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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. I think rev damage is pretty darn decent, some shaves I could see. What I hate is condition rev, literally having 1 of these in a team fight against necros and firebrands is literally enough to 1shot/completely destroy their team fight- it’s literally insta win in NA meta against teams without it- and that’s why it’s busted
  2. I’m fine with removal of knights and cavalier, but the nerfed to paladins amulet seems excessive though I’m strangely ok with it lol
  3. I think we all know what this means. No more nerf thief threads @Burnfall.9573 has won.
  4. I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again. Some are coming out with pve now Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE? Idk it gives ppl something to actually do besides q ranked
  5. I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again. Some are coming out with pve now
  6. All small tasks are harder. If u need to talk to someone u cannot just go down the office. Multi disciplinary groups are way harder to even get to function
  7. I don’t really care too much about the “pandemic” for one it’s impact in my area hasn’t even been half as bad as the flu in 2018. But I can tell you guys that working from home as computer scientist is actually way harder, since you kind of have to rely on information you get from others. So I’d give them some slack
  8. All sacrifices we make for playing a game that isn’t 100% pvp focused
  9. I wouldn’t mind a different side node meta with less focus on knockback and playing tanky amulets to one actually focused on sustain. But if we just say nerf marksmanship to oblivion all that will do is make ranger less viable and ppl will just play prot holo instead. So I want a real solution to what are op side noders atm
  10. Ok I want some clarification. Are we asking is DE actually op or is it a toxic design? I think anyone would agree to it being toxic, but is it op? Probably only so in low ranks or if they other team has no roamers and/or reflects
  11. Why would anyone throw for their friend for a legendary trinket?
  12. I'm not sure which lich forms you're speaking of, but kiting and LOS will keep liches from doing pretty much all of that. They have ZERO mobility. XD Everything I mentioned is a good counter to lich form, so no Los is not the only solution
  13. Reflects? Boon corrupts? Raw dps? Crazy amounts of cc? Blind? Conditions in general?
  14. As long as ppl keep posting “why did we lose this bad pics” we’ll probably never be able to improve stuff in pvp, at least at this rate. But yes a huge downside to gw2 is the lack of 100% defined roles for every match
  15. Yeah, and that's cool and all. Top 3/4 teams of mAT will always be in the top 3/4 teams. If Anet only cares about the top 1% of players that type of mentality is 100% ok.Not talking about the top 1% of players, because no matter what they're going to make classes work. Talking about the 99% of players who jump into thief thinking it's going to be fun, and end up getting rekt because the learning curve is so steep or because they are expected to have a singular purpose & don't understand fully how to play it. Do you disagree? You think that top 3/4 teams of mAT discredit the fact that thiefs (in general)--especially in solo or duo queue ranked where the majority of players play, makes the discussion points somehow NOT an issue? I don't.-Eros of Ascalon Thief is already a must have (pretty much) in high tier games. If you buff it for the mediocre people, it will just steamroll everything in high tier. We don't want a repeat of pre patch meta with double SA one shots. Its not. Actually quite the opposite, the high tier is dropping thief since its simply ineffective in the current meta. We also didnt have thief one-shots (far too low of a damage) or double thieves (2 thieves is a lot worse than one and usually ensures that you lose).This is true. Thief is still used and decent, but it’s like that state in HoT(if I remember the timeline accurately) where it’s good but is falling short of competition level. Ppl will think of reasons to run thief, but no it’s not even close to a must have.
  16. Thief is back to that period of time in what I believe was hot or late core, where it’s good for sure but many ppl would ditch it for tournaments. Though plenty of ppl will claim it’s meta despite that fact, but that’s only because it’s popular- not because it’s even good at all.
  17. For me no not at all. I have friends and stuff, but I don’t socialize with ppl I don’t know
  18. I've got backtabs for 13K, Arc divider is 15K, phase smash is 9K, vault is 9K and ele hit with a magic combo for 20K . Wouldn't you kids stop whining... Maybe your missing some because it is possible to hit higher, but I only really expect it to 8k in many situations at best.Sry though I’m just trying to clarify, I’m not sure if your agreeing with me or not
  19. Simple just play condition rev. A condition necro will almost never damage them unless you fear chain when they don’t have resistance and if you try to get conditions on the rev he may just send them all back + maybe the firebrands burns which will like 1shot the necro
  20. Read it again, but slowly You're one to talk, dude who got carried by his pet and didnt dodge any of the holo's skillsSeriously dude learn to play. No dodges no heals and you last over a minute. Any other class would have destroyed you in less than 10s.also :This is the damage the elite of the tiger does to you and you are running a weird glass build with no damage, vitality or toughness. Seriously you should learn to play. you mean 4,7k dmg to a scrapper with 3,3k toughness ? light armor with no toughness would have taken almost 10k :DDo you mean :@RisenHowl.2419 said:3k power, berserkers amulet. Please tell me more about how power builds should deal with this. 3.3k armor+perma protection for the ranger, who only needs to press 1 and kite to win. So is the solution to core ranger that you should only fight them with condi builds? lmao That's 0 toughness. That dude has no toughness at all whatsoever. To a tanky target it would not reach 2K. Do please bother to read the thread at least before writing no sense. my bad, didnt pay attentionIn case people are blind, ranger isnt running MS nor does know how to maul before F2, heh I know that pets can hit for 10-15k, doesnt excuse me from reading poorly, this is preety much 2 troll builds fighting eachother not much to gauge from thatTiger pounce yah can hit for actually at highest like 10-13k from what I’ve seen, but that’s only against glass builds and even then it’s more likely to be 8-9k against tanky targets like prot pounce will hit highest 5-6k
  21. Ok while it’s true there are plenty of situations that decapping isn’t the best option, but it’s obviously slightly more optimal to decap much of the time- becuz decapping happens faster than capping so with high mobility it saves time to decap while it waste enemy times if they want to cap. It is a net gain in efficiency for this reason and that’s basically only reason average thief rotation is correct when they “just decap”
  22. Core ranger cannot beat prot holo. At equal skill levels prot holo wins. No neither of them wins that MU in reality, just whoever has more knockback. Which if u arent playing bad is always Ranger so ranger slowly win if skill is very equal and in the case of ranger being more skilled the MU isn’t even close You're wrong. But ok.I highly doubt that unless all prot holos on NA are bad. Against naru I would decap and win in less than a min 10 times in a row, ckod I would win node every time and get kills, so far closest was drydude but I would still slowly get node and have way more hp. I’ve never seen a prot holo win that 1v1 though I’ll admit it has less counters
  23. Core ranger cannot beat prot holo. At equal skill levels prot holo wins. No neither of them wins that MU in reality, just whoever has more knockback. Which if u arent playing bad is always Ranger so ranger slowly win if skill is very equal and in the case of ranger being more skilled the MU isn’t even close
  24. No I don’t notice bots, but one time I wanted to get daily last minute and tried to join “any” lfg group and the dude who made the group claimed I was a bot despite having w.e was on atm top 10-25 title hence everyone in group left due to toxicity literally 1 min before match starts and I get hate mail from the same guy “for being a bot that leaves mid at” even though everyone left before at enroll started. Some of these ppl are try hard asf about getting their 1 at win in and they will suck as hard as they can till they get it.
  25. I want to remind ppl that while holo may be stronger overall than ranger, which is obvious since conditions hard counter ranger, that ranger even at high skill lvls of the mu will eventually beat holo in the 1v1.
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