.
  6. What do you mean by not possible? I'm saying if coefficients and Druid's support capabilities remain the same, then they need to add a little bit of damage back in. They gutted both damage output and healing, killing the spec. As I was discussing with Trevor, adding a couple of condis to staff is the perfect way to do so, it is a trashfire weapon rn. I don't want druid to be a bunker, because we're moving away from that. Ancient Seeds Longbow isn't really a thing right now, because CA is in such a bad shape. The little root on a 20s cd just isn't enough relative to what core and SB bring to the table, and the rest of the kit is subpar (glyphs, CA). Tldr; keep healing coefficients the same. Add condis to staff and maybe even CA skills. Balance around the Sage amulet, and you have a support/DPS hybrid. Done deal. Edit: Regarding the pet dilemma. Seriously guys, just remove pets from Druid elite. Add damage to the Druid's weapons and abilities. Pets are already important for core and SB, they don't need to be part of Druid mechanics because he has CA to manage. Buff CA utility and damage, leave healing as is. If they add damage back in it won’t be used at all for team fighting. At least atm druid with ancient seeds etc is seeing a little use in ranked. But it’s use is as a 1v1er not a team fighter and all that’ll happen if u increase damage is make the few ppl that play it in ranked a little happier, but if we remove pets as u suggest druid will be 100% dead.Conclusion: no thank u
  7. All classes can 1v1. Rn thief and mirage are the only ones that I would say in meta cannot side node, but if u cannot stall a 1v1 for a decent while on s/d thief or condition mirage then ur just not playing well and that’s not the classes fault but your own.Edit: condition thief is actually a decent side noder rn becuz venom share thief’s guild is used sometimes so even one of less attuned to side noding classes atm can size node. L2P issues
  8. Druid will not become a hybrid support dps for teams it’s just not possible. For one CA isn’t that good at healing and it locks u out of using skills so you would become just a way worse version of firebrand which already fell out of meta as support. Bunker will be the best thing atm, I believe rn a longbow ancient seeds build would be not bad, but I would only bring that to ranked tbh.
  9. Thief dps is not even that great so no, that's not a reason to nerf power revenant lol. Thief dps is fine lol. Only reason to say it’s ok for a revenant to do more damage is because thief has more of a focus on mobility, but that’s not your argument.
  10. Herald is pretty fing strong rn. Condition herald can nuke entire team fights as long as they have a necro or something and it takes near 0 skill mechanically. Power rev also pumps out some insane dps- average match of an at you can have a decent player who never plays rev that plays it and out dps’s an expert thief which is absolutely insane and shouldn’t be a thing.Conclusion: nerf plz
  11. The first tick gets them to close to like 99% or something wacky like that. You basically have to start cleaving immediately if they are using r. Also @Trevor Boyer.6524 isnt that your alt?
  12. Guardian is ez for some one trying learn
  13. They will be some much build diversity that ppl won’t know what to complain about on the forums
  14. Symbol brand isn’t that bad- if u want ez sage brand would be x2 as ez. But it seems to be less optimal because in large scale team fights where both sides have good comps the burning won’t do much damage cuz they might have resistance or say they have a condition rev- you will just kill your team
  15. Sure nerf guard, but only after they obliterate ranger
  16. It’s probably becuz of the ranger mains that are same ones claiming to be “top 3” on the classes though aren’t and never were even close that type of rank, falsely claimed that only knights was a problem not other things in the game.
  17. Not sure about the variant tbh. It doesn’t look that good. Normal p/d is an annoying 1v1 plus 2v2 build kind of weak atm in some aspects but condition thief will counter a lot of things in this meta so ppl will think it’s amazing and meta
  18. Offhand dagger is really good. Main hand got some buffs last I checked
  19. Rev in general is pretty strong. Condition rev is potentially the most busted thing atm for one reason, if the opponent team fight comp has any condition classes then it’s basically a free win and it doesn’t matter how good u are a condition rev can 1 shot players on other team repeatable until they all die.
  20. All forms of revs are busted currently -- both condi & power, even Jalis ones. Condi ones are your typical condi bunkers that are hard to kill while being able to wear you down with non-negligible condi dmg and also capable of bursts with certain combos. It's also equipped with obnoxious AoE cc spam and has high resistance uptime when resistance is supposed to be scarce. Power ones are still capable of teleporting in and bursting people down in an instant while being slippery if they just mind their distance / stunbreaks / glint heal / energy (muh good rev players lol it's really not a difficult concept to grasp to not brainlessly blow all your load at once, but i guess the typical gw2 skill level difference is just between someone that facerolls on keyboard vs someone that doesn't) Jalis ones are insanely tanky with stab spam and dmg reduction vs both power & condi of at least 60% when their dwarf elite is traited, and Renegade versions (inb4 Renegade lol) even higher with prot spam and that Kalla Fervor trait that also reduces condi dmg, not to mention Renegade play style is super braindead because you just spam AoE AIs on nodes when you're offensive while Jalis skills when you're defensive. On top of that, the Retribution traitline allows them to spam AoE weakness vs power builds. It's really mind boggling to me when very few people on the gw2 forums can grasp how broken revs are, or I guess everyone's just good players and I'm bad :) :) :) Anyone can take anything and water it down into nothing. Also any Revenant builds have wide openings such as NOT blowing your burst or CC's when they are on the defensive. That goes with anything in this game. Hilariously I am the (Probably) the only main core Revenant in the game this season again and it's working fine for me. Probably because it's broken to play anything right in this game, who knew. If Revenant is this broken, where's the rev meta then? All I see is the same weak Heralds that can't duel for anything or the same wrongly played Renegades using their defensive skills offensively, Metabattle looks awful itself. It's been a big yikes for a while. Edit: Pulsing stability = the first thing that gets removed. Not to rain on your parade but...last tournament was won by a team with 3 revs in it....just saying It's worth noting Rank 55 (aka Sindrener and crew) didn't play the EU monthly. Sure, the team that won had 3 Renegades, but nearly all other teams across NA and EU had 0 Renegades. Does that mean Ren is overtuned because one team won with it? Highly debatable (especially since they didn't even fight the best EU team). Also worth noting that opponents of the French Worms (3 Ren team) were running a semi questionable team comp for fighting 3 Rens (don't think Scrapper was the play there, at all). Also their rotational game was questionable. Renegade is fairly slow AF, so can be easily out-rotated. But no, the opponent team tried to hold onto some points longer than they should have or fight losing battles on contested points, when they could have pulled off since the Worms only had a thief for strong chasing pressure. Also it's not like they lost by a landslide; only 142 points, and they had control in the very first portion of the game, so it certainly could have been a winnable match-up had they made different decisions R55 did play in the mAT and lost lol. Also the 2nd place team on NA last time did have a renegade
  21. I don’t actually thinks it’s been deleted. You can play same bunker build with paladins, in fact I always prefer paladins for ranked. If u play with warrior rune that gets rid of any higher cds once you swap back and birds and smokescale + jacaranda are all still very good pets. Also only 1 marks thing was nerfed and even if they nerfed everything I would just play nature magic, which is already good in ranked. I just don’t think it was even closed to removed
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